Year of publication
- 2020 (90) (remove)
Document Type
- Contribution to a Periodical (30)
- Doctoral Thesis (27)
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- Working Paper (9)
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- Luxemburg (19)
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- Maschinelles Lernen (2)
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- Partizipation (2)
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- Rheinland-Pfalz (2)
- Schüler (2)
- Wald (2)
- Weinbau (2)
- Wohlbefinden (2)
- ALS (1)
- Achievement Motivation, Flow Experience, Subjective Well-Being, Positive Psychology, Schools (1)
- Agency Theory (1)
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- Amtliche Statistik (1)
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- Big Five personality traits (1)
- Bildverarbeitung (1)
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- Bodennahe Luftschicht (1)
- Branching Diffusion (1)
- Brennpunktthemen (1)
- Buddy-System (1)
- COVID-19 (1)
- Chemische Analyse (1)
- Chronische Schmerzen (1)
- Chronischer Schmerz (1)
- Collexeme Analysis (1)
- Common Liability (1)
- Common Noise (1)
- Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) (1)
- Construction Grammar (1)
- Covid-19 (1)
- Crowdsourcing (1)
- Dachschiefer (1)
- Datenerhebung (1)
- Density Estimation (1)
- Depression (1)
- Deutschland; Luxemburg; Digitalisierung; Schüler; Unterricht; demokratische Erziehung; politische Pädagogik; Medienpädagogik; Demokratiebildung (1)
- Digitalisierung (1)
- Discrete Optimization, Linear Programming, Integer Programming, Extended Formulation, Graph Theory, Branch & Bound (1)
- Discrete-Time Impulse Control (1)
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- GEOBIA (1)
- Gamification (1)
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- Geldpolitik (1)
- Genanalyse (1)
- Generalized Variance Functions (1)
- Genetische Variabilität (1)
- Geneva Emotional Competence Test (1)
- Geschichte 2001-2019 (1)
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- Gesellschaftliche Themen (1)
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- Informationsextraktion (1)
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- Infrarotthermographie (1)
- Intelligence Structure Battery (1)
- Intelligenz (1)
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- Interpersonal conflict (1)
- Intervention (1)
- Junge Frau (1)
- Kalkulationsverfahren (1)
- Katabatischer Wind (1)
- Katastrophisieren und Zuwendung (1)
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- Kognitive Psychologie (1)
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- Körperliche Aktivität (1)
- Laubwald (1)
- Lebensplan (1)
- Leistungsmotivation (1)
- Leistungsmotivation, Flow-Erleben, Subjektives Wohlbefinden, Positive Psychologie, Schule (1)
- LiDAR (1)
- Lidar (1)
- Lippe (1)
- Lippetal (1)
- Luftbild (1)
- MODIS (1)
- Macht (1)
- Mathematisches Modell (1)
- Mean Field Games (1)
- Mechanism Approach (1)
- Mensch (1)
- Mensch-Maschine-Kommunikation (1)
- Meteorologische Messung (1)
- Mineralogie (1)
- Mittelgebirge (1)
- Mixed Local-Nonlocal PDE (1)
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- Nährstoffversorgung (1)
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- Performativität <Kulturwissenschaften> (1)
- Physiologische Psychologie (1)
- Physiologische Psychotherapie (1)
- Polargebiete (1)
- Principle of Rhythmic Alternation (1)
- Privatrecht (1)
- Prädetermination <Linguistik> (1)
- Psychometrischer Intelligenztest (1)
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- Schweizer Alpen (1)
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- Selbstüberwachung (1)
- Self-organizing Maps (1)
- Sexualität (1)
- Shareholder Value (1)
- Shareholder-Value-Analyse (1)
- Sharing Economy (1)
- Sistānbecken (1)
- Small area estimation (1)
- Social Entrepreneurship (1)
- Social entrepreneurship (1)
- Socialism, Socialist values and attitudes, Socialist legacy, Literature review, Entrepreneurship intention, Business takeover, Career choice reasons, and TPB model. (1)
- Sozialismus (1)
- Sozialkundeunterricht (1)
- Sozialraum (1)
- Sportliche Intervention (1)
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- aktives Lernen (1)
- alltägliche Raumkonstruktion (1)
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- atmospheric water balance (1)
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- border shifts (1)
- climate change (1)
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- complexity reduction (1)
- coronavirus (1)
- corpus linguistics (1)
