Year of publication
- 2020 (90) (remove)
Document Type
- Contribution to a Periodical (30)
- Doctoral Thesis (27)
- Article (17)
- Working Paper (9)
- Part of Periodical (6)
- Book (1)
- Luxemburg (19)
- Demokratie (18)
- Deutschland (18)
- Schule (17)
- Klassensprecher (16)
- Politische Bildung (16)
- Schülervertretung (16)
- Forschungsdaten (4)
- Management (4)
- Gesundheit (3)
- Politikwissenschaft (32)
- Raum- und Umweltwissenschaften (11)
- Fachbereich 4 (10)
- Psychologie (6)
- Fachbereich 1 (4)
- Fachbereich 6 (3)
- Ethnologie (1)
- Fachbereich 2 (1)
- Fachbereich 5 (1)
- Informatik (1)
- Mathematik (1)
- Soziologie (1)
- Wirtschaftswissenschaften (1)
Les carnets paraissent deux fois par an et offrent aux dirigeant(e)s des écoles ainsi qu’au personnel des fondements théoriques et du matériel pratique pour la mise en oeuvre d’un développement scolaire démocratique. Chaque publication traite d’une méthode de l’éducation à la démocratie ou d’une question stratégique du développement scolaire. Les carnets en langue allemande sont mis à la disposition des écoles luxembourgeoises en version imprimée. L’ensemble du matériel ainsi que la version en langue française sont disponibles en ligne.
Die Praxishefte Demokratische Schulkultur erscheinen halbjährlich und bieten Schulleitungen und Schulpersonal theoretische Grundlagen und praxisorientierte Anleitungen zur demokratiepädagogischen Schulentwicklung. Jedes Themenheft ist jeweils einer demokratiepädagogischen Bauform oder strategischen Frage der Schulentwicklung gewidmet. Die Praxishefte werden allen Luxemburger Schulen als Printausgabe zur Verfügung gestellt und online mit zusätzlichen Materialien und in französischer Fassung vorgehalten.
Structured Eurobonds - Optimal Construction, Impact on the Euro and the Influence of Interest Rates
Structured Eurobonds are a prominent topic in the discussions how to complete the monetary and fiscal union. This work sheds light on several issues going hand in hand with the introduction of common bonds. At first a crucial question is on the optimal construction, e.g. what is the optimal common liability. Other questions that arise belong to the time after the introduction. The impact on several exchnage rates is examined in this work. Finally an approximation bias in forward-looking DSGE models is quantified which would lead to an adjustment of central bank interest rates and therefore has an impact on the other two topics.
Die Ausbildung von Klassensprecher*innen ist unerlässlich, wenn wir eine kohärente, sinnvolle und legitime Schülerbeteiligung erreichen wollen. Dabei sind zwei Ebenen zu berücksichtigen: Die erste ist technischer Natur und konzentriert sich auf Handlungs- und Reflexionstools. Die zweite Ebene bezieht sich auf das Zwischenmenschliche, also auf die Beziehung, die Jugendliche zu anderen haben. Dementsprechend haben die Ausbildungskurse der Association Jeune et Citoyen in Belgien eine dreifache Ausrichtung, nämlich eine institutionelle, eine erzieherische und eine pädagogische.
La formation des délégué·e·s de classe est incontournable si l’on veut construire une participation des élèves qui soit cohérente, sensée et légitime. Deux axes sont ici à prendre en considération : l’axe technique, centré sur des outils d’action et de réflexion, et l’axe relationnel, orienté vers la relation que le jeune entretient avec les autres. Les formations de l’association Jeune et Citoyen en Belgique répondent donc à un triple objectif : institutionnel, éducatif et pédagogique.
Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert eine Kritik der Performativity-of-Economics-Debatte, welcher theoretische Probleme unterstellt werden. Dies betrifft insbesondere Defizite hinsichtlich einer handlungstheoretischen Erschließung und Erklärung ihres Gegenstandes.
Zur Überwindung dieses Problems wird eine Verknüpfung mit dem Mechanism Approach der analytischen Soziologie vorgeschlagen, welcher erstens einen explizit handlungstheoretischen Zugang bietet, zweitens über die Identifikation der zugrundeliegenden sozialen Mechanismen die Entschlüsselung sozialer Dynamiken und Prozesse erlaubt und, drittens, verschiedene Ausprägungen des zu untersuchenden Phänomens (die Performativität ökonomischer Theorien) in Theorien mittlerer Reichweite übersetzen kann. Eine Verbindung wird durch den Mechanismus der Self-fulfilling Theory als spezifische Form der Self-Fulfilling prophecy hergestellt, welche im weiteren Verlauf der Argumentation als Erklärungsinstrument des Mechanism Approach verwendet und dabei kritisch reflektiert wird.
