Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (31)
- Article (6)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Motivation (4)
- Stress (4)
- Gesundheit (3)
- Knowledge (3)
- Stressreaktion (3)
- Therapieerfolg (3)
- Affektive Bindung (2)
- Demokratie (2)
- Handlungsorientierung (2)
- Immunsystem (2)
- Fachbereich 1 (38) (remove)
Im Rahmen psychologischer Wissenschaftskommunikation werden Plain Language Summaries (PLS, Kerwer et al., 2021) zunehmend bedeutsamer. Es handelt sich hierbei um
zugängliche, überblicksartige Zusammenfassungen, welche das Verständnis von Lai:innen
potenziell unterstützen und ihr Vertrauen in wissenschaftliche Forschung fördern können.
Dies erscheint speziell vor dem Hintergrund der Replikationskrise (Wingen et al., 2019) sowie Fehlinformationen in Online-Kontexten (Swire-Thompson & Lazer, 2020) relevant. Die
positiven Auswirkungen zweier Effekte auf Vertrauen sowie ihre mögliche Interaktion fanden im Kontext von PLS bisher kaum Berücksichtigung: Zum einen die einfache Darstellung von Informationen (Easiness-Effekt, Scharrer et al., 2012), zum anderen ein möglichst wissenschaftlicher Stil (Scientificness-Effekt, Thomm & Bromme, 2012). Diese Dissertation hat zum Ziel, im Kontext psychologischer PLS genauere Bestandteile beider Effekte zu identifizieren und den Einfluss von Einfachheit und Wissenschaftlichkeit auf Vertrauen zu beleuchten. Dazu werden drei Artikel zu präregistrierten Online-Studien mit deutschsprachigen Stichproben vorgestellt.
Im ersten Artikel wurden in zwei Studien verschiedene Textelemente psychologischer PLS systematisch variiert. Es konnte ein signifikanter Einfluss von Fachtermini, Informationen zur
Operationalisierung, Statistiken und dem Grad an Strukturierung auf die von Lai:innen berichtete Einfachheit der PLS beobachtet werden. Darauf aufbauend wurden im zweiten Artikel vier PLS, die von Peer-Review-Arbeiten abgeleitet wurden, in ihrer Einfachheit und
Wissenschaftlichkeit variiert und Lai:innen zu ihrem Vertrauen in die Texte und Autor:innen befragt. Hier ergab sich zunächst nur ein positiver Einfluss von Wissenschaftlichkeit auf
Vertrauen, während der Easiness-Effekt entgegen der Hypothesen ausblieb. Exploratorische Analysen legten jedoch einen positiven Einfluss der von Lai:innen subjektiv wahrgenommenen Einfachheit auf ihr Vertrauen sowie eine signifikante Interaktion mit der
wahrgenommenen Wissenschaftlichkeit nahe. Diese Befunde lassen eine vermittelnde Rolle der subjektiven Wahrnehmung von Lai:innen für beide Effekte vermuten. Im letzten Artikel
wurde diese Hypothese über Mediationsanalysen geprüft. Erneut wurden zwei PLS
präsentiert und sowohl die Wissenschaftlichkeit des Textes als auch die der Autor:in manipuliert. Der Einfluss höherer Wissenschaftlichkeit auf Vertrauen wurde durch die
subjektiv von Lai:innen wahrgenommene Wissenschaftlichkeit mediiert. Zudem konnten
dimensionsübergreifende Mediationseffekte beobachtet werden.
Damit trägt diese Arbeit über bestehende Forschung hinaus zur Klärung von Rahmenbedingungen des Easiness- und Scientificness-Effektes bei. Theoretische
Implikationen zur zukünftigen Definition von Einfachheit und Wissenschaftlichkeit, sowie
praktische Konsequenzen hinsichtlich unterschiedlicher Zielgruppen von
Wissenschaftskommunikation und dem Einfluss von PLS auf die Entscheidungsbildung von
Lai:innen werden diskutiert.
This dissertation focusses on research into the personality construct of action vs. state orientation. Derived from the Personality-Systems-Interaction Theory (PSI Theory), state orientation is defined as a low ability to self-regulate emotions and associated with many adverse consequences – especially under stress. Because of the high prevalence of state orientation, it is a very important topic to investigate factors that help state-oriented people to buffer these adverse consequences. Action orientation, in contrast, is defined as a high ability to self-regulate own emotions in a very specific way: through accessing the self. The present dissertation demonstrates this theme in five studies, using a total of N = 1251 participants with a wide age range, encompassing different populations (students, non-student population (people from the coaching and therapy sector), applying different operationalisations to investigate self-access as a mediator or an outcome variable. Furthermore, it is tested whether the popular technique of mindfulness - that is advertised as a potent remedy for bringing people closer to the self -really works for everybody. The findings show that the presumed remedy is rather harmful for state-oriented individuals. Finally, an attempt to ameliorate these alienating effects, the present dissertation attempts to find theory-driven, and easy-to-apply solution how mindfulness exercises can be adapted.
When humans encounter attitude objects (e.g., other people, objects, or constructs), they evaluate them. Often, these evaluations are based on attitudes. Whereas most research focuses on univalent (i.e., only positive or only negative) attitude formation, little research exists on ambivalent (i.e., simultaneously positive and negative) attitude formation. Following a general introduction into ambivalence, I present three original manuscripts investigating ambivalent attitude formation. The first manuscript addresses ambivalent attitude formation from previously univalent attitudes. The results indicate that responding to a univalent attitude object incongruently leads to ambivalence measured via mouse tracking but not ambivalence measured via self-report. The second manuscript addresses whether the same number of positive and negative statements presented block-wise in an impression formation task leads to ambivalence. The third manuscript also used an impression formation task and addresses the question of whether randomly presenting the same number of positive and negative statements leads to ambivalence. Additionally, the effect of block size of the same valent statements is investigated. The results of the last two manuscripts indicate that presenting all statements of one valence and then all statements of the opposite valence leads to ambivalence measured via self-report and mouse tracking. Finally, I discuss implications for attitude theory and research as well as future research directions.
Knowledge acquisition comprises various processes. Each of those has its dedicated research domain. Two examples are the relations between knowledge types and the influences of person-related variables. Furthermore, the transfer of knowledge is another crucial domain in educational research. I investigated these three processes through secondary analyses in this dissertation. Secondary analyses comply with the broadness of each field and yield the possibility of more general interpretations. The dissertation includes three meta-analyses: The first meta-analysis reports findings on the predictive relations between conceptual and procedural knowledge in mathematics in a cross-lagged panel model. The second meta-analysis focuses on the mediating effects of motivational constructs on the relationship between prior knowledge and knowledge after learning. The third meta-analysis deals with the effect of instructional methods in transfer interventions on knowledge transfer in school students. These three studies provide insights into the determinants and processes of knowledge acquisition and transfer. Knowledge types are interrelated; motivation mediates the relation between prior and later knowledge, and interventions influence knowledge transfer. The results are discussed by examining six key insights that build upon the three studies. Additionally, practical implications, as well as methodological and content-related ideas for further research, are provided.
