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The public prosecution- role in criminal proceedings under the rule of law. Legal situation in Germany with comparative law remarks on UK and USA

  • Analyzing the role of Germany as a law-exporting nation the essay deals with a very specific aspect of the Rule of Law principle in criminal proceedings. The author describes the division of functions among police, public prosecution and criminal courts within criminal law enforcement in Germany adding some comparative law remarks. He furthermore provides an overview of structure and organization of the public prosecution in Germany. He focuses on the relationship and interaction between public prosecution and police in preliminary proceedings emphazising the importance of both being allocated in different ministries of the executive branch. Thus he points out yet another aspect of the constitutional principle of the Rule of Law: the role of public prosecution as guardian of the law towards the police in criminal proceedings.

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Author:Volker Krey
Series (Volume no.):Rechtspolitisches Forum (46)
Document Type:Book
Date of completion:2011/09/19
Publishing institution:Universität Trier
Contributing corporation:Institut für Rechtspolitik an der Universität Trier
Release Date:2011/09/19
GND Keyword:Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention; Rechtsstaat; Rechtsstaatsprinzip; Staatsanwaltschaft; Strafverfolgung
Source:Rechtspolitisches Forum ; 46
Contributor:Hoffmann, Bernd von; Robbers, Gerhard
Institutes:Fachbereich 5 / Rechtswissenschaft
Dewey Decimal Classification:3 Sozialwissenschaften / 34 Recht / 340 Recht

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