150 Psychologie
Year of publication
- 2018 (12) (remove)
Document Type
- Doctoral Thesis (7)
- Article (4)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Stress (3)
- Therapieabbruch (2)
- Academic Achievement (1)
- Action control (1)
- Affektstörung (1)
- Angststörung (1)
- Arbeitsgedächtnis (1)
- Burnout (1)
- Burnout-Syndrom (1)
- Conceptual Endophenotypes (1)
- Psychologie (9)
- Fachbereich 1 (2)
- Universitätsbibliothek (1)
Das Ideal einer lebendigen Demokratie mit engagierten Bürger/innen lässt nach Wegen suchen, um die Partizipationsbereitschaft nachkommender Generationen zu fördern. Ausgehend von der Prämisse, dass das Wohlbefinden einen zentralen Motivator darstellt, der sich auch bei jungen Menschen mithilfe der Konzepte der Positiven Psychologie gezielt fördern lässt (Brohm & Endres, 2015), nähert sich der vorliegende Beitrag den beiden folgenden Forschungsfragen: Erstens, lässt sich ein Zusammenhang zwischen dem Wohlbefinden Jugendlicher und ihrer politischen Partizipationsbereitschaft respektive ihrem politischen Interesse empirisch nachweisen? Zweitens, in welchen Kontexten und in welchem Maße erleben Jugendliche Wohlbefinden in der Auseinandersetzung mit politischen Themen, Akteur/innen und Prozessen?
Da bisherige bundesweite und regionale Studien zu den Themen Jugend, Politik und politisch-gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe nur in bedingtem Maße Rückschlüsse auf die fünf Elemente des Wohlbefindens nach Seligman (2012) zuließen, wurde im Vorfeld des vorliegenden Beitrags eine schriftliche Befragung von 100 Jugendlichen aus dem saarländischen Landkreis Saarlouis durchgeführt.
Die Befragten charakterisieren sich mehrheitlich als allgemein aufgeschlossen und interessiert, doch es gelingt der Politik und ihren Mittler/innen nur eingeschränkt, dieses Potenzial in aktive politische Teilhabe zu übersetzen. Unter anderem persönliche Kontakte zu politisch Engagierten und eigene Erfahrungen in politischen Verbänden erweisen sich indes als positiv und korrelieren mit dem politischen Interesse und der Offenheit der Jugendlichen gegenüber politischer Partizipation.
Academic achievement is a central outcome in educational research, both in and outside higher education, has direct effects on individual’s professional and financial prospects and a high individual and public return on investment. Theories comprise cognitive as well as non-cognitive influences on achievement. Two examples frequently investigated in empirical research are knowledge (as a cognitive determinant) and stress (as a non-cognitive determinant) of achievement. However, knowledge and stress are not stable, what raises questions as to how temporal dynamics in knowledge on the one hand and stress on the other contribute to achievement. To study these contributions in the present doctoral dissertation, I used meta-analysis, latent profile transition analysis, and latent state-trait analysis. The results support the idea of knowledge acquisition as a cumulative and long-term process that forms the basis for academic achievement and conceptual change as an important mechanism for the acquisition of knowledge in higher education. Moreover, the findings suggest that students’ stress experiences in higher education are subject to stable, trait-like influences, as well as situational and/or interactional, state-like influences which are differentially related to achievement and health. The results imply that investigating the causal networks between knowledge, stress, and academic achievement is a promising strategy for better understanding academic achievement in higher education. For this purpose, future studies should use longitudinal designs, randomized controlled trials, and meta-analytical techniques. Potential practical applications include taking account of students’ prior knowledge in higher education teaching and decreasing stress among higher education students.
Salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) influences the perception of taste and texture, features both relevant in acquiring food liking and, with time, food preference. However, no studies have yet investigated the relationship between basal activity levels of sAA and food preference. We collected saliva from 57 volunteers (63% women) who we assessed in terms of their preference for different food items. These items were grouped into four categories according to their nutritional properties: high in starch, high in sugar, high glycaemic index, and high glycaemic load. Anthropometric markers of cardiovascular risk were also calculated. Our findings suggest that sAA influences food
preference and body composition in women. Regression analysis showed that basal sAA activity is inversely associated with subjective but not self-reported behavioural preference for foods high in sugar. Additionally, sAA and subjective preference are associated with anthropometric markers of cardiovascular risk. We believe that this pilot study points to this enzyme as an interesting candidate to consider among the physiological factors that modulate eating behaviour.
