Document Type
- Schüler (35) (remove)
- Politikwissenschaft (26)
- Fachbereich 3 (6)
- Fachbereich 1 (1)
- Fachbereich 4 (1)
This thesis comprises of four research papers on the economics of education and industrial relations, which contribute to the field of empirical economic research. All of the corresponding papers focus on analysing how much time individuals spend on specific activities. The allocation of available time resources is a decision that individuals make throughout their lifetime. In this thesis, we consider individuals at different stages of their lives - students at school, university students, and dependent employees at the workplace.
Part I includes two research studies on student's behaviour in secondary and tertiary education.
Chapter 2 explores whether students who are relatively younger or older within the school year exhibit differential time allocation. Building on previous findings showing that relatively younger students perform worse in school, the study shows that relatively younger students are aware of their poor performance in school and feel more strain as a result. Nevertheless, there are no clear differences to be found in terms of time spent on homework, while relatively younger students spend more time watching television and less time on sports activities. Thus, the results suggest that the lower learning outcomes are not associated with different time allocations between school-related activities and non-school-related activities.
Chapter 3 analyses how individual ability and labour market prospects affect study behaviour. The theoretical modelling predicts that both determinants increase study effort. The empirical investigation is based on cross-sectional data from the National Educational Panel Study (NEPS) and includes thousands of students in Germany. The analyses show that more gifted students exhibit lower subjective effort levels and invest less time in self-study. In contrast, very good labour market prospects lead to more effort exerted by the student, both qualitatively and quantitatively. The potential endogeneity problem is taken into account by using regional unemployment data as an instrumental variable.
Part II includes two labour economic studies on determinants of overtime. Both studies belong to the field of industrial relations, as they focus on union membership on the one hand and the interplay of works councils and collective bargaining coverage on the other.
Chapter 4 shows that union members work less overtime than non-members do. The econometric approach takes the problem of unobserved heterogeneity into account; but provides no evidence that this issue affects the results. Different channels that could lead to this relationship are analysed by examining relevant subgroups separately. For example, this effect of union membership can also be observed in establishments with works councils and for workers who are very likely to be covered by collective bargaining agreements. The study concludes that the observed effect is due to the fact that union membership can protect workers from corresponding increased working time demands by employers.
Chapter 5 builds on previous studies showing a negative effect of works councils on overtime. In addition to co-determination by works councils at the firm level, collective bargaining coverage is an important factor in the German industrial relations system. Corresponding data was not available in the SOEP for quite some time. Therefore, the study uses recent SOEP data, which also contains information on collective bargaining coverage. A cross-sectional analysis is conducted to examine the effects of works councils in establishments with and without collective bargaining coverage. Similar to studies analysing other outcome variables, the results show that the effect of works councils exists only for employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
Partizipation im Unterricht von klein auf – geht das? Braucht man für Diskussionen, Aushandlungs-und Entscheidungsprozesse nicht eine bestimmte Reife, über die Dreijährige noch gar nicht verfügen? Das mateneen-Team hat sich auf Limpertsberg ein Bild von der Arbeit mit Vorschulkindern gemacht und festgestellt: das geht sehr wohl!
Theoretical and empirical research assumes a negative development of student achievement motivation over the course of their school careers (i.e., mean-level declines of achievement motivation). However, the exact magnitude of this motivational change remains elusive and it is unclear whether different motivational constructs show similar developmental trends. Furthermore, it is unknown whether motivational declines are related to a particular school stage (i.e., elementary, middle, or high school) or the school transition, and which additional changes are associated with motivational decreases (e.g., changes in student achievement). Finally, previous research has remained inconsistent regarding the question whether ability grouping of students helps prevent motivational declines or results in additional motivational “costs” for students.
