Year of publication
- 2019 (84) (remove)
Document Type
- Contribution to a Periodical (28)
- Doctoral Thesis (25)
- Article (11)
- Working Paper (7)
- Part of Periodical (5)
- Book (4)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Conference Proceedings (1)
- Course Material (1)
- Habilitation (1)
- Schüler (25)
- Deutschland (19)
- Luxemburg (19)
- Leistungsbewertung (17)
- Rückmeldung (17)
- Unterricht (17)
- Mitbestimmung (16)
- Schülerpartizipation (16)
- Unterrichtsgestaltung (16)
- Schule (10)
- Politikwissenschaft (27)
- Fachbereich 4 (13)
- Fachbereich 3 (9)
- Fachbereich 1 (7)
- Raum- und Umweltwissenschaften (6)
- Fachbereich 6 (4)
- Fachbereich 2 (2)
- Fachbereich 5 (1)
- Mathematik (1)
- Servicezentrum eSciences (1)
Die Praxishefte Demokratische Schulkultur erscheinen halbjährlich und bieten Schulleitungen und Schulpersonal theoretische Grundlagen und praxisorientierte Anleitungen zur demokratiepädagogischen Schulentwicklung. Jedes Themenheft ist jeweils einer demokratiepädagogischen Bauform oder strategischen Frage der Schulentwicklung gewidmet. Die Praxishefte werden allen Luxemburger Schulen als Printausgabe zur Verfügung gestellt und online mit zusätzlichen Materialien und in französischer Fassung vorgehalten.
Les carnets paraissent deux fois par an et offrent aux dirigeant(e)s des écoles ainsi qu’au personnel des fondements théoriques et du matériel pratique pour la mise en oeuvre d’un développement scolaire démocratique. Chaque publication traite d’une méthode de l’éducation à la démocratie ou d’une question stratégique du développement scolaire. Les carnets en langue allemande sont mis à la disposition des écoles luxembourgeoises en version imprimée. Tout le matériel ainsi que la version en langue française sont disponibles en ligne.
Les carnets paraissent biannuellement et offrent aux dirigeant(e)s des écoles ainsi qu’au personnel des fondements théoriques et du matériel pratique pour la mise en œuvre d’un développement scolaire démocratique. Chaque publication traite d’une méthode de l’éducation à la démocratie ou d’une question stratégique du développement scolaire. Les carnets en langue allemande sont mis à disposition des écoles luxembourgeoises en version imprimée. Tous le matériel ainsi que la version en langue française sont disponibles en ligne.
L’enseignement participatif
L‘école est un lieu de socialisation des enfants et des jeunes. Les heures de cours de l‘enseignement des différentes matières sont un espace d‘expérimentation de cette socialisation. Elles marquent par leur durée dans la journée aussi bien le rôle fondamental de l‘école que l‘action et la perception à la fois des enseignant(e)s et des apprenant(e)s. Il apparaît donc d’autant plus important d’intégrer ces cours dans l’organisation d’une culture scolaire démocratique.
Petits pays ayant d’importants besoins de main-d’œuvre, le Luxembourg et la Suisse attirent tous deux un grand nombre de travailleurs frontaliers. C’est dans une perspective comparative que les 19 auteurs impliqués dans ce Cahier Thématique analysent la situation des travailleurs frontaliers dans les principaux pôles d’emploi transfrontaliers (Luxembourg, Bâle, Genève), mais également au Tessin. En tenant compte des éléments contextuels et méthodologiques, géographes, économistes, sociologues et politologues se focalisent sur les questions d’emploi, le quotidien transfrontalier et les perceptions des frontaliers par la société. Cette approche collective et pluridisciplinaire est résumée par les éditeurs en identifiant des enjeux communs pour le Luxembourg et la Suisse.
Cet article analyse les pratiques quotidiennes des habitants de Sarre, de Lorraine, du Luxembourg, de Rhénanie-Palatinat et de Wallonie effectuées dans les régions voisines. L’hypothèse est l’existence d’une réalité de vie transfrontalière dans la Grande Région à partir des pratiques transfrontalières de ses habitants. Dans une telle perspective socio-constructiviste, on ne demande pas ce qu'est la Grande Région SaarLorLux, mais comment elle est constituée ou comment elle se manifeste dans la vie quotidienne de ses habitants. Pour donner des éléments de réponse, seront analysées les pratiques transfrontalières les plus courantes, notamment le fait de faire des achats et du shopping, se détendre dans la nature/faire du tourisme, fréquenter des manifestations culturelles et rendre visite à des amis et à la famille. Les considérations se basent sur trois études empiriques récentes dans l’espace d'analyse, qui sont mises en rapport et contextualisées socio-culturellement et socio-économiquement dans le but de relever l'organisation spatiale, les motivations ainsi que d'autres facteurs contextuels des pratiques transfrontalières dans la Grande Région SaarLorLux. Dans cette approche, les flux de mobilité et les préférences spatiales sont reconstruits à partir des pratiques quotidiennes qui donnent un aperçu des réalités de vie transfrontalière dans la Grande Région SaarLorLux.
Bewertungsprozesse in der Schule als Möglichkeit nutzen, um Schüler*innen bei der realistischen Einschätzung und Weiterentwicklung ihrer Lernprozesse und ihres Lernverhaltens zu unterstützen: Die partizipative Leistungsbewertung bietet verschiedene praxisnahe Ansätze zur Förderung von Lernmotivation, Selbstreflexion und demokratischem Verständnis.
La mise en œuvre d’un conseil de coopération est liée à l’espoir de renforcer les compétences démocratiques des élèves. Une étude empirique1 réalisée au Lycée Nic Biever de Dudelange a analysé les compétences réellement acquises par les participant(e)s grâce à cette méthode d’éducation à la démocratie ainsi que l’impact du conseil de coopération sur la classe.
C’est la participation des citoyen(ne)s engagé(e)s qui fait vivre la démocratie. À cette fin, il est nécessaire de familiariser le plus tôt possible les enfants et les adolescents aux méthodes démocratiques. Le conseil de coopération est un outil d’éducation à la démocratie qui offre aux élèves de nombreuses possibilités pour expérimenter la participation et renforcer leurs compétences démocratiques.
Entrepreneurship has become an essential phenomenon all over the world because it is a major driving force behind the economic growth and development of a country. It is widely accepted that entrepreneurship development in a country creates new jobs, pro-motes healthy competition through innovation, and benefits the social well being of individuals and societies. The policymakers in both developed and developing countries focus on entrepreneurship because it helps to alleviate impediments to economic development and social welfare. Therefore, policymakers and academic researchers consider the promotion of entrepreneurship as essential for the economy and research-based support is needed for further development of entrepreneurship activities.