There is no longer any doubt about the general effectiveness of psychotherapy. However, up to 40% of patients do not respond to treatment. Despite efforts to develop new treatments, overall effectiveness has not improved. Consequently, practice-oriented research has emerged to make research results more relevant to practitioners. Within this context, patient-focused research (PFR) focuses on the question of whether a particular treatment works for a specific patient. Finally, PFR gave rise to the precision mental health research movement that is trying to tailor treatments to individual patients by making data-driven and algorithm-based predictions. These predictions are intended to support therapists in their clinical decisions, such as the selection of treatment strategies and adaptation of treatment. The present work summarizes three studies that aim to generate different prediction models for treatment personalization that can be applied to practice. The goal of Study I was to develop a model for dropout prediction using data assessed prior to the first session (N = 2543). The usefulness of various machine learning (ML) algorithms and ensembles was assessed. The best model was an ensemble utilizing random forest and nearest neighbor modeling. It significantly outperformed generalized linear modeling, correctly identifying 63.4% of all cases and uncovering seven key predictors. The findings illustrated the potential of ML to enhance dropout predictions, but also highlighted that not all ML algorithms are equally suitable for this purpose. Study II utilized Study I’s findings to enhance the prediction of dropout rates. Data from the initial two sessions and observer ratings of therapist interventions and skills were employed to develop a model using an elastic net (EN) algorithm. The findings demonstrated that the model was significantly more effective at predicting dropout when using observer ratings with a Cohen’s d of up to .65 and more effective than the model in Study I, despite the smaller sample (N = 259). These results indicated that generating models could be improved by employing various data sources, which provide better foundations for model development. Finally, Study III generated a model to predict therapy outcome after a sudden gain (SG) in order to identify crucial predictors of the upward spiral. EN was used to generate the model using data from 794 cases that experienced a SG. A control group of the same size was also used to quantify and relativize the identified predictors by their general influence on therapy outcomes. The results indicated that there are seven key predictors that have varying effect sizes on therapy outcome, with Cohen's d ranging from 1.08 to 12.48. The findings suggested that a directive approach is more likely to lead to better outcomes after an SG, and that alliance ruptures can be effectively compensated for. However, these effects
were reversed in the control group. The results of the three studies are discussed regarding their usefulness to support clinical decision-making and their implications for the implementation of precision mental health.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected schooling worldwide. In many places, schools closed for weeks or months, only part of the student body could be educated at any one time, or students were taught online. Previous research discloses the relevance of schooling for the development of cognitive abilities. We therefore compared the intelligence test performance of 424 German secondary school students in Grades 7 to 9 (42% female) tested after the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic (i.e., 2020 sample) to the results of two highly comparable student samples tested in 2002 (n = 1506) and 2012 (n = 197). The results revealed substantially and significantly lower intelligence test scores in the 2020 sample than in both the 2002 and 2012 samples. We retested the 2020 sample after another full school year of COVID-19-affected schooling in 2021. We found mean-level changes of typical magnitude, with no signs of catching up to previous cohorts or further declines in cognitive performance. Perceived stress during the pandemic did not affect changes in intelligence test results between the two measurements.
Diese Dissertationsschrift befasst sich mit der Erforschung des motorischen Gedächtnisses. Wir gehen der Frage nach, ob sich dort Analogien zu im deklarativen Gedächtnis bekannten kontextuellen und inhibitorischen Effekten finden lassen.
Der erste von drei peer reviewed Artikeln setzt sich mit der generellen Bedeutung von externen Kontextmerkmalen für einen motorischen Gedächtnisabruf auseinander. Wir veränderten zwei verschiedene Sätze motorischer Sequenzen entlang einer hohen Zahl entsprechender Merkmale. Signifikant unterschiedliche Erinnerungsleistungen wiesen auf eine Kontextabhängigkeit motorischer Inhalte hin. Die Erinnerungsleistung variierte entlang der seriellen Output-Position. Bei einem Kontextwechsel blieb die Erinnerungsleistung über den Abrufverlauf nahezu stabil, bei Kontextbeibehaltung fiel diese schnell signifikant ab.
Beide weiteren peer reviewed Artikel wenden sich dann der Inhibition motorischer Sequenzen zu. Im zweiten Artikel begutachten wir drei Sätze motorischer Sequenzen, die wir mit verschiedenen Händen ausführen ließen, auf ein selektives gerichtetes Vergessen. Die Vergessen-Gruppe zeigte dies nur, wenn für Satz Zwei und Drei dieselbe Hand benutzt wurde und somit ein hohes Interferenzpotenzial zwischen diesen Listen bestand. War dieses im Vergleich niedrig, indem beide Sätze mit verschiedenen Händen auszuführen waren, trat kein selektives gerichtetes Vergessen auf. Das deutet auf kognitive Inhibition als wirkursächlichen Prozess.
Im dritten Artikel schließlich untersuchen wir Effekte willentlicher kognitiver Unterdrückung sowohl des Gedächtnisabrufs als auch des Ausführens in einer motorischen Adaptation des TNT (think/no-think) – Paradigmas (Anderson & Green, 2001). Waren die Sequenzen in Experiment 1 anfänglich stärker trainiert worden, so zeigten willentlich unterdrückte (no-think) motorische Repräsentationen eine deutliche Verlangsamung in deren Zugänglichkeit und tendenziell auch in der Ausführung, - im Vergleich zu Basisraten-Sequenzen. Waren die Sequenzen in Experiment 2 dagegen nur moderat trainiert, wurden diese auch schlechter erinnert und deutlich verlangsamt ausgeführt. Willentliche kognitive Unterdrückung kann motorische Gedächtnisrepräsentation und deren Ausführung beeinflussen.
Unsere drei Artikel bestätigen motorische Analogien bekannter Kontext- und Inhibitionseffekte im deklarativen Gedächtnis. Wir führen ein selektives gerichtetes Vergessen motorischer Inhalte eindeutig auf Inhibition zurück und bestätigen darüber hinaus Effekte der willentlichen Unterdrückung motorischer Gedächtnisrepräsentation.
Every action we perform, no matter how simple or complex, has a cognitive representation. It is commonly assumed that these are organized hierarchically. Thus, the representation of a complex action consists of multiple simpler actions. The representation of a simple action, in turn, consists of stimulus, response, and effect features. These are integrated into one representation upon the execution of an action and can be retrieved if a feature is repeated. Depending on whether retrieved features match or only partially match the current action episode, this might benefit or impair the execution of a subsequent action. This pattern of costs and benefits results in binding effects that indicate the strength of common representation between features. Binding effects occur also in more complex actions: Multiple simple actions seem to form representations on a higher level through the integration and retrieval of sequentially given responses, resulting in so-called response-response binding effects. This dissertation aimed to investigate what factors determine whether simple actions form more complex representations. The first line of research (Articles 1-3) focused on dissecting the internal structure of simple actions. Specifically, I investigated whether the spatial relation of stimuli, responses, or effects, that are part of two different simple actions, influenced whether these simple actions are represented as one more complex action. The second line of research (Articles 2, 4, and 5) investigated the role of context on the formation and strength of more complex action representations. Results suggest that spatial separation of responses as well as context might affect the strength of more complex action representations. In sum, findings help to specify assumptions on the structure of complex action representations. However, it may be important to distinguish factors that influence the strength and structure of action representations from factors that terminate action representations.
Der Beitrag diskutiert das Verhältnis von allgemeiner und beruflicher Bildung mithilfe einer pädagogischen Theorie der Organisation. Allgemeine Erwachsenen- und berufliche Bildung treffen sich darin, Prozess und Ergebnis der wechselseitigen Auseinandersetzung zwischen Organisationen und Individuen zu sein. Organisationen sind nicht nur Kontext von Bildung, sie sind selber gebildet und wirken pädagogisch. Der Beitrag erschließt die Funktion und Eigenlogik der Organisation in ihrem Verhältnis zu den Grundbegriffen der Erziehungswissenschaft. Der Vorschlag ermöglicht es, Lernen, Sozialisation, Erziehung, Bildung und Kompetenz in ihrer Geltung für die ineinander verflochtene Strukturdynamik von Organisation und Subjekt zu differenzieren. Als Alternative zur geläufigen Organisationsvergessenheit der Pädagogik integriert die differenzierende Ordnung dieser Begriffe eine erziehungswissenschaftliche Perspektive auf Individuum und Organisation.
