Year of publication
- 2021 (75) (remove)
Document Type
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- Demokratische Erziehung (16)
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- Politikwissenschaft (16)
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The unrestrainable evolution of medical science and technology is drastically changing health-care, enabling new medical procedures and remedies, which are increasingly intertwined with moral principles. Although a uniform European approach on assisted suicide is lacking, a common trend is developing: the boundary between euthanasia, assisted suicide and end-of-life care and the frontiers of legitimate medicine are becoming increasingly blurred. In Italy, a ruling of the Constitutional Court, no. 242/2019, declared the partial unconstitutionality of article 580 of the Italian Criminal Code, which prohibited assistance in suicide.
Specifically, article 580 excluded the criminal liability for the person who, in the manner provided for in Articles 1 and 2 of the law 22 December 2017, no. 219, “facilitates the execution of intention of suicide, autonomously and freely formed, of one person kept alive by life-sustaining treatments and suffering from an irreversible pathology, source of physical or psychological suffering that he/she deems intolerable, but fully capable of making free aware decisions, provided that such conditions and methods of execution have been verified by a public structure of the national health service, following the opinion of the territorially competent ethics committee.” The present paper analyzes the legal regime of assisted suicide in Italy, the role of the rule of law, and the crucial boundary between the branches of government with regard to this delicate issue, and investigates current legal challenges and potential future legal tracks.
Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht erstmals systematisch die Intonation des Luxemburgischen, mit dem Ziel, ein Inventar der gängigsten Intonationskonturen sowie deren Funktion zu erstellen und damit Vergleiche mit Intonationssystemen anderer Sprachen zu ermöglichen. Datengrundlage für diese formale sowie funktionale Analyse bildet sowohl geskriptetes als auch ungeskriptetes Sprachmaterial von zwölf luxemburgischen Muttersprachlern in monologischer und dialogischer Form. Insgesamt können sechs verschiedene Konturen ermittelt werden, wobei vier davon in mehr als einer Funktion vorkommen. Auf diesem Ergebnis basierend werden die Unterschiede bzw. Ähnlichkeiten zu den Intonationssystemen der beiden weiteren Landessprachen in Luxemburg – Deutsch und Französisch – erarbeitet. Die kontrastive Analyse zeigt, dass sich beide Systeme substanziell von dem des Luxemburgischen unterscheiden, auch wenn die Unterschiede zum Deutschen aufgrund ähnlicherer prosodischer Strukturen leichter zu vergleichen und damit eindeutiger sind. In einem weiteren Schritt wird der Transfer luxemburgischer Strukturen in die beiden Fremdsprachen untersucht, um mögliche Interferenzen aufzeigen zu können. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Sprecher häufig muttersprachliche Konturen in die Fremdsprachen importieren.
In spite of the wide agreement among linguists as to the significance of spoken language data, actual speech data have not formed the basis of empirical work on English as much as one would think. The present paper is intended to contribute to changing this situation, on a theoretical and on a practical level. On a theoretical level, we discuss different research traditions within (English) linguistics. Whereas speech data have become increasingly important in various linguistic disciplines, major corpora of English developed within the corpus-linguistic community, carefully sampled to be representative of language usage, are usually restricted to orthographic transcriptions of spoken language. As a result, phonological phenomena have remained conspicuously understudied within traditional corpus linguistics. At the same time, work with current speech corpora often requires a considerable level of specialist knowledge and tailor-made solutions. On a practical level, we present a new feature of BNCweb (Hoffmann et al. 2008), a user-friendly interface to the British National Corpus, which gives users access to audio and phonemic transcriptions of more than five million words of spontaneous speech. With the help of a pilot study on the variability of intrusive r we illustrate the scope of the new possibilities.
This thesis focus on threats as an experience of stress. Threats are distinguished from challenges and hindrances as another dimension of stress in challenge-hindrance models (CHM) of work stress (Tuckey et al., 2015). Multiple disciplines of psychology (e.g. stereotype, Fingerhut & Abdou, 2017; identity, Petriglieri, 2011) provide a variety of possible events that can trigger threats (e.g., failure expe-riences, social devaluation; Leary et al., 2009). However, systematic consideration of triggers and thus, an overview of when does the danger of threats arises, has been lacking to date. The explanation why events are appraised as threats is related to frustrated needs (e.g., Quested et al., 2011; Semmer et al., 2007), but empirical evidence is rare and needs can cover a wide range of content (e.g., relatedness, competence, power), depending on need approaches (e.g., Deci & Ryan, 2000; McClelland, 1961). This thesis aims to shed light on triggers (when) and the need-based mechanism (why) of threats.
In the introduction, I introduce threats as a dimension of stress experience (cf. Tuckey et al., 2015) and give insights into the diverse field of threat triggers (the when of threats). Further, I explain threats in terms of a frustrated need for positive self-view, before presenting specific needs as possible deter-minants in the threat mechanism (the why of threats). Study 1 represents a literature review based on 122 papers from interdisciplinary threat research and provides a classification of five triggers and five needs identified in explanations and operationalizations of threats. In Study 2, the five triggers and needs are ecologically validated in interviews with police officers (n = 20), paramedics (n = 10), teach-ers (n = 10), and employees of the German federal employment agency (n = 8). The mediating role of needs in the relationship between triggers and threats is confirmed in a correlative survey design (N = 101 Leaders working part-time, Study 3) and in a controlled laboratory experiment (N = 60 two-person student teams, Study 4). The thesis ends with a general discussion of the results of the four studies, providing theoretical and practical implications.
Mit vorliegendem Dokument sollen Überlegungen zur Rolle der Ausbildung auf dem grenzüberschreitenden
Arbeitsmarkt angestellt werden. Hierfür werden gleichzeitig die durch die verschiedenen Hefte der Großregion, als auch die bei der am 1. Dezember 2020 organisierten Online-Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema „Mismatches, Kompetenzen, Ausbildung… Welche Passverhältnisse für den grenzüberschreitenden Arbeitsmarkt?“ angeregten Diskussionen herangezogen. Konkreter ausgedrückt beabsichtigt dieser Beitrag, eine Antwort auf folgende Frage zu geben: wie können die Ausbildung und deren unterschiedliche Praxismaßnahmen in den beruflichen Bereichen, aber auch in schulischen und universitären Bereichen dazu beitragen, die Ungleichgewichte abzumildern, die auf dem Arbeitsmarkt der Großregion zu beobachten sind? Insofern liefert das Dokument einige Denkanstöße für die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im Ausbildungsbereich.
The temporal stability of psychological test scores is one prerequisite for their practical usability. This is especially true for intelligence test scores. In educational contexts, high stakes decisions with long-term consequences, such as placement in special education programs, are often based on intelligence test results. There are four different types of temporal stability: mean-level change, individual-level change, differential continuity, and ipsative continuity. We present statistical methods for investigating each type of stability. Where necessary, the methods were adapted for the specific challenges posed by intelligence research (e.g., controlling for general intelligence in lower order test scores). We provide step-by-step guidance for the application of the statistical methods and apply them to a real data set of 114 gifted students tested twice with a test-retest interval of 6 months.
• Four different types of stability need to be investigated for a full picture of temporal stability in psychological research
• Selection and adaption of the methods for the use in intelligence research
• Complete protocol of the implementation
We examined the long-term relationship of psychosocial risk and health behaviors on clinical events in patients awaiting heart transplantation (HTx). Psychosocial characteristics (e.g., depression), health behaviors (e.g., dietary habits, smoking), medical factors (e.g., creatinine), and demographics (e.g., age, sex) were collected at the time of listing in 318 patients (82% male, mean age = 53 years) enrolled in the Waiting for a New Heart Study. Clinical events were death/delisting due to deterioration, high-urgency status transplantation (HU-HTx), elective transplantation, and delisting due to clinical improvement. Within 7 years of follow-up, 92 patients died or were delisted due to deterioration, 121 received HU-HTx, 43 received elective transplantation, and 39 were delisted due to improvement. Adjusting for demographic and medical characteristics, the results indicated that frequent consumption of healthy foods (i.e., foods high in unsaturated fats) and being physically active increased the likelihood of delisting due improvement, while smoking and depressive symptoms were related to death/delisting due to clinical deterioration while awaiting HTx. In conclusion, psychosocial and behavioral characteristics are clearly associated with clinical outcomes in this population. Interventions that target psychosocial risk, smoking, dietary habits, and physical activity may be beneficial for patients with advanced heart failure waiting for a cardiac transplant.