The impact of entrepreneurial activities on economic and social development also varies from country to country. The effect of entrepreneurial activities on economic and social development also varies from country to country because the level of entrepreneur-ship activities also varies from one region to another or one country to another. To under-stand these variations, policymakers have investigated the determinants of entrepreneur-ship at different levels, such as the individual, industry, and country levels. Moreover, entrepreneurship behavior is influenced by various personal and environmental level factors. However, these personal-level factors cannot be separated from the surrounding environment.
The link between religion and entrepreneurship is well established and can be traced back to Weber (1930). Researchers have analyzed the relationship between religion and entrepreneurship from various perspectives, and the research related to religion and entrepreneurship is diversified and scattered across disciplines. This dissertation tries to explain the link between religion and entrepreneurship, specifically Islamic religion and entrepreneurship. Technically this dissertation comprises three parts. The first part of this dissertation consists of two chapters that discuss the definition and theories of entrepreneurship (Chapter 2) and the theoretical relationship between religion and entrepreneur-ship (Chapter 3).
The second part of this dissertation (Chapter 4) provides an overview of the field with a purpose to gain a better understanding of the field’s current state of knowledge to bridge the different views and perspectives. In order to provide an overview of the field, a systematic literature search leading to a descriptive overview of the field based on 270 articles published in 163 journals Subsequently, bibliometric methods are used to identify thematic clusters, the most influential authors and articles, and how they are connected.
The third part of this dissertation (Chapter 5) empirically evaluates the influence of Islamic values and Islamic religious practices on entrepreneurship intentions within the Islamic community. Using the theory of planned behavior as a theoretical lens, we also take into account that the relationship between religion and entrepreneurial intentions can be mediated by individual’s attitude towards entrepreneurship. A self-administrative questionnaire was used to collect the responses from a sample of 1895 Pakistani university students. A structured equation modeling was adopted to perform a nuanced assessment of the relationship between Islamic values and practices and entrepreneurship intentions and to account for mediating effect of attitude towards entrepreneurship.
The research on religion and entrepreneurship has increased sharply during the last years and is scattered across various academic disciplines and fields. The analysis identifies and characterize the most important publications, journals, and authors in the area and map the analyzed religions and regions. The comprehensive overview of previous studies allows us to identify research gaps and derive avenues for future research in a substantiated way. Moreover, this dissertation helps the research scholars to understand the field in its entirety, identify relevant articles, and to uncover parallels and differences across religions and regions. Besides, the study reveals a lack of empirical research related to specific religions and specific regions. Therefore, scholars can take these regions and religions into consideration when conducting empirical research.
Furthermore, the empirical analysis about the influence of Islamic religious values and Islamic religious practices show that Islamic values served as a guiding principle in shaping people’s attitudes towards entrepreneurship in an Islamic community; they had an indirect influence on entrepreneurship intention through attitude. Similarly, the relationship between Islamic religious practices and the entrepreneurship intentions of students was fully mediated by the attitude towards entrepreneurship. Furthermore, this dissertation contributes to prior research on entrepreneurship in Islamic communities by applying a more fine-grained approach to capture the link between religion and entrepreneurship. Moreover, it contributes to the literature on entrepreneurship intentions by showing that the influence of religion on entrepreneurship intentions is mainly due to religious values and practices, which shape the attitude towards entrepreneurship and thereby influence entrepreneurship intentions in religious communities. The entrepreneur-ship research has put a higher emphasis on assessing the influence of a diverse set of con-textual factors. This dissertation introduces Islamic values and Islamic religious practices as critical contextual factors that shape entrepreneurship in countries that are characterized by the Islamic religion.
Background: Increasing exposure to engineered inorganic nanoparticles takes actually place in both terrestric and aquatic ecosystems worldwide. Although we already know harmful effects of AgNP on the soil bacterial community, information about the impact of the factors functionalization, concentration, exposure time, and soil texture on the AgNP effect expression are still rare. Hence, in this study, three soils of different grain size were exposed for up to 90 days to bare and functionalized AgNP in concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 1.00 mg/kg soil dry weight. Effects on soil microbial community were quantified by various biological parameters, including 16S rRNA gene, photometric, and fluorescence analyses.
Results: Multivariate data analysis revealed significant effects of AgNP exposure for all factors and factor combinations investigated. Analysis of individual factors (silver species, concentration, exposure time, soil texture) in the unifactorial ANOVA explained the largest part of the variance compared to the error variance. In depth analysis of factor combinations revealed even better explanation of variance. For the biological parameters assessed in this study, the matching of soil texture and silver species, and the matching of soil texture and exposure time were the two most relevant factor combinations. The factor AgNP concentration contributed to a lower extent to the effect expression compared to silver species, exposure time and physico–chemical composition of soil.
Conclusions: The factors functionalization, concentration, exposure time, and soil texture significantly impacted the effect expression of AgNP on the soil microbial community. Especially long-term exposure scenarios are strongly needed for the reliable environmental impact assessment of AgNP exposure in various soil types.
Computer simulation has become established in a two-fold way: As a tool for planning, analyzing, and optimizing complex systems but also as a method for the scientific instigation of theories and thus for the generation of knowledge. Generated results often serve as a basis for investment decisions, e.g., road construction and factory planning, or provide evidence for scientific theory-building processes. To ensure the generation of credible and reproducible results, it is indispensable to conduct systematic and methodologically sound simulation studies. A variety of procedure models exist that structure and predetermine the process of a study. As a result, experimenters are often required to repetitively but thoroughly carry out a large number of experiments. Moreover, the process is not sufficiently specified and many important design decisions still have to be made by the experimenter, which might result in an unintentional bias of the results.
To facilitate the conducting of simulation studies and to improve both replicability and reproducibility of the generated results, this thesis proposes a procedure model for carrying out Hypothesis-Driven Simulation Studies, an approach that assists the experimenter during the design, execution, and analysis of simulation experiments. In contrast to existing approaches, a formally specified hypothesis becomes the key element of the study so that each step of the study can be adapted and executed to directly contribute to the verification of the hypothesis. To this end, the FITS language is presented, which enables the specification of hypotheses as assumptions regarding the influence specific input values have on the observable behavior of the model. The proposed procedure model systematically designs relevant simulation experiments, runs, and iterations that must be executed to provide evidence for the verification of the hypothesis. Generated outputs are then aggregated for each defined performance measure to allow for the application of statistical hypothesis testing approaches. Hence, the proposed assistance only requires the experimenter to provide an executable simulation model and a corresponding hypothesis to conduct a sound simulation study. With respect to the implementation of the proposed assistance system, this thesis presents an abstract architecture and provides formal specifications of all required services.