- critical boundary work (1)
- cross-border labor market (1)
- cross-border trade union (1)
- crystallized abilities (1)
- daily mobility (1)
- demokratische Erziehung (1)
- différences contextuelles (1)
- dilute particle suspension (1)
- disciplinary borders (1)
- dropout (1)
- early change (1)
- ectotherms (1)
- emotional intelligence (1)
- employment (1)
- experimental design (1)
- fitness tracker (1)
- fluid abilities (1)
- forests (1)
- games, experimental (1)
- image segmentation (1)
- incompressible Newtonian fluid (1)
- internet intervention (1)
- katabatic wind (1)
- leads (1)
- logement coopératif (1)
- maschinelles Lernen (1)
- mean field approximation (1)
- meteorology (1)
- microrefugia (1)
- mineralogy (1)
- model order reduction (1)
- mountain topography (1)
- naming practices (1)
- nationalism (1)
- nitrogen oxides (1)
- norm mineral calculation (1)
- open data (1)
- ozone (1)
- personal trust (1)
- phototropism (1)
- phyllites (1)
- physical activity (1)
- platform economy (1)
- politische Pädagogik (1)
- port-Hamiltonian (1)
- predeterminer adjective phrases (1)
- proof of concept study (1)
- psychologische Beratung (1)
- psychology (1)
- questionnaires (1)
- region growing (1)
- roof slates (1)
- sea ice (1)
- shales (1)
- solidarity (1)
- stable boundary layer (1)
- stem detection (1)
- stochastic partial differential algebraic equation (1)
- structure-preserving (1)
- system trust (1)
- teil-überwachtes Lernen (1)
- thermal infrared remote sensing (1)
- transposition de modèles (1)
- tree inclination (1)
- turbulence parameterization (1)
- video games (1)
- Ökonometrisches Modell (1)
- Politikwissenschaft (32)
- Raum- und Umweltwissenschaften (11)
- Fachbereich 4 (10)
- Psychologie (6)
- Fachbereich 1 (4)
- Fachbereich 6 (3)
- Ethnologie (1)
- Fachbereich 2 (1)
- Fachbereich 5 (1)
- Informatik (1)
Designing a Randomized Trial with an Age Simulation Suit—Representing People with Health Impairments
Due to demographic change, there is an increasing demand for professional care services, whereby this demand cannot be met by available caregivers. To enable adequate care by relieving informal and formal care, the independence of people with chronic diseases has to be preserved for as long as possible. Assistance approaches can be used that support promoting physical activity, which is a main predictor of independence. One challenge is to design and test such approaches without affecting the people in focus. In this paper, we propose a design for a randomized trial to enable the use of an age simulation suit to generate reference data of people with health impairments with young and healthy participants. Therefore, we focus on situations of increased physical activity.
Primary focal hyperhidrosis (PFH, OMIM %144110) is a genetically influenced condition characterised by excessive sweating. Prevalence varies between 1.0–6.1% in the general population, dependent on ethnicity. The aetiology of PFH remains unclear but an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance, incomplete penetrance and variable phenotypes have been reported. In our study, nine pedigrees (50 affected, 53 non-affected individuals) were included. Clinical characterisation was performed at the German Hyperhidrosis Centre, Munich, by using physiological and psychological questionnaires. Genome-wide parametric linkage analysis with GeneHunter was performed based on the Illumina genome-wide SNP arrays. Haplotypes were constructed using easyLINKAGE and visualised via HaploPainter. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) with 100x coverage in 31 selected members (24 affected, 7 non-affected) from our pedigrees was achieved by next generation sequencing. We identified four genome-wide significant loci, 1q41-1q42.3, 2p14-2p13.3, 2q21.2-2q23.3 and 15q26.3-15q26.3 for PFH. Three pedigrees map to a shared locus at 2q21.2-2q23.3, with a genome-wide significant LOD score of 3.45. The chromosomal region identified here overlaps with a locus at chromosome 2q22.1-2q31.1 reported previously. Three families support 1q41-1q42.3 (LOD = 3.69), two families share a region identical by descent at 2p14-2p13.3 (LOD = 3.15) and another two families at 15q26.3 (LOD = 3.01). Thus, our results point to considerable genetic heterogeneity. WES did not reveal any causative variants, suggesting that variants or mutations located outside the coding regions might be involved in the molecular pathogenesis of PFH. We suggest a strategy based on whole-genome or targeted next generation sequencing to identify causative genes or variants for PFH.
