Year of publication
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (17)
- Article (7)
- Conference Proceedings (1)
- Fernerkundung (25) (remove)
With the ongoing trend towards deep learning in the remote sensing community, classical pixel based algorithms are often outperformed by convolution based image segmentation algorithms. This performance was mostly validated spatially, by splitting training and validation pixels for a given year. Though generalizing models temporally is potentially more difficult, it has been a recent trend to transfer models from one year to another, and therefore to validate temporally. The study argues that it is always important to check both, in order to generate models that are useful beyond the scope of the training data. It shows that convolutional neural networks have potential to generalize better than pixel based models, since they do not rely on phenological development alone, but can also consider object geometry and texture. The UNET classifier was able to achieve the highest F1 scores, averaging 0.61 in temporal validation samples, and 0.77 in spatial validation samples. The theoretical potential for overfitting geometry and just memorizing the shape of fields that are maize has been shown to be insignificant in practical applications. In conclusion, kernel based convolutions can offer a large contribution in making agricultural classification models more transferable, both to other regions and to other years.
Energy transition strategies in Germany have led to an expansion of energy crop cultivation in landscape, with silage maize as most valuable feedstock. The changes in the traditional cropping systems, with increasing shares of maize, raised concerns about the sustainability of agricultural feedstock production regarding threats to soil health. However, spatially explicit data about silage maize cultivation are missing; thus, implications for soil cannot be estimated in a precise way. With this study, we firstly aimed to track the fields cultivated with maize based on remote sensing data. Secondly, available soil data were target-specifically processed to determine the site-specific vulnerability of the soils for erosion and compaction. The generated, spatially-explicit data served as basis for a differentiated analysis of the development of the agricultural biogas sector, associated maize cultivation and its implications for soil health. In the study area, located in a low mountain range region in Western Germany, the number and capacity of biogas producing units increased by 25 installations and 10,163 kW from 2009 to 2016. The remote sensing-based classification approach showed that the maize cultivation area was expanded by 16% from 7305 to 8447 hectares. Thus, maize cultivation accounted for about 20% of the arable land use; however, with distinct local differences. Significant shares of about 30% of the maize cultivation was done on fields that show at least high potentials for soil erosion exceeding 25 t soil ha−1 a−1. Furthermore, about 10% of the maize cultivation was done on fields that pedogenetically show an elevated risk for soil compaction. In order to reach more sustainable cultivation systems of feedstock for anaerobic digestion, changes in cultivated crops and management strategies are urgently required, particularly against first signs of climate change. The presented approach can regionally be modified in order to develop site-adapted, sustainable bioenergy cropping systems.
Although gravitropism forces trees to grow vertically, stems have shown to prefer specific orientations. Apart from wind deforming the tree shape, lateral light can result in prevailing inclination directions. In recent years a species dependent interaction between gravitropism and phototropism, resulting in trunks leaning down-slope, has been confirmed, but a terrestrial investigation of such factors is limited to small scale surveys. ALS offers the opportunity to investigate trees remotely. This study shall clarify whether ALS detected tree trunks can be used to identify prevailing trunk inclinations. In particular, the effect of topography, wind, soil properties and scan direction are investigated empirically using linear regression models. 299.000 significantly inclined stems were investigated. Species-specific prevailing trunk orientations could be observed. About 58% of the inclination and 19% of the orientation could be explained by the linear models, while the tree species, tree height, aspect and slope could be identified as significant factors. The models indicate that deciduous trees tend to lean down-slope, while conifers tend to lean leeward. This study has shown that ALS is suitable to investigate the trunk orientation on larger scales. It provides empirical evidence for the effect of phototropism and wind on the trunk orientation.
For grape canopy pixels captured by an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) tilt-mounted RedEdge-M multispectral sensor in a sloped vineyard, an in situ Walthall model can be established with purely image-based methods. This was derived from RedEdge-M directional reflectance and a vineyard 3D surface model generated from the same imagery. The model was used to correct the angular effects in the reflectance images to form normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI)orthomosaics of different view angles. The results showed that the effect could be corrected to a certain scope, but not completely. There are three drawbacks that might restrict a successful angular model construction and correction: (1) the observable micro shadow variation on the canopy enabled by the high resolution; (2) the complexity of vine canopies that causes an inconsistency between reflectance and canopy geometry, including effects such as micro shadows and near-infrared (NIR) additive effects; and (3) the resolution limit of a 3D model to represent the accurate real-world optical geometry. The conclusion is that grape canopies might be too inhomogeneous for the tested method to perform the angular correction in high quality.