Low-level jets (LLJs) are climatological features in polar regions. It is well known that katabatic winds over the slopes of the Antarctic ice sheet are associated with strong LLJs. Barrier winds occurring, e.g., along the Antarctic Peninsula may also show LLJ structures. A few observational studies show that LLJs occur over sea ice regions. We present a model-based climatology of the wind field, of low-level inversions and of LLJs in the Weddell Sea region of the Antarctic for the period 2002–2016. The sensitivity of the LLJ detection on the selection of the wind speed maximum is investigated. The common criterion of an anomaly of at least 2 m/s is extended to a relative criterion of wind speed decrease above and below the LLJ. The frequencies of LLJs are sensitive to the choice of the relative criterion, i.e., if the value for the relative decrease exceeds 15%. The LLJs are evaluated with respect to the frequency distributions of height, speed, directional shear and stability for different regions. LLJs are most frequent in the katabatic wind regime over the ice sheet and in barrier wind regions. During winter, katabatic LLJs occur with frequencies of more than 70% in many areas. Katabatic LLJs show a narrow range of heights (mostly below 200 m) and speeds (typically 10–20 m/s), while LLJs over the sea ice cover a broad range of speeds and heights. LLJs are associated with surface inversions or low-level lifted inversions. LLJs in the katabatic wind and barrier wind regions can last several days during winter. The duration of LLJs is sensitive to the LLJ definition criteria. We propose to use only the absolute criterion for model studies.
Digital technologies have become central to social interaction and accessing goods and services. Development strategies and approaches to governance have increasingly deployed self-labelled ‘smart’ technologies and systems at various spatial scales, often promoted as rectifying social and geographic inequalities and increasing economic and environmental efficiencies. These have also been accompanied with similarly digitalized commercial and non-profit offers, particularly within the sharing economy. Concern has grown, however, over possible inequalities linked to their introduction. In this paper we critically analyse the role of sharing economies’ contribution to more inclusive, socially equitable
and spatially just transitions. Conceptually, this paper brings together literature on sharing economies, smart urbanism
and just transitions. Drawing on an explorative database of sharing initiatives within the cross-border region of Luxembourg and Germany, we discuss aspects of sustainability as they relate to distributive justice through spatial accessibility, intended benefits, and their operationalization. The regional analysis shows the diversity of sharing models, how they are appropriated in different ways and how intent and operationalization matter in terms of potential benefits.
Results emphasize the need for more fine-grained, qualitative research revealing who is, and is not, participating and
benefitting from sharing economies.
The present study examined associations between fathers’ masculinity orientation and their anticipated reaction toward their child’s coming out as lesbian or gay (LG). Participants were 134 German fathers (28 to 60years) of a minor child. They were asked how they would personally react if, one day, their child disclosed their LG identity to them. As hypothesized, fathers with a stronger masculinity orientation (i.e., adherence to traditional male gender norms, such as independence, assertiveness, and physical strength) reported that they would be more likely to reject their LG child. This association was serially mediated by two factors: fathers’ general anti-LG attitudes (i.e., level of homophobia) and their emotional distress due to their child’s coming out (e.g., feelings of anger, shame, or sadness). The result pattern was independent of the child’s gender or age. The discussion centers on the problematic role of traditional masculinity when it comes to fathers’ acceptance of their non-heterosexual child.
Amphibian diversity in the Amazonian floating meadows: a Hanski core-satellite species system
The Amazon catchment is the largest river basin on earth, and up to 30% of its waters flow across floodplains. In its open waters, floating plants known as floating meadows abound. They can act as vectors of dispersal for their associated fauna and, therefore, can be important for the spatial structure of communities. Here, we focus on amphibian diversity in the Amazonian floating meadows over large spatial scales. We recorded 50 amphibian species over 57 sites, covering around 7000 km along river courses. Using multi-site generalised dissimilarity modelling of zeta diversity, we tested Hanski's core-satellite hypothesis and identified the existence of two functional groups of species operating under different ecological processes in the floating meadows. ‘Core' species are associated with floating meadows, while ‘satellite' species are associated with adjacent environments, being only occasional or accidental occupants of the floating vegetation. At large scales, amphibian diversity in floating meadows is mostly determined by stochastic (i.e. random/neutral) processes, whereas at regional scales, climate and deterministic (i.e. niche-based) processes are central drivers. Compared with the turnover of ‘core' species, the turnover of ‘satellite' species increases much faster with distances and is also controlled by a wider range of climatic features. Distance is not a limiting factor for ‘core' species, suggesting that they have a stronger dispersal ability even over large distances. This is probably related to the existence of passive long-distance dispersal of individuals along rivers via vegetation rafts. In this sense, Amazonian rivers can facilitate dispersal, and this effect should be stronger for species associated with riverine habitats such as floating meadows.
The morphology of anuran larvae is suggested to differ between species with tadpoles living in standing (lentic) and running (lotic) waters. To explore which character combinations within the general tadpole morphospace are associated with these habitats, we studied categorical and metric larval data of 123 (one third of which from lotic environments) Madagascan anurans.
Using univariate and multivariate statistics, we found that certain combinations of fin height, body musculature and eye size prevail either in larvae from lentic or lotic environments.
Evidence for adaptation to lotic conditions in larvae of Madagascan anurans is presented. While lentic tadpoles typically show narrow to moderate oral discs, small to medium sized eyes, convex or moderately low fins and non-robust tail muscles, tadpoles from lotic environments typically show moderate to broad oral discs, medium to big sized eyes, low fins and a robust tail muscle.
Modellbildung und Umsetzung von Methoden zur energieeffizienten Nutzung von Containertechnologien
Die Nutzung von Cloud-Software und skalierten Web-Apps sowie Web-Services hat in den letzten Jahren extrem zugenommen, was zu einem Anstieg der Hochleistungs-Cloud-Rechenzentren führt. Neben der Verbesserung der Dienste spiegelt sich dies auch im weltweiten Stromverbrauch von Rechenzentren wider, der derzeit etwas mehr als 1% (entspricht etwa 200 TWh) beträgt. Prognosen sagen für die kommenden Jahre einen massiven Anstieg des Stromverbrauchs von Cloud-Rechenzentren voraus. Grundlage dieser Bewegung ist die Beschleunigung von Administration und Entwicklung, die unter anderem durch den Einsatz von Containern entsteht. Als Basis für Millionen von Web-Apps und -Services beschleunigen sie die Skalierung, Bereitstellung und Aktualisierung von Cloud-Diensten.
In dieser Arbeit wird aufgezeigt, dass Container zusätzlich zu ihren vielen technischen Vorteilen Möglichkeiten zur Reduzierung des Energieverbrauchs von Cloud-Rechenzentren bieten, die aus
einer ineffizienten Konfiguration von Containern sowie Container-Laufzeitumgebungen resultieren. Basierend auf einer Umfrage und einer Auswertung geeigneter Literatur werden in einem ersten Schritt wahrscheinliche Probleme beim Einsatz von Containern aufgedeckt. Weiterhin wird die Sensibilität von Administratoren und Entwicklern bezüglich des Energieverbrauchs von Container-Software ermittelt. Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen der Umfrage und der Auswertung werden anhand von Standardszenarien im Containerumfeld die Komponenten des de facto Standards Docker untersucht. Anschließend wird ein Modell, bestehend aus Messmethodik, Empfehlungen für eine effiziente
Konfiguration von Containern und Tools, beschrieben. Die Messmethodik sollte einfach anwendbar sein und gängige Technologien in Rechenzentren unterstützen. Darüber hinaus geben die Handlungsempfehlungen sowohl Entwicklern als auch Administratoren die Möglichkeit zu entscheiden, welche Komponenten von Docker im Sinne eines energieeffizienten Einsatzes und in Abhängigkeit vom Einsatzszenario der Container genutzt werden sollten und welche weggelassen werden könnten. Die resultierenden Container können im Sinne der Energieeffizienz auf Servern und gleichermaßen auf PCs und Embedded Systems (als Teil von IoT und Edge Cloud) eingesetzt werden und somit nicht nur dem zuvor beschriebenen Problem in der Cloud entgegenwirken.