Laboratory landslide experiments enable the observation of specific properties of these natural hazards. However, these observations are limited by traditional techniques: frequently used high-speed video analysis and wired sensors (e.g. displacement). These techniques lead to the drawback that either only the surface and 2D profiles can be observed or wires confine the motion behaviour. In contrast, an unconfined observation of the total spatiotemporal dynamics of landslides is needed for an adequate understanding of these natural hazards.
The present study introduces an autonomous and wireless probe to characterize motion features of single clasts within laboratory-scale landslides. The Smartstone probe is based on an inertial measurement unit (IMU) and records acceleration and rotation at a sampling rate of 100 Hz. The recording ranges are ±16 g (accelerometer) and ±2000∘ s−1 (gyroscope). The plastic tube housing is 55 mm long with a diameter of 10 mm. The probe is controlled, and data are read out via active radio frequency identification (active RFID) technology. Due to this technique, the probe works under low-power conditions, enabling the use of small button cell batteries and minimizing its size.
Using the Smartstone probe, the motion of single clasts (gravel size, median particle diameter d50 of 42 mm) within approx. 520 kg of a uniformly graded pebble material was observed in a laboratory experiment. Single pebbles were equipped with probes and placed embedded and superficially in or on the material. In a first analysis step, the data of one pebble are interpreted qualitatively, allowing for the determination of different transport modes, such as translation, rotation and saltation. In a second step, the motion is quantified by means of derived movement characteristics: the analysed pebble moves mainly in the vertical direction during the first motion phase with a maximal vertical velocity of approx. 1.7 m s−1. A strong acceleration peak of approx. 36 m s−2 is interpreted as a pronounced hit and leads to a complex rotational-motion pattern. In a third step, displacement is derived and amounts to approx. 1.0 m in the vertical direction. The deviation compared to laser distance measurements was approx. −10 %. Furthermore, a full 3D spatiotemporal trajectory of the pebble is reconstructed and visualized supporting the interpretations. Finally, it is demonstrated that multiple pebbles can be analysed simultaneously within one experiment. Compared to other observation methods Smartstone probes allow for the quantification of internal movement characteristics and, consequently, a motion sampling in landslide experiments.
Currently, new business models created in the sharing economy differ considerably and they differ in the formation of trust as well. If and how trust can be created is shown by a comparison of two examples which diverge in their founding philosophy. The chosen example of community-based economy, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), no longer trusts the capitalist system and therefore distances itself and creates its own environment including a new business model. It is implemented within rather small groups where trust is created by personal relations and face-to-face communication. On the contrary, the example of a platform economy, the accommodation-provider company Airbnb, shows trust in the system and pushes technological innovations through the use of platform applications. It promotes trust and confidence in the progress of technology. For the conceptual analysis, the distinction between personal trust and system trust defined by Niklas Luhmann is adopted. The analysis describes two different modes of trust formation and how they push distrust or improve trust. Grounded on these analyses, assumptions on the process of trust formation within varying models of the sharing economy are formulated as well as a hypothesis about possible developments is introduced for further research.
