- Cortisol-Aufwach-Reaktion (1)
- Depression (1)
- Hippocampus (1)
- Hippocampus Aktivierung (1)
- Hippocampus Atrophie (1)
- Hippocampus Volumen (1)
- Hydrocortison (1)
- Kernspintomographie (1)
- Milde Depression (1)
- Stressor (1)
There is considerable evidence for an association between chronic dysregulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis, atrophy of the hippocampus (HC) and cognitive and mood changes in clinical populations and in aging. The present thesis investigated this relationship in young healthy male subjects. Special emphasis was put on measures of HC volume and function derived from structural and functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Higher cortisol levels after awakening were observed in subjects with higher levels of depressive symptomatology. Larger HC volume was associated with higher cortisol levels after awakening and in response to acute stress, whereas cognitive performance was impaired in subjects with larger HC volumes. Hippocampal activation during picture encoding was reduced after stress induction, and positive associations between activation and cognitive performance before stress were not present anymore afterwards. The present findings underscore the importance of structural and functional brain imaging for psychoneuroendocrinological research. The investigation of the association between cortisol levels and hippocampal integrity in young healthy subjects elicited unexpected results and adds to the understanding of HPA dysfunction and HC atrophy in clinical and aged populations.