Year of publication
- 2020 (90) (remove)
Document Type
- Contribution to a Periodical (30)
- Doctoral Thesis (27)
- Article (17)
- Working Paper (9)
- Part of Periodical (6)
- Book (1)
- Luxemburg (19)
- Demokratie (18)
- Deutschland (18)
- Schule (17)
- Klassensprecher (16)
- Politische Bildung (16)
- Schülervertretung (16)
- Forschungsdaten (4)
- Management (4)
- Gesundheit (3)
- Politikwissenschaft (32)
- Raum- und Umweltwissenschaften (11)
- Fachbereich 4 (10)
- Psychologie (6)
- Fachbereich 1 (4)
- Fachbereich 6 (3)
- Ethnologie (1)
- Fachbereich 2 (1)
- Fachbereich 5 (1)
- Informatik (1)
Pour pouvoir développer une compétence médiatique, les élèves ont besoin d’une réflexion, mais également d’une pratique personnelle des médias afin de devenir des producteur(trice)s et des concepteur(trice)s d’offres médiatiques. Ce compte rendu pratique relate la réalisation d’un programme télévisé d’une heure avec des élèves du Lycée de Garçons Esch.
The formerly communist countries in Central and Eastern Europe (transitional economies in Europe and the Soviet Union – for example, East Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Russia) and transitional economies in Asia – for example, China, Vietnam had centrally planned economies, which did not allow entrepreneurship activities. Despite the political-socioeconomic transformations in transitional economies around 1989, they still had an institutional heritage that affects individuals’ values and attitudes, which, in turn, influence intentions, behaviors, and actions, including entrepreneurship.
While prior studies on the long-lasting effects of socialist legacy on entrepreneurship have focused on limited geographical regions (e.g., East-West Germany, and East-West Europe), this dissertation focuses on the Vietnamese context, which offers a unique quasi-experimental setting. In 1954, Vietnam was divided into the socialist North and the non-socialist South, and it was then reunified under socialist rule in 1975. Thus, the intensity of differences in socialist treatment in North-South Vietnam (about 21 years) is much shorter than that in East-West Germany (about 40 years) and East-West Europe (about 70 years when considering former Soviet Union countries).
To assess the relationship between socialist history and entrepreneurship in this unique setting, we survey more than 3,000 Vietnamese individuals. This thesis finds that individuals from North Vietnam have lower entrepreneurship intentions, are less likely to enroll in entrepreneurship education programs, and display lower likelihood to take over an existing business, compared to those from the South of Vietnam. The long-lasting effect of formerly socialist institutions on entrepreneurship is apparently deeper than previously discovered in the prominent case of East-West Germany and East-West Europe as well.
In the second empirical investigation, this dissertation focuses on how succession intentions differ from others (e.g., founding, and employee intentions) regarding career choice motivation, and the effect of three main elements of the theory of planned behavior (e.g., entrepreneurial attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control) in transition economy – Vietnam context. The findings of this thesis suggest that an intentional founder is labeled with innovation, an intentional successor is labeled with roles motivation, and an intentional employee is labeled with social mission. Additionally, this thesis reveals that entrepreneurial attitude and perceived behavioral control are positively associated with the founding intention, whereas there is no difference in this effect between succession and employee intentions.
In current times, the coronavirus is spreading and taking its toll all over the world. Inspite of having developed into a global pandemic, COVID-19 is oftentimes met with local national(ist) reactions. Many states pursue iso-lationist politics by closing and enforcing borders and by focusing entirely on their own functioning in this mo-ment of crisis. This nationalist/nationally-oriented rebordering politics goes hand in hand with what might be termed ‘linguistic rebordering,’ i.e. the attempts of constructing the disease as something foreign-grown and by apportioning the blame to ‘the other.’ This paper aims at laying bare the interconnectedness of these geopoliti-cal and linguistic/discursive rebordering politics. It questions their efficacy and makes a plea for cross-border solidarity.