The study analyzes the long-term trends (1998–2019) of concentrations of the air pollutants ozone (O3) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) as well as meteorological conditions at forest sites in German midrange mountains to evaluate changes in O3 uptake conditions for trees over time at a plot scale. O3 concentrations did not show significant trends over the course of 22 years, unlike NO2 and NO, whose concentrations decreased significantly since the end of the 1990s. Temporal analyses of meteorological parameters found increasing global radiation at all sites and decreasing precipitation, vapor pressure deficit (VPD), and wind speed at most sites (temperature did not show any trend). A principal component analysis revealed strong correlations between O3 concentrations and global radiation, VPD, and temperature. Examination of the atmospheric water balance, a key parameter for O3 uptake, identified some unusually hot and dry years (2003, 2011, 2018, and 2019). With the help of a soil water model, periods of plant water stress were detected. These periods were often in synchrony with periods of elevated daytime O3 concentrations and usually occurred in mid and late summer, but occasionally also in spring and early summer. This suggests that drought protects forests against O3 uptake and that, in humid years with moderate O3 concentrations, the O3 flux was higher than in dry years with higher O3 concentrations.
Although gravitropism forces trees to grow vertically, stems have shown to prefer specific orientations. Apart from wind deforming the tree shape, lateral light can result in prevailing inclination directions. In recent years a species dependent interaction between gravitropism and phototropism, resulting in trunks leaning down-slope, has been confirmed, but a terrestrial investigation of such factors is limited to small scale surveys. ALS offers the opportunity to investigate trees remotely. This study shall clarify whether ALS detected tree trunks can be used to identify prevailing trunk inclinations. In particular, the effect of topography, wind, soil properties and scan direction are investigated empirically using linear regression models. 299.000 significantly inclined stems were investigated. Species-specific prevailing trunk orientations could be observed. About 58% of the inclination and 19% of the orientation could be explained by the linear models, while the tree species, tree height, aspect and slope could be identified as significant factors. The models indicate that deciduous trees tend to lean down-slope, while conifers tend to lean leeward. This study has shown that ALS is suitable to investigate the trunk orientation on larger scales. It provides empirical evidence for the effect of phototropism and wind on the trunk orientation.
Soil degradation due to erosion is a significant worldwide problem at different spatial (from pedon to watershed) and temporal scales. All stages and factors in the erosion process must be detected and evaluated to reduce this environmental issue and protect existing fertile soils and natural ecosystems. Laboratory studies using rainfall simulators allow single factors and interactive effects to be investigated under controlled conditions during extreme rainfall events. In this study, three main factors (rainfall intensity, inclination, and rainfall duration) were assessed to obtain empirical data for modeling water erosion during single rainfall events. Each factor was divided into three levels (− 1, 0, + 1), which were applied in different combinations using a rainfall simulator on beds (6 × 1 m) filled with soil from a study plot located in the arid Sistan region, Iran. The rainfall duration levels tested were 3, 5, and 7 min, the rainfall intensity levels were 30, 60, and 90 mm/h, and the inclination levels were 5, 15, and 25%. The results showed that the highest rainfall intensity tested (90 mm/h) for the longest duration (7 min) caused the highest runoff (62 mm3/s) and soil loss (1580 g/m2/h). Based on the empirical results, a quadratic function was the best mathematical model (R2 = 0.90) for predicting runoff (Q) and soil loss. Single-factor analysis revealed that rainfall intensity was more influential for runoff production than changes in time and inclination, while rainfall duration was the most influential single factor for soil loss. Modeling and three-dimensional depictions of the data revealed that sediment production was high and runoff production lower at the beginning of the experiment, but this trend was reversed over time as the soil became saturated. These results indicate that avoiding the initial stage of erosion is critical, so all soil protection measures should be taken to reduce the impact at this stage. The final stages of erosion appeared too complicated to be modeled, because different factors showed differing effects on erosion.
Up-to-date information about the type and spatial distribution of forests is an essential element in both sustainable forest management and environmental monitoring and modelling. The OpenStreetMap (OSM) database contains vast amounts of spatial information on natural features, including forests (landuse=forest). The OSM data model includes describing tags for its contents, i.e., leaf type for forest areas (i.e., leaf_type=broadleaved). Although the leaf type tag is common, the vast majority of forest areas are tagged with the leaf type mixed, amounting to a total area of 87% of landuse=forests from the OSM database. These areas comprise an important information source to derive and update forest type maps. In order to leverage this information content, a methodology for stratification of leaf types inside these areas has been developed using image segmentation on aerial imagery and subsequent classification of leaf types. The presented methodology achieves an overall classification accuracy of 85% for the leaf types needleleaved and broadleaved in the selected forest areas. The resulting stratification demonstrates that through approaches, such as that presented, the derivation of forest type maps from OSM would be feasible with an extended and improved methodology. It also suggests an improved methodology might be able to provide updates of leaf type to the OSM database with contributor participation.
