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Representation Learning techniques play a crucial role in a wide variety of Deep Learning applications. From Language Generation to Link Prediction on Graphs, learned numerical vector representations often build the foundation for numerous downstream tasks.
In Natural Language Processing, word embeddings are contextualized and depend on their current context. This useful property reflects how words can have different meanings based on their neighboring words.
In Knowledge Graph Embedding (KGE) approaches, static vector representations are still the dominant approach. While this is sufficient for applications where the underlying Knowledge Graph (KG) mainly stores static information, it becomes a disadvantage when dynamic entity behavior needs to be modelled.
To address this issue, KGE approaches would need to model dynamic entities by incorporating situational and sequential context into the vector representations of entities. Analogous to contextualised word embeddings, this would allow entity embeddings to change depending on their history and current situational factors.
Therefore, this thesis provides a description of how to transform static KGE approaches to contextualised dynamic approaches and how the specific characteristics of different dynamic scenarios are need to be taken into consideration.
As a starting point, we conduct empirical studies that attempt to integrate sequential and situational context into static KG embeddings and investigate the limitations of the different approaches. In a second step, the identified limitations serve as guidance for developing a framework that enables KG embeddings to become truly dynamic, taking into account both the current situation and the past interactions of an entity. The two main contributions in this step are the introduction of the temporally contextualized Knowledge Graph formalism and the corresponding RETRA framework which realizes the contextualisation of entity embeddings.
Finally, we demonstrate how situational contextualisation can be realized even in static environments, where all object entities are passive at all times.
For this, we introduce a novel task that requires the combination of multiple context modalities and their integration with a KG based view on entity behavior.