Acute social and physical stress interact to influence social behavior: the role of social anxiety
Stress is proven to have detrimental effects on physical and mental health. Due to different tasks and study designs, the direct consequences of acute stress have been found to be wide-reaching: while some studies report prosocial effects, others report increases in antisocial behavior, still others report no effect. To control for specific effects of different stressors and to consider the role of social anxiety in stress-related social behavior, we investigated the effects of social versus physical stress on behavior in male participants possessing different levels of social anxiety. In a randomized, controlled two by two design we investigated the impact of social and physical stress on behavior in healthy young men. We found significant influences on various subjective increases in stress by physical and social stress, but no interaction effect. Cortisol was significantly increased by physical stress, and the heart rate was modulated by physical and social stress as well as their combination. Social anxiety modulated the subjective stress response but not the cortisol or heart rate response. With respect to behavior, our results show that social and physical stress interacted to modulate trust, trustworthiness, and sharing. While social stress and physical stress alone reduced prosocial behavior, a combination of the two stressor modalities could restore prosociality. Social stress alone reduced nonsocial risk behavior regardless of physical stress. Social anxiety was associated with higher subjective stress responses and higher levels of trust. As a consequence, future studies will need to investigate further various stressors and clarify their effects on social behavior in health and social anxiety disorders.
The forward effect of testing refers to the finding that retrieval practice of previously studied information increases retention of subsequently studied other information. It has recently been hypothesized that the forward effect (partly) reflects the result of a reset-of-encoding (ROE) process. The proposal is that encoding efficacy decreases with an increase in study material, but testing of previously studied information resets the encoding process and makes the encoding of the subsequently studied information as effective as the encoding of the previously studied information. The goal of the present study was to verify the ROE hypothesis on an item level basis. An experiment is reported that examined the effects of testing in comparison to restudy on items’ serial position curves. Participants studied three lists of items in each condition. In the testing condition, participants were tested immediately on non-target lists 1 and 2, whereas in the restudy condition, they restudied lists 1 and 2. In both conditions, participants were tested immediately on target list 3. Influences of condition and items’ serial learning position on list 3 recall were analyzed. The results showed the forward effect of testing and furthermore that this effect varies with items’ serial list position. Early target list items at list primacy positions showed a larger enhancement effect than middle and late target list items at non-primacy positions. The results are consistent with the ROE hypothesis on an item level basis. The generalizability of the ROE hypothesis across different experimental tasks, like the list-method directed-forgetting task, is discussed.