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich zudem mit dem Verhalten von skalierten Webanwendungen. Gängige Orchestrierungswerkzeuge definieren statische Skalierungspunkte für Anwendungen, die in den meisten Fällen auf der CPU-Auslastung basieren. Es wird dargestellt, dass dabei weder die tatsächliche Erreichbarkeit noch der Stromverbrauch der Anwendungen berücksichtigt werden. Es wird der Autoscaler des Open-Source-Container-Orchestrierungswerkzeugs Kubernetes betrachtet, der um ein neu entwickeltes Werkzeug erweitert wird. Es wird deutlich, dass eine dynamische Anpassung der Skalierungspunkte durch eine Vorabauswertung gängiger Nutzungsszenarien sowie Informationen über deren Stromverbrauch und die Erreichbarkeit bei steigender Last erreicht werden kann.
Schließlich folgt eine empirische Untersuchung des generierten Modells in Form von drei Simulationen, die die Auswirkungen auf den Energieverbrauch von Cloud-Rechenzentren darlegen sollen.
Die Dissertation weist nach, dass der Gerichtshof der Europäischen Union (im Folgenden: EuGH) das mitgliedstaatliche Ausgestaltungsermessen bei der Umsetzung von Richtlinien i. S. d. Art. 288 Abs. 3 AEUV, die weitreichendste Form richtlinieninhaltlich vorgesehener Umsetzungsspielräume der Mitgliedstaaten, in unterschiedlicher Art und Weise beschränkt und dabei teilweise gegen Vorgaben des primären Unionsrechts verstößt. Soweit Rechtsverstöße festgestellt werden, macht die Dissertation weiterführend Vorschläge für eine Korrektur der betroffenen unionsgerichtlichen Begrenzungsansätze im Hinblick auf das mitgliedstaatliche Ausgestaltungsermessen bei der Richtlinienumsetzung. Hierzu geht die Dissertation wie folgt vor: Ausgehend von vier in der Einleitung (Kapitel 1) aufgeworfenen Forschungsleitfragen stellt die Dissertation in Kapitel 2 die untersuchungsrelevanten unionsrechtlichen Grundlagen der Rechtsaktsform der Richtlinie dar. Dabei wird insbesondere auf die unionsvertragliche Verteilung der Kompetenzen zwischen der EU und ihren Mitgliedstaaten bei der kooperativ-zweistufigen Richtlinienrechtsetzung eingegangen und eine restriktive Auslegung des Terminus‘ „Ziel“ i. S. d. Art. 288 Abs. 3 AEUV entwickelt (sog. kompetenzinhaltsbestimmender modifiziert-enger Zielbegriff). In Kapitel 3 arbeitet die Dissertation die in der Richtlinienpraxis vorkommenden Grundformen richtlinieninhaltlich vorgesehener mitgliedstaatlicher Entscheidungsbefugnisse bei der Richtlinienumsetzung heraus und bestimmt das Ausgestaltungsermessen begrifflich als die weitreichendste Form mitgliedstaatlicher Umsetzungsspielräume. Kapitel 4 widmet sich zunächst der Ermittlung der Ansätze des EuGH zur Begrenzung des mitgliedstaatlichen Ausgestaltungsermessens. Dabei wird deutlich, dass das Unionsgericht durch seine Rechtsprechung nicht nur die Entstehung mitgliedstaatlichen Ausgestaltungsermessens begrenzt. Eine exemplarische Analyse der EuGH-Rechtsprechung zu Art. 4 Abs. 2 UAbs. 1 S. 1 und S. 2 lit. b der UVP-Richtlinie 2011/92/EU und seiner Vorgängernormen zeigt vielmehr, dass und wie der EuGH auch den Umfang des nach dem auslegungserheblichen Wortlaut einer Richtlinie bestehenden mitgliedstaatlichen Ausgestaltungsermessens begrenzt. Die hiernach ermittelten Begrenzungsansätze werden sodann einer rechtlichen Bewertung im Hinblick auf die Vorgaben des primären Unionsrechts einschließlich des in Kapitel 2 entwickelten restriktiven Zielbegriffs i. S. d. Art. 288 Abs. 3 AEUV unterzogen. Da einzelne Begrenzungsansätze des EuGH sich mit dem primären Unionsrecht als nicht vereinbar erweisen, werden insoweit schließlich Vorschläge für eine unionsrechtskonforme Korrektur dieser Rechtsprechung gemacht. Die Zusammenfassung der Forschungsergebnisse in Form einer thesenartigen Beantwortung der in der Einleitung aufgeworfenen vier Forschungsleitfragen findet sich in Kapitel 5.
The endemic argan tree (Argania spinosa) populations in southern Morocco are highly degraded due to overbrowsing, illegal firewood extraction and the expansion of intensive agriculture. Bare areas between the isolated trees increase due to limited regrowth; however, it is unknown if the trees influence the soil of the intertree areas. Hypothetically, spatial differences in soil parameters of the intertree area should result from the translocation of litter or soil particles (by runoff and erosion or wind drift) from canopy-covered areas to the intertree areas. In total, 385 soil samples were taken around the tree from the trunk along the tree drip line (within and outside the tree area) and the intertree area between two trees in four directions (upslope, downslope and in both directions parallel to the slope) up to 50 m distance from the tree. They were analysed for gravimetric soil water content, pH, electrical conductivity, percolation stability, total nitrogen content (TN), content of soil organic carbon (SOC) and C/N ratio. A total of 74 tension disc infiltrometer experiments were performed near the tree drip line, within and outside the tree area, to measure the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. We found that the tree influence on its surrounding intertree area is limited, with, e.g., SOC and TN content decreasing significantly from tree trunk (4.4 % SOC and 0.3 % TN) to tree drip line (2.0 % SOC and 0.2 % TN). However, intertree areas near the tree drip line (1.3 % SOC and 0.2 % TN) differed significantly from intertree areas between two trees (1.0 % SOC and 0.1 % TN) yet only with a small effect. Trends for spatial patterns could be found in eastern and downslope directions due to wind drift and slope wash. Soil water content was highest in the north due to shade from the midday sun; the influence extended to the intertree areas. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity also showed significant differences between areas within and outside the tree area near the tree drip line. This was the case on sites under different land usages (silvopastoral and agricultural), slope gradients or tree densities. Although only limited influence of the tree on its intertree area was found, the spatial pattern around the tree suggests that reforestation measures should be aimed around tree shelters in northern or eastern directions with higher soil water content or TN or SOC content to ensure seedling survival, along with measures to prevent overgrazing.
This paper mainly studies two topics: linear complementarity problems for modeling electricity market equilibria and optimization under uncertainty. We consider both perfectly competitive and Nash–Cournot models of electricity markets and study their robustifications using strict robustness and the -approach. For three out of the four combinations of economic competition and robustification, we derive algorithmically tractable convex optimization counterparts that have a clear-cut economic interpretation. In the case of perfect competition, this result corresponds to the two classic welfare theorems, which also apply in both considered robust cases that again yield convex robustified problems. Using the mentioned counterparts, we can also prove the existence and, in some cases, uniqueness of robust equilibria. Surprisingly, it turns out that there is no such economic sensible counterpart for the case of -robustifications of Nash–Cournot models. Thus, an analog of the welfare theorems does not hold in this case. Finally, we provide a computational case study that illustrates the different effects of the combination of economic competition and uncertainty modeling.
Institutional and cultural determinants of speed of government responses during COVID-19 pandemic
This article examines institutional and cultural determinants of the speed of government responses during the COVID-19 pandemic. We define the speed as the marginal rate of stringency index change. Based on cross-country data, we find that collectivism is associated with higher speed of government response. We also find a moderating role of trust in government, i.e., the association of individualism-collectivism on speed is stronger in countries with higher levels of trust in government. We do not find significant predictive power of democracy, media freedom and power distance on the speed of government responses.
The state-of-the-art finite element software Plaxis 3D was applied in a real-world study site of the Turaida castle mound to investigate the slope stability of the mound and understand the mechanisms triggering landslides there. During the simulation, the stability of the castle mound was analysed and the most landslide-susceptible zones of hillslopes were determined. The 3D finite-element stability analysis has significant advantages over conventional 2D limit-equilibrium methods where locations of 2D stability sections are arbitrarily selected. Two modelling scenarios of the slope stability were elaborated considering deep-seated slides in bedrock and shallow landslides in the colluvial material of slopes. The model shows that shallow slides in colluvium are more probable. In the finite-element model, slope failure occurs along the weakest zone in colluvium, similarly to the situation observed in previous landslides in the study site. The physical basis of the model allows results to be obtained very close to natural conditions and delivers valuable insight in triggering mechanisms of landslides.
