Year of publication
- 2017 (13) (remove)
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (7)
- Article (6)
- Depression (2)
- Erschöpfung (2)
- Psychotherapie (2)
- Selbstbild (2)
- Stress (2)
- Therapieerfolg (2)
- depression (2)
- exhaustion (2)
- stress (2)
- Abhängigkeit (1)
Educational researchers have intensively investigated students" academic self-concept (ASC) and self-efficacy (SE). Both constructs are part of the competence-related self-perceptions of students and are considered to support students" academic success and their career development in a positive manner (e.g., Abele-Brehm & Stief, 2004; Richardson, Abraham, & Bond, 2012; Schneider & Preckel, 2017). However, there is a lack of basic research on ASC and SE in higher education in general, and in undergraduate psychology courses in particular. Therefore, according to the within-network and between-network approaches of construct validation (Byrne, 1984), the present dissertation comprises three empirical studies examining the structure (research question 1), measurement (research question 2), correlates (research question 3), and differentiation (research question 4) of ASC and SE in a total sample of N = 1243 psychology students. Concerning research question 1, results of confirmatory factor analysis (CFAs) implied that students" ASC and SE are domain-specific in the sense of multidimensionality, but they are also hierarchically structured, with a general factor at the apex according to the nested Marsh/Shavelson model (NMS model, Brunner et al., 2010). Additionally, psychology students" SE to master specific psychological tasks in different areas of psychological application could be described by a 2-dimensional model with six factors according to the Multitrait-Multimethod (MTMM)-approach (Campbell & Fiske, 1959). With regard to research question 2, results revealed that the internal structure of ASC and SE could be validly assessed. However, the assessment of psychology students" SE should follow a task-specific measurement strategy. Results of research question 3 further showed that both constructs of psychology students" competence-related self-perceptions were positively correlated to achievement in undergraduate psychology courses if predictor (ASC, SE) corresponded to measurement specificity of the criterion (achievement). Overall, ASC provided substantially stronger relations to achievement compared to SE. Moreover, there was evidence for negative paths (contrast effects) from achievement in one psychological domain on ASC of another psychological domain as postulated by the internal/external frame of reference (I/E) model (Marsh, 1986). Finally, building on research questions 1 to 3 (structure, measurement, and correlates of ASC and SE), psychology students" ASC and SE were be differentiated on an empirical level (research question 4). Implications for future research practices are discussed. Furthermore, practical implications for enhancing ASC and SE in higher education are proposed to support academic achievement and the career development of psychology students.
The search for relevant determinants of knowledge acquisition has a long tradition in educational research, with systematic analyses having started over a century ago. To date, a variety of relevant environmental and learner-related characteristics have been identified, providing a wide body of empirical evidence. However, there are still some gaps in the literature, which are highlighted in the current dissertation. The dissertation includes two meta-analyses summarizing the evidence on the effectiveness of electrical brain stimulation and the effects of prior knowledge on later learning outcomes and one empirical study employing latent profile transition analysis to investigate the changes in conceptual knowledge over time. The results from the three studies demonstrate how learning outcomes can be advanced by input from the environment and that they are highly related to the students" level of prior knowledge. It is concluded that the effects of environmental and learner-related variables impact both the biological and cognitive processes underlying knowledge acquisition. Based on the findings from the three studies, methodological and practical implications are provided, followed by an outline of four recommendations for future research on knowledge acquisition.