Stress gilt als zentrales Gesundheitsrisiko des 21. Jahrhunderts und wird in der Forschung als multidimensionales Konstrukt auf psychologischer und biologischer Ebene untersucht. Wäh-rend die subjektive Wahrnehmung von Stress nicht mit der biologischen Stressreaktivität zu-sammenhängen muss, ist der negative Einfluss stressassoziierter biologischer Prozesse auf Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit gut belegt. Bereits im Grundschulalter zeigen Kinder eine mit Erwachsenen vergleichbare Stressbelastung und gesundheitliche Folgen, Bewältigungsstrategien sind in diesem Alter allerdings noch nicht vollständig entwickelt. Präventionsprogramme im Grundschulalter sollen Kinder in ihren sich entwickelnden Stressbewältigungsfähigkeiten fördern, wobei sowohl emotionsfokussierte und problemorientierte Ansätze als auch soziale Unterstützung wichtige Faktoren darstellen könnten.
Das einleitende Literatur-Review evaluiert bisherige Stresspräventionsstudien und verdeutlicht, dass zwar die Wirksamkeit und Anwendbarkeit von mehrfaktoriellen Stresspräventionsprogrammen im Rahmen psychometrischer Erhebungen gezeigt werden konnten, biologische Prozesse in der Forschung bisher allerdings nicht erhoben und außer Acht gelassen wurden.
Die empirische Untersuchung in Studie 1 zeigt, dass eine multidimensionale psychobiologische Betrachtungsweise sinnvoll ist, indem sowohl die Psychometrie, als auch psychobiologische Prozesse der Stressreaktion miteinbezogen und die Auswirkungen von Stressprävention auf den verschiedenen Ebenen untersucht wurden. Zwei Kurzinterventionen wurden dazu miteinander verglichen und ihre Wirkung auf psychophysiologischen Ebenen (z.B. Kortisol, α-Amylase und Herzrate) in einem Prä-Post Design geprüft. Eine statistisch signifikante Abnahme psychophysiologischer Stressreaktivität, sowie stressassoziierter psychologischer Symptome verdeutlichte die multidimensionale Wirksamkeit von Stressmanagementtrainings.
Studie 2 wurde im Rahmen der Covid-19-Pandemie entworfen. Die in Studie 1 trainierten Kinder wurden mittels Online-Fragebogenerhebung mit einer Kontrollgruppe hinsichtlich ihrer Stressbelastung verglichen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine geringere Belastung und vermehrte günstige Bewältigungsstrategien trainierter Kinder im Vergleich zur Kontrollgruppe.
Diese Ergebnisse heben die Relevanz einer multidimensionalen Betrachtung kindlichen Stresses hervor. Es wurde gezeigt, dass Stresspräventionsprogramme auf den unterschiedlichen Ebenen der Stressreaktion wirken und sogar in gesamtgesellschaftlichen Krisensituationen stresspro-tektiv wirken können. Zukünftige Studien sollten Stresspräventionen im Grundschulalter psychophysiologisch evaluieren und deren Wirkung in Längsschnittstudien beurteilen, um das Verständnis der zugrundeliegenden Mechanismen zu verbessern.
The present dissertation was developed to emphasize the importance of self-regulatory abilities and to derive novel opportunities to empower self-regulation. From the perspective of PSI (Personality Systems Interactions) theory (Kuhl, 2001), interindividual differences in self-regulation (action vs. state orientation) and their underlying mechanisms are examined in detail. Based on these insights, target-oriented interventions are derived, developed, and scientifically evaluated. The present work comprises a total of four studies which, on the one hand, highlight the advantages of a good self-regulation (e.g., enacting difficult intentions under demands; relation with prosocial power motive enactment and well-being). On the other hand, mental contrasting (Oettingen et al., 2001), an established self-regulation method, is examined from a PSI perspective and evaluated as a method to support individuals that struggle with self-regulatory deficits. Further, derived from PSI theory`s assumptions, I developed and evaluated a novel method (affective shifting) that aims to support individuals in overcoming self-regulatory deficits. Thereby affective shifting supports the decisive changes in positive affect for successful intention enactment (Baumann & Scheffer, 2010). The results of the present dissertation show that self-regulated changes between high and low positive affect are crucial for efficient intention enactment and that methods such as mental contrasting and affective shifting can empower self-regulation to support individuals to successfully close the gap between intention and action.
This thesis focus on threats as an experience of stress. Threats are distinguished from challenges and hindrances as another dimension of stress in challenge-hindrance models (CHM) of work stress (Tuckey et al., 2015). Multiple disciplines of psychology (e.g. stereotype, Fingerhut & Abdou, 2017; identity, Petriglieri, 2011) provide a variety of possible events that can trigger threats (e.g., failure expe-riences, social devaluation; Leary et al., 2009). However, systematic consideration of triggers and thus, an overview of when does the danger of threats arises, has been lacking to date. The explanation why events are appraised as threats is related to frustrated needs (e.g., Quested et al., 2011; Semmer et al., 2007), but empirical evidence is rare and needs can cover a wide range of content (e.g., relatedness, competence, power), depending on need approaches (e.g., Deci & Ryan, 2000; McClelland, 1961). This thesis aims to shed light on triggers (when) and the need-based mechanism (why) of threats.
In the introduction, I introduce threats as a dimension of stress experience (cf. Tuckey et al., 2015) and give insights into the diverse field of threat triggers (the when of threats). Further, I explain threats in terms of a frustrated need for positive self-view, before presenting specific needs as possible deter-minants in the threat mechanism (the why of threats). Study 1 represents a literature review based on 122 papers from interdisciplinary threat research and provides a classification of five triggers and five needs identified in explanations and operationalizations of threats. In Study 2, the five triggers and needs are ecologically validated in interviews with police officers (n = 20), paramedics (n = 10), teach-ers (n = 10), and employees of the German federal employment agency (n = 8). The mediating role of needs in the relationship between triggers and threats is confirmed in a correlative survey design (N = 101 Leaders working part-time, Study 3) and in a controlled laboratory experiment (N = 60 two-person student teams, Study 4). The thesis ends with a general discussion of the results of the four studies, providing theoretical and practical implications.
Der vorliegende Text ist als Mantelpapier im Rahmen einer kumulativen Dissertation an der Universität Trier angenommen worden. Er dient der Zusammenfassung, Reflexion und erweiterten theoretischen Betrachtung der empirischen Einzelbeiträge, die alle einen Einzelaspekt des Gesamtgeschehens „Innovationslabor zur Unterstützung unternehmerischen Lernens und der Entwicklung sozialer Dienstleistungsinnovationen“ behandeln. Dabei wird das Innovationslabor grundsätzlich als Personalentwicklungsmaßnahme aufgefasst. In einem gedanklichen Experiment werden die Ergebnisse auf Organisationen der Erwachsenen- und Weiterbildung übertragen.
Das Besondere dieses Rahmenpapiers ist die Verbindung eines relationalen Raumverständnisses mit der lerntheoretischen Untermauerung des Gegenstandes „Innovationslabor“ aus der Perspektive der Organisationspädagogik und Erwachsenenbildung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen den Lernraum Labor als abseits des Arbeitslebens, als semi-autonom angebundenen Raum, wo Lernprozesse auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen stattfinden und angestoßen werden. Das Labor wird als heterotoper (Lern-)Raum diskutiert. Neu ist auch der Einbezug einer kritischen Perspektive, die bislang im Diskurs um Innovationslabore fehlte: Das Labor wird als prekärer Lernraum charakterisiert. Somit liegt mit dieser Arbeit nun eine grundlegende Ausarbeitung des Labors als Lernraum vor, die zahlreiche weitere Anschlussmöglichkeiten für Forschung ermöglicht.