Climate change is expected to cause mountain species to shift their ranges to higher elevations. Due to the decreasing amounts of habitats with increasing elevation, such shifts are likely to increase their extinction risk. Heterogeneous mountain topography, however, may reduce this risk by providing microclimatic conditions that can buffer macroclimatic warming or provide nearby refugia. As aspect strongly influences the local microclimate, we here assess whether shifts from warm south-exposed aspects to cool north-exposed aspects in response to climate change can compensate for an upward shift into cooler elevations.
A lack of ability to inhibit prepotent responses, or more generally a lack of impulse control, is associated with several disorders such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and schizophrenia as well as general damage to the prefrontal cortex. A stop-signal task (SST) is a reliable and established measure of response inhibition. However, using the SST as an objective assessment in diagnostic or research-focused settings places significant stress on participants as the task itself requires concentration and cognitive effort and is not particularly engaging. This can lead to decreased motivation to follow task instructions and poor data quality, which can affect assessment efficacy and might increase drop-out rates. Gamification—the application of game-based elements in nongame settings—has shown to improve engaged attention to a cognitive task, thus increasing participant motivation and data quality.
Ability self-concept (SC) and self-efficacy (SE) are central competence-related self-perceptions that affect students’ success in educational settings. Both constructs show conceptual differences but their empirical differentiation in higher education has not been sufficiently demonstrated. In the present study, we investigated the empirical differentiation of SC and SE in higher education with N = 1,243 German psychology students (81% female; age M = 23.62 years), taking into account central methodological requirements that, in part, have been neglected in prior studies. SC and SE were assessed at the same level of specificity, only cognitive SC items were used, and multiple academic domains were considered. We modeled the structure of SC and SE taking into account a multidimensional and/or hierarchical structure and investigated the empirical differentiation of both constructs on different levels of generality (i.e., domain-specific and domain-general). Results supported the empirical differentiation of SC and SE with medium-sized positive latent correlations (range r = .57 - .68) between SC and SE on different levels of generality. The knowledge about the internal structure of students’ SC and SE and the differentiation of both constructs can help us to develop construct-specific and domain-specific intervention strategies. Future empirical comparisons of the predictive power of SC and SE can provide further evidence that both represent empirical different constructs.
The presence of sea ice leads in the sea ice cover represents a key feature in polar regions by controlling the heat exchange between the relatively warm ocean and cold atmosphere due to increased fluxes of turbulent sensible and latent heat. Sea ice leads contribute to the sea ice production and are sources for the formation of dense water which affects the ocean circulation. Atmospheric and ocean models strongly rely on observational data to describe the respective state of the sea ice since numerical models are not able to produce sea ice leads explicitly. For the Arctic, some lead datasets are available, but for the Antarctic, no such data yet exist. Our study presents a new algorithm with which leads are automatically identified in satellite thermal infrared images. A variety of lead metrics is used to distinguish between true leads and detection artefacts with the use of fuzzy logic. We evaluate the outputs and provide pixel-wise uncertainties. Our data yield daily sea ice lead maps at a resolution of 1 km2 for the winter months November– April 2002/03–2018/19 (Arctic) and April–September 2003–2019 (Antarctic), respectively. The long-term average of the lead frequency distributions show distinct features related to bathymetric structures in both hemispheres.
The parameterization of the boundary layer is a challenge for regional climate models of the Arctic. In particular, the stable boundary layer (SBL) over Greenland, being the main driver for substantial katabatic winds over the slopes, is simulated differently by different regional climate models or using different parameterizations of the same model. However, verification data sets with high-resolution profiles of the katabatic wind are rare. In the present paper, detailed aircraft measurements of profiles in the katabatic wind and automatic weather station data during the experiment KABEG (Katabatic wind and boundary-layer front experiment around Greenland) in April and May 1997 are used for the verification of the regional climate model COSMO-CLM (CCLM) nested in ERA-Interim reanalyses. CCLM is used in a forecast mode for the whole Arctic with 15 km resolution and is run in the standard configuration of SBL parameterization and with modified SBL parameterization. In the modified version, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) production and the transfer coefficients for turbulent fluxes in the SBL are reduced, leading to higher stability of the SBL. This leads to a more realistic representation of the daily temperature cycle and of the SBL structure in terms of temperature and wind profiles for the lowest 200 m.