Theoretischer Hintergrund: Essstörungen sind schwere psychische Störungen, welche aufgrund ihrer Komplexität, der hohen Mortalitätsrate sowie häufiger Chronifizierungen zu den Herausforderungen für Therapie und Forschung zählen. Die Herzratenvariabilität, als Indikator autonomer Regulation, scheint insbesondere bei Anorexie-Patientinnen zu Gunsten einer höheren parasympathischen Aktivität verschoben. Dieser Befund lässt sich anhand des Model Of Neurovisceral Integration erklären: Gemäß dieses Modells stellt eine erhöhte Herzratenvariabilität einen Hinweis für erfolgreiche Selbstregulation dar. Letztere scheint für restriktives Essverhalten essentiell, während sie bei impulsiven Verhaltensweisen wie Essanfälle und Erb-rechen reduziert sein sollte. Die bisherige Studienlage zur Herzratenvariabilität bei Essstörungen ist aufgrund der begrenzten Anzahl der Studien, der geringen Stichprobengrößen und Nicht- Berücksichtigung sinnvoller Drittvariablen jedoch noch inkonsistent und oftmals widersprüchlich. Neben der physiologischen Komponente werden in der Essstörungssymptomatik Veränderungen im kognitiven und emotionalen Erleben beschrieben. Zur Untersuchung beider Konstrukte erweisen sich Methoden des Ecological Momentary Assessment als aufschlussreich, da hierbei das Verhalten im Alltag der Patienten erhoben wird. Die bisherige Literatur zeigte bislang eine gute Anwendbarkeit der Methodik bei Essstörungspatienten, wobei die Anzahl der Studien gering ist. So fehlen bislang Studien, welche Emotionen und Kognitionen in Bezug zu Mahlzeiten und Sättigungsempfindungen setzen, obgleich solche Zusammenhänge in der kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie als zentral angesehen werden. Methode: Zu Beginn einer stationären psychosomatischen Behandlung wurden bei N=51 Probandinnen (Anorexia Nervosa: 19, Bulimia Nervosa: 15, gesunde Kontrollgruppe: 17) zeit- und frequenzanalytische Parameter der Herzratenvariabilität unter Berücksichtigung des Alters und des BMI in einer standardisierten fünfminütigen Laboruntersuchung untersucht. Am selben Tag fand außerdem eine stündliche Erhebung von Essverhalten, essstörungsspezifischen Kognitionen und negativen Emotionen mittels Smartphone statt. Am Ende der Behandlung wurde die Untersuchung wiederholt. Allgemein lineare Modelle wurden ebenso wie Mehrebenenmodelle zur statistischen Überprüfung der Hypothesen eingesetzt. Ergebnisse: Anorexie-Patientinnen zeigten tendenziell eine höhere parasympathische Aktivität als gesunde Probandinnen. Im Vergleich zu den beiden anderen Gruppen wiesen Bulimie-Patientinnen die niedrigste HRV auf. Antidepressiva führten zu einer Verringerung der HRV, genauso wie bei Anorexie-Patientinnen die Krankheitsdauer. Zusammenhänge mit erlebten Essanfällen konnten nicht festgestellt werden. Im Therapieverlauf zeigte sich, dass sich bei Anorexie-Patientinnen die HRV nach erfolgreicher Gewichtszunahme signifikant verringerte. Des Weiteren zeigten Essstörungspatientinnen höhere Ausprägungen in essstörungsspezifischen Kognitionen und negativen Emotionen während des Messtages. Mahlzeiten führten zu einer Verschlechterung der Stimmung, insbesondere bei restriktiven Anorexie-Patientinnen. Das Sättigungsempfinden einer Mahlzeit hatte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Bewertung dieser bei der klinischen Stichprobe, nicht jedoch bei gesunden Probandinnen. Am Ende der psychosomatischen Behandlung zeigte sich eine deutliche Verbesserung der essstörungsspezifischen Kognitionen und Mahlzeit-Bewertungen. Mahlzeiten hatten überdies einen geringeren Einfluss auf die Stimmung als zu Behandlungsbeginn. Diskussion: Die Auffälligkeiten im psychischen und physiologischen Bereich bei Essstörungspatientinnen sind Ausdruck eines vielschichtigen Krankheitsbildes, welches jedoch durch intensive Therapieangebote veränderbar ist. Das Hinzuziehen sinnvoller Drittvariablen erscheint bei Untersuchungen zur Herzratenvariabilität bei Essstörungspatienten essentiell. Darüber hin-aus zeigt die vorliegende Studie erstmals Zusammenhänge zwischen Mahlzeiten, Sättigungsempfinden und Essstörungssymptomatik mittels Ecological Momentary Assessment. Diese Methodik bietet einen inkrementellen Nutzen in der Erhebung verhaltensnaher Therapieerfolge. Resultierende Therapieansätze und Implikationen der Studie werden aufgezeigt.