Optimal mental workload plays a key role in driving performance. Thus, driver-assisting systems that automatically adapt to a drivers current mental workload via brain–computer interfacing might greatly contribute to traffic safety. To design economic brain computer interfaces that do not compromise driver comfort, it is necessary to identify brain areas that are most sensitive to mental workload changes. In this study, we used functional near-infrared spectroscopy and subjective ratings to measure mental workload in two virtual driving environments with distinct demands. We found that demanding city environments induced both higher subjective workload ratings as well as higher bilateral middle frontal gyrus activation than less demanding country environments. A further analysis with higher spatial resolution revealed a center of activation in the right anterior dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. The area is highly involved in spatial working memory processing. Thus, a main component of drivers’ mental workload in complex surroundings might stem from the fact that large amounts of spatial information about the course of the road as well as other road users has to constantly be upheld, processed and updated. We propose that the right middle frontal gyrus might be a suitable region for the application of powerful small-area brain computer interfaces.
The daily dose of health information: A psychological view on the health information seeking process
The search for health information is becoming increasingly important in everyday life, as well as socially and scientifically relevant Previous studies have mainly focused on the design and communication of information. However, the view of the seeker as well as individual
differences in skills and abilities has been a neglected topic so far. A psychological perspective on the process of searching for health information would provide important starting points for promoting the general dissemination of relevant information and thus improving health behaviour and health status. Within the present dissertation, the process of seeking health information was thus divided into sequential stages to identify relevant personality traits and skills. Accordignly, three studies are presented that focus on one stage
of the process respectively and empirically test potential crucial traits and skills: Study I investigates possible determinants of an intention for a comprehensive search for health information. Building an intention is considered as the basic step of the search process.
Motivational dispositions and self-regulatory skills were related to each other in a structural equation model and empirically tested based on theoretical investigations. Model fit showed an overall good fit and specific direct and indirect effects from approach and avoidance
motivation on the intention to seek comprehensively could be found, which supports the theoretical assumptions. The results show that as early as the formation of intention, the psychological perspective reveals influential personality traits and skills. Study II deals with the subsequent step, the selection of information sources. The preference for basic characteristics of information sources (i.e., accessibility, expertise, and interaction) is related to health information literacy as a collective term for relevant skills and intelligence as a personality trait. Furthermore, the study considers the influence of possible over- or underestimation of these characteristics. The results show not only a different predictive
contribution of health literacy and intelligence, but also the relevance of subjective and objective measurement.
Finally, Study III deals with the selection and evaluation of the health information previously found. The phenomenon of selective exposure is analysed, as this can be considered problematic in the health context. For this purpose, an experimental design was implemented in which a varying health threat was suggested to the participants. Relevant information was presented and the selective choice of this information was assessed. Health literacy was tested
as a moderator in a function of the induced threat and perceived vulnerability, triggering defence motives on the degree of bias. Findings show the importance of the consideration of the defence motives, which could cause a bias in the form of selective exposure. Furthermore, health literacy even seems to amplify this effect.
Results of the three studies are synthesized, discussed and general conclusions are drawn and implications for further research are determined.
The ability to acquire knowledge helps humans to cope with the demands of the environment. Supporting knowledge acquisition processes is among the main goals of education. Empirical research in educational psychology has identified several processes mediated through that prior knowledge affects learning. However, the majority of studies investigated cognitive mechanisms mediating between prior knowledge and learning and neglected that motivational processes might also mediate the influence. In addition, the impact of successful knowledge acquisition on patients’ health has not been comprehensively studied. This dissertation aims at closing knowledge gaps on these topics with the use of three studies. The first study is a meta-analysis that examined motivation as a mediator of individual differences in knowledge before and after learning. The second study investigated in greater detail the extent to which motivation mediated the influence of prior knowledge on knowledge gains in a sample of university students. The third study is a second-order meta-analysis synthesizing the results of previous meta-analyses on the effects of patient education on several health outcomes. The findings of this dissertation show that (a) motivation mediates individual differences in knowledge before and after learning; (b) interest and academic self-concept stabilize individual differences in knowledge more than academic self-efficacy, intrinsic motivation, and extrinsic motivation; (c) test-oriented instruction closes knowledge gaps between students; (d) students’ motivation can be independent of prior knowledge in high aptitude students; (e) knowledge acquisition affects motivational and health-related outcomes; and (f) evidence on prior knowledge and motivation can help develop effective interventions in patient education. The results of the dissertation provide insights into prerequisites, processes, and outcomes of knowledge acquisition. Future research should address covariates of learning and environmental impacts for a better understanding of knowledge acquisition processes.
The present work explores how theories of motivation can be used to enhance video game research. Currently, Flow-Theory and Self-Determination Theory are the most common approaches in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. The dissertation provides an in-depth look into Motive Disposition Theory and how to utilize it to explain interindividual differences in motivation. Different players have different preferences and make different choices when playing games, and not every player experiences the same outcomes when playing the same game. I provide a short overview of the current state of the research on motivation to play video games. Next, Motive Disposition Theory is applied in the context of digital games in four different research papers, featuring seven studies, totaling 1197 participants. The constructs of explicit and implicit motives are explained in detail while focusing on the two social motives (i.e., affiliation and power). As dependent variables, behaviour, preferences, choices, and experiences are used in different game environments (i.e., Minecraft, League of Legends, and Pokémon). The four papers are followed by a general discussion about the seven studies and Motive Disposition Theory in general. Finally, a short overview is provided about other theories of motivation and how they could be used to further our understanding of the motivation to play digital games in the future. This thesis proposes that 1) Motive Disposition Theory represents a valuable approach to understand individual motivations within the context of digital games; 2) there is a variety of motivational theories that can and should be utilized by researchers in the field of Human-Computer Interaction to broaden the currently one-sided perspective on human motivation; 3) researchers should aim to align their choice of motivational theory with their research goals by choosing the theory that best describes the phenomenon in question and by carefully adjusting each study design to the theoretical assumptions of that theory.
Heterogenität ist Teil des (Schul-)Alltags, was sich in den Lerngruppen widerspiegelt, die Lehrkräfte in der Schule vorfinden. Unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen auf Seiten der Schüler/-innenschaft soll – und das ist in zahlreichen der Öffentlichkeit zugänglichen Dokumenten, wie Schulgesetzen, Schulordnungen und Standards für die Lehrerbildung festgeschrieben – in Form von Differenzierung begegnet werden. Innerhalb dieser Dissertation wird untersucht, wie Binnendifferenzierung auf Mikroebene in der Schulpraxis implementiert wird. Dabei werden die Einsatzhäufigkeit binnendifferenzierender Maßnahmen und Kontextvariablen von Binnendifferenzierung untersucht. Anhand einer Stichprobe von N = 295 Lehrkräften verschiedener Schulformen, die die Fächer Deutsch und/oder Englisch unterrichten, wurde u.a. gezeigt, dass Binnendifferenzierung allgemein nicht (sehr) häufig eingesetzt wird, dass manche Maßnahmen häufiger Einsatz finden als andere, dass an Gymnasien Binnendifferenzierung nicht so häufig eingesetzt wird, wie an anderen Schulformen und dass die Einsatzhäufigkeit bedingende Kontextfaktoren bspw. kollegiale Zusammenarbeit bei der Unterrichtsplanung und -durchführung, die wahrgenommene Qualität der Lehramtsausbildung hinsichtlich des Umgangs mit Heterogenität und die Bereitschaft zur Implementation von Binnendifferenzierung sind und auch Einstellungen zu Binnendifferenzierung und (Lehrer/-innen)Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen in Zusammenhang mit dem Maßnahmeneinsatz stehen. Die durchgeführte Post-hoc Analyse zeigte bzgl. Einsatzhäufigkeit weiterhin Zusammenhänge zwischen der Persönlichkeit der Lehrkräfte und der Schulform, an der diese unterrichten. Die Ergebnisse entstammen der Schulpraxis und liefern deshalb praktische Implikationen, wie bspw. Hinweise zur Steigerung der Qualität der Lehramtsausbildung, die neben zukünftigen Forschungsansätzen im Rahmen dieser Arbeit expliziert werden.
