- Arbeitsplatz (1)
- Berufstätigkeit (1)
- Bevölkerungsökonomie (1)
- Big Five personality traits (1)
- Interpersonal conflict (1)
- Junge Frau (1)
- Lebensplan (1)
- Religion (1)
- Retirement, Fertility, Sexuality (1)
- Ruhestand (1)
Retirement, fertility and sexuality are three key life stage events that are embedded in the framework of population economics in this dissertation. Each topic implies economic relevance. As retirement entry shifts labour supply of experienced workers to zero, this issue is particularly relevant for employers, retirees themselves as well as policymakers who are in charge of the design of the pension system. Giving birth has comprehensive economic relevance for women. Parental leave and subsequent part-time work lead to a direct loss of income. Lower levels of employment, work experience, training and career opportunities result in indirect income losses. Sexuality has decisive influence on the quality of partnerships, subjective well-being and happiness. Well-being and happiness, in turn, are significant key determinants not only in private life but also in the work domain, for example in the area of job performance. Furthermore, partnership quality determines the duration of a partnership. And in general, partnerships enable the pooling of (financial) resources - compared to being single. The contribution of this dissertation emerges from the integration of social and psychological concepts into economic analysis as well as the application of economic theory in non-standard economic research topics. The results of the three chapters show that the multidisciplinary approach yields better prediction of human behaviour than the single disciplines on their own. The results in the first chapter show that both interpersonal conflict with superiors and the individual’s health status play a significant role in retirement decisions. The chapter further contributes to existing literature by showing the moderating role of health within the retirement decision-making: On the one hand, all employees are more likely to retire when they are having conflicts with their superior. On the other hand, among healthy employees, the same conflict raises retirement intentions even more. That means good health is a necessary, but not a sufficient condition for continued working. It may be that conflicts with superiors raise retirement intentions more if the worker is healthy. The key findings of the second chapter reveal significant influence of religion on contraceptive and fertility-related decisions. A large part of research on religion and fertility is originated in evidence from the US. This chapter contrasts evidence from Germany. Additionally, the chapter contributes by integrating miscarriages and abortions, rather than limiting the analysis to births and it gains from rich prospective data on fertility biography of women. The third chapter provides theoretical insights on how to incorporate psychological variables into an economic framework which aims to analyse sexual well-being. According to this theory, personality may play a dual role by shaping a person’s preferences for sex as well as the person’s behaviour in a sexual relationship. Results of econometric analysis reveal detrimental effects of neuroticism on sexual well-being while conscientiousness seems to create a win-win situation for a couple. Extraversions and Openness have ambiguous effects on romantic relationships by enhancing sexual well-being on the one hand but raising commitment problems on the other. Agreeable persons seem to gain sexual satisfaction even if they perform worse in sexual communication.