Die handlungsbasierte Erklärung eines spezifischen Typs der Performativität ökonomischer Theorien wird schließlich anhand eines Fallbeispiels – dem Aufstieg und der Verbreitung des Shareholder-Value-Ansatzes und der zugrundeliegenden Agency Theory – empirisch demonstriert. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass mechanismenbasierte Erklärungen zur allgemeinen theoretischen Aufwertung der besagten Debatte beitragen können. Der Mechanismus der Self-fulfilling Theory im Speziellen bietet zur Erklärung des untersuchten Phänomens verschiedene Vor- und Nachteile, kann allerdings als eine theoretische Brücke ebenfalls einen fruchtbaren Beitrag leisten, nicht zuletzt indem er eine differenzierte Betrachtung des Zusammenhangs zwischen starken Formen von Performativität und selbsterfüllenden Prophezeiungen erlaubt.
Internet interventions have gained popularity and the idea is to use them to increase the availability of psychological treatment. Research suggests that internet interventions are effective for a number of psychological disorders with effect sizes comparable to those found in face-to-face treatment. However, when provided as an add-on to treatment as usual, internet interventions do not seem to provide additional benefit. Furthermore, adherence and dropout rates vary greatly between studies, limiting the generalizability of the findings. This underlines the need to further investigate differences between internet interventions, participating patients, and their usage of interventions. A stronger focus on the processes of change seems necessary to better understand the varying findings regarding outcome, adherence and dropout in internet interventions. Thus, the aim of this dissertation was to investigate change processes in internet interventions and the factors that impact treatment response. This could help to identify important variables that should be considered in research on internet interventions as well as in clinical settings that make use of internet interventions.
Study I (Chapter 5) investigated early change patterns in participants of an internet intervention targeting depression. Data from 409 participants were analyzed using Growth Mixture Modeling. Specifically a piecewise model was applied to model change from screening to registration (pretreatment) and early change (registration to week four of treatment). Three early change patterns were identified; two were characterized by improvement and one by deterioration. The patterns were predictive of treatment outcome. The results therefore indicated that early change should be closely monitored in internet interventions, as early change may be an important indicator of treatment outcome.
Study II (Chapter 6) picked up on the idea of analyzing change patterns in internet interventions and extended it by using the Muthen-Roy model to identify change-dropout patterns. A sligthly bigger sample of the dataset from Study I was analyzed (N = 483). Four change-dropout patterns emerged; high risk of dropout was associated with rapid improvement and deterioration. These findings indicate that clinicians should consider how dropout may depend on patient characteristics as well as symptom change, as dropout is associated with both deterioration and a good enough dosage of treatment.
Study III (Chapter 7) compared adherence and outcome in different participant groups and investigated the impact of adherence to treatment components on treatment outcome in an internet intervention targeting anxiety symptoms. 50 outpatient participants waiting for face- to-face treatment and 37 self-referred participants were compared regarding adherence to treatment components and outcome. In addition, outpatient participants were compared to a matched sample of outpatients, who had no access to the internet intervention during the waiting period. Adherence to treatment components was investigated as a predictor of treatment outcome. Results suggested that especially adherence may vary depending on participant group. Also using specific measures of adherence such as adherence to treatment components may be crucial to detect change mechanisms in internet interventions. Fostering adherence to treatment components in participants may increase the effectiveness of internet interventions.
Results of the three studies are discussed and general conclusions are drawn.
Implications for future research as well as their utility for clinical practice and decision- making are presented.
Evidence points to autonomy as having a place next to affiliation, achievement, and power as one of the basic implicit motives; however, there is still some research that needs to be conducted to support this notion.
The research in this dissertation aimed to address this issue. I have specifically focused on two issues that help solidify the foundation of work that has already been conducted on the implicit autonomy motive, and will also be a foundation for future studies. The first issue is measurement. Implicit motives should be measured using causally valid instruments (McClelland, 1980). The second issue addresses the function of motives. Implicit motives orient, select, and energize behavior (McClelland, 1980). If autonomy is an implicit motive, then we need a valid instrument to measure it and we also need to show that it orients, selects, and energizes behavior.
In the following dissertation, I address these two issues in a series of ten studies. Firstly, I present studies that examine the causal validity of the Operant Motive Test (OMT; Kuhl, 2013) for the implicit affiliation and power motives using established methods. Secondly, I developed and empirically tested pictures to specifically assess the implicit autonomy motive and examined their causal validity. Thereafter, I present two studies that investigated the orienting and energizing effects of the implicit autonomy motive. The results of the studies solidified the foundation of the OMT and how it measures nAutonomy. Furthermore, this dissertation demonstrates that nAutonomy fulfills the criteria for two of the main functions of implicit motives. Taken together, the findings of this dissertation provide further support for autonomy as an implicit motive and a foundation for intriguing future studies.
