Year of publication
- 2019 (84) (remove)
Document Type
- Contribution to a Periodical (28)
- Doctoral Thesis (25)
- Article (11)
- Working Paper (7)
- Part of Periodical (5)
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- Part of a Book (1)
- Conference Proceedings (1)
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- Habilitation (1)
- Schüler (25)
- Deutschland (19)
- Luxemburg (19)
- Leistungsbewertung (17)
- Rückmeldung (17)
- Unterricht (17)
- Mitbestimmung (16)
- Schülerpartizipation (16)
- Unterrichtsgestaltung (16)
- Schule (10)
- Politikwissenschaft (27)
- Fachbereich 4 (13)
- Fachbereich 3 (9)
- Fachbereich 1 (7)
- Raum- und Umweltwissenschaften (6)
- Fachbereich 6 (4)
- Fachbereich 2 (2)
- Fachbereich 5 (1)
- Mathematik (1)
- Servicezentrum eSciences (1)
Computer simulation has become established in a two-fold way: As a tool for planning, analyzing, and optimizing complex systems but also as a method for the scientific instigation of theories and thus for the generation of knowledge. Generated results often serve as a basis for investment decisions, e.g., road construction and factory planning, or provide evidence for scientific theory-building processes. To ensure the generation of credible and reproducible results, it is indispensable to conduct systematic and methodologically sound simulation studies. A variety of procedure models exist that structure and predetermine the process of a study. As a result, experimenters are often required to repetitively but thoroughly carry out a large number of experiments. Moreover, the process is not sufficiently specified and many important design decisions still have to be made by the experimenter, which might result in an unintentional bias of the results.
To facilitate the conducting of simulation studies and to improve both replicability and reproducibility of the generated results, this thesis proposes a procedure model for carrying out Hypothesis-Driven Simulation Studies, an approach that assists the experimenter during the design, execution, and analysis of simulation experiments. In contrast to existing approaches, a formally specified hypothesis becomes the key element of the study so that each step of the study can be adapted and executed to directly contribute to the verification of the hypothesis. To this end, the FITS language is presented, which enables the specification of hypotheses as assumptions regarding the influence specific input values have on the observable behavior of the model. The proposed procedure model systematically designs relevant simulation experiments, runs, and iterations that must be executed to provide evidence for the verification of the hypothesis. Generated outputs are then aggregated for each defined performance measure to allow for the application of statistical hypothesis testing approaches. Hence, the proposed assistance only requires the experimenter to provide an executable simulation model and a corresponding hypothesis to conduct a sound simulation study. With respect to the implementation of the proposed assistance system, this thesis presents an abstract architecture and provides formal specifications of all required services.
To evaluate the concept of Hypothesis-Driven Simulation Studies, two case studies are presented from the manufacturing domain. The introduced approach is applied to a NetLogo simulation model of a four-tiered supply chain. Two scenarios as well as corresponding assumptions about the model behavior are presented to investigate conditions for the occurrence of the bullwhip effect. Starting from the formal specification of the hypothesis, each step of a Hypothesis-Driven Simulation Study is presented in detail, with specific design decisions outlined, and generated inter- mediate data as well as final results illustrated. With respect to the comparability of the results, a conventional simulation study is conducted which serves as reference data. The approach that is proposed in this thesis is beneficial for both practitioners and scientists. The presented assistance system allows for a more effortless and simplified execution of simulation experiments while the efficient generation of credible results is ensured.
Rückkehrprozesse aus Genderperspektive: remigrierte (Spät-)Aussiedler-Ehepaare in Westsibirien
Die Studie untersucht die Rückkehrprozesse von (Spät-)Aussiedler-Ehepaaren aus Deutschland nach Westsibirien. Ein besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Sichtweisen der Frauen und Männer hinsichtlich ihrer gemachten Erfahrung der Remigration gelegt. Darüber hinaus analysiert die Studie einerseits die Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede beider Geschlechter im Hinblick auf die Rückkehrmotive, die Zufriedenheit mit der Wiederanpassung in Russland sowie die Einstellung hinsichtlich einer erneuten Migration nach Deutschland. Andererseits fokussiert die Arbeit auf die Geschlechterverhältnisse unter den Ehegatten im Prozess der Entscheidungsfindung zur Remigration. Die Studie folgt einem qualitativen methodischen Ansatz und verbindet verschiedene Forschungsrichtungen, genauer (Re)Migrations-, Familien-, (Spät-)AussiedlerInnen- und Geschlechterforschung.
Our goal is to approximate energy forms on suitable fractals by discrete graph energies and certain metric measure spaces, using the notion of quasi-unitary equivalence. Quasi-unitary equivalence generalises the two concepts of unitary equivalence and norm resolvent convergence to the case of operators and energy forms defined in varying Hilbert spaces.
More precisely, we prove that the canonical sequence of discrete graph energies (associated with the fractal energy form) converges to the energy form (induced by a resistance form) on a finitely ramified fractal in the sense of quasi-unitary equivalence. Moreover, we allow a perturbation by magnetic potentials and we specify the corresponding errors.