In order to discuss potential sustainability issues of expanding silage maize cultivation in Rhineland-Palatinate, spatially explicit monitoring is necessary. Publicly available statistical records are often not a sufficient basis for extensive research, especially on soil health, where risk factors like erosion and compaction depend on variables that are specific to every site, and hard to generalize for larger administrative aggregates. The focus of this study is to apply established classification algorithms to estimate maize abundance for each independent pixel, while at the same time accounting for their spatial relationship. Therefore, two ways to incorporate spatial autocorrelation of neighboring pixels are combined with three different classification models. The performance of each of these modeling approaches is analyzed and discussed. Finally, one prediction approach is applied to the imagery, and the overall predicted acreage is compared to publicly available data. We were able to show that Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification and Random Forests (RF) were able to distinguish maize pixels reliably, with kappa values well above 0.9 in most cases. The Generalized Linear Model (GLM) performed substantially worse. Furthermore, Regression Kriging (RK) as an approach to integrate spatial autocorrelation into the prediction model is not suitable in use cases with millions of sparsely clustered training pixels. Gaussian Blur is able to improve predictions slightly in these cases, but it is possible that this is only because it smoothes out impurities of the reference data. The overall prediction with RF classification combined with Gaussian Blur performed well, with out of bag error rates of 0.5% in 2009 and 1.3% in 2016. Despite the low error rates, there is a discrepancy between the predicted acreage and the official records, which is 20% in 2009 and 27% in 2016.
Abstract: Thermal infrared (TIR) multi-/hyperspectral and sun-induced fluorescence (SIF) approaches together with classic solar-reflective (visible, near-, and shortwave infrared reflectance (VNIR)/SWIR) hyperspectral remote sensing form the latest state-of-the-art techniques for the detection of crop water stress. Each of these three domains requires dedicated sensor technology currently in place for ground and airborne applications and either have satellite concepts under development (e.g., HySPIRI/SBG (Surface Biology and Geology), Sentinel-8, HiTeSEM in the TIR) or are subject to satellite missions recently launched or scheduled within the next years (i.e., EnMAP and PRISMA (PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa, launched on March 2019) in the VNIR/SWIR, Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) in the SIF). Identification of plant water stress or drought is of utmost importance to guarantee global water and food supply. Therefore, knowledge of crop water status over large farmland areas bears large potential for optimizing agricultural water use. As plant responses to water stress are numerous and complex, their physiological consequences affect the electromagnetic signal in different spectral domains. This review paper summarizes the importance of water stress-related applications and the plant responses to water stress, followed by a concise review of water-stress detection through remote sensing, focusing on TIR without neglecting the comparison to other spectral domains (i.e., VNIR/SWIR and SIF) and multi-sensor approaches. Current and planned sensors at ground, airborne, and satellite level for the TIR as well as a selection of commonly used indices and approaches for water-stress detection using the main multi-/hyperspectral remote sensing imaging techniques are reviewed. Several important challenges are discussed that occur when using spectral emissivity, temperature-based indices, and physically-based approaches for water-stress detection in the TIR spectral domain. Furthermore, challenges with data processing and the perspectives for future satellite missions in the TIR are critically examined. In conclusion, information from multi-/hyperspectral TIR together with those from VNIR/SWIR and SIF sensors within a multi-sensor approach can provide profound insights to actual plant (water) status and the rationale of physiological and biochemical changes. Synergistic sensor use will open new avenues for scientists to study plant functioning and the response to environmental stress in a wide range of ecosystems.
Dry tropical forests are facing massive conversion and degradation processes and they are the most endangered forest type worldwide. One of the largest dry forest types are Miombo forests that stretch across the Southern African subcontinent and the proportionally largest part of this type can be found in Angola. The study site of this thesis is located in south-central Angola. The country still suffers from the consequences of the 27 years of civil war (1975-2002) that provides a unique socio-economic setting. The natural characteristics are a representative cross section which proved ideal to study underlying drivers as well as current and retrospective land use change dynamics. The major land change dynamic of the study area is the conversion of Miombo forests to cultivation areas as well as modification of forest areas, i.e. degradation, due to the extraction of natural resources. With future predictions of population growth, climate change and large scale investments, land pressure is expected to further increase. To fully understand the impacts of these dynamics, both, conversion and modification of forest areas were assessed. By using the conceptual framework of ecosystem services, the predominant trade-off between food and timber in the study area was analyzed, including retrospective dynamics and impacts. This approach accounts for products that contribute directly or indirectly to human well-being. For this purpose, data from the Landsat archive since 1989 until 2013 was applied in different study area adapted approaches. The objectives of these approaches were (I) to detect underlying drivers and their temporal and spatial extent of impact, (II) to describe modification and conversion processes that reach from times of armed conflicts over the ceasefire and the post-war period and (III) to provide an assessment of drivers and impacts in a comparative setting. It could be shown that major underlying drivers for the conversion processes are resettlement dynamics as well as the location and quality of streets and settlements. Furthermore, forests that are selectively used for resource extraction have a higher chance of being converted to a field. Drivers of forest degradation are on one hand also strongly connected to settlement and infrastructural structures. But also to a large extent to fire dynamics that occur mostly in more remote and presumably undisturbed forest areas. The loss of woody biomass as well as its slow recovery after the abandonment of fields could be quantified and stands in large contrast to the amount of potentially cultivated food that is necessarily needed. The results of the thesis support the fundamental understanding of drivers and impacts in the study area and can thus contribute to a sustainable resource management.
