Document Type
- Article (2)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Fernerkundung (2)
- Biomasse (1)
- Biomonitoring (1)
- Blattflächenindex (1)
- Chlorophyll (1)
- Ernährungssicherung (1)
- Feldfrucht (1)
- Fichte (1)
- Hyperspectral (1)
- Hyperspektraldaten (1)
This paper describes the concept of the hyperspectral Earth-observing thermal infrared (TIR) satellite mission HiTeSEM (High-resolution Temperature and Spectral Emissivity Mapping). The scientific goal is to measure specific key variables from the biosphere, hydrosphere, pedosphere, and geosphere related to two global problems of significant societal relevance: food security and human health. The key variables comprise land and sea surface radiation temperature and emissivity, surface moisture, thermal inertia, evapotranspiration, soil minerals and grain size components, soil organic carbon, plant physiological variables, and heat fluxes. The retrieval of this information requires a TIR imaging system with adequate spatial and spectral resolutions and with day-night following observation capability. Another challenge is the monitoring of temporally high dynamic features like energy fluxes, which require adequate revisit time. The suggested solution is a sensor pointing concept to allow high revisit times for selected target regions (1"5 days at off-nadir). At the same time, global observations in the nadir direction are guaranteed with a lower temporal repeat cycle (>1 month). To account for the demand of a high spatial resolution for complex targets, it is suggested to combine in one optic (1) a hyperspectral TIR system with ~75 bands at 7.2"12.5 -µm (instrument NEDT 0.05 K"0.1 K) and a ground sampling distance (GSD) of 60 m, and (2) a panchromatic high-resolution TIR-imager with two channels (8.0"10.25 -µm and 10.25"12.5 -µm) and a GSD of 20 m. The identified science case requires a good correlation of the instrument orbit with Sentinel-2 (maximum delay of 1"3 days) to combine data from the visible and near infrared (VNIR), the shortwave infrared (SWIR) and TIR spectral regions and to refine parameter retrieval.
Abstract: Thermal infrared (TIR) multi-/hyperspectral and sun-induced fluorescence (SIF) approaches together with classic solar-reflective (visible, near-, and shortwave infrared reflectance (VNIR)/SWIR) hyperspectral remote sensing form the latest state-of-the-art techniques for the detection of crop water stress. Each of these three domains requires dedicated sensor technology currently in place for ground and airborne applications and either have satellite concepts under development (e.g., HySPIRI/SBG (Surface Biology and Geology), Sentinel-8, HiTeSEM in the TIR) or are subject to satellite missions recently launched or scheduled within the next years (i.e., EnMAP and PRISMA (PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa, launched on March 2019) in the VNIR/SWIR, Fluorescence Explorer (FLEX) in the SIF). Identification of plant water stress or drought is of utmost importance to guarantee global water and food supply. Therefore, knowledge of crop water status over large farmland areas bears large potential for optimizing agricultural water use. As plant responses to water stress are numerous and complex, their physiological consequences affect the electromagnetic signal in different spectral domains. This review paper summarizes the importance of water stress-related applications and the plant responses to water stress, followed by a concise review of water-stress detection through remote sensing, focusing on TIR without neglecting the comparison to other spectral domains (i.e., VNIR/SWIR and SIF) and multi-sensor approaches. Current and planned sensors at ground, airborne, and satellite level for the TIR as well as a selection of commonly used indices and approaches for water-stress detection using the main multi-/hyperspectral remote sensing imaging techniques are reviewed. Several important challenges are discussed that occur when using spectral emissivity, temperature-based indices, and physically-based approaches for water-stress detection in the TIR spectral domain. Furthermore, challenges with data processing and the perspectives for future satellite missions in the TIR are critically examined. In conclusion, information from multi-/hyperspectral TIR together with those from VNIR/SWIR and SIF sensors within a multi-sensor approach can provide profound insights to actual plant (water) status and the rationale of physiological and biochemical changes. Synergistic sensor use will open new avenues for scientists to study plant functioning and the response to environmental stress in a wide range of ecosystems.
It has been the overall aim of this research work to assess the potential of hyperspectral remote sensing data for the determination of forest attributes relevant to forest ecosystem simulation modeling and forest inventory purposes. A number of approaches for the determination of structural and chemical attributes from hyperspectral remote sensing have been applied to the collected data sets. Many of the methods to be found in the literature were up to now just applied to broadband multispectral data, applied to vegetation canopies other than forests, reported to work on the leaf level or with modelled data, not validated with ground truth data, or not systematically compared to other methods. Attributes that describe the properties of the forest canopy and that are potentially open to remote sensing were identified, appropriate methods for their retrieval were implemented and field, laboratory and image data (HyMap sensor) were acquired over a number of forest plots. The study on structural attributes compared statistical and physical approaches. In the statistical section, linear predictive models between vegetation indices derived from HyMap data and field measurements of structural forest stand attributes were systematically evaluated. The study demonstrates that for hyperspectral image data, linear regression models can be applied to quantify leaf area index and crown volume with good accuracy. For broadband multispectral data, the accuracy was generally lower. The physically-based approach used the invertible forest reflectance model (INFORM), a combination of well established sub-models FLIM, SAIL and LIBERTY. The model was inverted with HyMap data using a neural network approach. In comparison to the statistical approach, it could be shown that the reflectance model inversion works equally well. In opposition to empirically derived prediction functions that are generally limited to the local conditions at a certain point in time and to a specified sensor type, the calibrated reflectance model can be applied more easily to different optical remote sensing data acquired over central European forests. The study on chemical forest attributes evaluated the information content of HyMap data for the estimation of nitrogen, chlorophyll and water concentration. A number of needle samples of Norway spruce were analysed for their total chlorophyll, nitrogen and water concentrations. The chemical data was linked to needle spectra measured in the laboratory and canopy spectra measured by the HyMap sensor. Wavebands selected in statistical models were often located in spectral regions that are known to be important for chlorophyll detection (red edge, green peak). Predictive models were applied on the HyMap image to compute maps of chlorophyll concentration and nitrogen concentration. Results of map overlay operations revealed coherence between total chlorophyll and zones of stand development stage and between total chlorophyll and zones of soil type. Finally, it can be stated that the hyperspectral remote sensing data generally contains more information relevant to the estimation of the forest attributes compared to multispectral data. Structural forest attributes, except biomass, can be determined with good accuracy from a hyperspectral sensor type like HyMap. Among the chemical attributes, chlorophyll concentration can be determined with good accuracy and nitrogen concentration with moderate accuracy. For future research, additional dimensions have to be taken into account, for instance through exploitation of multi-view angle data. Additionally, existing forest canopy reflectance models should be further improved.