To evaluate the concept of Hypothesis-Driven Simulation Studies, two case studies are presented from the manufacturing domain. The introduced approach is applied to a NetLogo simulation model of a four-tiered supply chain. Two scenarios as well as corresponding assumptions about the model behavior are presented to investigate conditions for the occurrence of the bullwhip effect. Starting from the formal specification of the hypothesis, each step of a Hypothesis-Driven Simulation Study is presented in detail, with specific design decisions outlined, and generated inter- mediate data as well as final results illustrated. With respect to the comparability of the results, a conventional simulation study is conducted which serves as reference data. The approach that is proposed in this thesis is beneficial for both practitioners and scientists. The presented assistance system allows for a more effortless and simplified execution of simulation experiments while the efficient generation of credible results is ensured.
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis-related genetic variants influence the stress response
The physiological stress system includes the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary system (SAM). Parameters representing these systems such as cortisol, blood pressure or heart rate define the physiological reaction in response to a stressor. The main objective of the studies described in this thesis was to understand the role of the HPA-related genetic factors in these two systems. Genetic factors represent one of the components causing individual variations in physiological stress parameters. Five genes involved in the functioning of the HPA axis regarding stress responses are examined in this thesis. They are: corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), the 5-hydroxytryptamine-transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) in the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) and the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene. Two hundred thirty-two healthy participants were genotyped. The influence of genetic factors on physiological parameters, such as post-awakening cortisol and blood pressure was assessed, as well as the influence of genetic factors on stress reactivity in response to a socially evaluated cold pressor test (SeCPT). Three studies tested the HPA-related genes each on three different levels. The first study examined the influences of genotypes and haplotypes of these five genes on physiological as well as psychological stress indicators (Chapter 2). The second study examined the effects of GR variants (genotypes and haplotypes) and promoter methylation level on both the SAM system and the HPA axis stress reactivity (Chapter 3). The third study comprised the characterization of CRH promoter haplotypes in an in-vitro study and the association of the CRH promoter with stress indicators in vivo (Chapter 4).
Heimatfabrik Lokalmuseum bietet einen neuen Blick auf lokal verankerte Museen. Anhand von ausgewählten Fallbeispielen, die durch eine quantitative Untersuchung von etwa 370 Museen im Großherzogtum Luxemburg und in der belgischen Region Wallonien ergänzt werden, analysiert die Autorin, welche Identifikationsangebote bäuerliche Alltagsmuseen, Stadtmuseen, Industriemuseen, Kriegsmuseen und Auswanderermuseen ihren Besuchern bieten. Wen schließen die Museumsverantwortlichen durch ihre Erzählweisen ein und wen grenzen sie aus? Wie gehen sie mit sprachlichen, konfessionellen, kulturellen, sexuellen und soziale Minderheiten um?
Das Buch beginnt mit der Klärung der Frage, wie sich das Heimatverständnis in Luxemburg in Luxemburg und im angrenzenden Wallonien im Spannungsfeld zwischen dem klassischen Heimatbegriff des deutschsprachigen Raums und der Inwertsetzung der Landschaft durch die französischen Humangeographen seit der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts entwickelt hat. Aus diesem unterschiedlichen Zugang zu dem was als enger Kreis des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts empfunden wird, ergeben sich verschiedene Typen von lokalhistorischen Museen, die die Autorin in historischer Perspektive vorstellt.
Indem sie Dinge des Alltags durch die Aufnahme in ihre Sammlungen zu symbolischen Zeichenträgern einer Gesellschaft erheben sind Museen privilegierte Orte für die Schaffung von Heritage. Mit den Ausstellungen erzeugen die Museumsträger eine subjektiv empfundene gesellschaftliche Einheit, die von manchen Besucher als Heimat angenommen oder abgelehnt wird, andere wiederum gleichgültig lässt. Vor diesem Hintergrund dieser Feststellung beschäftigt sich die Autorin mit dem, was unter lokalem heritage zu verstehen ist und welcher gestalterischen Mittel sich die Verantwortlichen von lokalhistorischen Museen bedienen um ihre Vorstellung von Heimat zu konstruieren. Anhand der Themenbereiche bäuerlicher Alltag, Natur, Ein- und Auswanderung, Krieg sowie Industrie geht das Buch der Frage nach, wie interne und externe Museumsstakeholder das vom Museum vermittelte Heimatbild und damit verbunden auch die nationale Geschichtskultur mitbestimmen.
Das Buch möchte dazu beitragen, den Blick einer interessierten Öffentlichkeit für lokales Kulturerbe zu schulen sowie Historiker auf das Potenzial von lokalhistorischen Museen hinzuweisen. In diesem Sinne ist die Untersuchung auch ein Plädoyer für die Anerkennung der Besonderheit von außerakademischer historischer Aufarbeitung und für die Verstärkung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen universitärer und außeruniversitärer Forschung.
In dem Beitrag wird ein praxissoziologischer Ansatz für die Beschreibung und Analyse der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit vorgestellt. Dafür wird zunächst die Entwicklung der Kooperationsforschung, ihre charakteristischen Orientierungen sowie die Grundzüge praxistheoretischen Denkens skizziert. Darauf aufbauend wird die heuristische Denkfigur der grenzüberschreitenden Praxisformation erarbeitet, die mit Prämissen herkömmlicher Kooperationsforschung bricht. Sie wird am Beispiel von vier Herausforderungen der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit weiter ausdifferenziert, um schließlich zu einer alternativen Perspektivierung der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit zu gelangen. Es folgt ein Ausblick, der auf die forschungspraktischen Besonderheiten des vorgestellten Ansatzes eingeht mit Blick auf eine künftige praxissoziologische und multidisziplinär anschlussfähige Kooperationsforschung.
Die Großregion gilt als eine der wichtigsten Regionen der grenzüberschreitenden Zusammenarbeit in der Europäischen Union. Nach Beginn der Zusammenarbeit in den siebziger Jahren entwickelte sich die Koope-ration im Bereich der Raumplanung zu einer wichtigen Säule. Dennoch sind konkrete Nachweise, die die hohe Bedeutung einer grenzüberschreitenden Raumplanung bestätigen eher selten zu finden. Aufgegriffen wird diese Thematik meist nur in Bezug auf den gesetzlichen und institutionellen Rahmen.