Water-deficit stress, usually shortened to water- or drought stress, is one of the most critical abiotic stressors limiting plant growth, crop yield and quality concerning food production. Today, agriculture consumes about 80-90% of the global freshwater used by humans and about two thirds are used for crop irrigation. An increasing world population and a predicted rise of 1.0-2.5-°C in the annual mean global temperature as a result of climate change will further increase the demand of water in agriculture. Therefore, one of the most challenging tasks of our generation is to reduce the amount water used per unit yield to satisfy the second UN Sustainable Development Goal and to ensure global food security. Precision agriculture offers new farming methods with the goal to improve the efficiency of crop production by a sustainable use of resources. Plant responses to water stress are complex and co-occur with other environmental stresses under natural conditions. In general, water stress causes plant physiological and biochemical changes that depend on the severity and the duration of the actual plant water deficit. Stomatal closure is one of the first responses to plant water stress causing a decrease in plant transpiration and thus an increase in plant temperature. Prolonged or severe water stress leads to irreversible damage to the photosynthetic machinery and is associated with decreasing chlorophyll content and leaf structural changes (e.g., leaf rolling). Since a crop can already be irreversibly damaged by only mild water deficit, a pre-visual detection of water stress symptoms is essential to avoid yield loss. Remote sensing offers a non-destructive and spatio-temporal method for measuring numerous physiological, biochemical and structural crop characteristics at different scales and thus is one of the key technologies used in precision agriculture. With respect to the detection of plant responses to water stress, the current state-of-the-art hyperspectral remote sensing imaging techniques are based on measurements of thermal infrared emission (TIR; 8-14 -µm), visible, near- and shortwave infrared reflectance (VNIR/SWIR; 0.4-2.5 -µm), and sun-induced fluorescence (SIF; 0.69 and 0.76 -µm). It is, however, still unclear how sensitive these techniques are with respect to water stress detection. Therefore, the overall aim of this dissertation was to provide a comparative assessment of remotely sensed measures from the TIR, SIF, and VNIR/SWIR domains for their ability to detect plant responses to water stress at ground- and airborne level. The main findings of this thesis are: (i) temperature-based indices (e.g., CWSI) were most sensitive for the detection of plant water stress in comparison to reflectance-based VNIR/SWIR indices (e.g., PRI) and SIF at both, ground- and airborne level, (ii) for the first time, spectral emissivity as measured by the new hyperspectral TIR instrument could be used to detect plant water stress at ground level. Based on these findings it can be stated that hyperspectral TIR remote sensing offers great potential for the detection of plant responses to water stress at ground- and airborne level based on both TIR key variables, surface temperature and spectral emissivity. However, the large-scale application of water stress detection based on hyperspectral TIR measures in precision agriculture will be challenged by several problems: (i) missing thresholds of temperature-based indices (e.g., CWSI) for the application in irrigation scheduling, (ii) lack of current TIR satellite missions with suitable spectral and spatial resolution, (iii) lack of appropriate data processing schemes (including atmosphere correction and temperature emissivity separation) for hyperspectral TIR remote sensing at airborne- and satellite level.
