- Führung (1)
- Gesundheit (1)
- Interaktion (1)
- SSIM (1)
- Salutogene Führung (1)
- Salutogenic Leadership (1)
In light of an alarming increase of sick leave and early retirement because of mental diseases, the public, political and scientific interest in an effective protection of psychological health within organizational context has been increasing for years. More and more the focus is especially on executives who influence the mental health of their employees by leadership behavior within interactions and by designing work tasks and working pro-cesses. In this regard classical and modern, explicit health-oriented leadership approaches provide valuable insights but also neglect the important influence of leadership situation on health-oriented leadership. This situation reduces the explanatory and predictive potential of available health-oriented leadership concepts.
In article 1 a conceptual framework model called Systemic Salutogenic Interaction Model (SSIM) is developed and justified that is based on findings of evidence-based leadership research but also integrates systemic concepts and key elements of the theory of saluto-genesis. The SSIM distinguishes between two levels: Within the primary system of salutogenic interaction salutogenic leadership and employees behavior for the first time are conceptualized as recipocal influence factors that influence each other (level 1). The organizational context is explicitly taken into account as significant factor outside the primary system that effects the behavior of both interaction partners mediated via cognitive pro-cesses (level 2). Due to this focus on interactions und context factors for the first time leadership situation becomes an explicit component of a health-oriented leadership concept.
First of all, article 2 focusses on the systematic analysis of the relative importance health related leadership aspects. For this purpose the TIMP-inventory was developed that records three distinct core-factors of salutogenic leadership (trust, incident management and pressure) which explain more variance of the Work-SoC construct than established general approaches and health-related leadership concepts.
In article 3 the results of a cross-sectional multilevel analysis indicate that the perceived leadership situation significantly explains variance of salutogenic leadership between teams. For the first time, this shows a significant correlation between specific aspects of leadership situation und salutogenic leadership behavior.
Within the frame of a quasi-experimental study (article 4), for the first time, a correlation is shown between salutogenic target-setting processes on executive’s side and the Work-SoC of team members. These results support an essential effect mechanism that is postulated in the SSIM. Furthermore these findings indicate that the SSIM can profitably be used within the context of salutogenic coachings, underlining its practical benefit.
Taken together the empirical findings of this dissertation support the assumption that the new SSIM approach significantly expands the explanatory und predictive potential of the health-oriented leadership concepts so far available. The results also raise a number of new, interesting questions for future research. Furthermore the SSIM broadens the perspective regarding the strategic orientation of human resource and organizational devel-opment. Especially out of the SSIM important guiding principles and innovative concepts for a target-oriented diagnostic und effective interventions can be derived. Thus this dissertation lays the foundation for a coherent, holistic oriented salutogenic leadership research und practice.