150 Psychologie
Evaluation of an eye tracking setup for studying visual attention in face-to-face conversations
Many eye tracking studies use facial stimuli presented on a display to investigate attentional processing of social stimuli. To introduce a more realistic approach that allows interaction between two real people, we evaluated a new eye tracking setup in three independent studies in terms of data quality, short-term reliability and feasibility. Study 1 measured the robustness, precision and accuracy for calibration stimuli compared to a classical display-based setup. Study 2 used the identical measures with an independent study sample to compare the data quality for a photograph of a face (2D) and the face of the real person (3D). Study 3 evaluated data quality over the course of a real face-to-face conversation and examined the gaze behavior on the facial features of the conversation partner. Study 1 provides evidence that quality indices for the scene-based setup were comparable to those of a classical display-based setup. Average accuracy was better than 0.4° visual angle. Study 2 demonstrates that eye tracking quality is sufficient for 3D stimuli and robust against short interruptions without re-calibration. Study 3 confirms the long-term stability of tracking accuracy during a face-to-face interaction and demonstrates typical gaze patterns for facial features. Thus, the eye tracking setup presented here seems feasible for studying gaze behavior in dyadic face-to-face interactions. Eye tracking data obtained with this setup achieves an accuracy that is sufficient for investigating behavior such as eye contact in social interactions in a range of populations including clinical conditions, such as autism spectrum and social phobia.
Aufgrund der enormen Menge an Informationen, die wir in jedem einzelnen Moment erleben, sind zuverlässige und funktionale Mechanismen, die uns durch die Informationsflut leiten, unerlässlich. Um effizient und sinnvoll einzelne Informationen für die weitere Verarbeitung auszuwählen, sollten die Aufmerksamkeit und kognitive Kapazitäten auf persönlich relevante Inhalte fokussieren. Eine dazu nötige, angemessene Definition von persönlicher Relevanz könnte auf einer stabilen Selbstrepräsentation beruhen, die zum einem spezifisch und zum anderen flexibel bei Veränderungen sein sollte. In Anbetracht einer Vielzahl von Forschungsergebnissen in Bezug auf die noch ungeklärte Frage, inwiefern Selbstrelevanz als allgemeiner Selektionsmechanismus begriffen werden kann, liefert die hier vorliegende Dissertation ein genaueres Verständnis von der Entstehung und Anpassung einer Selbstrepräsentation. Es werden fünf Artikel vorgestellt, die ein relativ neues Paradigma, das sogenannte Matching-Paradigma (Sui, He, & Humphreys, 2012) verwenden und die empirische Evidenz dafür liefern, wie Selbstrepräsentationen kognitive Prozesse beeinflussen. Genauer wird in einem ersten Artikel eine Zusammenschau von Experimenten geliefert, die die Tauglichkeit des Matching-Paradigmas zur Messung von Selbstrelevanzeffekten beurteilt (und bestätigt). In einem zweiten Artikel wird eine Studie vorgestellt, in der die Entstehung von Selbstrepräsentationen untersucht wurde, was zu einem genaueren Verständnis der an der Entstehung von Selbstrepräsentation beteiligten kognitiven Prozesse führt. An diese erste Beschreibung von Selbstrepräsentationen anknüpfend, beschreiben der dritte und vierte Artikel konkrete Charakteristika von Inhalten, die in die Selbstrepräsentation integriert werden können. Schließlich werden in dem fünften Artikel zwei Studien erläutert, in denen Effekte von Selbstrelevanz mit Effekten von negativer Valenz (die als genereller Selektionsmechanismus angesehen wird) verglichen werden, was zu einer Spezifikation des Einflusses von Selbstrelevanz auf Reizverarbeitung beiträgt. Insgesamt kann aufgrund der empirischen Befunde, die in der vorliegenden Dissertation erläutert werden, schlussgefolgert werden, dass das Selbst verstanden werden kann als ein spezifisches, komplexes Netzwerk von Assoziationen zwischen Konzepten und dass Selbstrelevanz die Integration von Inhalten begünstigt, nicht aber die Aufmerksamkeit automatisch lenkt.