Retirement, fertility and sexuality are three key life stage events that are embedded in the framework of population economics in this dissertation. Each topic implies economic relevance. As retirement entry shifts labour supply of experienced workers to zero, this issue is particularly relevant for employers, retirees themselves as well as policymakers who are in charge of the design of the pension system. Giving birth has comprehensive economic relevance for women. Parental leave and subsequent part-time work lead to a direct loss of income. Lower levels of employment, work experience, training and career opportunities result in indirect income losses. Sexuality has decisive influence on the quality of partnerships, subjective well-being and happiness. Well-being and happiness, in turn, are significant key determinants not only in private life but also in the work domain, for example in the area of job performance. Furthermore, partnership quality determines the duration of a partnership. And in general, partnerships enable the pooling of (financial) resources - compared to being single. The contribution of this dissertation emerges from the integration of social and psychological concepts into economic analysis as well as the application of economic theory in non-standard economic research topics. The results of the three chapters show that the multidisciplinary approach yields better prediction of human behaviour than the single disciplines on their own. The results in the first chapter show that both interpersonal conflict with superiors and the individual’s health status play a significant role in retirement decisions. The chapter further contributes to existing literature by showing the moderating role of health within the retirement decision-making: On the one hand, all employees are more likely to retire when they are having conflicts with their superior. On the other hand, among healthy employees, the same conflict raises retirement intentions even more. That means good health is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for continued working. It may be that conflicts with superiors raise retirement intentions more if the worker is healthy. The key findings of the second chapter reveal significant influence of religion on contraceptive and fertility-related decisions. A large part of research on religion and fertility is originated in evidence from the US. This chapter contrasts evidence from Germany. Additionally, the chapter contributes by integrating miscarriages and abortions, rather than limiting the analysis to births and it gains from rich prospective data on fertility biography of women. The third chapter provides theoretical insights on how to incorporate psychological variables into an economic framework which aims to analyse sexual well-being. According to this theory, personality may play a dual role by shaping a person’s preferences for sex as well as the person’s behaviour in a sexual relationship. Results of econometric analysis reveal detrimental effects of neuroticism on sexual well-being while conscientiousness seems to create a win-win situation for a couple. Extraversions and Openness have ambiguous effects on romantic relationships by enhancing sexual well-being on the one hand but raising commitment problems on the other. Agreeable persons seem to gain sexual satisfaction even if they perform worse in sexual communication.
Many NP-hard optimization problems that originate from classical graph theory, such as the maximum stable set problem and the maximum clique problem, have been extensively studied over the past decades and involve the choice of a subset of edges or vertices. There usually exist combinatorial methods that can be applied to solve them directly in the graph.
The most simple method is to enumerate feasible solutions and select the best. It is not surprising that this method is very slow oftentimes, so the task is to cleverly discard fruitless search space during the search. An alternative method to solve graph problems is to formulate integer linear programs, such that their solution yields an optimal solution to the original optimization problem in the graph. In order to solve integer linear programs, one can start with relaxing the integer constraints and then try to find inequalities for cutting off fractional extreme points. In the best case, it would be possible to describe the convex hull of the feasible region of the integer linear program with a set of inequalities. In general, giving a complete description of this convex hull is out of reach, even if it has a polynomial number of facets. Thus, one tries to strengthen the (weak) relaxation of the integer linear program best possible via strong inequalities that are valid for the convex hull of feasible integer points.
Many classes of valid inequalities are of exponential size. For instance, a graph can have exponentially many odd cycles in general and therefore the number of odd cycle inequalities for the maximum stable set problem is exponential. It is sometimes possible to check in polynomial time if some given point violates any of the exponentially many inequalities. This is indeed the case for the odd cycle inequalities for the maximum stable set problem. If a polynomial time separation algorithm is known, there exists a formulation of polynomial size that contains a given point if and only if it does not violate one of the (potentially exponentially many) inequalities. This thesis can be divided into two parts. The first part is the main part and it contains various new results. We present new extended formulations for several optimization problems, i.e. the maximum stable set problem, the nonconvex quadratic program with box
constraints and the p-median problem. In the second part we modify a very fast algorithm for finding a maximum clique in very large sparse graphs. We suggest and compare three alternative versions of this algorithm to the original version and compare their strengths and weaknesses.