Social innovation became a widely discussed topic in politics, research funding programs, and business development. Recent European and US economic and science policies have set aside significant funds to generate and foster social innovation. In view of current challenges such as digitization, Work 4.0, inclusion or migrant integration, the question of how organizations can be empowered to develop new and innovative approaches and service models to social challenges is becoming increasingly urgent. This especially applies to organizations in the fields of education and social services. In education, implementing new ideas and concepts is usually discussed as educational reform, which mostly addresses changes in policy agendas with consequences for national and international education systems. The concept of social innovation however has a different starting point: the source of new ideas and services are identified new, emergent needs in society or re-conceptualized. Such need-based perspectives might bring new impulses to the field of education. Therefore, this paper identifies important existing strands of social innovation research, which need to be considered in the emerging academic discourse on social innovation in education. Looking at social innovation through an education research lens reveals the close relation between learning, creativity, and innovation. Individuals, teams, and even organizations learn, engage in creative problem solving to create new and innovative products and services. From an organizational education perspective, the questions arise, how social innovation emerges and even more important, how the process of developing social innovation can be supported. After a brief introduction in the concept of social innovation, the paper discusses therefore the sites, where social innovation emerges, social innovators, approaches to foster social innovation as well as promoting and hindering factors for social innovation.
This intervention study explored the effects of a newly developed intergenerational encounter program on cross-generational age stereotyping (CGAS). Based on a biographical-narrative approach, participants (secondary school students and nursing home residents) were invited to share ideas about existential questions of life (e.g., about one’s core experiences, future plans, and personal values). Therefore, the dyadic Life Story Interview (LSI) had been translated into a group format (the Life Story Encounter Program, LSEP), consisting of 10 90-min sessions. Analyses verified that LSEP participants of both generations showed more favorable CGAS immediately after, but also 3 months after the program end. Such change in CGAS was absent in a control group (no LSEP participation). The LSEP-driven short- and long-term effects on CGAS could be partially explained by two program benefits, the feeling of comfort with and the experience of learning from the other generation.
In light of an alarming increase of sick leave and early retirement because of mental diseases, the public, political and scientific interest in an effective protection of psychological health within organizational context has been increasing for years. More and more the focus is especially on executives who influence the mental health of their employees by leadership behavior within interactions and by designing work tasks and working pro-cesses. In this regard classical and modern, explicit health-oriented leadership approaches provide valuable insights but also neglect the important influence of leadership situation on health-oriented leadership. This situation reduces the explanatory and predictive potential of available health-oriented leadership concepts.
In article 1 a conceptual framework model called Systemic Salutogenic Interaction Model (SSIM) is developed and justified that is based on findings of evidence-based leadership research but also integrates systemic concepts and key elements of the theory of saluto-genesis. The SSIM distinguishes between two levels: Within the primary system of salutogenic interaction salutogenic leadership and employees behavior for the first time are conceptualized as recipocal influence factors that influence each other (level 1). The organizational context is explicitly taken into account as significant factor outside the primary system that effects the behavior of both interaction partners mediated via cognitive pro-cesses (level 2). Due to this focus on interactions und context factors for the first time leadership situation becomes an explicit component of a health-oriented leadership concept.
First of all, article 2 focusses on the systematic analysis of the relative importance health related leadership aspects. For this purpose the TIMP-inventory was developed that records three distinct core-factors of salutogenic leadership (trust, incident management and pressure) which explain more variance of the Work-SoC construct than established general approaches and health-related leadership concepts.
In article 3 the results of a cross-sectional multilevel analysis indicate that the perceived leadership situation significantly explains variance of salutogenic leadership between teams. For the first time, this shows a significant correlation between specific aspects of leadership situation und salutogenic leadership behavior.
Within the frame of a quasi-experimental study (article 4), for the first time, a correlation is shown between salutogenic target-setting processes on executive’s side and the Work-SoC of team members. These results support an essential effect mechanism that is postulated in the SSIM. Furthermore these findings indicate that the SSIM can profitably be used within the context of salutogenic coachings, underlining its practical benefit.
Taken together the empirical findings of this dissertation support the assumption that the new SSIM approach significantly expands the explanatory und predictive potential of the health-oriented leadership concepts so far available. The results also raise a number of new, interesting questions for future research. Furthermore the SSIM broadens the perspective regarding the strategic orientation of human resource and organizational devel-opment. Especially out of the SSIM important guiding principles and innovative concepts for a target-oriented diagnostic und effective interventions can be derived. Thus this dissertation lays the foundation for a coherent, holistic oriented salutogenic leadership research und practice.
In der Vorrede zur ersten Auflage von Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung legt Arthur Schopenhauer dem Leser seines Werkes seine Absicht nahe, welche in der Mitteilung eines „einzigen Gedankens“ besteht. Doch dieser mitzuteilende Gedanke wird an keiner Stelle des Werkes explizit und direkt als solchen von Schopenhauer ausgesprochen und genannt. Dies gibt bis heute in der Schopenhauer-Forschung Anlass zu kontroversen Auseinandersetzungen: Wie lautet Schopenhauers „einziger Gedanke“? Wo befindet er sich konkret? Und ist er überhaupt mitteilbar?
Trotz zahlreicher Forschungsarbeiten zur Thematik des „einzigen Gedankens“ wurde bisher der Einfluss der indischen Philosophie, genauer des Oupnek’hat, vernachlässigt, obwohl genauestens nachgewiesen und nachgezeichnet werden kann, mit welchen Quellen sich Schopenhauer zum Zeitpunkt der Entstehung seiner Philosophie intensiv beschäftigt hat. Auch verweist er selbst immer wieder auf bestimmte Stellen aus dem Oupnek’hat und zitiert Passagen an ganz wesentlichen Stellen in seinem Werk.
Um den „einzigen Gedanken“ im Werk Schopenhauers erfassen zu können, reicht es nicht aus, nur vom Hauptwerk selbst auszugehen, sondern es müssen ebenfalls die Jahre und Schriften während der Entstehung seiner Philosophie bis zum Hauptwerk berücksichtigt werden, und damit verbunden auch die Quellen, die Schopenhauer beeinflusst haben, wozu insbesondere das Oupnek’hat samt seinen eigenen Randnotizen gehört.
Ein positiver Zusammenhang von Leistungsmotivation, Flow und Wohlbefinden ist in Einzelpfaden gut belegt. Befunde, welche alle drei Variablen miteinander in Beziehung setzen, stehen in der Bildungsfor-schung noch aus. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, den Einfluss einzelner Dimensionen von Leistungsmotivation & Flow auf das subjektive Wohlempfinden von Schüler/innen, unter Berücksichtigung etwaiger Media-tionseffekte durch Flow zu untersuchen. Die Grundlage der Daten bildet der erste Messzeitpunkt einer motivationsbezogenen Interventionsstudie.
