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Weltweit wird die Wildjagd unserer Zeit selten noch aus rein praktischen Motiven (z. B. Nahrungsjagd),sondern um eines starken emotionalen Erfolges Willen (der Kick beim Töten des Tieres, Freude, Glück,Zerstreuung, Entspannung, Abenteuer) oft mit großer Leidenschaft und Hingabe betrieben. Die Außenperspektive registriert Jagdhandeln dieser Art meistens als Lust am Töten. Mit dieser spekulativen Annahme eines urmenschlichen Bedürfnisses (Anlage) stimmen die meisten Jäger überein: Sie glaubenan einen atavistisch auftretenden naturalen Beutetrieb, der sich an der Kulturevolution "vorbeigeschlichen" hat. Für die modernen Jäger unserer Zeit bedeutet das Töten des Wildes notwendige Bedingung zum Erreichen des oft leidenschaftlich intendierten emotionalen Ereignisses (der Kick). Gleichzeitig behaupten sie, das Töten des Wildes sei nicht erlebenskonstitutiv: Für den angestrebtenemotionalen Erfolg ist das Töten notwendige Bedingung, er (das Erleben) besteht aber nicht darin. Diesen Widerspruch bezeichnet eine umfangreiche wissenschaftliche Untersuchung an der Universität Trier als das Emotionale Jagdparadox. Mit einer ersten wissenschaftstauglichen Jagdtheorie brachte sie Licht in das Dunkel des Jagdmotivs und dessen vorbewußte elementare Bedürfnisebene. In einer komplexen empirischen multidisziplinären Untersuchung wurde mit relevanten Ansätzen der aktuellen Hirnforschung, Genetik, Evolutionsforschung und der Humanwissenschaften (Fundamentalontologie im Sinne von Martin Heidegger) ein jagdthematisches kulturanthropologisches Erklärungsmodell geleistet,mit dem das Emotionale Jagdparadox aufgelöst werden konnte. Seine Entstehung fällt offenbar mit der Evolution des Selbstbewußtseins und damit des Todesbewußtseins des Menschen zusammen. Es handelt sich um einen kulturellen Elementartrieb, der im Bewußtsein des Subjekts nicht repräsentiert ist. Er wird von einem Beherrschungsstreben (Machtmotiv) fundiert und hat das Leben als naturgesetzliche Entität zum Objekt. Der erlebte Kick beim Töten des Wildes ist demgemäß nicht Lust am Töten, sondern die Erfahrung einer extremalen Befriedigung vermittels (virtueller) Macht über die dem Menschen mit dem Bewußtsein der Endlichkeit (Todesangst) unbeherrschbar und unabwendbar bedrohlich erscheinende Natur. Das Tier bzw. das individualtierische Leben ist nur Vermittlungsgestalt. Das erlebte Glück, die Freude und Zufriedenheit, die Zerstreuung usf. beruhen auf der virtuellen, nie bewußt vom Individuum erfahrenen Überwindung der Todesangst. Die emotionalen und kortikalen Prozesse sind fast ausnahmslos limbisch strukturiert. Daher die Ahnungslosigkeit des Jägers im Hinsehen auf die Entstehung seines Jagdbedürfnisses. Unberührt von diesen, die Motivation des Jagens bedingenden Faktoren ergibt sich eine funktionale zukunftsorientierte Begründung für ein modernes Wildlife Management durch die "Ökosystemgerechte Jagd".
The painter Marianne Werefkin (born 1860; died 1938), from the circle of artists known as the Blue Rider (Der Blaue Reiter) in Munich and lifelong companion of Alexej Jawlenskys, lived in Russia and Latvia the first 36 years of her life. She received her artistic education in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Nevertheless the influence of Russian art on her Munich creative phase has been until now been omitted from research literature. Hence it lacks an important basis for the understanding of her creative output. In many respects Marianne Werefkin led the way in bringing the goals of so-called Russian Realism (russischen Realismus) onto another level, one in which the transmission of emotions was seen as a central aspect. The way the pictures of her teacher Ilja Repin had nothing to do with superficial emotion through simple moralistic categorization, but rather the painter demonstrated life's interconnectedness. After a new artistic beginning in Munich Werefkin took out the historical-daily context from her motifs, since, in the spirit of her time, she had recognized that everything visible was illusion. However she made use of actual reality as a repertoire of symbols for her own feelings, representing universal situations and allowing the total picture space to be the bearer of emotions. In that respect she is different from Wassily Kandinsky, who employed abstraction until reference to reality dissolved. Art for Werefkin involved no self-purpose, but should have a positive influence upon the observer. Narrative instruction is pushed to the background through the way it interacts, which depends upon knowledge of psychology and spiritual groups.