Background: The body-oriented therapeutic approach Somatic Experiencing® (SE) treats posttraumatic symptoms by changing the interoceptive and proprioceptive sensations associated with the traumatic experience. Filling a gap in the landscape of trauma treatments, SE has attracted growing interest in research and therapeutic practice, recently.
Objective: To date, there is no literature review of the effectiveness and key factors of SE. This review aims to summarize initial findings on the effectiveness of SE and to outline methodspecific key factors of SE.
Method: To gain a first overview of the literature, we conducted a scoping review including studies until 13 August 2020. We identified 83 articles of which 16 fit inclusion criteria and were systematically analysed.
Results: Findings provide preliminary evidence for positive effects of SE on PTSD-related symptoms. Moreover, initial evidence suggests that SE has a positive impact on affective and somatic symptoms and measures of well-being in both traumatized and non-traumatized
samples. Practitioners and clients identified resource-orientation and use of touch as methodspecific key factors of SE. Yet, an overall studies quality assessment as well as a Cochrane analysis of risk of bias indicate that the overall study quality is mixed.
Conclusions: The results concerning effectiveness and method-specific key factors of SE are promising; yet, require more support from unbiased RCT-research. Future research should focus on filling this gap.
Intense, southward low-level winds are common in Nares Strait, between Ellesmere Island and northern Greenland. The steep topography along Nares Strait leads to channelling effects, resulting in an along-strait flow. This research study presents a 30-year climatology of the flow regime from simulations of the COSMO-CLM climate model. The simulations are available for the winter periods (November–April) 1987/88 to 2016/17, and thus, cover a period long enough to give robust long-term characteristics of Nares Strait. The horizontal resolution of 15 km is high enough to represent the complex terrain and the meteorological conditions realistically. The 30-year climatology shows that LLJs associated with gap flows are a climatological feature of Nares Strait. The maximum of the mean 10-m wind speed is around 12 m s-1 and is located at the southern exit of Smith Sound. The wind speed is strongly related to the pressure gradient. Single events reach wind speeds of 40 m s-1 in the daily mean. The LLJs are associated with gap flows within the narrowest parts of the strait under stably stratified conditions, with the main LLJ occurring at 100–250 m height. With increasing mountain Froude number, the LLJ wind speed and height increase. The frequency of strong wind events (>20 m s-1 in the daily mean) for the 10 m wind shows a strong interannual variability with an average of 15 events per winter. Channelled winds have a strong impact on the formation of the North Water polynya.
Introduction:In patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID),immunological response is compromised. Knowledge about COVID‐19 in CVIDpatients is sparse. We, here, synthesize current research addressing the level ofthreat COVID‐19posestoCVIDpatientsandthebest‐known treatments.
Method:Review of 14 publications.
Results:The number of CVID patients with moderate to severe (~29%) andcritical infection courses (~10%), and the number of fatal cases (~13%), areincreased compared to the general picture of COVID‐19 infection. However,this might be an overestimate. Systematic cohort‐wide studies are lacking, andasymptomatic or mild cases among CVID patients occur that can easily remainunnoticed. Regular immunoglobulin replacement therapy was administered inalmost all patients, potentially explaining why the numbers of critical and fatalcases were not higher. In addition, the application of convalescent plasma wasdemonstrated to have positive effects.
Conclusions:COVID‐19 poses an elevated threat to CVID patients. However,only systematic studies can provide robust information on the extent of thisthreat. Regular immunoglobulin replacement therapy is beneficial to combatCOVID‐19 in CVID patients, and best treatment after infection includes theuse of convalescent plasma in addition to common medication.
This intervention study explored the effects of a newly developed intergenerational encounter program on cross-generational age stereotyping (CGAS). Based on a biographical-narrative approach, participants (secondary school students and nursing home residents) were invited to share ideas about existential questions of life (e.g., about one’s core experiences, future plans, and personal values). Therefore, the dyadic Life Story Interview (LSI) had been translated into a group format (the Life Story Encounter Program, LSEP), consisting of 10 90-min sessions. Analyses verified that LSEP participants of both generations showed more favorable CGAS immediately after, but also 3 months after the program end. Such change in CGAS was absent in a control group (no LSEP participation). The LSEP-driven short- and long-term effects on CGAS could be partially explained by two program benefits, the feeling of comfort with and the experience of learning from the other generation.
Food waste is the origin of major social and environmental issues. In industrial societies, domestic households are the biggest contributors to this problem. But why do people waste food although they buy and value it? Answering this question is mandatory to design effective interventions against food waste. So far, however, many interventions have not been based on theoretical knowledge. Integrating food waste literature and ambivalence research, we propose that domestic food waste can be understood via the concept of ambivalence—the simultaneous presence of positive and negative associations towards the same attitude object. In support of this notion, we demonstrated in three pre-registered experiments that people experienced ambivalence towards non-perishable food products with expired best before dates. The experience of ambivalence was in turn associated with an increased willingness to waste food. However, two informational interventions aiming to prevent people from experiencing ambivalence did not work as intended (Experiment 3). We hope that the outlined conceptualization inspires theory-driven research on why and when people dispose of food and on how to design effective interventions.
Identifying pain-related response patterns and understanding functional mechanisms of symptom formation and recovery are important for improving treatment.
We aimed to replicate pain-related avoidance-endurance response patterns associated with the Fear-Avoidance Model, and its extension, the Avoidance-Endurance Model, and examined their differences in secondary measures of stress, action control (i.e., dispositional action vs. state orientation), coping, and health.
Latent profile analysis (LPA) was conducted on self-report data from 536 patients with chronic non-specific low back pain at the beginning of an inpatient rehabilitation program. Measures of stress (i.e., pain, life stress) and action control were analyzed as covariates regarding their influence on the formation of different pain response profiles. Measures of coping and health were examined as dependent variables.
Partially in line with our assumptions, we found three pain response profiles of distress-avoidance, eustress-endurance, and low-endurance responses that are depending on the level of perceived stress and action control. Distress-avoidance responders emerged as the most burdened, dysfunctional patient group concerning measures of stress, action control, maladaptive coping, and health. Eustress-endurance responders showed one of the highest levels of action versus state orientation, as well as the highest levels of adaptive coping and physical activity. Low-endurance responders reported lower levels of stress as well as equal levels of action versus state orientation, maladaptive coping, and health compared to eustress-endurance responders; however, equally low levels of adaptive coping and physical activity compared to distress-avoidance responders.
Apart from the partially supported assumptions of the Fear-Avoidance and Avoidance-Endurance Model, perceived stress and dispositional action versus state orientation may play a crucial role in the formation of pain-related avoidance-endurance response patterns that vary in degree of adaptiveness. Results suggest tailoring interventions based on behavioral and functional analysis of pain responses in order to more effectively improve patients quality of life.
Evaluation of an eye tracking setup for studying visual attention in face-to-face conversations
Many eye tracking studies use facial stimuli presented on a display to investigate attentional processing of social stimuli. To introduce a more realistic approach that allows interaction between two real people, we evaluated a new eye tracking setup in three independent studies in terms of data quality, short-term reliability and feasibility. Study 1 measured the robustness, precision and accuracy for calibration stimuli compared to a classical display-based setup. Study 2 used the identical measures with an independent study sample to compare the data quality for a photograph of a face (2D) and the face of the real person (3D). Study 3 evaluated data quality over the course of a real face-to-face conversation and examined the gaze behavior on the facial features of the conversation partner. Study 1 provides evidence that quality indices for the scene-based setup were comparable to those of a classical display-based setup. Average accuracy was better than 0.4° visual angle. Study 2 demonstrates that eye tracking quality is sufficient for 3D stimuli and robust against short interruptions without re-calibration. Study 3 confirms the long-term stability of tracking accuracy during a face-to-face interaction and demonstrates typical gaze patterns for facial features. Thus, the eye tracking setup presented here seems feasible for studying gaze behavior in dyadic face-to-face interactions. Eye tracking data obtained with this setup achieves an accuracy that is sufficient for investigating behavior such as eye contact in social interactions in a range of populations including clinical conditions, such as autism spectrum and social phobia.
