Document Type
- Working Paper (5)
- Article (1)
- Anpassung (2)
- Weinbau (2)
- Anthropogene Klimaänderung (1)
- Biomasse (1)
- Deutschland (1)
- Diskursanalyse (1)
- Energie (1)
- Energiepolitik (1)
- Energieversorgung (1)
- Energiewende (1)
This working paper examines the concept of metabolism and its potential as a critical analytical lens to study the contemporary city from a political perspective. The paper illustrates how the metabolism concept has been used historically, both as a metaphor to describe the technological, social, political and economic dimensions of human-environment relations, and as a concrete analytical tool to quantify and better understand how flows of matter and energy shape the territorial and spatial configurations of cityscapes. Drawing on the example of the urban water metabolism of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA), it is argued that contemporary approaches to metabolic analysis should be extended in two ways to increase the integrative potential of the urban water metabolism concept. On the one hand, the paper demonstrates that a political ecology approach is particularly well-suited to illuminate the contested production of urban environments and move beyond a narrow technical, managerial and state- centric focus in research on urban metabolic relations. On the other hand, the paper advocates for an approach to metabolic analysis that views the urban environment not simply as a relatively static exteriority that is produced by dynamic flows of matter, energy and information, but rather as a dynamic, nested and co-evolutionary network of complex biosocial and material relations, which in itself shapes how various metabolisms interact across scales. The paper then concludes by briefly discussing how a combination of metabolic analysis and political ecology research can inform urban water governance. In sum, the paper emphasizes the need for metabolic analysis to remain open to a plurality of different knowledge forms and perspectives, and to remain attentive to the inherently political nature of material and technological phenomena in order to allow for mutually beneficial exchanges between various scholarly communities.
In the first overview lecture, we take a look at conceptualizations of water – from the hydrological cycle to socio-political perspectives on water. During the 20th century, water management developed from traditional uses and local industrial schemes to the “hydraulic paradigm” and finally, to the concept of modern water governance at the turn of the millennium. We will raise the question of whether there has truly been a paradigm shift from the natural, science based hydraulic paradigm to water governance and how dual- isms of culture/society and nature are still being reproduced. With this in mind, we will also take an introductory look at the much talked about global water crisis.
Das Working Paper beleuchtet den Themenbereich Energie und arbeitet Herausforderungen für die Raumentwicklung der Großregion ab. Es diskutiert den Begriff der Energiewende und legt einen Fokus auf Energiesysteme und –träger, insbesondere den Ausbau der Windkraft und Energiegewinnung aus Biomasse im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung fossil-atomarer Energiequellen in Deutschland und Frankreich.
In the context of accelerated global socio-environmental change, the Water-Energy-Food Nexus has received increasing attention within science and international politics by promoting integrated resource governance. This study explores the scientific nexus debates from a discourse analytical perspective to reveal knowledge and power relations as well as geographical settings of nexus research. We also investigate approaches to socio-nature relations that influence nexus research and subsequent political implications. Our findings suggest that the leading nexus discourse is dominated by natural scientific perspectives and a neo-Malthusian framing of environmental challenges. Accordingly, the promoted cross-sectoral nexus approach to resource governance emphasizes efficiency, security, future sustainability, and poverty reduction. Water, energy, and food are conceived as global trade goods that require close monitoring, management and control, to be achieved via quantitative assessments and technological interventions. Within the less visible discourse, social scientific perspectives engage with the social, political, and normative elements of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus. These perspectives criticize the dominant nexus representation for itsmanagerial, neoliberal, and utilitarian approach to resource governance. The managerial framing is critiqued for masking power relations and social inequalities, while alternative framings acknowledge the political nature of resource governance and socio-nature relations. The spatial dimensions of the nexus debate are also discussed. Notably, the nexus is largely shaped by western knowledge, yet applied mainly in specific regions of the Global South. In order for the nexus to achieve integrative solutions for sustainability, the debate needs to overcome its current discursive and spatial separations. To this end, we need to engage more closely with alternative nexus discourses, embrace epistemic pluralism and encourage multi-perspective debates about the socio-nature relations we actually intend to promote.
Im Rahmen eines Lehrforschungsprojekts setzten sich Studierende der Angewandten Geographie an der Universität Trier über zwei Semester in den Jahren 2016 und 2017 mit der Anpassung an den Klimawandel im Weinbau auseinander. Ziel des Lehrforschungsprojektes war es, besser zu verstehen wie Winzer*innen den Klimawandel wahrnehmen, welche Rolle der Klimawandel in (betrieblichen) Entscheidungen spielt und welche Anpassungspraktiken bereits beobachtbar sind.Der vorliegende Bericht fasst einige Ergebnisse der empirischen Untersuchung knapp zusammen.