Fostering positive and realistic self-concepts of individuals is a major goal in education worldwide (Trautwein & Möller, 2016). Individuals spend most of their childhood and adolescence in school. Thus, schools are important contexts for individuals to develop positive self-perceptions such as self-concepts. In order to enhance positive self-concepts in educational settings and in general, it is indispensable to have a comprehensive knowledge about the development and structure of self-concepts and their determinants. To date, extensive empirical and theoretical work on antecedents and change processes of self-concept has been conducted. However, several research gaps still exist, and several of these are the focus of the present dissertation. Specifically, these research gaps encompass (a) the development of multiple self-concepts from multiple perspectives regarding stability and change, (b) the direction of longitudinal interplay between self-concept facets over the entire time period from childhood to late adolescence, and (c) the evidence that a recently developed structural model of academic self-concept (nested Marsh/Shavelson model [Brunner et al., 2010]) fits the data in elementary school students, (d) the investigation of structural changes in academic self-concept profile formation within this model, (e) the investigation of dimensional comparison processes as determinants of academic self-concept profile formation in elementary school students within the internal/external frame of reference model (I/E model; Marsh, 1986), (f) the test of moderating variables for dimensional comparison processes in elementary school, (g) the test of the key assumptions of the I/E model that effects of dimensional comparisons depend to a large degree on the existence of achievement differences between subjects, and (h) the generalizability of the findings regarding the I/E model over different statistical analytic methods. Thus, the aim of the present dissertation is to contribute to close these gaps with three studies. Thereby, data from German students enrolled in elementary school to secondary school education were gathered in three projects comprising the developmental time span from childhood to adolescence (ages 6 to 20). Three vital self-concept areas in childhood and adolescence were in-vestigated: general self-concept (i.e., self-esteem), academic self-concepts (general, math, reading, writing, native language), and social self-concepts (of acceptance and assertion). In all studies, data were analyzed within a latent variable framework. Findings are discussed with respect to the research aims of acquiring more comprehensive knowledge on the structure and development of significant self-concept in childhood and adolescence and their determinants. In addition, theoretical and practical implications derived from the findings of the present studies are outlined. Strengths and limitations of the present dissertation are discussed. Finally, an outlook for future research on self-concepts is given.
Background and rationale: Changing working conditions demand adaptation, resulting in higher stress levels in employees. In consequence, decreased productivity, increasing rates of sick leave, and cases of early retirement result in higher direct, indirect, and intangible costs. Aims of the Research Project: The aim of the study was to test the usefulness of a novel translational diagnostic tool, Neuropattern, for early detection, prevention, and personalized treatment of stress-related disorders. The trial was designed as a pilot study with a wait list control group. Materials and Methods: In this study, 70 employees of the Forestry Department Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, were enrolled. Subjects were block-randomized according to the functional group of their career field, and either underwent Neuropattern diagnostics immediately, or after a waiting period of three months. After the diagnostic assessment, their physicians received the Neuropattern Medical Report, including the diagnostic results and treatment recommendations. Participants were informed by the Neuropattern Patient Report, and were eligible to an individualized Neuropattern Online Counseling account. Results: The application of Neuropattern diagnostics significantly improved mental health and health-related behavior, reduced perceived stress, emotional exhaustion, overcommitment and possibly, presenteeism. Additionally, Neuropattern sensitively detected functional changes in stress physiology at an early stage, thus allowing timely personalized interventions to prevent and treat stress pathology. Conclusion: The present study encouraged the application of Neuropattern diagnostics to early intervention in non-clinical populations. However, further research is required to determine the best operating conditions.
Early life adversity (ELA) is associated with a higher risk for diseases in adulthood. Changes in the immune system have been proposed to underlie this association. Although higher levels of inflammation and immunosenescence have been reported, data on cell-specific immune effects are largely absent. In addition, stress systems and health behaviors are altered in ELA, which may contribute to the generation of the "ELA immune phenotype". In this thesis, we have investigated the ELA immune phenotype on a cellular level and whether this is an indirect consequence of changes in behavior or stress reactivity. To address these questions the EpiPath cohort was established, consisting of 115 young adults with or without ELA. ELA participants had experienced separation from their parents in early childhood and were subsequently adopted, which is a standard model for ELA, whereas control participants grew up with their biological parents. At a first visit, blood samples were taken for analysis of epigenetic markers and immune parameters. A selection of the cohort underwent a standardized laboratory stress test (SLST). Endocrine, immune, and cardiovascular parameters were assessed at several time points before and after stress. At a second visit, participants underwent structural clinical interviews and filled out psychological questionnaires. We observed a higher number of activated T cells in ELA, measured by HLA-DR and CD25 expression. Neither cortisol levels nor health-risk behaviors explained the observed group differences. Besides a trend towards higher numbers of CCR4+CXCR3-CCR6+ CD4 T cells in ELA, relative numbers of immune cell subsets in circulation were similar between groups. No difference was observed in telomere length or in methylation levels of age-related CpGs in whole blood. However, we found a higher expression of senescence markers (CD57) on T cells in ELA. In addition, these cells had an increased cytolytic potential. A mediation analysis demonstrated that cytomegalovirus infection " an important driving force of immunosenescence " largely accounted for elevated CD57 expression. The psychological investigations revealed that after adoption, family conditions appeared to have been similar to the controls. However, PhD thesis MMC Elwenspoek 18 ELA participants scored higher on a depression index, chronic stress, and lower on self-esteem. Psychological, endocrine, and cardiovascular parameters significantly responded to the SLST, but were largely similar between the two groups. Only in a smaller subset of groups matched for gender, BMI, and age, the cortisol response seemed to be blunted in ELA participants. Although we found small differences in the methylation level of the GR promoter, GR sensitivity and mRNA expression levels GR as well as expression of the GR target genes FKBP5 and GILZ were similar between groups. Taken together, our data suggest an elevated state of immune activation in ELA, in which particularly T cells are affected. Furthermore, we found higher levels of T cells immunosenescence in ELA. Our data suggest that ELA may increase the risk of cytomegalovirus infection in early childhood, thereby mediating the effect of ELA on T cell specific immunosenescence. Importantly, we found no evidence of HPA dysregulation in participants exposed to ELA in the EpiPath cohort. Thus, the observed immune phenotype does not seem to be secondary to alterations in the stress system or health-risk behaviors, but rather a primary effect of early life programming on immune cells. Longitudinal studies will be necessary to further dissect cause from effect in the development of the ELA immune phenotype.