Optimal mental workload plays a key role in driving performance. Thus, driver-assisting systems that automatically adapt to a drivers current mental workload via brain–computer interfacing might greatly contribute to traffic safety. To design economic brain computer interfaces that do not compromise driver comfort, it is necessary to identify brain areas that are most sensitive to mental workload changes. In this study, we used functional near-infrared spectroscopy and subjective ratings to measure mental workload in two virtual driving environments with distinct demands. We found that demanding city environments induced both higher subjective workload ratings as well as higher bilateral middle frontal gyrus activation than less demanding country environments. A further analysis with higher spatial resolution revealed a center of activation in the right anterior dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The area is highly involved in spatial working memory processing. Thus, a main component of drivers’ mental workload in complex surroundings might stem from the fact that large amounts of spatial information about the course of the road as well as other road users has to constantly be upheld, processed and updated. We propose that the right middle frontal gyrus might be a suitable region for the application of powerful small-area brain computer interfaces.
Im Laufe des 20. Jahrhunderts und im 21. Jahrhundert haben sich in der Groß-region unterschiedliche Formen der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit entwickelt und institutionali-siert. Die im Jahr 2014 präsentierte ,Frankreichstrategie des Saarlandes‘ ergänzt die bis dato bestehenden Bemühungen und zielt auf die Erreichung einer funktionalen Mehrsprachigkeit und die Forcierung grenz-überschreitender Kooperation unter anderem im Wirtschafts-, Forschungs- und Kulturbereich ab. Neben öf-fentlichen sollen sich gerade auch nicht-öffentliche Akteure beteiligen und einbringen. Von der saarländi-schen Initiative ausgehend hat die Strategie auch Resonanz auf französischer Seite hervorgerufen. Die Kommunen fungieren in diesem Kontext zum einen als ,Sprachrohr‘ der Bedarfe und Interessen direkt ,vor Ort‘, zum anderen als Unterstützer grenzüberschreitender Aktivitäten und ‚Vermittler‘ von Leitlinien vor dem Hintergrund der kommunalen Selbstverwaltung.
Ausgehend von quantitativen und qualitativen Erhebungen mit einem Schwerpunkt auf der lokalen Ebene werden im Policy Paper zentrale Handlungsempfehlungen formuliert, die der weiteren Ausgestaltung und Umsetzung der Frankreichstrategie und grundlegender der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit im Ver-flechtungsraum des Saarlandes und des départements Moselle dienen können. Die Empfehlungen sind in fünf Bereiche untergliedert und umfassen Handlungsoptionen im Sprachbereich, der Unterstützung und Be-gleitung von Aktivitäten, der Forcierung von Kontakten, der Erhöhung der Strahlkraft des Ansatzes und der Vertiefung der Zusammenarbeit im grenzregionalen Verflechtungsraum.
Detection of Preferential Water Flow by Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Self-Potential Method
This study explores the hydrogeological conditions of a landslide-prone hillslope in the Upper Mosel valley, Luxembourg. The investigation program included the monitoring of piezometer wells, hydrogeological field tests, analysis of drillcore records, and geophysical surveys. Monitoring and field testing in some of the observation wells indicated very pronounced preferential flow. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and self-potential geophysical methods were employed in the study area for exploration of the morphology of preferential flowpaths. Possible signals associated with flowing groundwater in the subsurface were detected; however, they were diffusively spread over a relatively large zone, which did not allow for the determination of an exact morphology of the conduit. Analysis of drillcore records indicated that flowpaths are caused by the dissolution of thin gypsum interlayers in marls. For better understanding of the site’s hydrogeological settings, a 3D hydrogeological model was compiled. By applying different subsurface flow mechanisms, a hydrogeological model with thin, laterally extending flowpaths embedded in a porous media matrix showed the best correspondence with field observations. Simulated groundwater heads in a preferential flow conduit exactly corresponded with the observed heads in the piezometer wells. This study illustrates how hydrogeological monitoring and geophysical surveys in conjunction with the newest hydrogeological models allow for better conceptualization and parametrization of preferential flow.
Using a dendrochronological approach, we determined the resistance, recovery and resilience of the radial stem increment towards episodes of growth decline, and the accompanying variation of 13C discrimination against atmospheric CO2 (Δ13C) in tree rings of two palaeotropical pine species. These species co-occur in the mountain ranges of south–central Vietnam (1500–1600 m a.s.l.), but differ largely in their areas of distribution (Pinus kesiya from northeast India to the Philippines; P. dalatensis only in south and central Vietnam and in some isolated populations in Laos). For P. dalatensis, a robust growth chronology covering the past 290 years could be set up for the first time in the study region. For P. kesiya, the 140-year chronology constructed was the longest that could be established to date in that region for this species. In the first 40 years of the trees’ lives, the stem diameter increment was significantly larger in P. kesiya, but levelled off and even decreased after 100 years, whereas P. dalatensis exhibited a continuous growth up to an age of almost 300 years. Tree-ring growth of P. kesiya was negatively related to temperature in the wet months and season of the current year and in October (humid transition period) of the preceding year and to precipitation in August (monsoon season), but positively to precipitation in December (dry season) of the current year. The P. dalatensis chronologies exhibited no significant correlation with temperature or precipitation. Negative correlations between BAI and Δ13C indicate a lack of growth impairment by drought in both species. Regression analyses revealed a lower resilience of P. dalatensis upon episodes of growth decline compared to P. kesiya, but, contrary to our hypothesis, mean values of the three sensitivity parameters did not differ significantly between these species. Nevertheless, the vigorous growth of P. kesiya, which does not fall behind that of P. dalatensis even at the margin of its distribution area under below-optimum edaphic conditions, is indicative of a relatively high plasticity of this species towards environmental factors compared to P. dalatensis, which, in tendency, is less resilient upon environmental stress even in the “core” region of its occurrence.
In 2014/2015 a one-year field campaign at the Tiksi observatory in the Laptev Sea area was carried out using Sound Detection and Ranging/Radio Acoustic Sounding System (SODAR/RASS) measurements to investigate the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) with a focus on low-level jets (LLJ) during the winter season. In addition to SODAR/RASS-derived vertical profiles of temperature, wind speed and direction, a suite of complementary measurements at the Tiksi observatory was available. Data of a regional atmospheric model were used to put the local data into the synoptic context. Two case studies of LLJ events are presented. The statistics of LLJs for six months show that in about 23% of all profiles LLJs were present with a mean jet speed and height of about 7 m/s and 240 m, respectively. In 3.4% of all profiles LLJs exceeding 10 m/s occurred. The main driving mechanism for LLJs seems to be the baroclinicity, since no inertial oscillations were found. LLJs with heights below 200 m are likely influenced by local topography.
Perennial energy crops (PECs) are increasingly used as feedstock to produce energy in an environmental friendly way. Compared to traditional conversion strategies like thermal use, sophisticated technologies such as biomethanation defined different re-quirements of the feedstock. Whereas the first concept relies on dry, woody mate-rial, biomethanation requires a moist feedstock. Thus, over time, the spectrum of species used as PECs has widened. Moreover, harvest dates were adjusted to pro-vide the feedstock at suitable moisture contents. It is well known that perennial, lignocellulose- based energy crops, compared to annual, sugar- and starch- based ones, offer ecological advantages such as, inter alia, improving biodiversity in landscape, protecting soil against erosion, and protecting groundwater from nutrient inputs. However, one of the main arguments for PEC cultivation was their undemanding nature concerning external inputs. With respect to the broader spectrum of PEC spe-cies and changed harvest dates, the question arises whether the concept of PECs being low- input energy crops is still valid. This also implies the question of suitable grow-ing conditions and sustainable management. The aims of this opinion paper were to classify different PECs according to their life- form strategy, compare nutrient exports when harvested in different maturation stages, and to discuss the results in the context of sustainable PEC cultivation on marginal land. This study revealed that nutrient exports with yield biomass of PECs harvested in green state are in the same range than those of annual energy crops and therewith several times higher than those of PECs harvested in brown state or of woody short rotation coppices. Thus, PECs can-not universally be claimed as low- input energy crops. These results also imply the consequences of cultivation of PECs on marginal land. Finally, the question has to be raised whether the term PECs should prospectively be better specified in written and spoken words.
