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In this thesis, we mainly investigate geometric properties of optimal codebooks for random elements $X$ in a seperable Banach space $E$. Here, for a natural number $ N $ and a random element $X$ , an $N$-optimal codebook is an $ N $-subset in the underlying Banach space $E$ which gives a best approximation to $ X $ in an average sense. We focus on two types of geometric properties: The global growth behaviour (growing in $N$) for a sequence of $N$-optimal codebooks is described by the maximal (quantization) radius and a so-called quantization ball. For many distributions, such as central-symmetric distributions on $R^d$ as well as Gaussian distributions on general Banach spaces, we are able to estimate the asymptotics of the quantization radius as well as the quantization ball. Furthermore, we investigate local properties of optimal codebooks, in particular the local quantization error and the weights of the Voronoi cells induced by an optimal codebook. In the finite-dimensional setting, we are able to proof for many interesting distributions classical conjectures on the asymptotic behaviour of those properties. Finally, we propose a method to construct sequences of asymptotically optimal codebooks for random elements in infinite dimensional Banach spaces and apply this method to construct codebooks for stochastic processes, such as fractional Brownian Motions.