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- Doctoral Thesis (61)
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- German (36)
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- Amtliche Statistik (2)
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- European Union (2)
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In politics and economics, and thus in the official statistics, the precise estimation of indicators for small regions or parts of populations, the so-called Small Areas or domains, is discussed intensively. The design-based estimation methods currently used are mainly based on asymptotic properties and are thus reliable for large sample sizes. With small sample sizes, however, this design based considerations often do not apply, which is why special model-based estimation methods have been developed for this case - the Small Area methods. While these may be biased, they often have a smaller mean squared error (MSE) as the unbiased design based estimators. In this work both classic design-based estimation methods and model-based estimation methods are presented and compared. The focus lies on the suitability of the various methods for their use in official statistics. First theory and algorithms suitable for the required statistical models are presented, which are the basis for the subsequent model-based estimators. Sampling designs are then presented apt for Small Area applications. Based on these fundamentals, both design-based estimators and as well model-based estimation methods are developed. Particular consideration is given in this case to the area-level empirical best predictor for binomial variables. Numerical and Monte Carlo estimation methods are proposed and compared for this analytically unsolvable estimator. Furthermore, MSE estimation methods are proposed and compared. A very popular and flexible resampling method that is widely used in the field of Small Area Statistics, is the parametric bootstrap. One major drawback of this method is its high computational intensity. To mitigate this disadvantage, a variance reduction method for parametric bootstrap is proposed. On the basis of theoretical considerations the enormous potential of this proposal is proved. A Monte Carlo simulation study shows the immense variance reduction that can be achieved with this method in realistic scenarios. This can be up to 90%. This actually enables the use of parametric bootstrap in applications in official statistics. Finally, the presented estimation methods in a large Monte Carlo simulation study in a specific application for the Swiss structural survey are examined. Here problems are discussed, which are of high relevance for official statistics. These are in particular: (a) How small can the areas be without leading to inappropriate or to high precision estimates? (b) Are the accuracy specifications for the Small Area estimators reliable enough to use it for publication? (c) Do very small areas infer in the modeling of the variables of interest? Could they cause thus a deterioration of the estimates of larger and therefore more important areas? (d) How can covariates, which are in different levels of aggregation be used in an appropriate way to improve the estimates. The data basis is the Swiss census of 2001. The main results are that in the author- view, the use of small area estimators for the production of estimates for areas with very small sample sizes is advisable in spite of the modeling effort. The MSE estimates provide a useful measure of precision, but do not reach in all Small Areas the level of reliability of the variance estimates for design-based estimators.
Fehlende Werte und deren Kompensation über Imputation stellen eine große Herausforderung für die Varianzschätzung eines Punktschätzers dar. Dies gilt auch in der Amtlichen Statistik. Um eine unverzerrte Varianzschätzung zu gewährleisten, müssen alle Komponenten der Varianz berücksichtigt werden. Hierzu wird häufig eine Zerlegung der Gesamtvarianz durchgeführt mit dem Ziel, detaillierte Informationen über ihre Komponenten zu erhalten und diese vollständig zu erfassen. In dieser Arbeit stehen Resampling-Methoden im Vordergrund. Es wird ein Ansatz entwickelt, wie neuere Resampling-Methoden, welche alle Elemente der ursprünglichen Stichprobe berücksichtigen, hinsichtlich der Anwendung von Imputation übertragen werden können. Zum Vergleich verschiedener Varianzschätzer wird eine Monte-Carlo-Simulationsstudie durchgeführt. Mit Hilfe einer Monte-Carlo-Simulation findet zudem eine Zerlegung der Gesamtvarianz unter verschiedenen Parameterkonstellationen statt.