Das vorliegende Strategiepapier setzt voraus, dass die grenzüberschreitende Raumplanung über die Ge-setze, Pläne und Konzepte hinaus auch aus Planungspraktiken resultiert, die darauf abzielen gesellschaftli-che Bedürfnisse an den Raum langfristig zu berücksichtigen.
Nach einer kurzen Präsentation der wichtigsten Meilensteine der Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der grenz-überschreitenden Raumplanung in der Großregion, stellt dieses Strategiepapier die Ergebnisse eines expe-rimentellen Workshops (Planspiel) vor, der im Jahr 2017 stattfand und bei dem sowohl Forscher als auch Planungspraktiker involviert waren. Abschließend stellt das Dokument eine Reihe von Empfehlungen vor, die auf der Analyse des Forschungsmaterials basieren.
Forschungsprozessspezifische Kompetenzmatrix für die Einführung des Forschungsdatenmanagements (FDM)
Die forschungsprozessspezifische Kompetenzmatrix stellt einen Baustein im Rahmen des durch das BMBF geförderten Forschungsprojektes „Prozessorientierte Entwicklung von Managementinstrumenten für Forschungsdaten im Lebenszyklus“ (PODMAN) dar. Im Rahmen des PODMAN-Projektes soll ein Referenzmodell und ein zugehöriges prozessorientiertes Benchmarking-Verfahren zur Implementierung des Forschungsdatenmanagements an Hochschulen und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen entwickelt werden. Darüber soll den Hochschulen und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen ein Orientierungsrahmen bereitgestellt werden, den sie flexibel zur Umsetzung eigener Datenmanagementstrategien nutzen können. In diesem Zusammenhang sollen Instrumente entwickelt werden, welche eine erfolgreiche Organisation der Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation sowie der Qualifizierung aller am Forschungsdatenmanagementprozess beteiligten Akteure erlauben. Die forschungsprozessspezifische Kompetenzmatrix hat als eines dieser Instrumente zwei Funktionen: Erstens definiert sie die zur Implementierung eines umfassenden institutionellen FDM-Konzeptes notwendigen Aufgaben und zweitens die damit verbundenen Kompetenzen der ausführenden Akteure.
In der kleinen ostfriesischen Kirchengemeinde W. hat sich im Jahr 1969 ein plötzlicher Todesfall ereignet. Fremdverschulden wird ausgeschlossen. Jemand, der die Hintergründe des Todesfalls aufklären will, stößt allenthalben auf – bisweilen gar aggressives – Schweigen. Eine Geschichte über individuelle und kollektive Schuld, lutherische Kirchenmusik und den Wert, den wir der Kultur und der Tradition beimessen.
Ausgezeichnet mit dem Borsla-Preis 2019.
Finding behavioral parameterization for a 1-D water balance model by multi-criteria evaluation
Evapotranspiration is often estimated by numerical simulation. However, to produce accurate simulations, these models usually require on-site measurements for parameterization or calibration. We have to make sure that the model realistically reproduces both, the temporal patterns of soil moisture and evapotranspiration. In this study, we combine three sources of information: (i) measurements of sap velocities; (ii) soil moisture; and (iii) expert knowledge on local runoff generation and water balance to define constraints for a “behavioral” forest stand water balance model. Aiming for a behavioral model, we adjusted soil moisture at saturation, bulk resistance parameters and the parameters of the water retention curve (WRC). We found that the shape of the WRC influences substantially the behavior of the simulation model. Here, only one model realization could be referred to as “behavioral”. All other realizations failed for a least one of our evaluation criteria: Not only transpiration and soil moisture are simulated consistently with our observations, but also total water balance and runoff generation processes. The introduction of a multi-criteria evaluation scheme for the detection of unrealistic outputs made it possible to identify a well performing parameter set. Our findings indicate that measurement of different fluxes and state variables instead of just one and expert knowledge concerning runoff generation facilitate the parameterization of a hydrological model.
With two-thirds to three-quarters of all companies, family firms are the most common firm type worldwide and employ around 60 percent of all employees, making them of considerable importance for almost all economies. Despite this high practical relevance, academic research took notice of family firms as intriguing research subjects comparatively late. However, the field of family business research has grown eminently over the past two decades and has established itself as a mature research field with a broad thematic scope. In addition to questions relating to corporate governance, family firm succession and the consideration of entrepreneurial families themselves, researchers mainly focused on the impact of family involvement in firms on their financial performance and firm strategy. This dissertation examines the financial performance and capital structure of family firms in various meta-analytical studies. Meta-analysis is a suitable method for summarizing existing empirical findings of a research field as well as identifying relevant moderators of a relationship of interest.
First, the dissertation examines the question whether family firms show better financial performance than non-family firms. A replication and extension of the study by O’Boyle et al. (2012) based on 1,095 primary studies reveals a slightly better performance of family firms compared to non-family firms. Investigating the moderating impact of methodological choices in primary studies, the results show that outperformance holds mainly for large and publicly listed firms and with regard to accounting-based performance measures. Concerning country culture, family firms show better performance in individualistic countries and countries with a low power distance.
Furthermore, this dissertation investigates the sensitivity of family firm performance with regard to business cycle fluctuations. Family firms show a pro-cyclical performance pattern, i.e. their relative financial performance compared to non-family firms is better in economically good times. This effect is particularly pronounced in Anglo-American countries and emerging markets.
In the next step, a meta-analytic structural equation model (MASEM) is used to examine the market valuation of public family firms. In this model, profitability and firm strategic choices are used as mediators. On the one hand, family firm status itself does not have an impact on firms‘ market value. On the other hand, this study finds a positive indirect effect via higher profitability levels and a negative indirect effect via lower R&D intensity. A split consideration of family ownership and management shows that these two effects are mainly driven by family ownership, while family management results in less diversification and internationalization.
Finally, the dissertation examines the capital structure of public family firms. Univariate meta-analyses indicate on average lower leverage ratios in family firms compared to non-family firms. However, there is significant heterogeneity in mean effect sizes across the 45 countries included in the study. The results of a meta-regression reveal that family firms use leverage strategically to secure their controlling position in the firm. While strong creditor protection leads to lower leverage ratios in family firms, strong shareholder protection has the opposite effect.
Feedback in der Schule? Das bedeutet häufig eine kurze Rückmeldung der Lehrer*innen an die Schüler*innen zu deren Mitarbeit. Dabei bietet eine etablierte Feedbackkultur im Unterricht breite Möglichkeiten, demokratisches Handeln zu üben und die Unterrichtsqualität zu verbessern, und muss keineswegs nur einseitig ausfallen.