Since the end of the eighties a modern and high-quality medicine is not possible without use of data processing technology and communication technology. The physician manage the enormously big volume of medical data only with the help of computer-assisted information systems. In this regard the work deals with the concept and the construction of an intranet/internet-based radiology information system. The work examine the evaluation of the radiological systems already available on market. After the analysis of relevant qualities of these systems they are measured in demands and criteria, posed before. From discovered disadvantages as for example lacking internet ability, insufficient platform independence, the major tasks of this work will be described. In the first chapter a new concept is suggested for the construction of an intranet/internet-oriented, radiological information system for the transmission and archiving of data in clinics and local physicians implemented in modular structure, producer-independent DICOM-standardization, modern, independent of platform JAVA-technology and Intranet/Internet-technology. The second chapter treats the problems of the medical image compression. After an introducing description of the known compression procedures the difficulties of the compression of the medical images is described.In accordance with these requirements the known lossy and loss-less compression-algorithms are measured. The results of the comparative examinations will get in a representative random check of more than 500 DICOM-images. Two new adaptive compression algorithms are developed by methods suggested in the work of the classification and appreciation of the quality of medical images. The third chapter is dedicated to the implementation of the components of the developed intranet/internet-oriented radiology information system. First the different net communication scenarios for the data exchange between the components of the system on the basis of Java-technology are analyzed and than an own scenario is developed. The software is developed for the visualization and processing of DICOM-image projects. The last section considers the new internet/intranet-oriented radiology information system with whose draft the scientific and practical results of this doctoral thesis were applied.
In modern society poverty is understood not as a state of absolute economic deprivation but as an extreme case of social inequality, as "poverty in affluence", and the concept of poverty is multidimensional, containing subjective and objective dimensions as well as multiple deprivations. As poverty is often associated with stigmatisation and social exclusion one may therefore assume that the poor are socially isolated. Arguments supporting a relation between social isolation and poverty come from poverty and segregation research and from theories of social exclusion and social closure. Using data from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) the author shows that poverty leads to loneliness and that the poor are restricted in the realisation of certain social contacts. Among the poor subgroups can be identified whose social integration is precarious and the transition to social isolation fluent. People who cannot cope with economic hardship as well as those in persistent poverty are more likely to be affected by the consequences of poverty on social relationships than others and this is especially true for the poorest among the poor. Although the findings do not suggest that poverty directly leads to social isolation, they demonstrate that the poor face a high risk of being isolated and that certain aspects associated with poverty (i.e. persistence of poverty) may lead to complete and ongoing isolation.
Until today the effects of many chlorinated hydrocarbons (e.g. DDT, PCBs) against the specific organisms are still a subject of controversial discussions. It was also the case for potential endocrine effects to influence the spermatogenesis correlated with possible changes of the population's vitality. To clear this situation, three questions could be at the centre of attention: 1) Do the chemicals cause a special harmful effect on the male reproductive tract? 2) Could some particular chemical mixtures act to bind and activate the human estrogen receptor (hER)? 3) Are the life stages of an organism specially sensitive to the effects of chemicals and therefore be established as Screening-Test-System? the connected effects of DDT and Arochlor 1254 as single substance and in 1:1 mixture according to their estrogenic effectiveness on zebrafish (Brachydanio rerio) were therefore investigated. the concentrations of the pesticides and their mixture ranged between 0.05-µg/l and 500-µg/l and separated by a factor of 10. It was turned out that the test concentrations of 500-µg/l were too toxic to zebrafish in all the cases. The experiment was followed up with four concentrations of DDT, A54 as well as their 1:1 mixture anew each separated by a factor of 10 and ranging between 0.05-µg/l and 50-µg/l. The bioaccumulation test within 8 days showed that the zebrafish accumulated the chemicals, but no equilibrum was reached and the concentration 0.05-µg/l was established as No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC). Putting up on these analyses, the investigation of the life cycle (LC) starting with fertilized eggs demonstrated a reduction in the rate of hatchability, reproduction and length of fish emerged. These reductions involved the duration of the life cycle stages (LCS) which consequently lasted longer than expected. Exposure time and level of the tested chemicals accelerated the occurrence of these effects which were more significant when the chemical mixtures were used too. To establish whether the parameter assessed were correlated to the male reproductive tract, the quality, quantity and life span of sperm were assessed using the methods of Leong (1988) and Shapiro et al (1994). The sperm degeneration observed, led us to investigate the spermatogenesis and the ultrastructure of the testes. This last experiment showed a significant reduction of the late stage of spermatogenesis and the heterophagic vacuoles which play an important role in the spermatid maturation. It could therefore be concluded that, DDT and A54 could act synergically and cause disorders of the male reproductive tract of male zebrafish and influence also their growth.
In light of the severe air pollution in Trier, restrictions of motorized traffic and the associated personal willingness to do so are absolutely essential. Yet before an effective model of intervention can be developed, the following questions must be addressed from an analytical and conditional perspective: Which motives underlie the willingness of the citizens of Trier to reduce their personal automobile use or to participate actively in a political way with respect to traffic? Do they do this because of their own responsibility-related and justice-related beliefs or from purely rational and self-interest oriented calculations? The results of a questionnaire study (N = 369) could show that the postulate of the rational choice theory is not tenable with the dominance of the self-interest motive. Instead, there is a pluralism of motives based on responsibility, justice, and self-interest related cognitions and emotions that form the basis of the willingness to act with respect to traffic. The interviewees in Trier are, above all, willing to actively speak up in favor of local political measures for reducing traffic when they regard these measures as fair; are outraged about the low commitment of other citizens, but also expect personal benefits from such measures. In the first place, specific internal and external control beliefs are relevant for the reduction of personal automobile use. Other important influential factors here also include outrage over the low commitment of others and the expectation of personal benefits. The results of this study allow specific starting points to be derived for developing interventions aimed at the reduction of the amount of traffic in Trier. Moreover, important from the practical point of view of intervention, general lifestyle analyses identified seven lifestyle clusters which make it possible to design intervention programs specifically for the target groups, thus allowing intervention programs to be organized more effectively.