Natural hazards are diverse and uneven in time and space, therefore, understanding its complexity is key to save human lives and conserve natural ecosystems. Reducing the outputs obtained after each modelling analysis is key to present the results for stakeholders, land managers and policymakers. So, the main goal of this survey was to present a method to synthesize three natural hazards in one multi-hazard map and its evaluation for hazard management and land use planning. To test this methodology, we took as study area the Gorganrood Watershed, located in the Golestan Province (Iran). First, an inventory map of three different types of hazards including flood, landslides, and gullies was prepared using field surveys and different official reports. To generate the susceptibility maps, a total of 17 geo-environmental factors were selected as predictors using the MaxEnt (Maximum Entropy) machine learning technique. The accuracy of the predictive models was evaluated by drawing receiver operating characteristic-ROC curves and calculating the area under the ROC curve-AUCROC. The MaxEnt model not only implemented superbly in the degree of fitting, but also obtained significant results in predictive performance. Variables importance of the three studied types of hazards showed that river density, distance from streams, and elevation were the most important factors for flood, respectively. Lithological units, elevation, and annual mean rainfall were relevant for detecting landslides. On the other hand, annual mean rainfall, elevation, and lithological units were used for gully erosion mapping in this study area. Finally, by combining the flood, landslides, and gully erosion susceptibility maps, an integrated multi-hazard map was created. The results demonstrated that 60% of the area is subjected to hazards, reaching a proportion of landslides up to 21.2% in the whole territory. We conclude that using this type of multi-hazard map may be a useful tool for local administrators to identify areas susceptible to hazards at large scales as we demonstrated in this research.
The Eurosystem's Household Finance and Consumption Survey (HFCS) collects micro data on private households' balance sheets, income and consumption. It is a stylised fact that wealth is unequally distributed and that the wealthiest own a large share of total wealth. For sample surveys which aim at measuring wealth and its distribution, this is a considerable problem. To overcome it, some of the country surveys under the HFCS umbrella try to sample a disproportionately large share of households that are likely to be wealthy, a technique referred to as oversampling. Ignoring such types of complex survey designs in the estimation of regression models can lead to severe problems. This thesis first illustrates such problems using data from the first wave of the HFCS and canonical regression models from the field of household finance and gives a first guideline for HFCS data users regarding the use of replicate weight sets for variance estimation using a variant of the bootstrap. A further investigation of the issue necessitates a design-based Monte Carlo simulation study. To this end, the already existing large close-to-reality synthetic simulation population AMELIA is extended with synthetic wealth data. We discuss different approaches to the generation of synthetic micro data in the context of the extension of a synthetic simulation population that was originally based on a different data source. We propose an additional approach that is suitable for the generation of highly skewed synthetic micro data in such a setting using a multiply-imputed survey data set. After a description of the survey designs employed in the first wave of the HFCS, we then construct new survey designs for AMELIA that share core features of the HFCS survey designs. A design-based Monte Carlo simulation study shows that while more conservative approaches to oversampling do not pose problems for the estimation of regression models if sampling weights are properly accounted for, the same does not necessarily hold for more extreme oversampling approaches. This issue should be further analysed in future research.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Carbon Footprints in Großküchen untersucht. Dabei wurden sowohl methodische Aspekte und Herausforderungen ihrer Erhebung untersucht als auch mögliche Kennzeichnungsformate (Label) evaluiert.
Zunächst wurde am Beispiel Hochschulgastronomie eine vollständige Carbon Footprint Studie nach DIN 14067 für sechs exemplarische Gerichte (PCF) sowie angelehnt an DIN 14064 für den Mensabetrieb (CCF) durchgeführt. Es zeigte sich, dass die gewichteten durchschnittlichen Emissionen pro Teller, unter Einbezug der verwendeten Rohstoffe und des Energiebedarfs, 1,8 kg CO2eq pro Teller betragen (Mgew=1,78 kg CO2eq; [0,22-3,36]). Zur Vereinfachung des Erhebungsprozesses wurden anknüpfend an diese Ergebnisse Pauschalisierungsansätze zur vereinfachten Emissionsallokation im Gastrosektor evaluiert und in Form eines appgestützten Berechnungstools umgesetzt. Es konnte verifiziert werden, dass der Energiebedarf und die daraus resultierenden Emissionen unabhängig von der Beschaffenheit der Gerichte auf die Anzahl produzierter Gerichte alloziert werden können und die Ausgabewerte dennoch hinreichend belastbar sind (Abweichung <10 %).
In dieser Studie konnte gezeigt werden, dass am untersuchten Standort Skaleneffekte hinsichtlich der Anzahl produzierter Gerichte und Strombedarf pro Gericht auftreten. Beide Faktoren korrelieren stark negativ miteinander (r=-.78; p<.05). Zur Verifikation der Ergebnisse wurde eine Datenabfrage unter allen deutschen Studierendenwerken (N=57) hinsichtlich des Energiebedarfs und der Produktionsmengen in Hochschulmensen durchgeführt. Aus den Daten von 42 Standorten konnten für das Jahr 2018 prognostizierte Gesamtemissionen in Höhe von 174.275 Tonnen CO2eq, verursacht durch etwa 98 Millionen verkaufte Gerichte, ermittelt werden. Im Gegensatz zur durchgeführten Standort-Studie konnten die Skaleneffekte, d.h. sinkender Strombedarf pro Teller bei steigender Produktionszahl, bei der deutschlandweiten Datenerhebung statistisch nicht nachgewiesen werden
(r=-.29; p=.074).
Im Anschluss wurden mögliche Label-Formate für Carbon Footprints evaluiert, indem vier vorbereitete Label unterschiedlicher Beschaffenheit (absolute Zahlen, einordnend, vergleichend und wertend) in sechs Fokusgruppen mit insgesamt 17 Teilnehmer:innen im Alter zwischen 20 und 31 Jahren (M=25,12; SD=3,31) diskutiert wurden. Im Ergebnis zeigte sich, dass bei den Teilnehmer:innen ein breiter Wunsch nach der Ausweisung absoluter Zahlen bestand. Zur besseren Einordnung sollte ein Label zudem einordnende Elemente enthalten. Wertende Label in Form von Ampelsymbolen oder Smileys mit unterschiedlichen Emotionen wurden überwiegend abgelehnt. Ableitend aus den Erkenntnissen konnten zwei synthetisierende Label-Vorschläge entwickelt werden.
The daily dose of health information: A psychological view on the health information seeking process
The search for health information is becoming increasingly important in everyday life, as well as socially and scientifically relevant Previous studies have mainly focused on the design and communication of information. However, the view of the seeker as well as individual
differences in skills and abilities has been a neglected topic so far. A psychological perspective on the process of searching for health information would provide important starting points for promoting the general dissemination of relevant information and thus improving health behaviour and health status. Within the present dissertation, the process of seeking health information was thus divided into sequential stages to identify relevant personality traits and skills. Accordignly, three studies are presented that focus on one stage
of the process respectively and empirically test potential crucial traits and skills: Study I investigates possible determinants of an intention for a comprehensive search for health information. Building an intention is considered as the basic step of the search process.
Motivational dispositions and self-regulatory skills were related to each other in a structural equation model and empirically tested based on theoretical investigations. Model fit showed an overall good fit and specific direct and indirect effects from approach and avoidance
motivation on the intention to seek comprehensively could be found, which supports the theoretical assumptions. The results show that as early as the formation of intention, the psychological perspective reveals influential personality traits and skills. Study II deals with the subsequent step, the selection of information sources. The preference for basic characteristics of information sources (i.e., accessibility, expertise, and interaction) is related to health information literacy as a collective term for relevant skills and intelligence as a personality trait. Furthermore, the study considers the influence of possible over- or underestimation of these characteristics. The results show not only a different predictive
contribution of health literacy and intelligence, but also the relevance of subjective and objective measurement.
Finally, Study III deals with the selection and evaluation of the health information previously found. The phenomenon of selective exposure is analysed, as this can be considered problematic in the health context. For this purpose, an experimental design was implemented in which a varying health threat was suggested to the participants. Relevant information was presented and the selective choice of this information was assessed. Health literacy was tested
as a moderator in a function of the induced threat and perceived vulnerability, triggering defence motives on the degree of bias. Findings show the importance of the consideration of the defence motives, which could cause a bias in the form of selective exposure. Furthermore, health literacy even seems to amplify this effect.
