150 Psychologie
Year of publication
- 2020 (7) (remove)
Document Type
- Article (4)
- Doctoral Thesis (3)
- Angst (1)
- Angststörung (1)
- App (1)
- Beziehung (1)
- Brennpunktthemen (1)
- Chronische Schmerzen (1)
- Chronischer Schmerz (1)
- Depression (1)
- Einflussgröße (1)
- Elternverhalten (1)
- Psychologie (6)
- Fachbereich 1 (1)
Primary focal hyperhidrosis (PFH, OMIM %144110) is a genetically influenced condition characterised by excessive sweating. Prevalence varies between 1.0–6.1% in the general population, dependent on ethnicity. The aetiology of PFH remains unclear but an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance, incomplete penetrance and variable phenotypes have been reported. In our study, nine pedigrees (50 affected, 53 non-affected individuals) were included. Clinical characterisation was performed at the German Hyperhidrosis Centre, Munich, by using physiological and psychological questionnaires. Genome-wide parametric linkage analysis with GeneHunter was performed based on the Illumina genome-wide SNP arrays. Haplotypes were constructed using easyLINKAGE and visualised via HaploPainter. Whole-exome sequencing (WES) with 100x coverage in 31 selected members (24 affected, 7 non-affected) from our pedigrees was achieved by next generation sequencing. We identified four genome-wide significant loci, 1q41-1q42.3, 2p14-2p13.3, 2q21.2-2q23.3 and 15q26.3-15q26.3 for PFH. Three pedigrees map to a shared locus at 2q21.2-2q23.3, with a genome-wide significant LOD score of 3.45. The chromosomal region identified here overlaps with a locus at chromosome 2q22.1-2q31.1 reported previously. Three families support 1q41-1q42.3 (LOD = 3.69), two families share a region identical by descent at 2p14-2p13.3 (LOD = 3.15) and another two families at 15q26.3 (LOD = 3.01). Thus, our results point to considerable genetic heterogeneity. WES did not reveal any causative variants, suggesting that variants or mutations located outside the coding regions might be involved in the molecular pathogenesis of PFH. We suggest a strategy based on whole-genome or targeted next generation sequencing to identify causative genes or variants for PFH.
A lack of ability to inhibit prepotent responses, or more generally a lack of impulse control, is associated with several disorders such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and schizophrenia as well as general damage to the prefrontal cortex. A stop-signal task (SST) is a reliable and established measure of response inhibition. However, using the SST as an objective assessment in diagnostic or research-focused settings places significant stress on participants as the task itself requires concentration and cognitive effort and is not particularly engaging. This can lead to decreased motivation to follow task instructions and poor data quality, which can affect assessment efficacy and might increase drop-out rates. Gamification—the application of game-based elements in nongame settings—has shown to improve engaged attention to a cognitive task, thus increasing participant motivation and data quality.
Ability self-concept (SC) and self-efficacy (SE) are central competence-related self-perceptions that affect students’ success in educational settings. Both constructs show conceptual differences but their empirical differentiation in higher education has not been sufficiently demonstrated. In the present study, we investigated the empirical differentiation of SC and SE in higher education with N = 1,243 German psychology students (81% female; age M = 23.62 years), taking into account central methodological requirements that, in part, have been neglected in prior studies. SC and SE were assessed at the same level of specificity, only cognitive SC items were used, and multiple academic domains were considered. We modeled the structure of SC and SE taking into account a multidimensional and/or hierarchical structure and investigated the empirical differentiation of both constructs on different levels of generality (i.e., domain-specific and domain-general). Results supported the empirical differentiation of SC and SE with medium-sized positive latent correlations (range r = .57 - .68) between SC and SE on different levels of generality. The knowledge about the internal structure of students’ SC and SE and the differentiation of both constructs can help us to develop construct-specific and domain-specific intervention strategies. Future empirical comparisons of the predictive power of SC and SE can provide further evidence that both represent empirical different constructs.
This study investigated correlative, factorial, and structural relationships between scores for ability emotional intelligence in the workplace (measured with the Geneva Emotional Competence Test), as well as fluid and crystallized abilities (measured with the Intelligence Structure Battery), carried out by a 188-participant student sample. Confirming existing research, recognition, understanding, and management of emotions were related primarily to crystallized ability tests measuring general knowledge, verbal fluency, and knowledge of word meaning. Meanwhile, emotion regulation was the least correlated with any other cognitive or emotional ability. In line with research on the trainability of emotional intelligence, these results may support the notion that emotional abilities are subject to acquired knowledge, where situational (i.e., workplace-specific) emotional intelligence may depend on accumulating relevant experiences.