Erschöpfung ist ein prominentes, unspezifisches Symptom mit vielfältigen Begleitsymptomen (z. B. Schmerzen, Schlafstörungen, Reizbarkeit, Niedergeschlagenheit). Gängige Konzepte erschöpfungsbezogener Erkrankungen und Syndrome werden häufig in Bezug auf ihre Differenzierungskraft oder Struktur kritisiert. Die Ursachen für die Entstehung von Erschöpfung sind vielfältig und die Behandlung kann nur mit gründlicher Differentialdiagnostik erfolgen. Anhand adaptionsbezogener Stressmodelle kann die Entstehung von Erschöpfung beschrieben und in drei Formen eingeteilt werden (I: reversibel, II: prädispositioniert und III: emotional-dysregulativ). Poststress-Symptome (z. B. "Wochenend-Migräne", "UrlaubsInfekte") stellen möglicherweise eine Erschöpfungsform dar, welche durch eine zentrale Entleerung der Noradrenalin-Spiegel bedingt ist. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Verlässlichkeit der Neuropattern-Erschöpfungsskala, sowie der Zusammenhang von Erschöpfung, Stress, dem Langzeit-Gesundheitsstatus und Poststress-Symptomen geprüft. Hierzu wurden Daten ambulanter und stationärer Patienten und Mitarbeitern verwendet, die an einer randomisierten klinischen Studie zur Neuropattern-Diagnostik teilnahmen. Zusätzlich wurden Daten von gesunden Personen zur Erhebung einer Normstichprobe verwendet. Die Neuropattern-Erschöpfungsskala zeigte sich als reliables und valides Maß. Sie war Indikator für direkte, indirekte und intangible Gesundheitskosten (z. B. erhöhte Arzt-, Therapeutenbesuche, Medikamenteneinnahme und Arbeitsunfähigkeit, reduziertes psychisches und physisches Wohlbefinden). Es zeigte sich, dass sowohl Stress, als auch Erschöpfung den Gesundheitszustand über den Verlauf von zwölf Monaten vorhersagt. Bemerkenswert ist, dass der Zusammenhang zwischen Stress und dem Langzeit-Gesundheitszustand vornehmlich durch Erschöpfung vermittelt wurde. Schließlich wurde die Prävalenz von Poststress-Symptomen bei gesunden Personen (2.9%), ambulanten (20%) und stationären Patienten (34,7%) bestimmt. Auch hier war nicht Stress der stärkste Prädiktor für das Auftreten von Poststress-Symptomen, sondern Erschöpfung. Modelle der psychophysiologischen Stressreaktion können die Entstehung von Erschöpfung erklären und die Diagnostik und Behandlung stressbezogener Gesundheitsstörungen verbessern. Die vorgestellte Neuropattern-Erschöpfungsskala ist dabei ein verlässliches und für die Praxis gut geeignetes Instrument, welches zur Indikation und Validierung präventiver und therapeutischer Maßnahmen eingesetzt werden kann. Je nach Erschöpfungsform bieten sich verschiedene Maßnahmen des regenerativen, instrumentellen oder kognitiven Stressmanagements, Nahrungsergänzungsmittel und Pharmakotherapie an.
Pränatal, postnatal und aktuell auftretende chronische Stressbelastung sind bedeutsame Risikofaktoren für mentale und körperliche Beeinträchtigungen im Erwachsenenalter. Ziel dieser Dissertationsschrift ist es, den Einfluss von Stress im Lebenslauf (pränatale, postnatale, aktuelle Stressbelastung) auf verschiedene Erschöpfungsvariablen und Depressivität zu analysieren und mögliche Mediatoreffekte von aktuell auftretendem Stress auf Assoziationen zwischen pränatalem bzw. postnatalem Stress und Erschöpfung bzw. Depressivität zu bestimmen. Zur Prüfung dieser Fragestellung wurden Daten von chronisch gestressten Lehrpersonen (N = 186; 67,70% weiblich) ohne Diagnose für eine psychische Erkrankung sowie von Hausarzt- (N = 473; 59% weiblich) und Klinikpatienten (N = 284; 63,7% weiblich) mit mindestens einer stressbezogenen mentalen Gesundheitsstörung erhoben. Prä-postnataler Stress, subjektive Erschöpfung und Depressivität wurden in allen Stichproben erfasst, aktuelle