This dissertation presents three articles that were designed to address these research questions. In Article 1, a meta-analysis based on 107 independent longitudinal studies investigated student mean-level changes in self-esteem, academic self-concept, academic self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, and achievement goals from first to 13th grade. Article 2 comprised two longitudinal studies with German adolescents (Study: n = 745 students assessed in four waves in grades 5-7; Study 2: n = 1420 students assessed in four waves in grades 5-8). Both longitudinal studies investigated the separate and the joint development of achievement goals, interest, and achievement in math. In Article 3, a longitudinal study (n = 296 high-ability students assessed in four waves in grades 5-7) investigated the effects of full-time ability grouping on student development of academic self-concept and achievement in math.
The meta-analysis revealed significant decreases in math and language academic self-concept, intrinsic motivation, and mastery and performance-approach goals, whereas no significant changes in self-esteem, general academic self-concept, academic self-efficacy, and performance-avoidance goals were found. Interestingly, motivational declines were not related to school stage or school transition. In Article 2, decreases in interest and mastery, performance-approach, and performance-avoidance goals were indicated by both longitudinal studies. Development of mastery and performance-approach goals was positively related or unrelated to development in interest and achievement, whereas development of performance-avoidance goals was negatively related or unrelated to development of interest and achievement. Finally, the longitudinal study in Article 3 revealed no significant change in student academic self-concept in math over time. Ability grouping showed no positive or negative effects on student academic self-concept. However, high-ability students that were grouped together demonstrated greater gains in their achievement than high-ability students in regular classes.
La mise en œuvre d’un conseil de coopération est liée à l’espoir de renforcer les compétences démocratiques des élèves. Une étude empirique1 réalisée au Lycée Nic Biever de Dudelange a analysé les compétences réellement acquises par les participant(e)s grâce à cette méthode d’éducation à la démocratie ainsi que l’impact du conseil de coopération sur la classe.
L’enseignement participatif, qui ne se résume pas à une participation vécue ponctuellement, comme l’écrit Charlotte Keuler dans l’article principal de ce carnet, est devenu indispensable à plusieurs égards en raison des défis auxquels nous confronte notre monde globalisé. La capacité à communiquer, les compétences interculturelles, la gestion des connaissances et d’autres « soft skills » sont les compétences clés du 21e siècle.
Partizipativer Unterricht, der nicht nur aus punktuell erlebter Teilnahme besteht, ist — wie Charlotte Keuler es im Leitartikel des vorliegenden Heftes formuliert — durch die Herausforderungen, vor die uns unsere globalisierte Welt stellt, in vielerlei Hinsicht unabdingbar geworden. Kommunikationsfähigkeit, interkulturelle Kompetenz, Wissensmanagement und andere oft zitierte „soft skills“ sind Schlüsselkompetenzen des 21. Jahrhunderts.
Participer à l’enseignement dès le plus jeune âge – est-ce possible ? Les discussions et les processus de négociation et de décision ne nécessitent-ils pas une certaine maturité dont les enfants de trois ans ne disposent pas encore ? L’équipe mateneen s’est fait une idée du travail avec des enfants préscolaires et a constaté : que c’était tout à fait possible !
L’enseignement participatif
L‘école est un lieu de socialisation des enfants et des jeunes. Les heures de cours de l‘enseignement des différentes matières sont un espace d‘expérimentation de cette socialisation. Elles marquent par leur durée dans la journée aussi bien le rôle fondamental de l‘école que l‘action et la perception à la fois des enseignant(e)s et des apprenant(e)s. Il apparaît donc d’autant plus important d’intégrer ces cours dans l’organisation d’une culture scolaire démocratique.
Fachunterricht ist der zentrale Erfahrungsraum im Sozialisationsumfeld Schule. Er prägt schon allein aufgrund seines hohen zeitlichen Anteils im Tagesverlauf und der grundlegenden Funktion von Schule Handeln und Wahrnehmung von Lehrpersonen und Lernenden. Umso wichtiger ist es, ihn in die Gestaltung einer demokratischen Schulkultur einzubeziehen.