Ability self-concept (SC) and self-efficacy (SE) are central competence-related self-perceptions that affect students’ success in educational settings. Both constructs show conceptual differences but their empirical differentiation in higher education has not been sufficiently demonstrated. In the present study, we investigated the empirical differentiation of SC and SE in higher education with N = 1,243 German psychology students (81% female; age M = 23.62 years), taking into account central methodological requirements that, in part, have been neglected in prior studies. SC and SE were assessed at the same level of specificity, only cognitive SC items were used, and multiple academic domains were considered. We modeled the structure of SC and SE taking into account a multidimensional and/or hierarchical structure and investigated the empirical differentiation of both constructs on different levels of generality (i.e., domain-specific and domain-general). Results supported the empirical differentiation of SC and SE with medium-sized positive latent correlations (range r = .57 - .68) between SC and SE on different levels of generality. The knowledge about the internal structure of students’ SC and SE and the differentiation of both constructs can help us to develop construct-specific and domain-specific intervention strategies. Future empirical comparisons of the predictive power of SC and SE can provide further evidence that both represent empirical different constructs.
Grundlage der Arbeit stellten zwei Arbeitshypothesen dar, die es zu überprüfen galt. Die beiden Arbeitshypothesen wurden aufgrund einer Beobachtung eines Phänomens im Freiland formuliert, da bei scheinbar unterschiedlich starkem Reblausbesatzes im Boden kein direkter Zusammenhang zu einer schädigenden Wirkung dieses Stressphänomens (Reblausbefall) hergestellt werden konnte. Im Gegenteil traten die schädigenden Wirkungen des Reblausbefalls in Form von Rückgangserscheinungen eher in Rebflächen auf, die einer mangelhaften Bewirtschaftung oder Bestandsführung unterlagen. Zur Klärung dieses Phänomens wurden daher die beiden (A., B.) folgenden Hypothesen aufgestellt, die es zu überprüfen galt:
A.: Die in mit Unterlagsrebsorten der Kreuzung V. berlandieri x V. riparia zu beobachtenden Rückgangserscheinungen in Rebanlagen mit Reblausvorkommen werden nicht allein durch die Saugtätigkeit der Reblaus an den Rebwurzeln verursacht; eine direkte Korrelation zwischen Reblausdichte und Ausmaß der Rückgangserscheinungen an infizierten Reben besteht nicht. B.: Das Ausmaß möglicher Rückgangserscheinungen ist abhängig von der Bewirtschaftung des Rebbestands, wobei der Bodenbewirtschaftung eine maßgebliche Rolle zukommt.
Um diese Hypothesen zu überprüfen wurde ableitend von den Zielen der Arbeit ein Reblausbonitursystem zur Erfassung der Reblausabudanz im Freiland im Boden erarbeitet. Die besonderen Schwierigkeiten bei der Erfassung des Reblausbefalls im Boden aufgrund des stark variierenden Wurzelsystems der Rebe und dem ebenfalls stark schwankenden Reblausbefalls an der Wurzel der Rebe wurde mit dem Reblausbonitursystem (Grabungen) Rechnung getragen, sodass ein valides System zur Beurteilung des Reblausbefalls auch im jahreszeitlichen Verlauf erstellt worden konnte. Damit wurde ein Reblausbonitursystem geschaffen, das auch in praktischer Anwendung durchführbar ist und somit mit seiner höheren möglichen Replikationsrate bei der Probenentnahme dem stark variierenden Charakter des Reblausbefalls im Boden Rechnung trägt.