Die patienten-fokussierte Psychotherapieforschung hat das Ziel, den Erfolg von Psychotherapie durch die kontinuierliche Messung und Rückmeldung von Prozessvariablen zu verbessern. Es konnte bereits gezeigt werden, dass nicht nur Patienten-spezifische Charakterisitika, wie die Symptomreduktion, sondern auch dyadische Merkmale, wie die therapeutische Beziehung, indikativ sind. Ein vielversprechender neuer Ansatz bzgl. der Messung dyadischer Charakteristika ist nonverbale Synchronie, die definiert ist als Bewegungskoordination zwischen Interaktionspartnern. Nonverbale Synchronie kann inzwischen objektiv und automatisch in Therapievidoes gemessen werden, was die Methodik frei von Biases wie selektiver Wahrnehmung oder sozialer Erwünschtheit macht. Frühe Studien aus der Sozial- und Entwicklungspsychologie konnten Zusammenhänge mit sozialer Bindung und Sympathie finden. Erste Studien aus der Psychotherapieforschung weisen auf Zusammenhänge zwischen nonverbaler Synchronie und der Therapiebeziehung sowie dem Therapieerfolg hin und geben erste Hinweise darauf, dass nonverbale Synchronie eine zusätzliche Informationsquelle für dyadische Aspekte sein kann, mit der man zukünftig frühzeitig Therapieerfolge vorhersagen könnte. Die vorliegende Arbeit beinhaltet drei Studien zu nonverbaler Synchronie in der ambulanten Psychotherapie und Zusammenhängen mit therapeutischen Prozessen. In Studie 1 wurde nonverbale Synchronie in einer diagnose-heterogenen Stichprobe von N=143 Patienten zu Therapiebeginn gemessen. Mittels Mehrebenenanalysen konnte die Validität der Messmethodik bestätigt werden. Des weiteren wurden Zusammenhänge mit bestimmten Artes des Therapieerfolgs gefunden: Patienten, die unverändert die Therapie abbrachen zeigten das niedrigste Level an Synchronie, während Patienten, die unverändert die Therapie zu Ende führten das höchste Level hatte und Patienten mit einer reliablen Symptomreduktion ein mittleres Level an nonverbaler Synchrony aufwiesen (auch unter Kontrolle der Therapiebeziehung). In Studie 2 wurden nonverbale Synchronie und die Bewegungsmenge zu Therapiebeginn und zum Therapieende erfasst und in zwei Stichproben von Patienten mit Depression (N=68) und Patienten mit Angststörungen (N=25) verglichen. Mehrebenenanalysen zeigten weniger Bewegungsmenge und Synchronie bei Dyaden mit depressiven Patienten, wobei sich beide Gruppen zum Therapieende nicht mehr in der nonverbalen Synchronie unterschieden. In Studie 3 wurde nonverbale Synchronie in einer Stichprobe von N=111 Patienten mit Sozialer Phobie zu vier Zeitpunkten im Therapieverlauf gemessen (N=346 Videos). Mehrebenenanalysen zeigten einen kontinuierlich sinkenden Verlauf der Synchronie und einen Moderationseffekt auf den Zusammenhang zwischen frühen Verbesserungen und dem Therapieerfolg.