Entrepreneurial ventures are associated with economic growth, job creation, and innovation. Most entrepreneurial ventures need external funding to succeed. However, they often find it difficult to access traditional forms of financing, such as bank loans. To overcome this hurdle and to provide entrepreneurial ventures with badly-needed external capital, many types of entrepreneurial finance have emerged over the past decades and continue to emerge today. Inspired by these dynamics, this postdoctoral thesis contains five empirical studies that address novel questions regarding established (e.g., venture capital, business angels) and new types of entrepreneurial finance (i.e., initial coin offerings).
This doctoral thesis includes five studies that deal with the topics work, well-being, and family formation, as well as their interaction. The studies aim to find answers to the following questions: Do workers’ personality traits determine whether they sort into jobs with performance appraisals? Does job insecurity result in lower quality and quantity of sleep? Do public smoking bans affect subjective well-being by changing individuals’ use of leisure time? Can risk preferences help to explain non-traditional family forms? And finally, are differences in out-of-partnership birth rates between East and West Germany driven by cultural characteristics that have evolved in the two separate politico-economic systems? To answer these questions, the following chapters use basic economic subjects such as working conditions, income, and time use, but also employ a range of sociological and psychological concepts such as personality traits and satisfaction measures. Furthermore, all five studies use data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), a representative longitudinal panel of private households in Germany, and apply state-of-the-art microeconometric methods. The findings of this doctoral thesis are important for individuals, employers, and policymakers. Workers and employers benefit from knowing the determinants of occupational sorting, as vacancies can be filled more accurately. Moreover, knowing which job-related problems lead to lower well-being and potentially higher sickness absence likely increases efficiency in the workplace. The research on smoking bans and family formation in chapters 4, 5, and 6 is particularly interesting for policymakers. The results on the effects of smoking bans on subjective well-being presented in chapter 4 suggest that the impacts of tobacco control policies could be weighed more carefully. Additionally, understanding why women are willing to take the risks associated with single motherhood can help to improve policies targeting single mothers.
Der vorliegende Sammelband geht auf die UniGR-Fachtagung Edu.GR - Europa leben lernen / Edu.GR - Apprendre à vivre l’Europe zurück, die am 20. September 2018 an der Universität Trier stattfand. Die Beiträge befassen sich aus unterschiedlichen Perspektiven – so aus Sicht der Bildungswissenschaften, der Fachdidaktiken, der Sozialwissenschaften und der Bildungspraxis – mit der Frage der Gestaltung Europas am Beispiel der Großregion. Vorgestellt und diskutiert werden neben Konzepten transnationaler Bildung auch empirische Analysen des Denkens und Handelns der Beteiligten in grenzregionalen (Aus-)Bildungskontexten sowie ausgewählte Beispiele transnationaler Bildungspraxis.
Faut-il interdire les emballages en plastique ? Quels arguments s’opposent au droit de vote à partir de 14 ans ? Quelles sont les conséquences du Brexit sur l’Europe ? – Ce type de questions a toute sa place en conseil de coopération, car leur discussion offre des possibilités d’apprentissage des processus démocratiques.
Partizipation im Unterricht von klein auf – geht das? Braucht man für Diskussionen, Aushandlungs-und Entscheidungsprozesse nicht eine bestimmte Reife, über die Dreijährige noch gar nicht verfügen? Das mateneen-Team hat sich auf Limpertsberg ein Bild von der Arbeit mit Vorschulkindern gemacht und festgestellt: das geht sehr wohl!
Der Photograph Willi Huttig
Demokratie lebt von der Beteiligung engagierter Bürger*innen. Hierzu ist es notwendig, Kinder und Jugendliche frühzeitig an demokratische Handlungsweisen heranzuführen. Der demokratiepädagogische Klassenrat bietet vielfältige Chancen, Schüler*innen Partizipationserfahrungen zu eröffnen und ihre demokratischen Kompetenzen zu stärken.
Die Implementierung eines Klassenrats ist mit der Hoffnung verbunden, die demokratischen Kompetenzen von Schüler*innen zu stärken. Welche Kompetenzen die Teilnehmer*innen mithilfe dieser demokratiepädagogischen Methode tatsächlich erwerben und wie sich der Klassenrat auf die Klassengemeinschaft auswirkt, hat eine empirische Studie1 am Lycée Nic Biever in Dudelange untersucht.
Den Klassenrat einführen
Bevor eine Einführung des Klassenrats in einer Schulklasse erfolgen kann, sind organisatorische, inhaltliche und methodische Vorbereitungen erforderlich. Der Beitrag gibt Hinweise zur Einführung des Klassenrats und bietet konkrete Methoden, die eine erfolgreiche Implementierung in einer Schulklasse unterstützen.
This dissertation investigates corporate acquisition decisions that represent important corporate development activities for family and non-family firms. The main research objective of this dissertation is to generate insights into the subjective decision-making behavior of corporate decision-makers from family and non-family firms and their weighting of M&A decision-criteria during the early pre-acquisition target screening and selection process. The main methodology chosen for the investigation of M&A decision-making preferences and the weighting of M&A decision criteria is a choice-based conjoint analysis. The overall sample of this dissertation consists of 304 decision-makers from 264 private and public family and non-family firms from mainly Germany and the DACH-region. In the first empirical part of the dissertation, the relative importance of strategic, organizational and financial M&A decision-criteria for corporate acquirers in acquisition target screening is investigated. In addition, the author uses a cluster analysis to explore whether distinct decision-making patterns exist in acquisition target screening. In the second empirical part, the dissertation explores whether there are differences in investment preferences in acquisition target screening between family and non-family firms and within the group of family firms. With regards to the heterogeneity of family firms, the dissertation generated insights into how family-firm specific characteristics like family management, the generational stage of the firm and non-economic goals such as transgenerational control intention influences the weighting of different M&A decision criteria in acquisition target screening. The dissertation contributes to strategic management research, in specific to M&A literature, and to family business research. The results of this dissertation generate insights into the weighting of M&A decision-making criteria and facilitate a better understanding of corporate M&A decisions in family and non-family firms. The findings show that decision-making preferences (hence the weighting of M&A decision criteria) are influenced by characteristics of the individual decision-maker, the firm and the environment in which the firm operates.