Stressbelastung und Poststresssymptome in den Patientenstichproben. Zusätzlich wurden konzeptuelle Endophänotypen als psychobiologisches Erschöpfungsmaß in beiden Patientenstichproben sowie Übernachtaktivität des parasympathischen Nervensystems als Maß vagaler Erholung in der Hausarztstichprobe operationalisiert. Bei den Lehrpersonen wurde anhand univariater Varianzanalysen analysiert, ob Lehrkräfte mit frühkindlicher Belastung unterschiedliche Erschöpfungs- bzw. Depressionswerte aufwiesen im Vergleich zu Lehrkräften ohne frühkindliche Belastung. In den Patientenstichproben wurden multiple und binärlogistische Regressionsmodelle verwendet, um Assoziationen zwischen pränatalem, postnatalem sowie aktuellem Stress mit Erschöpfung, Depressivität, den konzeptuellen Endophänotypen der Neuropattern-Diagnostik sowie Übernachtaktivität des parasympathischen Nervensystems (nur bei Hausarztpatienten) zu prüfen. Mögliche Mediatoreffekte aktueller Stressbelastung auf Assoziationen zwischen pränatalem und postnatalem Stress mit Erschöpfung, Depressivität, der konzeptuellen Endophänotypen bzw. der Übernachtaktivität des parasympathischen Nervensystems (nur bei Hausarztpatienten) wurden bestimmt. Ad hoc wurde mittels zusätzlich ein möglicher Moderatoreffekt von pränatalem Stress auf die Assoziation zwischen aktuellem Stress und der Übernachtherzrate getestet. Pränataler Stress war bei sonst gesunden Lehrkräften mit einer stärker ausgeprägten Gratifikationskrise und höherer emotionaler Erschöpfung assoziiert. Postnataler Stress ging mit höheren Werten für Depressivität, Anstrengungs-Belohnungs-Ungleichgewicht, der MBI Gesamtskala, emotionaler Erschöpfung und vitaler Erschöpfung einher. Sowohl bei Hausarzt- als auch bei Klinikpatienten waren aktuelle psychosoziale Belastung und aktuelle Beeinträchtigung durch Lebensereignisse mit Depressivität, Erschöpfung und Poststress assoziiert. Bei Hausarztpatienten sagte aktuelle Stressbelastung eine erhöhte Odds Ratio der Noradrenalin-Hypoaktivität sowie Serotonin-Hyperreaktivität vorher; bei Klinikpatienten für Noradrenalin-Hypoaktivität. Des Weiteren zeigten Hausarztpatienten mit starker psychosozialer Belastung erhöhte parasympathische Aktivität über Nacht. Bei Hausarztpatienten ist hoher pränataler Stress assoziiert mit wahrgenommener psychosozialer Belastung, aktuellen Lebensereignissen und Poststresssymptomen. Pränataler Stress ging mit einer verringerten vagalen Aktivität einher. Weiter ist postnataler Stress assoziiert mit Depressivität, wahrgenommener psychosozialer Belastung, aktuellen Lebensereignissen, Erschöpfung und Poststresssymptomen sowie einem erhöhten Odds Ratio für die Noradrenalin-Hypoaktivität sowie mit CRH-Hyperaktivität. Die Assoziationen zwischen pränatalem bzw. postnatalem Stress und Poststress, Erschöpfung, Depressivität und Noradrenalin-Hypoaktivität wurden signifikant durch aktuelle Stressbelastung mediiert. Die Assoziation zwischen aktuellem Stress und parasympathischer Aktivität über Nacht wurde durch pränatalen Stress moderiert: Bei geringer bis mittlerer nicht aber bei hoher pränataler Belastung ging eine hohe psychosoziale Belastung mit erhöhter Übernachtaktivität des parasympathischen Nervensystems einher. Bei Klinikpatienten zeigten sich keine signifikanten Zusammenhänge zwischen pränatalem bzw. postnatalem Stress und Erschöpfung bzw. Depressivität. Pränataler Stress kann trophotrope Funktionen beeinträchtigen und damit die Vulnerabilität für Erschöpfung und Depressivität erhöhen. Fortgesetzte postnatale und aktuelle Stressbelastung erhöhen den kumulativen Stress im Lebenslauf einer Person und tragen zu psychobiologischen Dysfunktionen sowie Erschöpfung und Depressivität bei.