Die organische Bodensubstanz (OBS) ist eine fundamentale Steuergröße aller biogeochemischen Prozesse und steht in engem Zusammenhang zu Kohlenstoffkreisläufen und globalem Klima. Die derzeitige Herausforderung der Ökosystemforschung ist die Identifizierung der für die Bodenqualität relevanten Bioindikatoren und deren Erfassung mit Methoden, die eine nachhaltige Nutzung der OBS in großem Maßstab überwachen und damit zu globalen Erderkundungsprogrammen beitragen können. Die fernerkundliche Technik der Vis-NIR Spektroskopie ist eine bewährte Methode für die Beurteilung und das Monitoring von Böden, wobei ihr Potential bezüglich der Erfassung biologischer und mikrobieller Bodenparameter bisher umstritten ist. Das Ziel der vorgestellten Arbeit war die quantitative und qualitative Untersuchung der OBS von Ackeroberböden mit unterschiedlichen Methoden und variierender raumzeitlicher Auflösung sowie die anschließende Bewertung des Potentials non-invasiver, spektroskopischer Methoden zur Erfassung ausgewählter Parameter dieser OBS. Dafür wurde zunächst eine umfassende lokale Datenbank aus chemischen, physikalischen und biologischen Bodenparametern und dazugehörigen Bodenspektren einer sehr heterogenen geologischen Region mit gemäßigten Klima im Südwesten Deutschlands erstellt. Auf dieser Grundlage wurde dann das Potential der Bodenspektroskopie zur Erfassung und Schätzung von Feld- und Geländedaten ausgewählter OBS Parameter untersucht. Zusätzlich wurde das Optimierungspotential der Vorhersagemodelle durch statistische Vorverarbeitung der spektralen Daten getestet. Die Güte der Vorhersagewahrscheinlichkeit gebräuchlicher fernerkundlicher Bodenparameter (OC, N) konnte für im Labor erhobene Hyperspektralmessungen durch statistische Optimierungstechniken wie Variablenselektion und Wavelet-Transformation verbessert werden. Ein zusätzliches Datenset mit mikrobiellen/labilen OBS Parametern und Felddaten wurde untersucht um zu beurteilen, ob Bodenspektren zur Vorhersage genutzt werden können. Hierzu wurden mikrobieller Kohlenstoff (MBC), gelöster organischer Kohlenstoff (DOC), heißwasserlöslicher Kohlenstoff (HWEC), Chlorophyll α (Chl α) und Phospholipid-Fettsäuren (PLFAs) herangezogen. Für MBC und DOC konnte abhängig von Tiefe und Jahreszeit eine mittlere Güte der Vorhersagewahrscheinlichkeit erreicht werden, wobei zwischen hohen und niedrigen Konzentration unterschieden werden konnte. Vorhersagen für OC und PLFAs (Gesamt-PLFA-Gehalt sowie die mikrobiellen Gruppen der Bakterien, Pilze und Algen) waren nicht möglich. Die beste Prognosewahrscheinlichkeit konnte für das Chlorophyll der Grünalgen an der Bodenoberfläche (0-1cm Bodentiefe) erzielt werden, welches durch Korrelation mit MBC vermutlich auch für dessen gute Vorhersagewahrscheinlichkeit verantwortlich war. Schätzungen des Gesamtgehaltes der OBS, abgeleitet durch OC, waren hingegen nicht möglich, was der hohen Dynamik der mikrobiellen OBS Parameter an der Bodenoberfläche zuzuschreiben ist. Das schränkt die Repräsentativität der spektralen Messung der Bodenoberfläche zeitlich ein. Die statistische Optimierungstechnik der Variablenselektion konnte für die Felddaten nur zu einer geringen Verbesserung der Vorhersagemodelle führen. Die Untersuchung zur Herkunft der organischen Bestandteile und ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Quantität und Qualität der OBS konnte die mikrobielle Nekromasse und die Gruppe der Bodenalgen als zwei mögliche weitere signifikante Quellen für die Entstehung und Beständigkeit der OBS identifizieren. Insgesamt wird der mikrobielle Beitrag zur OBS höher als gemeinhin angenommen eingestuft. Der Einfluss mikrobieller Bestandteile konnte für die OBS Menge, speziell in der mineralassoziierten Fraktion der OBS in Ackeroberböden, sowie für die OBS Qualität hinsichtlich der Korrelation von mikrobiellen Kohlenhydraten und OBS Stabilität gezeigt werden. Die genaue Quantifizierung dieser OBS Parameter und ihre Bedeutung für die OBS Dynamik sowie ihre Prognostizierbarkeit mittels spektroskopischer Methoden ist noch nicht vollständig geklärt. Für eine abschließende Beurteilung sind deshalb weitere Studien notwendig.
Determining the exact position of a forest inventory plot—and hence the position of the sampled trees—is often hampered by a poor Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) signal quality beneath the forest canopy. Inaccurate geo-references hamper the performance of models that aim to retrieve useful information from spatially high remote sensing data (e.g., species classification or timber volume estimation). This restriction is even more severe on the level of individual trees. The objective of this study was to develop a post-processing strategy to improve the positional accuracy of GNSS-measured sample-plot centers and to develop a method to automatically match trees within a terrestrial sample plot to aerial detected trees. We propose a new method which uses a random forest classifier to estimate the matching probability of each terrestrial-reference and aerial detected tree pair, which gives the opportunity to assess the reliability of the results. We investigated 133 sample plots of the Third German National Forest Inventory (BWI, 2011"2012) within the German federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate. For training and objective validation, synthetic forest stands have been modeled using the Waldplaner 2.0 software. Our method has achieved an overall accuracy of 82.7% for co-registration and 89.1% for tree matching. With our method, 60% of the investigated plots could be successfully relocated. The probabilities provided by the algorithm are an objective indicator of the reliability of a specific result which could be incorporated into quantitative models to increase the performance of forest attribute estimations.