Thema dieser Dissertation ist das deutsche Selbstbildnis im 17. Jahrhundert. Ziel der Arbeit war es, das deutsche Selbstbildnis als eigene Gattung zu etablieren. Hierzu wurden die Selbstbildnisse deutscher Maler des 17. Jahrhunderts ausgewählt, gilt doch diese Zeit noch immer als ‚totes Jahrhundert‘. Grundlage der Untersuchung war eine Sammlung von 148 Objekten, die einer grundlegenden Analyse unterzogen wurden. Das früheste Selbstbildnis in dieser Sammlung stammt von 1600, das späteste wurde um 1700 angefertigt. Künstler aus dem gesamten Alten Reich, ob aus Schlesien und Böhmen, Nord-oder Süddeutschland oder aus den österreichischen wie schweizerischen Landen sind hier vertreten. Die Selbstbildnisse stammen von Malern in der gesamten breite ihrer Karriere. So sind gleichermaßen Selbstbildnisse von Gesellen wie Meistern, von Hofmalern bis hin zu Freimeistern vertreten. Besonders wichtig war es, nicht nur Selbstbildnisse im Gemälde oder Kupferstich in die Untersuchung aufzunehmen, sondern auch Stammbucheinträge.
Die ausführliche Betrachtung und Gegenüberstellung der deutschen Selbstbildnisse mit denen ihrer europäischen Kollegen hat gezeigt, dass auch deutsche Maler den gängigen Darstellungstypen wie etwa dem virtuoso folgten. Aber die deutschen Maler imitierten nicht nur, sondern experimentierten und gingen mit ihren Vorbildern spielerisch um. Daneben folgten sie natürlich auch den Trends der Selbstinszenierung. Sie drückten in ihren Selbstbildnissen ihren Wunsch nach sozialer und gesellschaftlicher Emanzipation des gesamten Berufsstandes aus. So war das deutsche Selbstbildnis eigenständiger Ausdruck des Aufbruches deutscher Künstler in eine neue Zeit.
Le feedback à l’école ? Il s’agit souvent d’un simple retour d’informations des enseignant(e)s sur le travail des élèves en classe. Cependant, une culture du feedback solide en classe offre de nombreuses possibilités pour pratiquer l’action démocratique et améliorer la qualité de l’enseignement, tout en faisant participer enseignant(e)s et apprenant(e)s.
La participation des élèves ne devrait pas se limiter à l’implication dans l’organisation et l’évaluation des cours. Une culture de tâches participative offre de nombreuses possibilités pour pratiquer et analyser la participation démocratique à l’aide d’actions réelles ou simulées dans l’apprentissage technique.
Many combinatorial optimization problems on finite graphs can be formulated as conic convex programs, e.g. the stable set problem, the maximum clique problem or the maximum cut problem. Especially NP-hard problems can be written as copositive programs. In this case the complexity is moved entirely into the copositivity constraint.
Copositive programming is a quite new topic in optimization. It deals with optimization over the so-called copositive cone, a superset of the positive semidefinite cone, where the quadratic form x^T Ax has to be nonnegative for only the nonnegative vectors x. Its dual cone is the cone of completely positive matrices, which includes all matrices that can be decomposed as a sum of nonnegative symmetric vector-vector-products.
The related optimization problems are linear programs with matrix variables and cone constraints.
However, some optimization problems can be formulated as combinatorial problems on infinite graphs. For example, the kissing number problem can be formulated as a stable set problem on a circle.
In this thesis we will discuss how the theory of copositive optimization can be lifted up to infinite dimension. For some special cases we will give applications in combinatorial optimization.
This dissertation deals with consistent estimates in household surveys. Household surveys are often drawn via cluster sampling, with households sampled at the first stage and persons selected at the second stage. The collected data provide information for estimation at both the person and the household level. However, consistent estimates are desirable in the sense that the estimated household-level totals should coincide with the estimated totals obtained at the person-level. Current practice in statistical offices is to use integrated weighting. In this approach consistent estimates are guaranteed by equal weights for all persons within a household and the household itself. However, due to the forced equality of weights, the individual patterns of persons are lost and the heterogeneity within households is not taken into account. In order to avoid the negative consequences of integrated weighting, we propose alternative weighting methods in the first part of this dissertation that ensure both consistent estimates and individual person weights within a household. The underlying idea is to limit the consistency conditions to variables that emerge in both the personal and household data sets. These common variables are included in the person- and household-level estimator as additional auxiliary variables. This achieves consistency more directly and only for the relevant variables, rather than indirectly by forcing equal weights on all persons within a household. Further decisive advantages of the proposed alternative weighting methods are that original individual rather than the constructed aggregated auxiliaries are utilized and that the variable selection process is more flexible because different auxiliary variables can be incorporated in the person-level estimator than in the household-level estimator.
In the second part of this dissertation, the variances of a person-level GREG estimator and an integrated estimator are compared in order to quantify the effects of the consistency requirements in the integrated weighting approach. One of the challenges is that the estimators to be compared are of different dimensions. The proposed solution is to decompose the variance of the integrated estimator into the variance of a reduced GREG estimator, whose underlying model is of the same dimensions as the person-level GREG estimator, and add a constructed term that captures the effects disregarded by the reduced model. Subsequently, further fields of application for the derived decomposition are proposed such as the variable selection process in the field of econometrics or survey statistics.
Competitive analysis is a well known method for analyzing online algorithms.
Two online optimization problems, the scheduling problems and the list accessing problems, are considered in the thesis of Yida Zhu in the respect of this method.
For both problems, several existing online and offline algorithms are studied. Their performances are compared with the performances of corresponding offline optimal algorithms.
In particular, the list accessing algorithm BIT is carefully reviewed.
The classical proof of its worst case performance get simplified by adapting the knowledge about the optimal offline algorithm.
With regard to average case analysis, a new closed formula is developed to determine the performance of BIT on specific class of instances.
All algorithm considered in this thesis are also implemented in Julia.
Their empirical performances are studied and compared with each other directly.
Abstract: Thermal infrared (TIR) multi-/hyperspectral and sun-induced fluorescence (SIF) approaches together with classic solar-reflective (visible, near-, and shortwave infrared reflectance (VNIR)/SWIR) hyperspectral remote sensing form the latest state-of-the-art techniques for the detection of crop water stress. Each of these three domains requires dedicated sensor technology currently in place for ground and airborne applications and either have satellite concepts under development (e.g., HySPIRI/SBG (Surface Biology and Geology), Sentinel-8, HiTeSEM in the TIR) or are subject to satellite missions recently launched or scheduled within the next years (i.e., EnMAP and PRISMA (PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa, launched on March 2019) in the VNIR/SWIR, Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) in the SIF). Identification of plant water stress or drought is of utmost importance to guarantee global water and food supply. Therefore, knowledge of crop water status over large farmland areas bears large potential for optimizing agricultural water use. As plant responses to water stress are numerous and complex, their physiological consequences affect the electromagnetic signal in different spectral domains. This review paper summarizes the importance of water stress-related applications and the plant responses to water stress, followed by a concise review of water-stress detection through remote sensing, focusing on TIR without neglecting the comparison to other spectral domains (i.e., VNIR/SWIR and SIF) and multi-sensor approaches. Current and planned sensors at ground, airborne, and satellite level for the TIR as well as a selection of commonly used indices and approaches for water-stress detection using the main multi-/hyperspectral remote sensing imaging techniques are reviewed. Several important challenges are discussed that occur when using spectral emissivity, temperature-based indices, and physically-based approaches for water-stress detection in the TIR spectral domain. Furthermore, challenges with data processing and the perspectives for future satellite missions in the TIR are critically examined. In conclusion, information from multi-/hyperspectral TIR together with those from VNIR/SWIR and SIF sensors within a multi-sensor approach can provide profound insights to actual plant (water) status and the rationale of physiological and biochemical changes. Synergistic sensor use will open new avenues for scientists to study plant functioning and the response to environmental stress in a wide range of ecosystems.