Globalization and the emergence of global value chains have not only changed the way we live, but also the way economists study international economics. These changes are visible in various areas and dimension. This dissertation deals " mostly empirically " with some of these issues related to global value chains. It starts by critically examining the political economy forces determining the occurrence and the extent of trade liberalization conditions in World Bank lending agreements. The focal point is whether these are affected by the World Bank- most influential member countries. Afterwards, the thesis moves on to describe trade of the European Union member countries at each stage of the value chain. The description is based on a new classification of goods into parts, components and final products as well as a newly developed measure describing the average level of development of a countries trading partners. This descriptive exercise is followed by critically examining discrepancies between gross trade and trade in value added with respect to comparative advantage. A gravity model is employed to contrast results when studying the institutional determinants of comparative advantage. Finally, the thesis deals with determinants of regional location choices for foreign direct investment. The analysis is based on a theoretical new economic geography model and employs a newly developed index that accounts for the presence of potentially all suppliers and buyers at all stages of the value chain.
Die Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland (EKD) ist eine der größten Nonprofit-Organisationen in Deutschland. Sie ist ein sehr heterogenes Gebilde aus (zum Zeitpunkt der Untersuchung) 22 Landeskirchen unterschiedlichen Bekenntnisses mit jeweils eigenen Organisationsstatuten und rechtlichen Regelungen. Lokale Anlaufpunkte für ihre 23,9 Millionen Mitglieder (Stand Ende 2010) sind die Gemeinden. Sie verwalten sich weitgehend selbständig und werden von gewählten und berufenen Ehrenamtlichen sowie dem oder den Geistlichen der Gemeinde geleitet. Ein Mitglieder- und Einnahmerückgang bewirkt steigende Anforderungen an die Gemeindeleitung und die Notwendigkeit umfassender organisatorischer Veränderungen, die einen groß angelegten Reformprozess in der EKD angestoßen hat. Dies führt u.a. zu Zusammenlegungen von Landeskirchen und Kirchengemeinden, Pfarrstellenkürzungen und einer Reduzierung kirchlicher Gebäude. Auch hiervon sind die Gemeinden und ihre Leitungsgremien betroffen. Ziel der Arbeit ist, vor diesem Hintergrund die Gemeindeleitung (mit Fokus auf den ehrenamtlichen Gemeindeleitern) und die Entscheidungsprozesse in den Leitungsgremien explorativ zu beleuchten. Die Betrachtung erfolgt aus einer verfügungsrechtlichen Perspektive und rückt damit die Handlungsspielräume, die Einstellungen und das Entscheidungsverhalten der ehrenamtlichen Gemeindeleiter in den Fokus. Zunächst werden die aktuellen Herausforderungen für die Gemeinden sowie die Themen und unterschiedlichen Ansätze in der Reformdebatte betrachtet. Es folgt eine Darlegung der Einflussmöglichkeiten der Gemeindeleiter auf die Situation ihrer Gemeinde. Hierzu werden die für die Dienstleistungsproduktion von Gemeinden relevanten Entscheidungsfelder, wichtige Kenngrößen für die Gemeindearbeit und die von den Gemeindeleitern beeinflussbaren Entscheidungsvariablen ermittelt. Es folgt eine Analyse der verfügungsrechtlichen Arrangements der 22 Landeskirchen der EKD für die Gemeindeleitung. Für den angestrebten Organisationsvergleich sind Regelungsaspekte von Interesse, deren Ausgestaltung in einzelnen Landeskirchen stark voneinander abweicht. Für die empirische Untersuchung werden konkret die drei Aspekte 'Grad der Selbständigkeit des Gemeindeleitungsgremiums', 'Einflussverteilung zwischen Pfarrern und Ehrenamtlichen im Gremium' sowie 'Haftungsregelungen für die ehrenamtlichen Gemeindeleiter' ausgewählt. Zu den Auswirkungen der unterschiedlichen Ausgestaltung dieser drei Regelungsaspekte werden Hypothesen aufgestellt, die anhand von Fallstudien überprüft werden sollen. Hierfür wurden mit der Evangelischen Kirche in Hessen und Nassau, der Evangelischen Kirche von Kurhessen-Waldeck und der Evangelisch-reformierten Kirche drei Landeskirchen selektiert, die in den genannten Bereichen sehr unterschiedliche Regelungen aufweisen. Den Kern der Arbeit bildet eine explorative vergleichende Untersuchung der unterschiedlichen verfügungsrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen in den ausgewählten Landeskirchen und ihrer Auswirkung auf das Entscheidungsverhalten der ehrenamtlichen