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- Europäische Union (2)
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- Law of the European Union (2)
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- Religionsgemeinschaft (2)
- Religionsrecht (2)
- Umweltrecht (2)
- churches (2)
- law on religion (2)
Global change, i.e. climate and land use changes, severely impact natural ecosystems at different scales. Poikilothermic animals as butterflies, amphibians and reptiles have proven to be useful indicators for global change impacts as their phenology, spatial distribution, individual fitness and survival strongly depend on external environmental factors. In this aspect, phenological changes in terms of advanced flight or breeding periods, immigrations of foreign species, range shifts concomitant with temperature increases and even local population declines have been observed in both species groups. However, to date much attention has been paid to global change impacts on the species or population level and analyses concerning entire ecosystems are scarce. Applying a novel statistical modelling algorithm we assessed future changes in the extent and composition of terrestrial ecoregions as classified by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). They are defined as coarse-scale conservation units containing exceptional assemblages of species and ecological dynamics. Our results demonstrate dramatic geographical changes in the extent and location of these ecoregions across all continents and even imply a repriorisation of conservation efforts to cope with future climate change impacts on biodiversity. On the local scale, climate change impacts become unequivocal. Comparing historical to contemporary butterfly assemblages on vineyard fallows of the Trier Region, a significant decline in butterfly richness, but also a severe depletion in trait diversity was observed. Comparisons of community temperature indices reveal a striking shift in community composition leading to a replacement of sedentary and monophagous habitat specialists by ubiquitous species. Similar changes have been observed in nature reserves in the Saar-Mosel-area. Monitoring data reveal strong losses of species diversity and remarkable shifts of community compositions at the expense of habitat specialists. Besides climatic variability, these findings are largely attributed to changes in habitat structures, mostly due to eutrophication and monotonisation. Management activities are unlikely to counterbalance these effects, thus severely questioning current conservation strategies. Most dramatic global change impacts are suspected on closely associated species and disruptions of biotic interactions are often hold responsible for species declines. A strong host-parasite association has developed in Myrmica ants and Maculinea butterflies, the later crucially depending on specific host ants for their larval survival. Applying environmental niche models we determined considerable niche dynamics in the observed parasite-host relation with a pronounced niche plasticity in the butterfly species adapting to previous evasive niche shifts in their host ants. Moreover, the new emergence of species continuously expanding their northernmost range borders concomitant with global warming like the Short-tailed blue (Cupido argiades) is attributed to climate change. However, species distribution models predict a severe habitat loss and shifts of potentially suitable habitats of this species towards north-eastern Europe and higher altitudes under several IPCC scenarios making the presence of this species in the Trier region a contemporary phenomenon. Species distribution models have emerged as powerful tools to predict species distributions over spatial and temporal scales. However, not only the presence of a species, but also its abundance have significant implications for species conservation. The ability to deduce spatial abundance patterns from environmental suitability might more efficiently guide field surveys or monitoring programs over large geographical areas saving time and money. Although the application of species distribution models to deduce vertebrate abundances is well recognized, our results indicate that this method is not an adequate approach to predict invertebrate abundances. Structural and ecological factors as well as climatic patterns acting at the microscale are key drivers of invertebrate occurrence and abundances limiting conclusions drawn from modeling approaches. Population declines should be interpreted with care as in butterflies and amphibians various reasons are debated. Both species groups are acknowledged to be highly susceptible to land use changes and variations in landscape structure. Moreover, climate and land use are not independently operating factors. The combined impact of both is demonstrated in our study linking climate-driven changes in amphibian phenologies to temporal advanced applications of pesticides and fertilizers. Both environmental factors already represent severe threats to amphibians when standing alone, but linking their combined impacts may result in an potentiated risk for amphibian populations. As all amphibians and numerous butterfly species are legally protected under the Federal Nature Conservation Act, intensifications of agricultural land use in large parts of Germany as well as new agrarian practices (including genetically manipulated plants accompanied by new herbicide technologies) might severely challenge regional conservation activities in the future.