We consider a linear regression model for which we assume that some of the observed variables are irrelevant for the prediction. Including the wrong variables in the statistical model can either lead to the problem of having too little information to properly estimate the statistic of interest, or having too much information and consequently describing fictitious connections. This thesis considers discrete optimization to conduct a variable selection. In light of this, the subset selection regression method is analyzed. The approach gained a lot of interest in recent years due to its promising predictive performance. A major challenge associated with the subset selection regression is the computational difficulty. In this thesis, we propose several improvements for the efficiency of the method. Novel bounds on the coefficients of the subset selection regression are developed, which help to tighten the relaxation of the associated mixed-integer program, which relies on a Big-M formulation. Moreover, a novel mixed-integer linear formulation for the subset selection regression based on a bilevel optimization reformulation is proposed. Finally, it is shown that the perspective formulation of the subset selection regression is equivalent to a state-of-the-art binary formulation. We use this insight to develop novel bounds for the subset selection regression problem, which show to be highly effective in combination with the proposed linear formulation.
In the second part of this thesis, we examine the statistical conception of the subset selection regression and conclude that it is misaligned with its intention. The subset selection regression uses the training error to decide on which variables to select. The approach conducts the validation on the training data, which oftentimes is not a good estimate of the prediction error. Hence, it requires a predetermined cardinality bound. Instead, we propose to select variables with respect to the cross-validation value. The process is formulated as a mixed-integer program with the sparsity becoming subject of the optimization. Usually, a cross-validation is used to select the best model out of a few options. With the proposed program the best model out of all possible models is selected. Since the cross-validation is a much better estimate of the prediction error, the model can select the best sparsity itself.
The thesis is concluded with an extensive simulation study which provides evidence that discrete optimization can be used to produce highly valuable predictive models with the cross-validation subset selection regression almost always producing the best results.
Harvesting of silage maize in late autumn on waterlogged soils may result in several ecological problems such as soil compaction and may subsequently be a major threat to soil fertility in Europe. It was hypothesized that perennial energy crops might reduce the vulnerability for soil compaction through earlier harvest dates and improved soil stability. However, the performance of such crops to be grown on soil that are periodically waterlogged and implications for soil chemical and microbial properties are currently an open issue. Within the framework of a two-year pot experiment we investigated the potential of the cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.), Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), giant knotweed (Fallopia japonicum X bohemica), tall wheatgrass (Agropyron elongatum), and reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea) for cultivation under periodically waterlogged soil conditions during the winter half year and implications for soil chemical and biological properties. Examined perennial energy crops coped with periodical waterlogging and showed yields 50% to 150% higher than in the control which was never faced with waterlogging. Root formation was similar in waterlogged and non-waterlogged soil layers. Soil chemical and microbial properties clearly responded to different soil moisture treatments. For example, dehydrogenase activity was two to four times higher in the periodically waterlogged treatment compared to the control. Despite waterlogging, aerobic microbial activity was significantly elevated indicating morphological and metabolic adaptation of the perennial crops to withstand waterlogged conditions. Thus, our results reveal first evidence of a site-adapted biomass production on periodical waterlogged soils through the cultivation of perennial energy crops and for intense plant microbe interactions.
Partizipativer Unterricht, der nicht nur aus punktuell erlebter Teilnahme besteht, ist — wie Charlotte Keuler es im Leitartikel des vorliegenden Heftes formuliert — durch die Herausforderungen, vor die uns unsere globalisierte Welt stellt, in vielerlei Hinsicht unabdingbar geworden. Kommunikationsfähigkeit, interkulturelle Kompetenz, Wissensmanagement und andere oft zitierte „soft skills“ sind Schlüsselkompetenzen des 21. Jahrhunderts.
In der Vorrede zur ersten Auflage von Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung legt Arthur Schopenhauer dem Leser seines Werkes seine Absicht nahe, welche in der Mitteilung eines „einzigen Gedankens“ besteht. Doch dieser mitzuteilende Gedanke wird an keiner Stelle des Werkes explizit und direkt als solchen von Schopenhauer ausgesprochen und genannt. Dies gibt bis heute in der Schopenhauer-Forschung Anlass zu kontroversen Auseinandersetzungen: Wie lautet Schopenhauers „einziger Gedanke“? Wo befindet er sich konkret? Und ist er überhaupt mitteilbar?
Trotz zahlreicher Forschungsarbeiten zur Thematik des „einzigen Gedankens“ wurde bisher der Einfluss der indischen Philosophie, genauer des Oupnek’hat, vernachlässigt, obwohl genauestens nachgewiesen und nachgezeichnet werden kann, mit welchen Quellen sich Schopenhauer zum Zeitpunkt der Entstehung seiner Philosophie intensiv beschäftigt hat. Auch verweist er selbst immer wieder auf bestimmte Stellen aus dem Oupnek’hat und zitiert Passagen an ganz wesentlichen Stellen in seinem Werk.
Um den „einzigen Gedanken“ im Werk Schopenhauers erfassen zu können, reicht es nicht aus, nur vom Hauptwerk selbst auszugehen, sondern es müssen ebenfalls die Jahre und Schriften während der Entstehung seiner Philosophie bis zum Hauptwerk berücksichtigt werden, und damit verbunden auch die Quellen, die Schopenhauer beeinflusst haben, wozu insbesondere das Oupnek’hat samt seinen eigenen Randnotizen gehört.
Our goal is to approximate energy forms on suitable fractals by discrete graph energies and certain metric measure spaces, using the notion of quasi-unitary equivalence. Quasi-unitary equivalence generalises the two concepts of unitary equivalence and norm resolvent convergence to the case of operators and energy forms defined in varying Hilbert spaces.