This aforementioned approach is an approximation of the fractal from within (by an increasing sequence of finitely many points). The natural step that follows this realisation is the question whether one can also approximate fractals from outside, i.e., by a suitable sequence of shrinking supersets. We partly answer this question by restricting ourselves to a very specific structure of the approximating sets, namely so-called graph-like manifolds that respect the structure of the fractals resp. the underlying discrete graphs. Again, we show that the canonical (properly rescaled) energy forms on such a sequence of graph-like manifolds converge to the fractal energy form (in the sense of quasi-unitary equivalence).
From the quasi-unitary equivalence of energy forms, we conclude the convergence of the associated linear operators, convergence of the spectra and convergence of functions of the operators – thus essentially the same as in the case of the usual norm resolvent convergence.
Heimatfabrik Lokalmuseum bietet einen neuen Blick auf lokal verankerte Museen. Anhand von ausgewählten Fallbeispielen, die durch eine quantitative Untersuchung von etwa 370 Museen im Großherzogtum Luxemburg und in der belgischen Region Wallonien ergänzt werden, analysiert die Autorin, welche Identifikationsangebote bäuerliche Alltagsmuseen, Stadtmuseen, Industriemuseen, Kriegsmuseen und Auswanderermuseen ihren Besuchern bieten. Wen schließen die Museumsverantwortlichen durch ihre Erzählweisen ein und wen grenzen sie aus? Wie gehen sie mit sprachlichen, konfessionellen, kulturellen, sexuellen und soziale Minderheiten um?
Das Buch beginnt mit der Klärung der Frage, wie sich das Heimatverständnis in Luxemburg in Luxemburg und im angrenzenden Wallonien im Spannungsfeld zwischen dem klassischen Heimatbegriff des deutschsprachigen Raums und der Inwertsetzung der Landschaft durch die französischen Humangeographen seit der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts entwickelt hat. Aus diesem unterschiedlichen Zugang zu dem was als enger Kreis des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts empfunden wird, ergeben sich verschiedene Typen von lokalhistorischen Museen, die die Autorin in historischer Perspektive vorstellt.
Indem sie Dinge des Alltags durch die Aufnahme in ihre Sammlungen zu symbolischen Zeichenträgern einer Gesellschaft erheben sind Museen privilegierte Orte für die Schaffung von Heritage. Mit den Ausstellungen erzeugen die Museumsträger eine subjektiv empfundene gesellschaftliche Einheit, die von manchen Besucher als Heimat angenommen oder abgelehnt wird, andere wiederum gleichgültig lässt. Vor diesem Hintergrund dieser Feststellung beschäftigt sich die Autorin mit dem, was unter lokalem heritage zu verstehen ist und welcher gestalterischen Mittel sich die Verantwortlichen von lokalhistorischen Museen bedienen um ihre Vorstellung von Heimat zu konstruieren. Anhand der Themenbereiche bäuerlicher Alltag, Natur, Ein- und Auswanderung, Krieg sowie Industrie geht das Buch der Frage nach, wie interne und externe Museumsstakeholder das vom Museum vermittelte Heimatbild und damit verbunden auch die nationale Geschichtskultur mitbestimmen.
Das Buch möchte dazu beitragen, den Blick einer interessierten Öffentlichkeit für lokales Kulturerbe zu schulen sowie Historiker auf das Potenzial von lokalhistorischen Museen hinzuweisen. In diesem Sinne ist die Untersuchung auch ein Plädoyer für die Anerkennung der Besonderheit von außerakademischer historischer Aufarbeitung und für die Verstärkung der Zusammenarbeit zwischen universitärer und außeruniversitärer Forschung.
In der Vorrede zur ersten Auflage von Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung legt Arthur Schopenhauer dem Leser seines Werkes seine Absicht nahe, welche in der Mitteilung eines „einzigen Gedankens“ besteht. Doch dieser mitzuteilende Gedanke wird an keiner Stelle des Werkes explizit und direkt als solchen von Schopenhauer ausgesprochen und genannt. Dies gibt bis heute in der Schopenhauer-Forschung Anlass zu kontroversen Auseinandersetzungen: Wie lautet Schopenhauers „einziger Gedanke“? Wo befindet er sich konkret? Und ist er überhaupt mitteilbar?
Trotz zahlreicher Forschungsarbeiten zur Thematik des „einzigen Gedankens“ wurde bisher der Einfluss der indischen Philosophie, genauer des Oupnek’hat, vernachlässigt, obwohl genauestens nachgewiesen und nachgezeichnet werden kann, mit welchen Quellen sich Schopenhauer zum Zeitpunkt der Entstehung seiner Philosophie intensiv beschäftigt hat. Auch verweist er selbst immer wieder auf bestimmte Stellen aus dem Oupnek’hat und zitiert Passagen an ganz wesentlichen Stellen in seinem Werk.
