150 Psychologie
Year of publication
- 2019 (4) (remove)
Document Type
- Article (2)
- Doctoral Thesis (2)
- Aktivierung (1)
- Anorexia nervosa (1)
- Arbeitsgedächtnis (1)
- Berufsschüler (1)
- Einstellungen (1)
- Erwachsener (1)
- Gedächtnis (1)
- Gesundheit (1)
- Gesundheitsinformationen (1)
- Gesundheitsinformationskompetenz (1)
In order to investigate the psychobiological consequences of acute stress under laboratory conditions, a wide range of methods for socially evaluative stress induction have been developed. The present dissertation is concerned with evaluating a virtual reality (VR)-based adaptation of one of the most widely used of those methods, the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). In the three empirical studies collected in this dissertation, we aimed to examine the efficacy and possible areas of application of the adaptation of this well-established psychosocial stressor in a virtual environment. We found that the TSST-VR reliably incites the activation of the major stress effector systems in the human body, albeit in a slightly less pronounced way than the original paradigm. Moreover, the experience of presence is discussed as one potential factor of influence in the origin of the psychophysiological stress response. Lastly, we present a use scenario for the TSST-VR in which we employed the method to investigate the effects of acute stress on emotion recognition performance. We conclude that, due to its advantages concerning versatility, standardization and economic administration, the paradigm harbors enormous potential not only for psychobiological research, but other applications such as clinical practice as well. Future studies should further explore the underlying effect mechanisms of stress in the virtual realm and the implementation of VR-based paradigms in different fields of application.
Auf der Grundlage einer Fragebogenstudie wurden unterschiedliche Elemente eines förderlichen Umgangs mit Gesundheitsinformationen betrachtet und ihre Zusammenhänge mit personspezifischen Merkmalen analysiert. Als zentrale Aspekte der Informationsprozesse wurden die drei Elemente Gesundheitsinformationskompetenz, Gesundheitsinteresse und gesundheitsspezifische Informationsgewohnheiten konzeptuell voneinander getrennt. Auf der Basis des bisherigen Forschungsstands wurde zunächst ein theoretisches Modell des Umgangs mit Gesundheitsinformationen entwickelt, das die Bedeutung der Kompetenz und des Interesses für gesundheitsbezogene Informationsgewohnheiten hervorhebt, individuelle Ausprägungen dieser drei Elemente mit soziodemografischen Faktoren, Persönlichkeitseigenschaften, Überzeugungen und dem Gesundheitszustand in Beziehung setzt sowie Verbindungen zu gesundheitsrelevanten Verhaltensweisen beschreibt. Dieses Modell wurde anschließend an einer Stichprobe von 352 Berufsschülerinnen und -schülern aus drei Berufsbereichen (Wirtschaft/Verwaltung, Technik und Gesundheit) empirisch überprüft. Über multiple Regressionsanalysen wurden bedeutsame Prädiktoren für die drei Hauptelemente Kompetenz, Interesse und Informationsgewohnheiten identifiziert, über logistische Regressionen und Korrelationen ihre Zusammenhänge mit dem Gesundheitsverhalten überprüft. Darüber hinaus wurden lineare Strukturgleichungsmodelle zur Vorhersage des Informationsverhaltens entwickelt. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die konzeptionelle Trennung der drei Faktoren, die jeweils mit unterschiedlichen Prädiktoren verbunden waren. Auf der Basis der Befunde werden Ansatzpunkte für die weitere Forschung und die Förderung eines kompetenten Umgangs mit Gesundheitsinformationen diskutiert.
The forward testing effect refers to the finding that retrieval practice of previously studied information enhances learning and retention of subsequently studied other information. While most of the previous research on the forward testing effect examined group differences, the present study took an individual differences approach to investigate this effect. Experiment 1 examined whether the forward effect has test-retest reliability between two experimental sessions. Experiment 2 investigated whether the effect is related to participants’ working memory capacity. In both experiments (and each session of Experiment 1), participants studied three lists of items in anticipation of a final cumulative recall test. In the testing condition, participants were tested immediately on lists 1 and 2, whereas in the restudy condition, they restudied lists 1 and 2. In both conditions, participants were tested immediately on list 3. On the group level, the results of both experiments demonstrated a forward testing effect, with interim testing of lists 1 and 2 enhancing immediate recall of list 3. On the individual level, the results of Experiment 1 showed that the forward effect on list 3 recall has moderate test-retest reliability between two experimental sessions. In addition, the results of Experiment 2 showed that the forward effect on list 3 recall does not depend on participants’ working memory capacity. These findings suggest that the forward testing effect is reliable at the individual level and affects learners at a wide range of working memory capacities alike. The theoretical and practical implications of the findings are discussed.
When do anorexic patients perceive their body as too fat? Aggravating and ameliorating factors
Our study investigated body image representations in female patients with anorexia nervosa
and healthy controls using a size estimation with pictures of their own body. We also
explored a method to reduce body image distortions through right hemispheric activation.
Pictures of participants’ own bodies were shown on the left or right visual fields for 130 ms
after presentation of neutral, positive, or negative word primes, which could be self-relevant
or not, with the task of classifying the picture as “thinner than”, “equal to”, or “fatter than”
one’s own body. Subsequently, activation of the left- or right hemispheric through right- or
left-hand muscle contractions for 3 min., respectively. Finally, participants completed the
size estimation task again.
The distorted “fatter than” body image was found only in patients and only when a picture of
their own body appeared on the right visual field (left hemisphere) and was preceded by
negative self-relevant words. This distorted perception of the patients’ body image was
reduced after left-hand muscle contractions (right hemispheric activation).
To reduce body image distortions it is advisable to find methods that help anorexia nervosa
patients to increase their self-esteem. The body image distortions were ameliorated after
right hemispheric activation. A related method to prevent distorted body-image representations
in these patients may be Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)