Roof and wall slates are fine-grained rocks with slaty cleavage, and it is often difficult to determine their mineral composition. A new norm mineral calculation called slatecalculation allows the determination of a virtual mineral composition based on full chemical analysis, including the amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon (C), and sulfur (S). Derived norm minerals include feldspars, carbonates, micas, hydro-micas, chlorites, ore-minerals, and quartz. The mineral components of the slate are assessed with superior accuracy compared to the petrographic analysis based on the European Standard EN 12326. The inevitable methodical inaccuracies in the calculations are limited and transparent. In the present paper, slates, shales, and phyllites from worldwide occurrences were examined. This also gives an overview of the rocks used for discontinuous roofing and external cladding.
This study investigated correlative, factorial, and structural relationships between scores for ability emotional intelligence in the workplace (measured with the Geneva Emotional Competence Test), as well as fluid and crystallized abilities (measured with the Intelligence Structure Battery), carried out by a 188-participant student sample. Confirming existing research, recognition, understanding, and management of emotions were related primarily to crystallized ability tests measuring general knowledge, verbal fluency, and knowledge of word meaning. Meanwhile, emotion regulation was the least correlated with any other cognitive or emotional ability. In line with research on the trainability of emotional intelligence, these results may support the notion that emotional abilities are subject to acquired knowledge, where situational (i.e., workplace-specific) emotional intelligence may depend on accumulating relevant experiences.
The nonhydrostatic regional climate model CCLM was used for a long-term hindcast run (2002–2016) for the Weddell Sea region with resolutions of 15 and 5 km and two different turbulence parametrizations. CCLM was nested in ERA-Interim data and used in forecast mode (suite of consecutive 30 h long simulations with 6 h spin-up). We prescribed the sea ice concentration from satellite data and used a thermodynamic sea ice model. The performance of the model was evaluated in terms of temperature and wind using data from Antarctic stations, automatic weather stations (AWSs), an operational forecast model and reanalyses data, and lidar wind profiles. For the reference run we found a warm bias for the near-surface temperature over the Antarctic Plateau. This bias was removed in the second run by adjusting the turbulence parametrization, which results in a more realistic representation of the surface inversion over the plateau but resulted in a negative bias for some coastal regions. A comparison with measurements over the sea ice of the Weddell Sea by three AWS buoys for 1 year showed small biases for temperature around ±1 K and for wind speed of 1 m s−1. Comparisons of radio soundings showed a model bias around 0 and a RMSE of 1–2 K for temperature and 3–4 m s−1 for wind speed. The comparison of CCLM simulations at resolutions down to 1 km with wind data from Doppler lidar measurements during December 2015 and January 2016 yielded almost no bias in wind speed and a RMSE of ca. 2 m s−1. Overall CCLM shows a good representation of temperature and wind for the Weddell Sea region. Based on these encouraging results, CCLM at high resolution will be used for the investigation of the regional climate in the Antarctic and atmosphere–ice–ocean interactions processes in a forthcoming study.
Im Rahmen eines Lehrforschungsprojekts setzten sich Studierende der Angewandten Geographie an der Universität Trier über zwei Semester in den Jahren 2016 und 2017 mit der Anpassung an den Klimawandel im Weinbau auseinander. Ziel des Lehrforschungsprojektes war es, besser zu verstehen wie Winzer*innen den Klimawandel wahrnehmen, welche Rolle der Klimawandel in (betrieblichen) Entscheidungen spielt und welche Anpassungspraktiken bereits beobachtbar sind.Der vorliegende Bericht fasst einige Ergebnisse der empirischen Untersuchung knapp zusammen.