Results of the three studies are synthesized, discussed and general conclusions are drawn and implications for further research are determined.
Teamwork is ubiquitous in the modern workplace. However, it is still unclear whether various behavioral economic factors de- or increase team performance. Therefore, Chapters 2 to 4 of this thesis aim to shed light on three research questions that address different determinants of team performance.
Chapter 2 investigates the idea of an honest workplace environment as a positive determinant of performance. In a work group, two out of three co-workers can obtain a bonus in a dice game. By misreporting a secret die roll, cheating without exposure is an option in the game. Contrary to claims on the importance of honesty at work, we do not observe a reduction in the third co-worker's performance, who is an uninvolved bystander when cheating takes place.
Chapter 3 analyzes the effect of team size on performance in a workplace environment in which either two or three individuals perform a real-effort task. Our main result shows that the difference in team size is not harmful to task performance on average. In our discussion of potential mechanisms, we provide evidence on ongoing peer effects. It appears that peers are able to alleviate the potential free-rider problem emerging out of working in a larger team.
In Chapter 4, the role of perceived co-worker attractiveness for performance is analyzed. The results show that task performance is lower, the higher the perceived attractiveness of co-workers, but only in opposite-sex constellations.
The following Chapter 5 analyzes the effect of offering an additional payment option in a fundraising context. Chapter 6 focuses on privacy concerns of research participants.
In Chapter 5, we conduct a field experiment in which, participants have the opportunity to donate for the continuation of an art exhibition by either cash or cash and an additional cashless payment option (CPO). The treatment manipulation is completed by framing the act of giving either as a donation or pay-what-you-want contribution. Our results show that donors shy away from using the CPO in all treatment conditions. Despite that, there is no negative effect of the CPO on the frequency of financial support and its magnitude.
In Chapter 6, I conduct an experiment to test whether increased transparency of data processing affects data disclosure and whether the results change if it is indicated that the implementation of the GDPR happened involuntarily. I find that increased transparency raises the number of participants who do not disclose personal data by 21 percent. However, this is not the case in the involuntary-signal treatment, where the share of non-disclosures is relatively high in both conditions.
This thesis contributes to the economic literature on India and specifically focuses on investment project (IP) location choice. I study three topics that naturally arise in sequence: geographic concentration of investment projects, the determinants of the location choices, and the impact these choices have on project success.
In Chapter 2, I provide the analysis of geographic concentration of IPs. I find that investments were concentrated over the period of observation (1996–2015), although the degree of concentration was decreasing. Additionally, I analyze different subsamples of the data set by ownership (Indian private, Indian public and foreign) and project status (completed or dropped). Foreign projects in all industries are more concentrated than private and public, while for the latter categories I identify only minor differences in concentration levels. Additionally, I find that the location patterns of completed and dropped investments are similar to that of the overall distribution and the distributions of their respective industries with completed IPs being somewhat more concentrated.
In Chapter 3, I study the determinants of project location choices with the focus on an important highway upgrade, the Golden Quadrilateral (GQ). In line with the existing literature, the GQ construction is connected to higher levels of investment in the affected non-nodal GQ districts in 2002–2016. I also provide suggestive evidence on changes in firm behavior after the GQ construction: Firms located in the non-nodal GQ districts became less likely to invest in their neighbor districts after the GQ completion compared to firms located in districts unaffected by the GQ construction.
Finally, in Chapter 4, I investigate the characteristics of IPs that may contribute to discontinuation of their implementation by comparing completed investments to dropped ones, defined as abandoned, shelved, and stalled investments as identified on the date of the data download. Controlling for local and business cycle conditions, as well as various investor and project characteristics, I show that projects located in close proximity to the investor offices (i.e., in the same district) are more likely to achieve the completion stage than more remote projects.
In vielen Branchen und vor allem in großen Unternehmen gehört eine Unterstützung von Geschäftsprozessen durch Workflow-Management-Systeme zum gelebten Alltag. Im Zentrum steht dabei die Steuerung kontrollflussorientierter Abläufe, während Prozesse mit einem Schwerpunkt auf Daten, Informationen und Wissen meist außen vor bleiben. Solche wissensintensive Prozesse (engl.: knowledge intensive processes) (KiPs) sind Untersuchungsgegenstand in vielen aktuellen Studien, welche ein derzeit aktives Forschungsgebiet formen.
Im Vordergrund solcher KiPs steht dabei das durch die mitwirkenden Personen eingebrachte Wissen, welches in einem wesentlichen Maß die Prozessausführung beeinflusst, hierdurch jedoch die Bearbeitung komplexer und meist hoch volatiler Prozesse ermöglicht. Hierbei handelt es sich zumeist um entscheidungsintensive Prozesse, Prozesse zur Wissensakquisition oder Prozesse, die zu einer Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Prozessabläufe führen können.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird ein Ansatz entwickelt und vorgestellt, der sich der Modellierung, Visualisierung und Ausführung wissensintensiver Prozesse unter Verwendung Semantischer Technologien widmet. Hierzu werden als die zentralen Anforderungen zur Ausführung von KiPs Flexibilität, Adaptivität und Zielorientierung definiert. Daran anknüpfend werden drei zentrale Grundprinzipien der Prozessmodellierung identifiziert, welche in der ersten Forschungsfrage aufgegriffen werden: „Können die drei Grundprinzipien in einem einheitlichen datenzentrierten, deklarativen, semantischen Ansatz (welcher mit ODD-BP bezeichnet wird) kombiniert werden und können damit die zentralen Anforderungen von KiPs erfüllt werden?”
Die Grundlage für ODD-BP bildet ein Metamodell, welches als Sprachkonstrukt fungiert und die Definition der angestrebten Prozessmodelle erlaubt. Darauf aufbauend wird mit Hilfe von Inferenzierungsregeln ein Verfahren entwickelt, welches das Schlussfolgern von Prozesszuständen ermöglicht und somit eine klassische Workflow-Engine überflüssig macht. Zudem wird eine Methodik eingeführt, die für jede in einem Prozess mitwirkende Person eine maßgeschneiderte, adaptive Prozessvisualisierung ermöglicht, um neben dem Freiheitsgrad der Flexibilität auch eine fundierte Prozessunterstützung bei der Ausführung von KiPs leisten zu können. All dies erfolgt innerhalb einer einheitlichen Wissensbasis, die zum einen die Grundlage für eine vollständige semantische Prozessmodellierung bildet und zum anderen die Möglichkeit zur Integration von Expertenwissen eröffnet. Dieses Expertenwissen kann einen expliziten Beitrag bei der Ausführung wissensintensiver Prozesse leisten und somit die Kollaboration von Mensch und Maschine durch Technologien der symbolischen KI ermöglichen. Die zweite Forschungsfrage greift diesen Aspekt auf: „Kann in dem ODD-BP Ansatz ontologisches Wissen so integriert werden, dass dieses in einer Prozessausführung einen Beitrag leistet?”
Das Metamodell sowie die entwickelten Methoden und Verfahren werden in einem prototypischen, generischen System realisiert, welches grundsätzlich für alle Anwendungsgebiete mit KiPs geeignet ist. Zur Validierung des ODD-BP Ansatzes erfolgt eine Ausrichtung auf den Anwendungsfall einer Notrufabfrage aus dem Leitstellenumfeld. Im Zuge der Evaluation wird gezeigt, wie dieser wissensintensive Ablauf von einer flexiblen, adaptiven und zielorientierten Prozessausführung profitiert. Darüber hinaus wird medizinisches Expertenwissen in den Prozessablauf integriert und es wird nachgewiesen, wie dieses zu verbesserten Prozessergebnissen beiträgt.
Wissensintensive Prozesse stellen Unternehmen und Organisationen in allen Branchen und Anwendungsfällen derzeit vor große Herausforderungen und die Wissenschaft und Forschung widmet sich der Suche nach praxistauglichen Lösungen. Diese Arbeit präsentiert mit ODD-BP einen vielversprechenden Ansatz, indem die Möglichkeiten Semantischer Technologien dazu genutzt werden, eine eng verzahnte Zusammenarbeit zwischen Mensch und Maschine bei der Ausführung von KiPs zu ermöglichen. Die zur Evaluation fokussierte Notrufabfrage innerhalb von Leitstellen stellt zudem einen höchst relevanten Anwendungsfall dar, da in einem akuten Notfall in kürzester Zeit Entscheidungen getroffen werden müssen, um weitreichenden Schaden abwenden und Leben retten zu können. Durch die Berücksichtigung umfassender Datenmengen und das Ausnutzen verfügbaren Expertenwissens kann so eine schnelle Lagebewertung mit Hilfe der maschinellen Unterstützung erreicht und der Mensch beim Treffen von richtigen Entscheidungen unterstützt werden.
