- Motivation (3)
- Gesundheit (2)
- Action vs. State Orientation (1)
- Annäherung (1)
- Bedürfnisbefriedigung (1)
- Berufsschüler (1)
- Computerspiel (1)
- Drohung (1)
- Einstellungen (1)
- Erwachsener (1)
- Gesundheitsinformationen (1)
- Gesundheitsinformationskompetenz (1)
- Gesundheitsinteresse (1)
- Gewohnheit (1)
- Handlungsorientierung (1)
- Health Literacy (1)
- Implizites Motiv (1)
- Individuum (1)
- Information (1)
- Information Seeking (1)
- Informationsgewohnheiten (1)
- Informationskompetenz (1)
- Informationsverhalten (1)
- Instruktion (1)
- Intention Enactment (1)
- Interesse (1)
- Knowledge (1)
- League of Legends (1)
- Macht (1)
- Mathematik (1)
- Meta-Analysis (1)
- Metaanalyse (1)
- Minecraft (1)
- Persönlichkeitseigenschaften (1)
- Pokémon (1)
- Power Motivation (1)
- Prognose (1)
- Psychology (1)
- Response Surface Analysis (1)
- Selbsteinschätzung (1)
- Selbstregulation (1)
- Selbstwirksamkeit (1)
- Self-Regulation (1)
- Stroop Task (1)
- Structural Equation Modelling (1)
- Transfer (1)
- Verhalten (1)
- Vermeidung (1)
- Verstärkung (1)
- Vorwissen (1)
- Wissen (1)
- Wissenserwerb (1)
- Zugehörigkeit (1)
- games (1)
- motive disposition (1)
- soziodemografische Faktoren (1)
Auf der Grundlage einer Fragebogenstudie wurden unterschiedliche Elemente eines förderlichen Umgangs mit Gesundheitsinformationen betrachtet und ihre Zusammenhänge mit personspezifischen Merkmalen analysiert. Als zentrale Aspekte der Informationsprozesse wurden die drei Elemente Gesundheitsinformationskompetenz, Gesundheitsinteresse und gesundheitsspezifische Informationsgewohnheiten konzeptuell voneinander getrennt. Auf der Basis des bisherigen Forschungsstands wurde zunächst ein theoretisches Modell des Umgangs mit Gesundheitsinformationen entwickelt, das die Bedeutung der Kompetenz und des Interesses für gesundheitsbezogene Informationsgewohnheiten hervorhebt, individuelle Ausprägungen dieser drei Elemente mit soziodemografischen Faktoren, Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, Überzeugungen und dem Gesundheitszustand in Beziehung setzt sowie Verbindungen zu gesundheitsrelevanten Verhaltensweisen beschreibt. Dieses Modell wurde anschließend an einer Stichprobe von 352 Berufsschülerinnen und -schülern aus drei Berufsbereichen (Wirtschaft/Verwaltung, Technik und Gesundheit) empirisch überprüft. Über multiple Regressionsanalysen wurden bedeutsame Prädiktoren für die drei Hauptelemente Kompetenz, Interesse und Informationsgewohnheiten identifiziert, über logistische Regressionen und Korrelationen ihre Zusammenhänge mit dem Gesundheitsverhalten überprüft. Darüber hinaus wurden lineare Strukturgleichungsmodelle zur Vorhersage des Informationsverhaltens entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die konzeptionelle Trennung der drei Faktoren, die jeweils mit unterschiedlichen Prädiktoren verbunden waren. Auf der Basis der Befunde werden Ansatzpunkte für die weitere Forschung und die Förderung eines kompetenten Umgangs mit Gesundheitsinformationen diskutiert.
The present work explores how theories of motivation can be used to enhance video game research. Currently, Flow-Theory and Self-Determination Theory are the most common approaches in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. The dissertation provides an in-depth look into Motive Disposition Theory and how to utilize it to explain interindividual differences in motivation. Different players have different preferences and make different choices when playing games, and not every player experiences the same outcomes when playing the same game. I provide a short overview of the current state of the research on motivation to play video games. Next, Motive Disposition Theory is applied in the context of digital games in four different research papers, featuring seven studies, totaling 1197 participants. The constructs of explicit and implicit motives are explained in detail while focusing on the two social motives (i.e., affiliation and power). As dependent variables, behaviour, preferences, choices, and experiences are used in different game environments (i.e., Minecraft, League of Legends, and Pokémon). The four papers are followed by a general discussion about the seven studies and Motive Disposition Theory in general. Finally, a short overview is provided about other theories of motivation and how they could be used to further our understanding of the motivation to play digital games in the future. This thesis proposes that 1) Motive Disposition Theory represents a valuable approach to understand individual motivations within the context of digital games; 2) there is a variety of motivational theories that can and should be utilized by researchers in the field of Human-Computer Interaction to broaden the currently one-sided perspective on human motivation; 3) researchers should aim to align their choice of motivational theory with their research goals by choosing the theory that best describes the phenomenon in question and by carefully adjusting each study design to the theoretical assumptions of that theory.