Gemeindeleiter. Auf der Basis von Interviews mit rechtlich versierten Vertretern der drei Landeskirchen werden die historischen Hintergründe für die unterschiedliche rechtliche Ausgestaltung sowie die praktische Relevanz und Anwendbarkeit der einzelnen Regelungen analysiert. Zusätzlich werden für die gemeindlichen Fallstudien wichtige Veränderungs- / Entscheidungsprozesse mit aktuell großer Bedeutung für die Gemeinden ermittelt. Dies sind konkret der Gemeindezusammenschluss, die Pfarrstellenbesetzung und die Durchführung einer großen Baumaßnahme. Für die gemeindliche Untersuchung wurden für jede der drei Landeskirchen drei bis vier Gemeinden (insgesamt 11) ausgewählt, die mindestens einen der drei genannten Prozesse gerade durchliefen oder abgeschlossen hatten. Für jeden ausgewählten Prozess wird damit in jeder Landeskirche mindestens ein Fall betrachtet. An die ehrenamtlichen Gemeindeleiter der selektierten Gemeinden adressierte Fragebögen geben Aufschluss zu ihren Motivstrukturen. Mittels eine Clusteranalyse werden dabei sechs unterschiedliche Gemeindeleitertypen mit verschiedenen Motiven und Schwerpunkten ermittelt und vorgestellt. Anhand von mit den ehrenamtlichen Vorsitzenden der Gemeinden geführten Interviews werden schließlich die durchlaufenen Entscheidungsprozesse beleuchtet. Auf Basis der Erkenntnisse aus den Interviews und den Fragebögen wird analysiert, wie sich die unterschiedlichen verfügungsrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen in den drei Landeskirchen auf das Entscheidungsverhalten verschiedener Gemeindeleitertypen und damit auf die Entscheidungsprozesse und -ergebnisse in den Gemeinden auswirken. Dabei werden die zuvor aufgestellten Hypothesen anhand der vornehmlich qualitativen Auswertungen überprüft. Abschließend werden die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse in die Reformdebatte eingeordnet und konkrete organisatorische Gestaltungsvorschläge abgeleitet.
This thesis deals with economic aspects of employees' sickness. In addition to the classical case of sickness absence, in which an employee is completely unable to work and hence stays at home, there is the case of sickness presenteeism, in which the employee comes to work despite being sick. Accordingly, the thesis at hand covers research on both sickness states, absence and presenteeism. The first section covers sickness absence and labour market institutions. Chapter 2 presents theoretical and empirical evidence that differences in the social norm against benefit fraud, so-called benefit morale, can explain cross country diversity in the generosity of statutory sick pay entitlements between developed countries. In our political economy model, a stricter benefit morale reduces the absence rate, with counteracting effects on the politically set sick pay replacement rate. On the one hand, less absence caused by a stricter norm, makes the tax-financed insurance cheaper, leading to the usual demand side effect and hence to more generous sick pay entitlements. On the other hand, being less likely to be absent due to a stricter norm, the voters prefer a smaller fee over more insurance. We document both effects in a sample of 31 developed countries, capturing the years from 1981 to 2010. In Chapter 3 we investigate the relationship between the existence of works councils and illness-related absence and its consequences for plants. Using individual data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP), we find that the existence of a works council is positively correlated with the incidence and the annual duration of absence. Additionally, linked employer-employee data (LIAB) suggests that employers are more likely to expect personnel problems due to absence in plants with a works council. In western Germany, we find significant effects using a difference-in-differences approach, which can be causally interpreted. The second part of this thesis covers two studies on sickness presenteeism. In Chapter 4, we empirically investigate the determinants of the annual duration of sickness presenteeism using the European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS). Work autonomy, workload and tenure are positively related to the number of sickness presenteeism days, while a good working environment comes with less presenteeism. In Chapter 5 we theoretically and empirically analyze sickness absence and presenteeism behaviour with a focus on their interdependence. Specifically, we ask whether work-related factors lead to a substitutive, a complementary or no relationship between sickness absence and presenteeism. In other words, we want to know