Interaction between the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis and the Circadian Clock System in Humans
Rotation of the Earth creates day and night cycles of 24 h. The endogenous circadian clocks sense these light/dark rhythms and the master pacemaker situated in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus entrains the physical activities according to this information. The circadian machinery is built from the transcriptional/translational feedback loops generating the oscillations in all nucleated cells of the body. In addition, unexpected environmental changes, called stressors, also challenge living systems. A response to these stimuli is provided immediately via the autonomic-nervous system and slowly via the hypothalamus"pituitary"adrenal (HPA) axis. When the HPA axis is activated, circulating glucocorticoids are elevated and regulate organ activities in order to maintain survival of the organism. Both the clock and the stress systems are essential for continuity and interact with each other to keep internal homeostasis. The physiological interactions between the HPA axis and the circadian clock system are mainly addressed in animal studies, which focus on the effects of stress and circadian disturbances on cardiovascular, psychiatric and metabolic disorders. Although these studies give opportunity to test in whole body, apply unwelcome techniques, control and manipulate the parameters at the high level, generalization of the results to humans is still a debate. On the other hand, studies established with cell lines cannot really reflect the conditions occurring in a living organism. Thus, human studies are absolutely necessary to investigate mechanisms involved in stress and circadian responses. The studies presented in this thesis were intended to determine the effects of cortisol as an end-product of the HPA axis on PERIOD (PER1, PER2 and PER3) transcripts as circadian clock genes in healthy humans. The expression levels of PERIOD genes were measured under baseline conditions and after stress in whole blood. The results demonstrated here have given better understanding of transcriptional programming regulated by pulsatile cortisol at standard conditions and short-term effects of cortisol increase on circadian clocks after acute stress. These findings also draw attention to inter-individual variations in stress response as well as non-circadian functions of PERIOD genes in the periphery, which need to be examined in details in the future.
Long-Term Memory Updating: The Reset-of-Encoding Hypothesis in List-Method Directed Forgetting
People- memory for new information can be enhanced by cuing them to forget older information, as is shown in list-method directed forgetting (LMDF). In this task, people are cued to forget a previously studied list of items (list 1) and to learn a new list of items (list 2) instead. Such cuing typically enhances memory for the list 2 items and reduces memory for the list 1 items, which reflects effective long-term memory updating. This review focuses on the reset-of-encoding (ROE) hypothesis as a theoretical explanation of the list 2 enhancement effect in LMDF. The ROE hypothesis is based on the finding that encoding efficacy typically decreases with number of encoded items and assumes that providing a forget cue after study of some items (e.g., list 1) resets the encoding process and makes encoding of subsequent items (e.g., early list 2 items) as effective as encoding of previously studied (e.g., early list 1) items. The review provides an overview of current evidence for the ROE hypothesis. The evidence arose from recent behavioral, neuroscientific, and modeling studies that examined LMDF on both an item and a list level basis. The findings support the view that ROE plays a critical role for the list 2 enhancement effect in LMDF. Alternative explanations of the effect and the generalizability of ROE to other experimental tasks are discussed.