The daily dose of health information: A psychological view on the health information seeking process
The search for health information is becoming increasingly important in everyday life, as well as socially and scientifically relevant Previous studies have mainly focused on the design and communication of information. However, the view of the seeker as well as individual
differences in skills and abilities has been a neglected topic so far. A psychological perspective on the process of searching for health information would provide important starting points for promoting the general dissemination of relevant information and thus improving health behaviour and health status. Within the present dissertation, the process of seeking health information was thus divided into sequential stages to identify relevant personality traits and skills. Accordignly, three studies are presented that focus on one stage
of the process respectively and empirically test potential crucial traits and skills: Study I investigates possible determinants of an intention for a comprehensive search for health information. Building an intention is considered as the basic step of the search process.
Motivational dispositions and self-regulatory skills were related to each other in a structural equation model and empirically tested based on theoretical investigations. Model fit showed an overall good fit and specific direct and indirect effects from approach and avoidance
motivation on the intention to seek comprehensively could be found, which supports the theoretical assumptions. The results show that as early as the formation of intention, the psychological perspective reveals influential personality traits and skills. Study II deals with the subsequent step, the selection of information sources. The preference for basic characteristics of information sources (i.e., accessibility, expertise, and interaction) is related to health information literacy as a collective term for relevant skills and intelligence as a personality trait. Furthermore, the study considers the influence of possible over- or underestimation of these characteristics. The results show not only a different predictive
contribution of health literacy and intelligence, but also the relevance of subjective and objective measurement.
Finally, Study III deals with the selection and evaluation of the health information previously found. The phenomenon of selective exposure is analysed, as this can be considered problematic in the health context. For this purpose, an experimental design was implemented in which a varying health threat was suggested to the participants. Relevant information was presented and the selective choice of this information was assessed. Health literacy was tested
as a moderator in a function of the induced threat and perceived vulnerability, triggering defence motives on the degree of bias. Findings show the importance of the consideration of the defence motives, which could cause a bias in the form of selective exposure. Furthermore, health literacy even seems to amplify this effect.
Results of the three studies are synthesized, discussed and general conclusions are drawn and implications for further research are determined.
The present dissertation was developed to emphasize the importance of self-regulatory abilities and to derive novel opportunities to empower self-regulation. From the perspective of PSI (Personality Systems Interactions) theory (Kuhl, 2001), interindividual differences in self-regulation (action vs. state orientation) and their underlying mechanisms are examined in detail. Based on these insights, target-oriented interventions are derived, developed, and scientifically evaluated. The present work comprises a total of four studies which, on the one hand, highlight the advantages of a good self-regulation (e.g., enacting difficult intentions under demands; relation with prosocial power motive enactment and well-being). On the other hand, mental contrasting (Oettingen et al., 2001), an established self-regulation method, is examined from a PSI perspective and evaluated as a method to support individuals that struggle with self-regulatory deficits. Further, derived from PSI theory`s assumptions, I developed and evaluated a novel method (affective shifting) that aims to support individuals in overcoming self-regulatory deficits. Thereby affective shifting supports the decisive changes in positive affect for successful intention enactment (Baumann & Scheffer, 2010). The results of the present dissertation show that self-regulated changes between high and low positive affect are crucial for efficient intention enactment and that methods such as mental contrasting and affective shifting can empower self-regulation to support individuals to successfully close the gap between intention and action.
Knowledge acquisition comprises various processes. Each of those has its dedicated research domain. Two examples are the relations between knowledge types and the influences of person-related variables. Furthermore, the transfer of knowledge is another crucial domain in educational research. I investigated these three processes through secondary analyses in this dissertation. Secondary analyses comply with the broadness of each field and yield the possibility of more general interpretations. The dissertation includes three meta-analyses: The first meta-analysis reports findings on the predictive relations between conceptual and procedural knowledge in mathematics in a cross-lagged panel model. The second meta-analysis focuses on the mediating effects of motivational constructs on the relationship between prior knowledge and knowledge after learning. The third meta-analysis deals with the effect of instructional methods in transfer interventions on knowledge transfer in school students. These three studies provide insights into the determinants and processes of knowledge acquisition and transfer. Knowledge types are interrelated; motivation mediates the relation between prior and later knowledge, and interventions influence knowledge transfer. The results are discussed by examining six key insights that build upon the three studies. Additionally, practical implications, as well as methodological and content-related ideas for further research, are provided.