Um Rückgangserscheinungen in einem Weinberg nachhaltig analysieren zu können, wurde ein Wuchsbonitursystem evaluiert. Dieses System beurteilt alle Reben einer Rebfläche innerhalb eines einfachen für den Menschen kognitiv sehr gut verarbeitenden Bewertungssystem zum Wuchs der Reben. Damit ist eine Erfassung einer sehr großen Datenmenge zur Beurteilung des Wuchses auf einem Rebfeld möglich. Die Korrelation des mit dem System ermittelten Wuchses zu vielen Leistungsparametern der Rebe und den Gegebenheiten auf den Versuchsflächen zeigt die hohe Validität des Wuchsbonitursystems auf. Auch konnten Wuchsunterschiede in sehr differierenden Versuchsfeldern mit dieser Methode deutlich belegt werden. Damit wurde deutlich, dass mit dieser Wuchsboniturmethode die Rückgangserscheinungen in einer Rebfläche erkannt und analysiert werden konnten. Somit konnten mit den beiden Instrumenten der Wuchs- und Reblausbonitur die beiden Arbeitshypothesen dahingehend belegt werden, dass unter Verwendung der Unterlagensorten der Kreuzungskombination V. berlandieri x V. riparia kein Zusammenhang zwischen der Reblausdichte im Boden und Rückgangserscheinungen der Rebe vorliegen. Darüber hinaus konnte belegt werden, dass in Erweiterung dieser Erkenntnis das Ausmaß der Rückganserscheinungen bei Reben maßgeblich von der Art der Bewirtschaftung abhängt und somit deutlich abzutrennen ist vom Einfluss des Reblausbefalls. Vor allem konnte durch die vorliegende Arbeit unter Einbeziehung des Wuchsbonitursystems eine Methode erarbeitet werden, die in Zukunft bei der Beurteilung von Fernerkundungsdaten ein nützliches Instrument darstellt, um die wirklichen Gegebenheiten hinsichtlich des Wuchses der Reben auf Weinbergsflächen mit den berechneten Werten zu Wuchsindizes zu korrelieren.
Imagery-based techniques have received increasing interest in psychotherapy research. Whereas their effectiveness has been shown for various psychological disorders, their underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Current research predominantly investigates intrapersonal processes, while interpersonal processes have received no attention to date. The aim of the current dissertation was to fill this lacuna. The three interrelated studies comprising this dissertation were the first to examine the effectiveness of imagery-based techniques in the treatment of test anxiety, relate physiological arousal to emotional processing, and investigate the association between physiological synchrony and multiple process measures.
Study I investigated the feasibility of a newly developed protocol, which integrates imagery-based and cognitive-behavioral components, to treat test anxiety in a sample of 31 students. The results indicated the protocol as acceptable, feasible, and effective in the treatment of test anxiety. Additionally, the imagery-based component was positively associated with therapeutic bond, session evaluation, and emotional experience.
Study II shifted the focus from the effectiveness of imagery-based techniques to client-therapist physiological synchrony as a putative mechanism of change in the same sample. The results suggested that physiological synchrony was greater than chance during both imagery-based and cognitive-behavioral components. Variability of physiological synchrony on the session-level during the imagery-based components and variability on both levels (session and dyad) during the cognitive-behavioral components were demonstrated. Furthermore, physiological synchrony of the imagery-based segments was positively assocatied with therapeutic bond. No association was found for the cognitive-behavioral components.
Study III examined both intrapersonal (i.e., clients’ electrodermal activity) and interpersonal (i.e., client-therapist electrodermal activity synchrony) processes and their associations with emotional processing in a sample of 49 client-therapist-dyads. The results suggested that higher client physiological arousal and a moderate level of physiological synchrony were associated with deeper emotional processing.
Taken together, the results highlight the effectiveness of imagery-based techniques in the treatment of test anxiety. Furthermore, the results of Studies II and III support the idea of physiological synchrony as a mechanism of change in imagery with and without rescripting. The current dissertation takes an important step towards optimizing process research within psychotherapy and contributes to a better understanding of the potency and mechanisms of change of imagery-based techniques. We hope that these studies’ implications will support everyday clinical practice.
Dans les établissements d’enseignement luxembourgeois, le comité des élèves est un organe de participation représentatif prévu par le législateur. En règle générale, la composition est décidée à l’aide d’élections, qui ont lieu au début de chaque année scolaire et auxquelles tou·te·s les élèves sont tenu·e·s de participer. Cet article illustre les étapes à suivre pour organiser des élections et fournit des documents qui peuvent apporter un soutien dans ce contexte.
Das Schülercomité ist an luxemburgischen Sekundarschulen ein vom Gesetzgeber vorgesehenes, repräsentatives Mitsprachegremium. In der Regel geschieht die Zusammenstellung über Wahlen, die zu Beginn eines neuen Schuljahres durchgeführt werden und zu deren Teilnahme alle Schüler*innen verpflichtet sind. Der vorliegende Artikel veranschaulicht, welche Etappen bei der Organisation zu beachten sind und bietet Dokumente, die Hilfestellung leisten können.