Erhoben wurden die Daten im Rahmen einer prospektiven randomisierten Längsschnittstudie im Kon-trollgruppendesign (N=742; 46,2% weibl.), welche mit Schüler/innen von sieben rheinland-pfälzischen Schulen durchgeführt wurde. Leistungsmotivation, Wohlbefinden und Flow wurden mit folgenden In-strumenten erfasst: Petermann & Winkel (2007a&b): Fragebogen zur Leistungsmotivation; Flow-Skala (in Anlehnung an Rheinberg et al., 2003); Flourishing-Skala (in Anlehnung an Diener et al., 2009). Ausge-wertet wurden die Daten mittels Mediatoranalysen per multipler Regression mit SPSS.
Die Ergebnisse multipler Regressionsanalysen konnten sowohl in der Primar-, als auch Sekundarstufe direkte Effekte einzelner Leistungsmotivationsskalen auf das subjektive Wohlbefinden belegen. Zudem wurden in den Jahrgansstufen 2&3,4&5,7&9 der Zusammenhang zwischen Leistungsmotivation und Wohlbefinden durch Flow-Erleben mediiert. In der Jahrgangsstufe 11 konnte kein Mediationseffekt gefunden werden.
Die Ergebnisse bestätigen vorliegende Korrelationsstudien und identifizieren Flow als einen zentralen Mediator zwischen der Leistungsmotivation und dem Wohlbefinden bei Schüler/innen. Die Reflexion dieser Befunde eröffnet großes Potential für die weitere Ausarbeitung und Implementierung Flow-förderlicher Interaktionen in der Schule.
Evidence points to autonomy as having a place next to affiliation, achievement, and power as one of the basic implicit motives; however, there is still some research that needs to be conducted to support this notion.
The research in this dissertation aimed to address this issue. I have specifically focused on two issues that help solidify the foundation of work that has already been conducted on the implicit autonomy motive, and will also be a foundation for future studies. The first issue is measurement. Implicit motives should be measured using causally valid instruments (McClelland, 1980). The second issue addresses the function of motives. Implicit motives orient, select, and energize behavior (McClelland, 1980). If autonomy is an implicit motive, then we need a valid instrument to measure it and we also need to show that it orients, selects, and energizes behavior.
In the following dissertation, I address these two issues in a series of ten studies. Firstly, I present studies that examine the causal validity of the Operant Motive Test (OMT; Kuhl, 2013) for the implicit affiliation and power motives using established methods. Secondly, I developed and empirically tested pictures to specifically assess the implicit autonomy motive and examined their causal validity. Thereafter, I present two studies that investigated the orienting and energizing effects of the implicit autonomy motive. The results of the studies solidified the foundation of the OMT and how it measures nAutonomy. Furthermore, this dissertation demonstrates that nAutonomy fulfills the criteria for two of the main functions of implicit motives. Taken together, the findings of this dissertation provide further support for autonomy as an implicit motive and a foundation for intriguing future studies.
Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis-related genetic variants influence the stress response
The physiological stress system includes the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary system (SAM). Parameters representing these systems such as cortisol, blood pressure or heart rate define the physiological reaction in response to a stressor. The main objective of the studies described in this thesis was to understand the role of the HPA-related genetic factors in these two systems. Genetic factors represent one of the components causing individual variations in physiological stress parameters. Five genes involved in the functioning of the HPA axis regarding stress responses are examined in this thesis. They are: corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), the mineralocorticoid receptor (MR), the 5-hydroxytryptamine-transporter-linked polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR) in the serotonin transporter (5-HTT) and the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene. Two hundred thirty-two healthy participants were genotyped. The influence of genetic factors on physiological parameters, such as post-awakening cortisol and blood pressure was assessed, as well as the influence of genetic factors on stress reactivity in response to a socially evaluated cold pressor test (SeCPT). Three studies tested the HPA-related genes each on three different levels. The first study examined the influences of genotypes and haplotypes of these five genes on physiological as well as psychological stress indicators (Chapter 2). The second study examined the effects of GR variants (genotypes and haplotypes) and promoter methylation level on both the SAM system and the HPA axis stress reactivity (Chapter 3). The third study comprised the characterization of CRH promoter haplotypes in an in-vitro study and the association of the CRH promoter with stress indicators in vivo (Chapter 4).
In order to investigate the psychobiological consequences of acute stress under laboratory conditions, a wide range of methods for socially evaluative stress induction have been developed. The present dissertation is concerned with evaluating a virtual reality (VR)-based adaptation of one of the most widely used of those methods, the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). In the three empirical studies collected in this dissertation, we aimed to examine the efficacy and possible areas of application of the adaptation of this well-established psychosocial stressor in a virtual environment. We found that the TSST-VR reliably incites the activation of the major stress effector systems in the human body, albeit in a slightly less pronounced way than the original paradigm. Moreover, the experience of presence is discussed as one potential factor of influence in the origin of the psychophysiological stress response. Lastly, we present a use scenario for the TSST-VR in which we employed the method to investigate the effects of acute stress on emotion recognition performance. We conclude that, due to its advantages concerning versatility, standardization and economic administration, the paradigm harbors enormous potential not only for psychobiological research, but other applications such as clinical practice as well. Future studies should further explore the underlying effect mechanisms of stress in the virtual realm and the implementation of VR-based paradigms in different fields of application.
Why they rebel peacefully: On the violence-reducing effects of a positive attitude towards democracy
Under the impression of Europe’s drift into Nazism and Stalinism in the first half of the 20th century, social psychological research has focused strongly on dangers inherent in people’s attachment to a political system. The dissertation at hand contributes to a more differentiated perspective by examining violence-reducing aspects of political system attachment in four consecutive steps: First, it highlights attachment to a social group as a resource for violence prevention on an intergroup level. The results suggest that group attachment fosters self-control, a well-known protective factor against violence. Second, it demonstrates violence-reducing influences of attachment on a societal level. The findings indicate that attachment to a democracy facilitate peaceful and prevent violent protest tendencies. Third, it introduces the concept of political loyalty, defined as a positive attitude towards democracy, in order to clarify the different approaches of political system attachment. A set of three studies show the reliability and validity of a newly developed political loyalty questionnaire that distinguishes between affective and cognitive aspects. Finally, the dissertation differentiates former findings with regard to protest tendencies using the concept of political loyalty. A set of two experiments show that affective rather than cognitive aspects of political loyalty instigate peaceful protest tendencies and prevent violent ones. Implications of this dissertation for political engagement and peacebuilding as well as avenues for future research are discussed.
Internet interventions have gained popularity and the idea is to use them to increase the availability of psychological treatment. Research suggests that internet interventions are effective for a number of psychological disorders with effect sizes comparable to those found in face-to-face treatment. However, when provided as an add-on to treatment as usual, internet interventions do not seem to provide additional benefit. Furthermore, adherence and dropout rates vary greatly between studies, limiting the generalizability of the findings. This underlines the need to further investigate differences between internet interventions, participating patients, and their usage of interventions. A stronger focus on the processes of change seems necessary to better understand the varying findings regarding outcome, adherence and dropout in internet interventions. Thus, the aim of this dissertation was to investigate change processes in internet interventions and the factors that impact treatment response. This could help to identify important variables that should be considered in research on internet interventions as well as in clinical settings that make use of internet interventions.
Study I (Chapter 5) investigated early change patterns in participants of an internet intervention targeting depression. Data from 409 participants were analyzed using Growth Mixture Modeling. Specifically a piecewise model was applied to model change from screening to registration (pretreatment) and early change (registration to week four of treatment). Three early change patterns were identified; two were characterized by improvement and one by deterioration. The patterns were predictive of treatment outcome. The results therefore indicated that early change should be closely monitored in internet interventions, as early change may be an important indicator of treatment outcome.