Background: We evaluated depression and social isolation assessed at time of waitlisting as predictors of survival in heart transplant (HTx) recipients. Methods and Results: Between 2005 and 2006, 318 adult HTx candidates were enrolled in the Waiting for a New Heart Study, and 164 received transplantation. Patients were followed until February 2013. Psychosocial characteristics were assessed by questionnaires. Eurotransplant provided medical data at waitlisting, transplantation dates, and donor characteristics; hospitals reported medical data at HTx and date of death after HTx. During a median followâ€up of 70 months (<1"93 months postâ€HTx), 56 (38%) of 148 transplanted patients with complete data died. Depression scores were unrelated to social isolation, and neither correlated with disease severity. Higher depression scores increased the risk of dying (hazard ratio=1.07, 95% confidence interval, 1.01, 1.15, P=0.032), which was moderated by social isolation scores (significant interaction term; hazard ratio = 0.985, 95% confidence interval, 0.973, 0.998; P=0.022). These findings were maintained in multivariate models controlling for covariates (P values 0.020"0.039). Actuarial 1â€year/5â€year survival was best for patients with low depression who were not socially isolated at waitlisting (86% after 1 year, 79% after 5 years). Survival of those who were either depressed, or socially isolated or both, was lower, especially 5 years posttransplant (56%, 60%, and 62%, respectively). Conclusions: Low depression in conjunction with social integration at time of waitlisting is related to enhanced chances for survival after HTx. Both factors should be considered for inclusion in standardized assessments and interventions for HTx candidates. We evaluated depression and social isolation assessed at time of waitlisting as predictors of survival in heart transplant (HTx) recipients.\r\n\r\nMethods and Results: Between 2005 and 2006, 318 adult HTx candidates were enrolled in the Waiting for a New Heart Study, and 164 received transplantation. Patients were followed until February 2013. Psychosocial characteristics were assessed by questionnaires. Eurotransplant provided medical data at waitlisting, transplantation dates, and donor characteristics; hospitals reported medical data at HTx and date of death after HTx. During a median followâ€up of 70 months (<1"93 months postâ€HTx), 56 (38%) of 148 transplanted patients with complete data died. Depression scores were unrelated to social isolation, and neither correlated with disease severity. Higher depression scores increased the risk of dying (hazard ratio=1.07, 95% confidence interval, 1.01, 1.15, P=0.032), which was moderated by social isolation scores (significant interaction term; hazard ratio = 0.985, 95% confidence interval, 0.973, 0.998; P=0.022). These findings were maintained in multivariate models controlling for covariates (P values 0.020"0.039). Actuarial 1â€year/5â€year survival was best for patients with low depression who were not socially isolated at waitlisting (86% after 1 year, 79% after 5 years). Survival of those who were either depressed, or socially isolated or both, was lower, especially 5 years posttransplant (56%, 60%, and 62%, respectively).
DNA methylation, through 5-methyl- and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5mC and 5hmC) is considered to be one of the principal interfaces between the genome and our environment and it helps explain phenotypic variations in human populations. Initial reports of large differences in methylation level in genomic regulatory regions, coupled with clear gene expression data in both imprinted genes and malignant diseases provided easily dissected molecular mechanisms for switching genes on or off. However, a more subtle process is becoming evident, where small (<10%) changes to intermediate methylation levels were associated with complex disease phenotypes. This has resulted in two clear methylation paradigms. The latter "subtle change" paradigm is rapidly becoming the epigenetic hallmark of complex disease phenotypes, although we were currently hampered by a lack of data addressing the true biological significance and meaning of these small differences. The initial expectation of rapidly identifying mechanisms linking environmental exposure to a disease phenotype led to numerous observational/association studies being performed. Although this expectation remains unmet, there is now a growing body of literature on specific genes, suggesting wide ranging transcriptional and translational consequences of such subtle methylation changes. Data from the glucocorticoid receptor (NR3C1) has shown that a complex interplay between DNA methylation, extensive 5"UTR splicing and microvariability gives rise to the overall level and relative distribution of total and N-terminal protein isoforms generated. Additionally, the presence of multiple AUG translation initiation codons throughout the complete, processed, mRNA enables translation variability, hereby enhancing the translational isoforms and the resulting protein isoform diversity; providing a clear link between small changes in DNA methylation and significant changes in protein isoforms and cellular locations. Methylation changes in the NR3C1 CpG island, alters the NR3C1 transcription and eventually protein isoforms in the tissues, resulting in subtle but visible physiological variability. Implying external environmental stimuli act through subtle methylation changes, with transcriptional microvariability as the underlying mechanism, to fine-tune the total NR3C1 protein levels. The ubiquitous distribution of genes with similar structure as NR3C1, combined with an increasing number of studies linking subtle methylation changes in specific genes with wide ranging transcriptional and translational consequences, suggested a more genome-wide spread of subtle DNA methylation changes and transcription variability. The subtle methylation paradigm and the biological relevance of such changes were supported by two epigenetic animal models, which linked small methylation changes to either psychopathological or immunological effects. The first model, rats subjected to maternal deprivation, showed long term behavioural and stress response changes. A second model, exposing mice to early life infection with H1N1, illustrated long-term immunological effects. Both models displayed subtle changes within the methylome. Suggesting/Indicating that early life adversity and early life viral infection "programmed" the CNS and innate immune response respectively, via subtle DNA methylation changes genome-wide. The research presented in this thesis investigated the ever-growing roles of DNA methylation; the physiological and functional relevance of subtle small DNA methylation changes genome-wide, in particular for the CNS (MD model) and the immune system (early life viral infection model) ; and the evidence available, particularly from the glucocorticoid of the cascade of events initiated by such subtle methylation changes, as well as addressing the underlying question as to what represents a genuine biologically significant difference in methylation.