Les Journées de la démocratie ou les semaines thématiques consacrées à un projet offrent une bonne occasion d’essayer des macro-méthodes d’éducation à la citoyenneté. Dans l’action simulée, les processus politiques peuvent être vécus du point de vue d’un acteur. Une approche remarquable de ce type d’apprentissage pratique de la démocratie est proposée par « Schule als Staat » (l’École en tant qu’État).
Les Journées de la démocratie offrent la possibilité de réfléchir aux principes et prérequis du vivre-ensemble démocratique, d’examiner le statu quo, les intérêts de chacun·e et les défis actuels de la démocratie - à l’école, dans la société et dans le monde entier - et de renforcer les développements démocratiques. En tant que césure dans la vie scolaire quotidienne, ils peuvent être une célébration, une occasion de réflexion et un moteur pour une culture scolaire démocratique.
Une Journée de la démocratie offre l’occasion de prendre du recul par rapport au développement de l’éducation à la démocratie en milieu scolaire, de réfléchir à l’état actuel des possibilités de participation, des groupes de travail et des comités, ainsi que de lancer conjointement de nouveaux plans et projets et de les façonner pour la communauté scolaire.
Les Journées de la démocratie offrent l’opportunité de discuter des défis sociaux actuels et des bases du vivre-ensemble démocratique en dehors de la classe, tout en impliquant plusieurs disciplines et différents groupes d’apprentissage. Cela s’applique tout autant aux écoles primaires que secondaires.
Comment organise-t-on les Journées de la démocratie dans la Grande Région ? Nous avons parlé à des représentant·e·s des ministères de l’éducation et de l’administration scolaire et les avons interrogé·e·s sur la signification des Journées de la démocratie, les orientations de la politique éducative, les objectifs, les souhaits et les mesures de soutien.
Les carnets paraissent deux fois par an et offrent aux dirigeant(e)s des écoles ainsi qu’au personnel des fondements théoriques et du matériel pratique pour la mise en oeuvre d’un développement scolaire démocratique. Chaque publication traite d’une méthode de l’éducation à la démocratie ou d’une question stratégique du développement scolaire. Les carnets en langue allemande sont mis à la disposition des écoles luxembourgeoises en version imprimée. L’ensemble du matériel ainsi que la version en langue française sont disponibles en ligne.
The present work explores how theories of motivation can be used to enhance video game research. Currently, Flow-Theory and Self-Determination Theory are the most common approaches in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. The dissertation provides an in-depth look into Motive Disposition Theory and how to utilize it to explain interindividual differences in motivation. Different players have different preferences and make different choices when playing games, and not every player experiences the same outcomes when playing the same game. I provide a short overview of the current state of the research on motivation to play video games. Next, Motive Disposition Theory is applied in the context of digital games in four different research papers, featuring seven studies, totaling 1197 participants. The constructs of explicit and implicit motives are explained in detail while focusing on the two social motives (i.e., affiliation and power). As dependent variables, behaviour, preferences, choices, and experiences are used in different game environments (i.e., Minecraft, League of Legends, and Pokémon). The four papers are followed by a general discussion about the seven studies and Motive Disposition Theory in general. Finally, a short overview is provided about other theories of motivation and how they could be used to further our understanding of the motivation to play digital games in the future. This thesis proposes that 1) Motive Disposition Theory represents a valuable approach to understand individual motivations within the context of digital games; 2) there is a variety of motivational theories that can and should be utilized by researchers in the field of Human-Computer Interaction to broaden the currently one-sided perspective on human motivation; 3) researchers should aim to align their choice of motivational theory with their research goals by choosing the theory that best describes the phenomenon in question and by carefully adjusting each study design to the theoretical assumptions of that theory.
Heterogenität ist Teil des (Schul-)Alltags, was sich in den Lerngruppen widerspiegelt, die Lehrkräfte in der Schule vorfinden. Unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen auf Seiten der Schüler/-innenschaft soll – und das ist in zahlreichen der Öffentlichkeit zugänglichen Dokumenten, wie Schulgesetzen, Schulordnungen und Standards für die Lehrerbildung festgeschrieben – in Form von Differenzierung begegnet werden. Innerhalb dieser Dissertation wird untersucht, wie Binnendifferenzierung auf Mikroebene in der Schulpraxis implementiert wird. Dabei werden die Einsatzhäufigkeit binnendifferenzierender Maßnahmen und Kontextvariablen von Binnendifferenzierung untersucht. Anhand einer Stichprobe von N = 295 Lehrkräften verschiedener Schulformen, die die Fächer Deutsch und/oder Englisch unterrichten, wurde u.a. gezeigt, dass Binnendifferenzierung allgemein nicht (sehr) häufig eingesetzt wird, dass manche Maßnahmen häufiger Einsatz finden als andere, dass an Gymnasien Binnendifferenzierung nicht so häufig eingesetzt wird, wie an anderen Schulformen und dass die Einsatzhäufigkeit bedingende Kontextfaktoren bspw. kollegiale Zusammenarbeit bei der Unterrichtsplanung und -durchführung, die wahrgenommene Qualität der Lehramtsausbildung hinsichtlich des Umgangs mit Heterogenität und die Bereitschaft zur Implementation von Binnendifferenzierung sind und auch Einstellungen zu Binnendifferenzierung und (Lehrer/-innen)Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen in Zusammenhang mit dem Maßnahmeneinsatz stehen. Die durchgeführte Post-hoc Analyse zeigte bzgl. Einsatzhäufigkeit weiterhin Zusammenhänge zwischen der Persönlichkeit der Lehrkräfte und der Schulform, an der diese unterrichten. Die Ergebnisse entstammen der Schulpraxis und liefern deshalb praktische Implikationen, wie bspw. Hinweise zur Steigerung der Qualität der Lehramtsausbildung, die neben zukünftigen Forschungsansätzen im Rahmen dieser Arbeit expliziert werden.
In her poems, Tawada constructs liminal speaking subjects – voices from the in-between – which disrupt entrenched binary thought processes. Synthesising relevant concepts from theories of such diverse fields as lyricology, performance studies, border studies, cultural and postcolonial studies, I develop ‘voice’ and ‘in-between space’ as the frameworks to approach Tawada’s multifaceted poetic output, from which I have chosen 29 poems and two verse novels for analysis. Based on the body speaking/writing, sensuality is central to Tawada’s use of voice, whereas the in-between space of cultures and languages serves as the basis for the liminal ‘exophonic’ voices in her work. In the context of cultural alterity, Tawada focuses on the function of language, both its effect on the body and its role in subject construction, while her feminist poetry follows the general development of feminist academia from emancipation to embodiment to queer representation. Her response to and transformation of écriture féminine in her verse novels transcends the concept of the body as the basis of identity, moving to literary and linguistic, plural self-construction instead. While few poems are overtly political, the speaker’s personal and contextual involvement in issues of social conflict reveal the poems’ potential to speak of, and to, the multiply identified citizens of a globalised world, who constantly negotiate physical as well as psychological borders.
With the ongoing trend towards deep learning in the remote sensing community, classical pixel based algorithms are often outperformed by convolution based image segmentation algorithms. This performance was mostly validated spatially, by splitting training and validation pixels for a given year. Though generalizing models temporally is potentially more difficult, it has been a recent trend to transfer models from one year to another, and therefore to validate temporally. The study argues that it is always important to check both, in order to generate models that are useful beyond the scope of the training data. It shows that convolutional neural networks have potential to generalize better than pixel based models, since they do not rely on phenological development alone, but can also consider object geometry and texture. The UNET classifier was able to achieve the highest F1 scores, averaging 0.61 in temporal validation samples, and 0.77 in spatial validation samples. The theoretical potential for overfitting geometry and just memorizing the shape of fields that are maize has been shown to be insignificant in practical applications. In conclusion, kernel based convolutions can offer a large contribution in making agricultural classification models more transferable, both to other regions and to other years.