Cognitive performance is contingent upon multiple factors. Beyond the impact of en-vironmental circumstances, the bodily state may hinder or promote cognitive processing. Af-ferent transmission from the viscera, for instance, is crucial not only for the genesis of affect and emotion, but further exerts significant influences on memory and attention. In particular, afferent cardiovascular feedback from baroreceptors demonstrated subcortical and cortical inhibition. Consequences for human cognition and behavior are the impairment of simple perception and sensorimotor functioning. Four studies are presented that investigate the mod-ulatory impact of baro-afferent feedback on selective attention. The first study demonstrates that the modulation of sensory processing by baroreceptor activity applies to the processing of complex stimulus configurations. By the use of a visual masking task in which a target had to be selected against a visual mask, perceptual interference was reduced when target and mask were presented during the ventricular systole compared to the diastole. In study two, selection efficiency was systematically manipulated in a visual selection task in which a target letter was flanked by distracting stimuli. By comparing participants" performance under homogene-ous and heterogeneous stimulus conditions, selection efficiency was assessed as a function of the cardiac cycle phase in which the targets and distractors were presented. The susceptibility of selection performance to the stimulus condition at hand was less pronounced during the ventricular systole compared to the diastole. Study one and two therefore indicate that inter-ference from irrelevant sensory input, resulting from temporally overlapping processing traces or from the simultaneous presentation of distractor stimuli, is reduced during phases of in-creased baro-afferent feedback. Study three experimentally manipulated baroreceptor activity by systematically varying the participant- body position while a sequential distractor priming task was completed. In this study, negative priming and distractor-response binding effects were obtained as indices of controlled and automatic distractor processing, respectively. It was found that only controlled distractor processing was affected by tonic increases in baro-receptor activity. In line with study one and two these results indicate that controlled selection processes are more efficient during enhanced baro-afferent feedback, observable in dimin-ished aftereffects of controlled distractor processing. Due to previous findings that indicated baro-afferent transmission to affect central, rather than response-related processing stages, study four measured lateralized-readiness potentials (LRPs) and reaction times (RTs), while participants, again, had to selectively respond to target stimuli that were surrounded by dis-tractors. The impact of distractor inhibition on stimulus-related, but not on response-related LRPs suggests that in a sequential distractor priming task, the sensory representations of dis-tractors, rather than motor responses are targeted by inhibition. Together with the results from studies one through three and the finding of baroreceptor-mediated behavioral inhibition tar-geting central processing stages, study four corroborates the presumption of baro-afferent signal transmission to modulate controlled processes involved in selective attention. In sum, the work presented shows that visual selective attention benefits from in-creased baro-afferent feedback as its effects are not confined to simple perception, but may facilitate the active suppression of neural activity related to sensory input from distractors. Hence, due to noise reduction, baroreceptor-mediated inhibition may promote effective selec-tion in vision.
The Role of Dopamine and Acetylcholine as Modulators of Selective Attention and Response Speed
The principles of top-down and bottom-up processing are essential to cognitive psychology. At their broadest, most general definition, they denote that processing can be driven either by the salience of the stimulus input or by individual goals and strategies. Selective top-down attention, specifically, consists in the deliberate prioritizing of stimuli that are deemed goal-relevant, while selective bottom-up attention relies on the automatic allocation of attention to salient stimuli (Connor, Egeth, & Yantis, 2004; Schneider, Schote, Meyer, & Frings, 2014). Variations within neurotransmitter systems can modulate cognitive performance in a domain-specific fashion (Greenwood, Fossella, & Parasuraman, 2005). Noudoost and Moore (2011a) proposed that the influence of the dopaminergic neurotransmitter system on selective top-down attention might be greater than the influence of this system on selective bottom-up attention; likewise, they assumed that the cholinergic neurotransmitter system might be more important for selective bottom-up than top-down attention. To test this hypothesis, naturally occurring variations within the two neurotransmitter systems were assessed. Five polymorphisms were selected; two of the dopaminergic system (the COMT Val158Met polymorphism and the DAT1 polymorphism) and three of the cholinergic system (the CHRNA4 rs1044396 polymorphism, the CHRNA5 rs3841324 polymorphism, and the CHRNA5 rs16969968 polymorphism). It was tested whether these polymorphisms modulated the performance in tasks of selective top-down attention (a Stroop task and a Negative priming task) and in a task of selective bottom-up attention (a Posner-Cuing task). Indeed, the dopaminergic polymorphisms influenced selective top-down attention, but exerted no effects on bottom-up attention. This aligned with the hypothesis proposed by Noudoost and Moore (2011a). In contrast, the cholinergic polymorphisms were not found to modulate selective bottom-up attention. The three cholinergic polymorphisms, however, affected the general response speed in the Stroop task, Negative priming task, and Posner-Cuing task (irrespective of attentional processing). In sum, the findings of this study provide strong indications that the dopaminergic system modulates selective top-down attention, while the cholinergic system is highly relevant for the general speed of information processing.