Background: Psychotherapy is successful for the majority of patients , but not for every patient. Hence, further knowledge is needed on how treatments should be adapted for those who do not profit or deteriorate. In the last years prediction tools as well as feedback interventions were part of a trend to more personalized approaches in psychotherapy. Research on psychometric prediction and feedback into ongoing treatment has the potential to enhance treatment outcomes, especially for patients with an increased risk of treatment failure or drop-out.rnMethods/design: The research project investigates in a randomized controlled trial the effectiveness as well as moderating and mediating factors of psychometric feedback to therapists. In the intended study a total of 423 patients, who applied for a cognitive-behavioral therapy at the psychotherapy clinic of the University Trier and suffer from a depressive and/or an anxietyrndisorder (SCID interviews), will be included. The patients will be randomly assigned either to one therapist as well as to one of two intervention groups (CG, IG2). An additional intervention group (IG1) will be generated from an existing archival data set via propensity score matching. Patients of the control group (CG; n = 85) will be monitored concerning psychological impairment but therapists will not be provided with any feedback about the patients assessments. In both intervention groups (IG1: n = 169; IG2: n = 169) the therapists are provided with feedback about the patients self-evaluation in a computerized feedback portal. Therapists of the IG2 will additionally be provided with clinical support tools, which will be developed in thisrnproject, on the basis of existing systems. Therapists will also be provided with a personalized treatment recommendation based on similar patients (Nearest Neighbors) at the beginning of treatment. Besides the general effectiveness of feedback and the clinical support tools for negatively developing patients, further mediating and moderating variables on this feedback effectrnshould be examined: treatment length, frequency of feedback use, therapist effects, therapist- experience, attitude towards feedback as well as congruence of therapist-andpatient- evaluation concerning the progress. Additional procedures will be implemented to assess treatment adherence as well as the reliability of diagnosis and to include it into the analyses.rnDiscussion: The current trial tests a comprehensive feedback system which combines precision mental health predictions with routine outcome monitoring and feedback tools in routine outpatient psychotherapy. It also adds to previous feedback research a stricter design by investigating another repeated measurement CG as well as a stricter control of treatment integrity. It also includes a structured clinical interview (SCID) and controls for comorbidity (within depression and anxiety). This study also investigates moderators (attitudes towards, use of the feedback system, diagnoses) and mediators (therapists" awareness of negative change and treatment length) in one study.
Numerous RCTs demonstrate that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for depression is effective. However, these findings are not necessarily representative of CBT under routine care conditions. Routine care studies are not usually subjected to comparable standardizations, e.g. often therapists may not follow treatment manuals and patients are less homogeneous with regard to their diagnoses and sociodemographic variables. Results on the transferability of findings from clinical trials to routine care are sparse and point in different directions. As RCT samples are selective due to a stringent application of inclusion/exclusion criteria, comparisons between routine care and clinical trials must be based on a consistent analytic strategy. The present work demonstrates the merits of propensity score matching (PSM), which offers solutions to reduce bias by balancing two samples based on a range of pretreatment differences. The objective of this dissertation is the investigation of the transferability of findings from RCTs to routine care settings.