Um den „einzigen Gedanken“ im Werk Schopenhauers erfassen zu können, reicht es nicht aus, nur vom Hauptwerk selbst auszugehen, sondern es müssen ebenfalls die Jahre und Schriften während der Entstehung seiner Philosophie bis zum Hauptwerk berücksichtigt werden, und damit verbunden auch die Quellen, die Schopenhauer beeinflusst haben, wozu insbesondere das Oupnek’hat samt seinen eigenen Randnotizen gehört.
This thesis sheds light on the heterogeneous hedging behavior of airlines. The focus lies on financial hedging, operational hedging and selective hedging. The unbalanced panel data set includes 74 airlines from 39 countries. The period of analysis is 2005 until 2014, resulting in 621 firm years. The random effects probit and fixed effects OLS models provide strong evidence of a convex relation between derivative usage and a firm’s leverage, opposing the existing financial distress theory. Airlines with lower leverage had higher hedge ratios. In addition, the results show that airlines with interest rate and currency derivatives were more likely to engage in fuel price hedging. Moreover, the study results support the argument that operational hedging is a complement to financial hedging. Airlines with more heterogeneous fleet structures exhibited higher hedge ratios.
Also, airlines which were members of a strategic alliance were more likely to be hedging airlines. As alliance airlines are rather financially sound airlines, the positive relation between alliance membership and hedging reflects the negative results on the leverage
ratio. Lastly, the study presents determinants of an airlines’ selective hedging behavior. Airlines with prior-period derivative losses, recognized in income, changed their hedge portfolios more frequently. Moreover, the sample airlines acted in accordance with herd behavior theory. Changes in the regional hedge portfolios influenced the hedge portfolio of the individual airline in the same direction.
The World's second oldest system of judicial review of national legislation emerged through court practice from the very first years after the adoption of the Constitution of Norway in 1814. The review is exercised by the ordinary courts at all levels with the single Supreme Court as the last instance. No specialized constitutional court has been established. The independence of the judiciary is generally recognized as high. But what degree of legitimacy should judges appointed in order to ensure ordinary judicial business enjoy when exercising a basically political function like reviewing and possibly setting aside acts of Parliament?
Systemische Resilienz
Entrepreneurial ventures are associated with economic growth, job creation, and innovation. Most entrepreneurial ventures need external funding to succeed. However, they often find it difficult to access traditional forms of financing, such as bank loans. To overcome this hurdle and to provide entrepreneurial ventures with badly-needed external capital, many types of entrepreneurial finance have emerged over the past decades and continue to emerge today. Inspired by these dynamics, this postdoctoral thesis contains five empirical studies that address novel questions regarding established (e.g., venture capital, business angels) and new types of entrepreneurial finance (i.e., initial coin offerings).
With two-thirds to three-quarters of all companies, family firms are the most common firm type worldwide and employ around 60 percent of all employees, making them of considerable importance for almost all economies. Despite this high practical relevance, academic research took notice of family firms as intriguing research subjects comparatively late. However, the field of family business research has grown eminently over the past two decades and has established itself as a mature research field with a broad thematic scope. In addition to questions relating to corporate governance, family firm succession and the consideration of entrepreneurial families themselves, researchers mainly focused on the impact of family involvement in firms on their financial performance and firm strategy. This dissertation examines the financial performance and capital structure of family firms in various meta-analytical studies. Meta-analysis is a suitable method for summarizing existing empirical findings of a research field as well as identifying relevant moderators of a relationship of interest.
First, the dissertation examines the question whether family firms show better financial performance than non-family firms. A replication and extension of the study by O’Boyle et al. (2012) based on 1,095 primary studies reveals a slightly better performance of family firms compared to non-family firms. Investigating the moderating impact of methodological choices in primary studies, the results show that outperformance holds mainly for large and publicly listed firms and with regard to accounting-based performance measures. Concerning country culture, family firms show better performance in individualistic countries and countries with a low power distance.
Furthermore, this dissertation investigates the sensitivity of family firm performance with regard to business cycle fluctuations. Family firms show a pro-cyclical performance pattern, i.e. their relative financial performance compared to non-family firms is better in economically good times. This effect is particularly pronounced in Anglo-American countries and emerging markets.
In the next step, a meta-analytic structural equation model (MASEM) is used to examine the market valuation of public family firms. In this model, profitability and firm strategic choices are used as mediators. On the one hand, family firm status itself does not have an impact on firms‘ market value. On the other hand, this study finds a positive indirect effect via higher profitability levels and a negative indirect effect via lower R&D intensity. A split consideration of family ownership and management shows that these two effects are mainly driven by family ownership, while family management results in less diversification and internationalization.
Finally, the dissertation examines the capital structure of public family firms. Univariate meta-analyses indicate on average lower leverage ratios in family firms compared to non-family firms. However, there is significant heterogeneity in mean effect sizes across the 45 countries included in the study. The results of a meta-regression reveal that family firms use leverage strategically to secure their controlling position in the firm. While strong creditor protection leads to lower leverage ratios in family firms, strong shareholder protection has the opposite effect.