Study II (Chapter 6) picked up on the idea of analyzing change patterns in internet interventions and extended it by using the Muthen-Roy model to identify change-dropout patterns. A sligthly bigger sample of the dataset from Study I was analyzed (N = 483). Four change-dropout patterns emerged; high risk of dropout was associated with rapid improvement and deterioration. These findings indicate that clinicians should consider how dropout may depend on patient characteristics as well as symptom change, as dropout is associated with both deterioration and a good enough dosage of treatment.
Study III (Chapter 7) compared adherence and outcome in different participant groups and investigated the impact of adherence to treatment components on treatment outcome in an internet intervention targeting anxiety symptoms. 50 outpatient participants waiting for face- to-face treatment and 37 self-referred participants were compared regarding adherence to treatment components and outcome. In addition, outpatient participants were compared to a matched sample of outpatients, who had no access to the internet intervention during the waiting period. Adherence to treatment components was investigated as a predictor of treatment outcome. Results suggested that especially adherence may vary depending on participant group. Also using specific measures of adherence such as adherence to treatment components may be crucial to detect change mechanisms in internet interventions. Fostering adherence to treatment components in participants may increase the effectiveness of internet interventions.
Results of the three studies are discussed and general conclusions are drawn.
Implications for future research as well as their utility for clinical practice and decision- making are presented.
Auf der Grundlage einer Fragebogenstudie wurden unterschiedliche Elemente eines förderlichen Umgangs mit Gesundheitsinformationen betrachtet und ihre Zusammenhänge mit personspezifischen Merkmalen analysiert. Als zentrale Aspekte der Informationsprozesse wurden die drei Elemente Gesundheitsinformationskompetenz, Gesundheitsinteresse und gesundheitsspezifische Informationsgewohnheiten konzeptuell voneinander getrennt. Auf der Basis des bisherigen Forschungsstands wurde zunächst ein theoretisches Modell des Umgangs mit Gesundheitsinformationen entwickelt, das die Bedeutung der Kompetenz und des Interesses für gesundheitsbezogene Informationsgewohnheiten hervorhebt, individuelle Ausprägungen dieser drei Elemente mit soziodemografischen Faktoren, Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, Überzeugungen und dem Gesundheitszustand in Beziehung setzt sowie Verbindungen zu gesundheitsrelevanten Verhaltensweisen beschreibt. Dieses Modell wurde anschließend an einer Stichprobe von 352 Berufsschülerinnen und -schülern aus drei Berufsbereichen (Wirtschaft/Verwaltung, Technik und Gesundheit) empirisch überprüft. Über multiple Regressionsanalysen wurden bedeutsame Prädiktoren für die drei Hauptelemente Kompetenz, Interesse und Informationsgewohnheiten identifiziert, über logistische Regressionen und Korrelationen ihre Zusammenhänge mit dem Gesundheitsverhalten überprüft. Darüber hinaus wurden lineare Strukturgleichungsmodelle zur Vorhersage des Informationsverhaltens entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die konzeptionelle Trennung der drei Faktoren, die jeweils mit unterschiedlichen Prädiktoren verbunden waren. Auf der Basis der Befunde werden Ansatzpunkte für die weitere Forschung und die Förderung eines kompetenten Umgangs mit Gesundheitsinformationen diskutiert.
Die publikationsbasierte Dissertation untersucht die Bedeutung sozialer Bewegungen für die Entwicklung der Sozialen Arbeit am Ende des 19. und den ersten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts als Profession und Disziplin in den USA und in Deutschland. Dabei wird die entstehende Soziale Arbeit als ‚Formbildung‘ sozialer Bewegungen verstanden und gefragt, wie sich die Bewegungen in die sich etablierende und institutionalisierende Profession und Wissenschaft Soziale Arbeit einschreiben, welche Anliegen dabei verfolgt werden und wie dadurch Wissen in der Sozialen Arbeit auch über nationalstaatliche Grenzen hinweg zirkuliert.
Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich auf Prozesse der Pädagogisierung, also unterschiedliche ‚Formbildungen des Pädagogischen‘, die die Bewegungsanliegen zum Thema von Aufklärung, (Selbst)Bildung und Pädagogik machen, und auf solche der Verwissenschaftlichung, die sich auf den Aufbau einer Wissensgrundlage zur Bearbeitung von sozialen Problemen richten und dabei alternative Formen der Wissensproduktion ausbilden. Diese Prozesse werden in drei Teilstudien – zur Charity Organization Movement und der Settlement House Movement in den USA sowie der bürgerlichen Frauenbewegung in Deutschland – in sieben Einzelbeiträgen näher untersucht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen dabei die Handlungsmethoden und das Praxisverständnis sowie Forschungskonzepte und –projekte exemplarisch ausgewählter sozialbewegter Initiativen der Sozialen Arbeit. Dabei werden unter anderem nicht-intendierte Effekte untersucht, die zum Beispiel in Konservierungen normativer Vorstellungen und Ideologien in als demokratisierend angelegten Ansätzen, aber auch in ‚differenzverstärkenden‘ Effekten bestehen können.
Das Ideal einer lebendigen Demokratie mit engagierten Bürger/innen lässt nach Wegen suchen, um die Partizipationsbereitschaft nachkommender Generationen zu fördern. Ausgehend von der Prämisse, dass das Wohlbefinden einen zentralen Motivator darstellt, der sich auch bei jungen Menschen mithilfe der Konzepte der Positiven Psychologie gezielt fördern lässt (Brohm & Endres, 2015), nähert sich der vorliegende Beitrag den beiden folgenden Forschungsfragen: Erstens, lässt sich ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Wohlbefinden Jugendlicher und ihrer politischen Partizipationsbereitschaft respektive ihrem politischen Interesse empirisch nachweisen? Zweitens, in welchen Kontexten und in welchem Maße erleben Jugendliche Wohlbefinden in der Auseinandersetzung mit politischen Themen, Akteur/innen und Prozessen?
Da bisherige bundesweite und regionale Studien zu den Themen Jugend, Politik und politisch-gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe nur in bedingtem Maße Rückschlüsse auf die fünf Elemente des Wohlbefindens nach Seligman (2012) zuließen, wurde im Vorfeld des vorliegenden Beitrags eine schriftliche Befragung von 100 Jugendlichen aus dem saarländischen Landkreis Saarlouis durchgeführt.
Die Befragten charakterisieren sich mehrheitlich als allgemein aufgeschlossen und interessiert, doch es gelingt der Politik und ihren Mittler/innen nur eingeschränkt, dieses Potenzial in aktive politische Teilhabe zu übersetzen. Unter anderem persönliche Kontakte zu politisch Engagierten und eigene Erfahrungen in politischen Verbänden erweisen sich indes als positiv und korrelieren mit dem politischen Interesse und der Offenheit der Jugendlichen gegenüber politischer Partizipation.