Estimation and therefore prediction -- both in traditional statistics and machine learning -- encounters often problems when done on survey data, i.e. on data gathered from a random subset of a finite population. Additional to the stochastic generation of the data in the finite population (based on a superpopulation model), the subsetting represents a second randomization process, and adds further noise to the estimation. The character and impact of the additional noise on the estimation procedure depends on the specific probability law for subsetting, i.e. the survey design. Especially when the design is complex or the population data is not generated by a Gaussian distribution, established methods must be re-thought. Both phenomena can be found in business surveys, and their combined occurrence poses challenges to the estimation.
This work introduces selected topics linked to relevant use cases of business surveys and discusses the role of survey design therein: First, consider micro-econometrics using business surveys. Regression analysis under the peculiarities of non-normal data and complex survey design is discussed. The focus lies on mixed models, which are able to capture unobserved heterogeneity e.g. between economic sectors, when the dependent variable is not conditionally normally distributed. An algorithm for survey-weighted model estimation in this setting is provided and applied to business data.
Second, in official statistics, the classical sampling randomization and estimators for finite population totals are relevant. The variance estimation of estimators for (finite) population totals plays a major role in this framework in order to decide on the reliability of survey data. When the survey design is complex, and the number of variables is large for which an estimated total is required, generalized variance functions are popular for variance estimation. They allow to circumvent cumbersome theoretical design-based variance formulae or computer-intensive resampling. A synthesis of the superpopulation-based motivation and the survey framework is elaborated. To the author's knowledge, such a synthesis is studied for the first time both theoretically and empirically.
Third, the self-organizing map -- an unsupervised machine learning algorithm for data visualization, clustering and even probability estimation -- is introduced. A link to Markov random fields is outlined, which to the author's knowledge has not yet been established, and a density estimator is derived. The latter is evaluated in terms of a Monte-Carlo simulation and then applied to real world business data.
Retirement, fertility and sexuality are three key life stage events that are embedded in the framework of population economics in this dissertation. Each topic implies economic relevance. As retirement entry shifts labour supply of experienced workers to zero, this issue is particularly relevant for employers, retirees themselves as well as policymakers who are in charge of the design of the pension system. Giving birth has comprehensive economic relevance for women. Parental leave and subsequent part-time work lead to a direct loss of income. Lower levels of employment, work experience, training and career opportunities result in indirect income losses. Sexuality has decisive influence on the quality of partnerships, subjective well-being and happiness. Well-being and happiness, in turn, are significant key determinants not only in private life but also in the work domain, for example in the area of job performance. Furthermore, partnership quality determines the duration of a partnership. And in general, partnerships enable the pooling of (financial) resources - compared to being single. The contribution of this dissertation emerges from the integration of social and psychological concepts into economic analysis as well as the application of economic theory in non-standard economic research topics. The results of the three chapters show that the multidisciplinary approach yields better prediction of human behaviour than the single disciplines on their own. The results in the first chapter show that both interpersonal conflict with superiors and the individual’s health status play a significant role in retirement decisions. The chapter further contributes to existing literature by showing the moderating role of health within the retirement decision-making: On the one hand, all employees are more likely to retire when they are having conflicts with their superior. On the other hand, among healthy employees, the same conflict raises retirement intentions even more. That means good health is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for continued working. It may be that conflicts with superiors raise retirement intentions more if the worker is healthy. The key findings of the second chapter reveal significant influence of religion on contraceptive and fertility-related decisions. A large part of research on religion and fertility is originated in evidence from the US. This chapter contrasts evidence from Germany. Additionally, the chapter contributes by integrating miscarriages and abortions, rather than limiting the analysis to births and it gains from rich prospective data on fertility biography of women. The third chapter provides theoretical insights on how to incorporate psychological variables into an economic framework which aims to analyse sexual well-being. According to this theory, personality may play a dual role by shaping a person’s preferences for sex as well as the person’s behaviour in a sexual relationship. Results of econometric analysis reveal detrimental effects of neuroticism on sexual well-being while conscientiousness seems to create a win-win situation for a couple. Extraversions and Openness have ambiguous effects on romantic relationships by enhancing sexual well-being on the one hand but raising commitment problems on the other. Agreeable persons seem to gain sexual satisfaction even if they perform worse in sexual communication.