- Frankreich (1)
- Gerechtigkeit (1)
- Laizität (1)
- Menschenrecht (1)
- Rechtsphilosophie (1)
- Rechtstheorie (1)
- Religionsfreiheit (1)
- Türkei (1)
- Verfassungsrecht (1)
Dans la jeune République turque qui n"a pas adopté le sécularisme anglais, mais plutôt le système de laïcité française comme modèle, il faut se poser aujourd"hui la question des évolutions respectives de ces systèmes. À l"heure du centenaire de la laïcité française, de la loi de 2004 encadrant le port de signes ostentatoires à l"école, nous souhaitons envisager l"histoire de la laïcité et son application actuelle en France afin de mieux comprendre, critiquer et éventuellement adapter ce système à la Turquie qui se prépare pour son entrée dans l"Union européenne.
In his article, the author asks how legitimacy of law and the concept of rules of law can be described taking into account the interaction between aspects of philosophy and sociology as well as the will of the state in states' constitutions. As the rule of law, versus other kinds of rules in our society, should be regarded as a rule of "three-dimensionality" " an interaction between the will of the state, the social, historical, and economic factors, and the idea or concept of justice ", the author focuses his interest on the examination of these three factors always taking into account that law is the will of the state, but that not every decision of the state can be considered as law.