Magnet Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Electroencephalography (EEG) are tools used to investigate the functioning of the working brain in both humans and animal studies. Both methods are increasingly combined in separate or simultaneous measurements under the assumption to benefit from their individual strength while compensating their particular weaknesses. However, little attention has been paid to how statistical analyses strategies can influence the information that can be retrieved from a combined EEG fMRI study. Two independent studies in healthy student volunteers were conducted in the context of emotion research to demonstrate two approaches of combining MRI and EEG data of the same participants. The first study (N = 20) applied a visual search paradigm and found that in both measurements the assumed effects were absent by not statistically combining their results. The second study (N = 12) applied a novelty P300 paradigm and found that only the statistical combination of MRI and EEG measurements was able to disentangle the functional effects of brain areas involved in emotion processing. In conclusion, the observed results demonstrate that there are added benefits of statistically combining EEG-fMRI data acquisitions by assessing both the inferential statistical structure and the intra-individual correlations of the EEG and fMRI signal.
The midcingulate cortex has become the focus of scientific interest as it has been associated with a wide range of attentional phenomena. This survey found evidence indicating the relevance of gender and handedness for measures of regional cortical morphology. Although gender was associated with structural variations concerning the neuroanatomy of the midcingulum bundle as well, handedness did not emerge in the analyses of white matter characteristics as significant factor. Hemispheric differences were found at the level of both gray and white matter. Turning to the functional implications of neuroanatomical variations and comparing subjects with a pronounced and a low degree of midcingulate folding, which indicates differential expansions of cytoarchitectural areas, behavioral and electrophysiological differences in the processing of interference became evident. A high degree of leftward midcingulate fissurization was associated with better behavioral performance, presumably caused by a more effective conflict-monitoring system triggering fast and automatic attentional filtering mechanisms. Subjects exhibiting a lower degree of midcingulate fissurization rather seem to rely on more effortful control processes. These results carry implications not only concerning neuronal representations of individual differences in attentional processes, but might also be of relevance for the refinement of models for mental disorders.
Es wird eine Personenbezogene (differenzielle) Kontinuitätshypothese formuliert, in der angenommen wird, dass Personen, die kognitive Defizite als Folge massiven Alkoholkonsums erleiden, drei aufeinanderfolgende Schädigungsstufen durchlaufen. Ziel der vorliegenden Untersuchung war es, eine Prävalenzrate von Störungen der (selektiven) Aufmerksamkeit und der nonverbalen Intelligenzfunktionen als Maße für exekutive Funktionsstörungen und der Gedächtnisleistungen bei alkoholabhängigen Patienten zu Beginn einer medizinischen Rehamaßnahme zu ermitteln. Zudem wurde zu einem zweiten Messzeitpunkt eine Remissionsrate festgestellt. Im Zeitraum von November 2005 bis Ende April 2006 wurden in den Kliniken Wied 87 konsekutiv aufgenommene Patienten mit einer neuropsychologischen Testbatterie untersucht. Es zeigte sich eine Prävalenzrate von 49.4% für Beeinträchtigungen nicht sprachlicher Intelligenzfunktionen und von 43.7% für Störungen der selektiven Aufmerksamkeit. Gedächtnisdefizite traten lediglich bei 15% auf. Nach fünf Wochen fanden sich deutliche Verbesserungen der selektiven Aufmerksamkeit, während sich die Gedächtnisleistungen kaum verbesserten.