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Das Entscheidungsverhalten von Social Entrepreneurship unterstützenden Organisationen bei der Auswahl von Social Ventures: Eine Untersuchung der Unterstützungslandschaft für Social Entrepreneurship im DACH-Raum

  • This work deals with the current support landscape for Social Entrepreneurship (SE) in the DACH region. It provides answers to the questions of which actors support SE, how and why they do so, and which social ventures are supported. In addition, there is a focus on the motives for supporting SE as well as the decision-making process while selecting social ventures. In both cases, it is examined whether certain characteristics of the decision-maker and the organization influence the weighting of motives and decision-making criteria. More precise, the gender of the decision-maker as well as the kind of support by the organization is analyzed. The concrete examples of foundations and venture philanthropy organizations (VPOs) will give a deeper look at the SE support motives and decision-making behavior. In a quantitative empirical data collection, by means of an online survey, decision-makers from SE supporting organizations in the DACH region were asked to participate in a conjoint experiment and to fill in a questionnaire. The results illustrate a positive development of the SE support landscape in the German-speaking area as well as the heterogeneity of the organizational types, the financial and non-financial support instruments and the supported social ventures. Regarding the motives for SE-support, a general endeavor to change and to create an impact has proven to be particularly important at the organizational and the individual level. At the individual level female and male decision-makers have subtle differences in their motives to promote SE. Robustness checks by analyzing certain subsamples provide information about that. Individuals from foundations and VPOs, on the other hand, hardly differ from each other, even though here individuals with a rather social background face individuals with a business background. At the organizational level crucial differences can be identified for the motives, depending on the nature of the organization's support, and again comparing foundations with VPOs. Especially for the motives 'financial interests', 'reputation' and 'employee development' there are big differences between the considered groups. Eventually, by means of cluster analysis and still with respect to the support motives, two types of decision-makers could be determined on both the individual and the organizational level. In terms of the decision-making behavior, and the weighting of certain decision-making criteria respectively, it has emerged that it is worthwhile having a closer look: The 'importance of the social problem' and the 'authenticity of the start-up team' are consistently the two most important criteria when it comes to selecting social ventures for supporting them. However, comparing male and female decision-makers, foundations and VPOs, as well as the two groups of financially and non-financially supporting organizations, there are certain specifics which are highly relevant for SE practice. Here as well a cluster analysis uncovered patterns of criteria weighting by identifying three different types of decision-makers.

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Author:Lilli Leirich
Referee:Joern H. Block, Katrin Muehlfeld
Advisor:Jörn H. Block
Document Type:Doctoral Thesis
Date of completion:2020/05/27
Publishing institution:Universität Trier
Granting institution:Universität Trier, Fachbereich 4
Date of final exam:2020/09/24
Release Date:2020/10/13
Tag:Social Entrepreneurship
GND Keyword:Social entrepreneurship
Institutes:Fachbereich 4
Licence (German):License LogoCC BY: Creative-Commons-Lizenz 4.0 International

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