In the past twenty years considerable research has focused on the distinction between implicit and explicit measures of retention. In implicit memory tests, subjects are asked to perform a task that is apparently not related to a previous study phase, e.g. to produce category exemplars or to complete word stems. Implicit memory is revealed when the previous exposure to stimuli facilitates later performance in the implicit memory task relative to a nonstudied baseline performance. Implicit memory tests are contrasted with explicit memory tests, such as recall or recognition that require an intentional recollection of previous experiences. So far, only few studies on the development of implicit memory have been published. Despite the relative paucity of research with children, findings have been quite consistent: While explicit memory improves with age, no age differences were found in implicit memory tests. In these studies, however, mainly perceptual implicit memory tests have been employed. In recent studies with adults, dissociations have been observed between different implicit tests, especially between perceptual and conceptual ones. To draw conclusions about the developmental invariance of priming from findings using only one single type of test thus seems premature. In the present study, six experiments have been conducted that compared the memory performances of preschoolers and school-aged children using conceptual implicit tests (category production and word association). Conceptual priming effects rely on conceptual knowledge and conceptual processes (e.g., organization, semantic elaboration). Age-related improvements were found in both conceptual tests. This finding is interpreted in the context of a more elaborated knowledge base and enhanced processing abilities of older children. In contrast to the hypothesis that implicit memory is in general age-invariant, the results of this study suggest that at least conceptual implicit memory is influenced by developmental changes.
ASEAN and ASEAN Plus Three: Manifestations of Collective Identities in Southeast and East Asia?
East Asia is a region undergoing vast structural changes. As the region moved closer together economically and politically following the breakdown of the bipolar world order and the ensuing expansion of intra-regional interdependencies, the states of the region faced the challenge of having to actively recast their mutual relations. At the same time, throughout the 1990s, the West became increasingly interested in trans- and inter-regional dialogue and cooperation with the emerging economies of East Asia. These developments gave rise to a "new regionalism", which eventually also triggered debates on Asian identities and the region's potential to integrate. Before this backdrop, this thesis analyzes in how far both the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which has been operative since 1967 and thus embodies the "old regionalism" of Southeast Asia, and the ASEAN Plus Three forum (APT: the ASEAN states plus China, Japan and South Korea), which has come into existence in the aftermath of the Asian economic crisis of 1997, can be said to represent intergovernmental manifestations of specific collective identities in Southeast and East Asia, respectively. Based on profiles of the respective discursive, behavioral and motivational patterns as well as the integrative potential of ASEAN and APT, this study establishes in how far the member states adhere to sustainable collective patterns of interaction, expectations and objectives, and assesses in how far they can be said to form specific 'ingroups'. Four studies on collective norms, readiness to pool sovereignty, solidarity and attitudes vis-Ã -vis relevant third states show that ASEAN has evolved a certain degree of collective identity, though the Association's political relevance and coherence is frequently thwarted by changes in its external environment. A study on the cooperative and integrative potential of APT yields no manifest evidence of an ongoing or incipient pan-East Asian identity formation process.
The vision of a future information and communication society has prompted leading politicians in the United States, the European Union and Japan to influence or even lead the economic and social transition in the context of an active technology policy. The technological development of society, however, is a product of a complex interplay of technological, economic and socio-political constraints. These constraints limit the political decision-making and implementation abilities. Moreover, facts and information are continuously changing during a paradigmatic technological, economic and social shift, which limits political decision-making abilities. This study compares political decision-making to promote computer-mediated communications in the Triad since the beginning of the 1980s, on four levels: the development of a political vision, the long-term aims and strategies, technology policy (e.g. the promotion of technological development and competition policy) and regulatory policy (e.g. universal access, protection of privacy and intellectual property). While technology policy tends to be uncontroversial, during a paradigmatic shift regulatory policy is difficult and lengthy. Nevertheless, the inclusion of interest groups, which rise during this paradigmatic shift and which are close to the technologies and their societal consequences, help to aid decision-making processes. In this context, politics in the United States has been more successful that in the European Union and especially Japan. Although this study predates the rise of eCommerce over the Internet, it addresses many of the themes underlying it. Of these themes, many remain politically unsettled, both on national, supranational and especially international levels. For example, for encryption and secure payments, which are necessary for eCommerce, no international standards do yet exist. The issue of taxation has hardly been opened for discussions. In sum, this study does not only offer a historical overview of the development of the Internet, but it also discusses issues of continuing present concern.