More precisely, we prove that the canonical sequence of discrete graph energies (associated with the fractal energy form) converges to the energy form (induced by a resistance form) on a finitely ramified fractal in the sense of quasi-unitary equivalence. Moreover, we allow a perturbation by magnetic potentials and we specify the corresponding errors.
This aforementioned approach is an approximation of the fractal from within (by an increasing sequence of finitely many points). The natural step that follows this realisation is the question whether one can also approximate fractals from outside, i.e., by a suitable sequence of shrinking supersets. We partly answer this question by restricting ourselves to a very specific structure of the approximating sets, namely so-called graph-like manifolds that respect the structure of the fractals resp. the underlying discrete graphs. Again, we show that the canonical (properly rescaled) energy forms on such a sequence of graph-like manifolds converge to the fractal energy form (in the sense of quasi-unitary equivalence).
From the quasi-unitary equivalence of energy forms, we conclude the convergence of the associated linear operators, convergence of the spectra and convergence of functions of the operators – thus essentially the same as in the case of the usual norm resolvent convergence.
Ziel der hier bereitgestellten Anforderungskataloge ist es, einen Überblick über die Anforderungen zu geben, welche an FDM-Services in den Geisteswissenschaften und in der Psychologie gestellt werden. Dies soll Hochschulen und außeruniversitären Forschungseinrichtungen die Möglichkeit geben, ihre eigenen Servicekataloge um FDM-Services zu erweitern, welche auf die spezifischen Bedarfe der Forschenden in diesen Disziplinen abgestimmt sind. Zudem sollen diese Anforderungskataloge als Vorlage für die Entwicklung weiterer Anforderungskataloge dienen, welche die fachspezifischen FDM-Services in anderen Fachdisziplinen spezifizieren.
A huge number of clinical studies and meta-analyses have shown that psychotherapy is effective on average. However, not every patient profits from psychotherapy and some patients even deteriorate in treatment. Due to this result and the restricted generalization of clinical studies to clinical practice, a more patient-focused research strategy has emerged. The question whether a particular treatment works for an individual case is the focus of this paradigm. The use of repeated assessments and the feedback of this information to therapists is a major ingredient of patient-focused research. Improving patient outcomes and reducing dropout rates by the use of psychometric feedback seems to be a promising path. Therapists seem to differ in the degree to which they make use of and profit from such feedback systems. This dissertation aims to better understand therapist differences in the context of patient-focused research and the impact of therapists on psychotherapy. Three different studies are included, which focus on different aspects within the field:
Study I (Chapter 5) investigated how therapists use psychometric feedback in their work with patients and how much therapists differ in their usage. Data from 72 therapists treating 648 patients were analyzed. It could be shown that therapists used the psychometric feedback for most of their patients. Substantial variance in the use of feedback (between 27% and 52%) was attributable to therapists. Therapists were more likely to use feedback when they reported being satisfied with the graphical information they received. The results therefore indicated that not only patient characteristics or treatment progress affected the use of feedback.
Study II (Chapter 6) picked up on the idea of analyzing systematic differences in therapists and applied it to the criterion of premature treatment termination (dropout). To answer the question whether therapist effects occur in terms of patients’ dropout rates, data from 707 patients treated by 66 therapists were investigated. It was shown that approximately six percent of variance in dropout rates could be attributed to therapists, even when initial impairment was controlled for. Other predictors of dropout were initial impairment, sex, education, personality styles, and treatment expectations.
Study III (Chapter 7) extends the dissertation by investigating the impact of a transfer from one therapist to another within ongoing treatments. Data from 124 patients who agreed to and experienced a transfer during their treatment were analyzed. A significant drop in patient-rated as well as therapist-rated alliance levels could be observed after a transfer. On average, there seemed to be no difficulties establishing a good therapeutic alliance with the new therapist, although differences between patients were observed. There was no increase in symptom severity due to therapy transfer. Various predictors of alliance and symptom development after transfer were investigated. Impacts on clinical practice were discussed.
Results of the three studies are discussed and general conclusions are drawn. Implications for future research as well as their utility for clinical practice and decision-making are presented.
For grape canopy pixels captured by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) tilt-mounted RedEdge-M multispectral sensor in a sloped vineyard, an in situ Walthall model can be established with purely image-based methods. This was derived from RedEdge-M directional reflectance and a vineyard 3D surface model generated from the same imagery. The model was used to correct the angular effects in the reflectance images to form normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)orthomosaics of different view angles. The results showed that the effect could be corrected to a certain scope, but not completely. There are three drawbacks that might restrict a successful angular model construction and correction: (1) the observable micro shadow variation on the canopy enabled by the high resolution; (2) the complexity of vine canopies that causes an inconsistency between reflectance and canopy geometry, including effects such as micro shadows and near-infrared (NIR) additive effects; and (3) the resolution limit of a 3D model to represent the accurate real-world optical geometry. The conclusion is that grape canopies might be too inhomogeneous for the tested method to perform the angular correction in high quality.
Sollten Plastikverpackungen verboten werden? Was spricht gegen eine Wahlberechtigung ab 14 Jahren? Wie sollte die EU mit möglichen Auswirkungen des Brexits umgehen? – Auch solche Fragen haben im Klassenrat ihre Berechtigung, denn ihre Diskussion bietet besondere Chancen für demokratische Lernprozesse.
A satellite-based climatology of wind-induced surface temperature anomalies for the Antarctic
It is well-known that katabatic winds can be detected as warm signatures in the surface temperature over the slopes of the Antarctic ice sheets. For appropriate synoptic forcing and/or topographic channeling, katabatic surges occur, which result in warm signatures also over adjacent ice shelves. Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) ice surface temperature (IST) data are used to detect warm signatures over the Antarctic for the winter periods 2002–2017. In addition, high-resolution (5 km) regional climate model data is used for the years of 2002 to 2016. We present a case study and a climatology of wind-induced IST anomalies for the Ross Ice Shelf and the eastern Weddell Sea. The IST anomaly distributions show maxima around 10–15K for the slopes, but values of more than 25K are also found. Katabatic surges represent a strong climatological signal with a mean warm anomaly of more than 5K on more than 120 days per winter for the Byrd Glacier and the Nimrod Glacier on the Ross Ice Shelf. The mean anomaly for the Brunt Ice Shelf is weaker, and exceeds 5K on about 70 days per winter. Model simulations of the IST are compared to the MODIS IST, and show a very good agreement. The model data show that the near-surface stability is a better measure for the response to the wind than the IST itself.