Vor dem Hintergrund eines fachlichen und gesellschaftlichen Interesses an psychologischen Forschungsthemen wurde der Einsatz von Topic Modeling zu deren automatisierten und validen Identifikation erprobt und mit einem traditionellen Ansatz verglichen, der auf Klassifikationskategorien von Fachdatenbanken beruht. Kern der Arbeit sind drei Studien mit unterschiedlichen Anwendungsszenarien: (1) Die Ermittlung psychologischer Brennpunktthemen, (2) das Verhältnis zwischen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen und Themen der psychologischen Fachliteratur sowie (3) die Forschungsinteressen von Psychologinnen und Psychologen. In jeder dieser Studien wurden sukzessive neue methodische Schwerpunkte gesetzt. Die Erkenntnisse daraus flossen in die Entwicklung einer nutzerfreundlichen App zur Exploration und Analyse von psychologischen Forschungsthemen ein. Im Vergleich mit dem klassifikationsbasierten Ansatz erwies sich Topic Modeling als Methode der Wahl zur automatisierten und differenzierten Identifikation psychologischer Forschungsthemen. Zur externen Validierung der Themeninhalte stellte sich ein Klassifikationssystem für psychologische Fachliteratur jedoch als geeignet heraus. Einschränkungen, Implikationen für weitere Forschung sowie Folgerungen für die Weiterentwicklung digitaler Produkte von forschungsbasierten Infrastruktureinrichtungen in der Psychologie werden diskutiert. Abschließend wird eine Entscheidungsheuristik zur Auswahl geeigneter Topic-Modeling-Varianten im Kontext von Forschungsthemen vorgelegt.
The present thesis is devoted to a construction which defies generalisations about the prototypical English noun phrase (NP) to such an extent that it has been termed the Big Mess Construction (Berman 1974). As illustrated by the examples in (1) and (2), the NPs under study involve premodifying adjective phrases (APs) which precede the determiner (always realised in the form of the indefinite article a(n)) rather than following it.
(1) NoS had not been hijacked – that was too strong a word. (BNC: CHU 1766)
(2) He was prepared for a battle if the porter turned out to be as difficult a customer as his wife. (BNC: CJX 1755)
Previous research on the construction is largely limited to contributions from the realms of theoretical syntax and a number of cursory accounts in reference grammars. No comprehensive investigation of its realisations and uses has as yet been conducted. My thesis fills this gap by means of an exhaustive analysis of the construction on the basis of authentic language data retrieved from the British National Corpus (BNC). The corpus-based approach allows me to examine not only the possible but also the most typical uses of the construction. Moreover, while previous work has almost exclusively focused on the formal realisations of the construction, I investigate both its forms and functions.
It is demonstrated that, while the construction is remarkably flexible as concerns its possible realisations, its use is governed by probabilistic constraints. For example, some items occur much more frequently inside the degree item slot than others (as, too and so stand out for their particularly high frequency). Contrary to what is assumed in most previous descriptions, the slot is not restricted in its realisation to a fixed number of items. Rather than representing a specialised structure, the construction is furthermore shown to be distributed over a wide range of possible text types and syntactic functions. On the other hand, it is found to be much less typical of spontaneous conversation than of written language; Big Mess NPs further display a strong preference for the function of subject complement. Investigations of the internal structural complexity of the construction indicate that its obligatory components can optionally be enriched by a remarkably wide range of optional (if infrequent) elements. In an additional analysis of the realisations of the obligatory but lexically variable slots (head noun and head of AP), the construction is highlighted to represent a productive pattern. With the help of the methods of Collexeme Analysis (Stefanowitsch and Gries 2003) and Co-varying Collexeme Analysis (Gries and Stefanowitsch 2004b, Stefanowitsch and Gries 2005), the two slots are, however, revealed to be strongly associated with general nouns and ‘evaluative’ and ‘dimension’ adjectives, respectively. On the basis of an inspection of the most typical adjective-noun combinations, I identify the prototypical semantics of the Big Mess Construction.
The analyses of the constructional functions centre on two distinct functional areas. First, I investigate Bolinger’s (1972) hypothesis that the construction fulfils functions in line with the Principle of Rhythmic Alternation (e.g. Selkirk 1984: 11, Schlüter 2005). It is established that rhythmic preferences co-determine the use of the construction to some extent, but that they clearly do not suffice to explain the phenomenon under study. In a next step, the discourse-pragmatic functions of the construction are scrutinised. Big Mess NPs are demonstrated to perform distinct information-structural functions in that the non-canonical position of the AP serves to highlight focal information (compare De Mönnink 2000: 134-35). Additionally, the construction is shown to place emphasis on acts of evaluation. I conclude the construction to represent a contrastive focus construction.
My investigations of the formal and functional characteristics of Big Mess NPs each include analyses which compare individual versions of the construction to one another (e.g. the As Big a Mess, Too Big a Mess and So Big a Mess Constructions). It is revealed that the versions are united by a shared core of properties while differing from one another at more abstract levels of description. The question of the status of the constructional versions as separate constructions further receives special emphasis as part of a discussion in which I integrate my results into the framework of usage-based Construction Grammar (e.g. Goldberg 1995, 2006).