A huge number of clinical studies and meta-analyses have shown that psychotherapy is effective on average. However, not every patient profits from psychotherapy and some patients even deteriorate in treatment. Due to this result and the restricted generalization of clinical studies to clinical practice, a more patient-focused research strategy has emerged. The question whether a particular treatment works for an individual case is the focus of this paradigm. The use of repeated assessments and the feedback of this information to therapists is a major ingredient of patient-focused research. Improving patient outcomes and reducing dropout rates by the use of psychometric feedback seems to be a promising path. Therapists seem to differ in the degree to which they make use of and profit from such feedback systems. This dissertation aims to better understand therapist differences in the context of patient-focused research and the impact of therapists on psychotherapy. Three different studies are included, which focus on different aspects within the field:
Study I (Chapter 5) investigated how therapists use psychometric feedback in their work with patients and how much therapists differ in their usage. Data from 72 therapists treating 648 patients were analyzed. It could be shown that therapists used the psychometric feedback for most of their patients. Substantial variance in the use of feedback (between 27% and 52%) was attributable to therapists. Therapists were more likely to use feedback when they reported being satisfied with the graphical information they received. The results therefore indicated that not only patient characteristics or treatment progress affected the use of feedback.
Study II (Chapter 6) picked up on the idea of analyzing systematic differences in therapists and applied it to the criterion of premature treatment termination (dropout). To answer the question whether therapist effects occur in terms of patients’ dropout rates, data from 707 patients treated by 66 therapists were investigated. It was shown that approximately six percent of variance in dropout rates could be attributed to therapists, even when initial impairment was controlled for. Other predictors of dropout were initial impairment, sex, education, personality styles, and treatment expectations.
Study III (Chapter 7) extends the dissertation by investigating the impact of a transfer from one therapist to another within ongoing treatments. Data from 124 patients who agreed to and experienced a transfer during their treatment were analyzed. A significant drop in patient-rated as well as therapist-rated alliance levels could be observed after a transfer. On average, there seemed to be no difficulties establishing a good therapeutic alliance with the new therapist, although differences between patients were observed. There was no increase in symptom severity due to therapy transfer. Various predictors of alliance and symptom development after transfer were investigated. Impacts on clinical practice were discussed.
Results of the three studies are discussed and general conclusions are drawn. Implications for future research as well as their utility for clinical practice and decision-making are presented.
When do anorexic patients perceive their body as too fat? Aggravating and ameliorating factors
Our study investigated body image representations in female patients with anorexia nervosa
and healthy controls using a size estimation with pictures of their own body. We also
explored a method to reduce body image distortions through right hemispheric activation.
Pictures of participants’ own bodies were shown on the left or right visual fields for 130 ms
after presentation of neutral, positive, or negative word primes, which could be self-relevant
or not, with the task of classifying the picture as “thinner than”, “equal to”, or “fatter than”
one’s own body. Subsequently, activation of the left- or right hemispheric through right- or
left-hand muscle contractions for 3 min., respectively. Finally, participants completed the
size estimation task again.
The distorted “fatter than” body image was found only in patients and only when a picture of
their own body appeared on the right visual field (left hemisphere) and was preceded by
negative self-relevant words. This distorted perception of the patients’ body image was
reduced after left-hand muscle contractions (right hemispheric activation).
To reduce body image distortions it is advisable to find methods that help anorexia nervosa
patients to increase their self-esteem. The body image distortions were ameliorated after
right hemispheric activation. A related method to prevent distorted body-image representations
in these patients may be Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Academic achievement is a central outcome in educational research, both in and outside higher education, has direct effects on individual’s professional and financial prospects and a high individual and public return on investment. Theories comprise cognitive as well as non-cognitive influences on achievement. Two examples frequently investigated in empirical research are knowledge (as a cognitive determinant) and stress (as a non-cognitive determinant) of achievement. However, knowledge and stress are not stable, what raises questions as to how temporal dynamics in knowledge on the one hand and stress on the other contribute to achievement. To study these contributions in the present doctoral dissertation, I used meta-analysis, latent profile transition analysis, and latent state-trait analysis. The results support the idea of knowledge acquisition as a cumulative and long-term process that forms the basis for academic achievement and conceptual change as an important mechanism for the acquisition of knowledge in higher education. Moreover, the findings suggest that students’ stress experiences in higher education are subject to stable, trait-like influences, as well as situational and/or interactional, state-like influences which are differentially related to achievement and health. The results imply that investigating the causal networks between knowledge, stress, and academic achievement is a promising strategy for better understanding academic achievement in higher education. For this purpose, future studies should use longitudinal designs, randomized controlled trials, and meta-analytical techniques. Potential practical applications include taking account of students’ prior knowledge in higher education teaching and decreasing stress among higher education students.
With the advent of highthroughput sequencing (HTS), profiling immunoglobulin (IG) repertoires has become an essential part of immunological research. The dissection of IG repertoires promises to transform our understanding of the adaptive immune system dynamics. Advances in sequencing technology now also allow the use of the Ion Torrent Personal Genome Machine (PGM) to cover the full length of IG mRNA transcripts. The applications of this benchtop scale HTS platform range from identification of new therapeutic antibodies to the deconvolution of malignant B cell tumors. In the context of this thesis, the usability of the PGM is assessed to investigate the IG heavy chain (IGH) repertoires of animal models. First, an innovate bioinformatics approach is presented to identify antigendriven IGH sequences from bulk sequenced bone marrow samples of transgenic humanized rats, expressing a human IG repertoire (OmniRatTM). We show, that these rats mount a convergent IGH CDR3 response towards measles virus hemagglutinin protein and tetanus toxoid, with high similarity to human counterparts. In the future, databases could contain all IGH CDR3 sequences with known specificity to mine IG repertoire datasets for past antigen exposures, ultimately reconstructing the immunological history of an individual. Second, a unique molecular identifier (UID) based HTS approach and network property analysis is used to characterize the CLLlike CD5+ B cell expansion of A20BKO mice overexpressing a natural short splice variant of the CYLD gene (A20BKOsCYLDBOE). We could determine, that in these mice, overexpression of sCYLD leads to unmutated subvariant of CLL (UCLL). Furthermore, we found that this short splice variant is also seen in human CLL patients highlighting it as important target for future investigations. Third, the UID based HTS approach is improved by adapting it to the PGM sequencing technology and applying a custommade data processing pipeline including the ImMunoGeneTics (IMGT) database error detection. Like this, we were able to obtain correct IGH sequences with over 99.5% confidence and correct CDR3 sequences with over 99.9% confidence. Taken together, the results, protocols and sample processing strategies described in this thesis will improve the usability of animal models and the Ion Torrent PGM HTS platform in the field if IG repertoire research.
Early life adversity (ELA) poses a high risk for developing major health problems in adulthood including cardiovascular and infectious diseases and mental illness. However, the fact that ELA-associated disorders first become manifest many years after exposure raises questions about the mechanisms underlying their etiology. This thesis focuses on the impact of ELA on startle reflexivity, physiological stress reactivity and immunology in adulthood.
The first experiment investigated the impact of parental divorce on affective processing. A special block design of the affective startle modulation paradigm revealed blunted startle responsiveness during presentation of aversive stimuli in participants with experience of parental divorce. Nurture context potentiated startle in these participants suggesting that visual cues of childhood-related content activates protective behavioral responses. The findings provide evidence for the view that parental divorce leads to altered processing of affective context information in early adulthood.
A second investigation was conducted to examine the link between aging of the immune system and long-term consequences of ELA. In a cohort of healthy young adults, who were institutionalized early in life and subsequently adopted, higher levels of T cell senescence were observed compared to parent-reared controls. Furthermore, the results suggest that ELA increases the risk of cytomegalovirus infection in early childhood, thereby mediating the effect of ELA on T cell-specific immunosenescence.
The third study addresses the effect of ELA on stress reactivity. An extended version of the Cold Pressor Test combined with a cognitive challenging task revealed blunted endocrine response in adults with a history of adoption while cardiovascular stress reactivity was similar to control participants. This pattern of response separation may best be explained by selective enhancement of central feedback-sensitivity to glucocorticoids resulting from ELA, in spite of preserved cardiovascular/autonomic stress reactivity.