whether changes in absence and presenteeism behaviour incurred by work-related characteristics point in opposite directions (substitutive), the same direction (complementary), or whether they only affect either one of the two sickness states (no relationship). Our theoretical model shows that the relationship between sickness absence and presenteeism with regard to work-related characteristics is not necessarily of a substitutive nature. Instead, a complementary or no relationship can emerge as well. Turning to the empirical investigation, we find that only one out of 16 work-related factors, namely the supervisor status, leads to a substitutive relationship between absence and presenteeism. Few of the other determinants are complements, while the large majority is either related to sickness absence or presenteeism.
This dissertation focuses on the link between labour market institutions and precautionary savings. It is evaluated whether private households react to changes in social insurance provision such as the income replacement in case of unemployment by increased savings for precautionary reasons. The dissertation consists of three self-contained chapters, each focusing on slightly different aspects of the topic. The first chapter titled "Precautionary saving and the (in)stability of subjective earnings uncertainty" empirically looks at the influence of future income uncertainty on household saving behavior. Numerous cross-section studies on precautionary saving use subjective expectations regarding the income variance one year ahead as a proxy for income uncertainty. Using such proxies observed only at one point in time, however, may give rise to biased estimates for precautionary wealth if expectations are not stable over time. Survey data from the Dutch DNB Household Survey suggest that subjective future income distributions are not stable over the mid-term. Moreover, in this study I contrast estimates of precautionary wealth using the variation coefficient observed at one point in time with those using a simple mid-term average. Estimates of precautionary wealth based on the average are about 40% to 80% higher than the estimates using the variation coefficient observed only once. In addition to that, wealth accumulation for precautionary reasons is estimated for different parts of the income distribution. The share of precautionary wealth is highest for households at the center of the income distribution. By linking saving behaviour with unemployment insurance, the following chapters then shed some light on an issue that has largely been neglected in the literature on labour market institutions so far. Whereas the third chapter models the relevance of unemployment insurance for income uncertainty and intertemporal decision making during institutional reform processes, chapter 4 seeks to establish empirically a relationship between saving behavior and unemployment insurance. Social insurance, especially unemployment insurance, provides agents with income insurance against not marketable income risks. Since the early 1990s, reform measures like more activating policies as suggested by the OECD Jobs Study in 1994 have been observed in Europe. In the third chapter it is argued that such changes in unemployment insurance reduce public insurance and increase income uncertainty. Moreover, a simple three period model is discussed which shows a link between a welfare state reform and agents' saving decisions as one possible reaction of agents to self-insure against income risk. Two sources of uncertainty seem to be important in this context: (1) uncertain results of the reform process concerning the replacement rate, and (2) uncertainty regarding the timing of information about the content of the reform. It can be shown that the precautionary motive for saving explains an increased accumulation of capital in times of reform activities. In addition to that, early information about the expected replacement rate increases agents' utility and reduces under and oversaving. Following the argument of the previous chapters, that an important feature of labour market institutions in modern welfare states is to provide cash transfers as income replacement in case of unemployment, it is hypothesised that unemployment benefits reduce the motive to save for precautionary reasons. Based on consumer sentiment data from the European Commission's Consumer Survey, chapter four finally provides some evidence that aggregate saving intentions are significantly influenced by unemployment benefits. It can be shown that higher benefits lower the intention to save.