Chronische primäre Schmerzen im Kindes- und Jugendalter sind weit verbreitet. Das Risiko für die Chronifizierung von kindlichen Schmerzen erhöht sich, wenn die Eltern selbst unter chronischen Schmerzen leiden. Elterliche kognitiv-affektive und verhaltensbezogene Reaktionen auf die kindlichen Schmerzen spielen eine zentrale Rolle in der Chronifizierung und familialen Transmission der Schmerzen. Welche spezifischen Faktoren die elterlichen Reaktionen auf die kindlichen Schmerzen modulieren, ist bis dato allerdings unklar. Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation ist daher die Analyse des elterlichen schmerzbezogenen Verhaltens (maladaptive Reaktionen wie Katastrophisieren und Zuwendung) hinsichtlich möglicher modulierender Faktoren sowohl auf Eltern- (top-down-Variablen) als auch auf Kindebene (bottom-up-Variablen). Dafür wurden differenzierende Stichproben generiert und mit Hilfe von validierten Fragebögen befragt. In Studie 1 wurde eine Stichprobe von N = 105 schmerzfreien Elternteilen aus der Allgemeinbevölkerung und N = 80 Elternteilen aus der Allgemeinbevölkerung mit selbstberichteten chronischen Schmerzen erhoben. Die Stichprobe von Studie 2 umfasste N = 118 Elternteile mit chronischen Schmerzen, Angstsymptomen oder beidem sowie deren N = 190 Kinder, in Studie 3 wurden N = 63 Mütter, Väter und Kinder (Eltern-Kind-Triaden mit jeweils N = 21 Müttern, Vätern und Kindern mit der Diagnose einer chronischen Schmerzstörung) befragt. Nach der Überprüfung der Einsetzbarkeit der zentralen Erhebungsinstrumente auch in nicht-klinischen Samples wurden in Studie 1 die Reaktionen von schmerzfreien Eltern und Eltern mit selbstberichteten chronischen Schmerzen auf die Schmerzen ihrer Kinder mit anderen Stichproben sowie untereinander verglichen. Die Analyse der Einflüsse von top-down- und bottom-up-Variablen (elterliche und kindliche Schmerz- und Angstsymptomatik, elterliche und kindliche Somatisierung bzw. schmerzbezogene Beeinträchtigung sowie Alter und Geschlecht von Eltern und Kindern) auf die elterlichen
maladaptiven Reaktionen wurde in Studie 2 und Studie 3 mit Hilfe von hierarchisch linearen Modellen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Eltern von Kindern mit chronischen
Schmerzen grundsätzlich stärker katastrophisierten als Eltern von gesunden Kindern. Außerdem zeigte sich, dass insbesondere top-down-Variablen wie elterliche Angst das Katastrophisieren und die Zuwendung der Eltern verstärken. Bottom-up-Variablen erwiesen sich ausschließlich in der Interaktion von kindlicher Schmerz- und Angstsymptomatik als verstärkender Faktor für die Katastrophisierungsneigung der Eltern. Demnach scheinen zentrale modulierende Faktoren für kognitiv-affektive und verhaltensbezogene elterliche Reaktionen im Kontext der Chronifizierung von kindlichen chronischen Schmerzen vor allem top-down-Variabeln wie die elterliche Katastrophisierungsneigung und Angstsymptomatik zu sein. Als potentielle Risikogruppen für die Entwicklung von chronischen Schmerzen lassen sich so neben Kindern von Eltern mit eigenen chronischen Schmerzen auch Kinder von Eltern mit Angststörungen und erhöhter Katastrophisierungsneigung benennen. Daher sollte die Elternrolle in Therapien von Erwachsenen eine ausreichende Berücksichtigung finden, um eine Reduktion der maladaptiven Reaktionen auf die Kinder zu erreichen und so einer Entwicklung von chronischen Schmerzen vorzubeugen. Auch die psychoedukative Einbindung der Eltern in die kindliche Schmerztherapie erscheint aufgrund der vorliegenden Ergebnisse unabdingbar, vor allem wenn die Kinder neben den chronischen Schmerzen auch unter komorbiden psychischen Störungen wie beispielsweise Angststörungen leiden.
Vor dem Hintergrund eines fachlichen und gesellschaftlichen Interesses an psychologischen Forschungsthemen wurde der Einsatz von Topic Modeling zu deren automatisierten und validen Identifikation erprobt und mit einem traditionellen Ansatz verglichen, der auf Klassifikationskategorien von Fachdatenbanken beruht. Kern der Arbeit sind drei Studien mit unterschiedlichen Anwendungsszenarien: (1) Die Ermittlung psychologischer Brennpunktthemen, (2) das Verhältnis zwischen gesellschaftlichen Herausforderungen und Themen der psychologischen Fachliteratur sowie (3) die Forschungsinteressen von Psychologinnen und Psychologen. In jeder dieser Studien wurden sukzessive neue methodische Schwerpunkte gesetzt. Die Erkenntnisse daraus flossen in die Entwicklung einer nutzerfreundlichen App zur Exploration und Analyse von psychologischen Forschungsthemen ein. Im Vergleich mit dem klassifikationsbasierten Ansatz erwies sich Topic Modeling als Methode der Wahl zur automatisierten und differenzierten Identifikation psychologischer Forschungsthemen. Zur externen Validierung der Themeninhalte stellte sich ein Klassifikationssystem für psychologische Fachliteratur jedoch als geeignet heraus. Einschränkungen, Implikationen für weitere Forschung sowie Folgerungen für die Weiterentwicklung digitaler Produkte von forschungsbasierten Infrastruktureinrichtungen in der Psychologie werden diskutiert. Abschließend wird eine Entscheidungsheuristik zur Auswahl geeigneter Topic-Modeling-Varianten im Kontext von Forschungsthemen vorgelegt.
Internet interventions have gained popularity and the idea is to use them to increase the availability of psychological treatment. Research suggests that internet interventions are effective for a number of psychological disorders with effect sizes comparable to those found in face-to-face treatment. However, when provided as an add-on to treatment as usual, internet interventions do not seem to provide additional benefit. Furthermore, adherence and dropout rates vary greatly between studies, limiting the generalizability of the findings. This underlines the need to further investigate differences between internet interventions, participating patients, and their usage of interventions. A stronger focus on the processes of change seems necessary to better understand the varying findings regarding outcome, adherence and dropout in internet interventions. Thus, the aim of this dissertation was to investigate change processes in internet interventions and the factors that impact treatment response. This could help to identify important variables that should be considered in research on internet interventions as well as in clinical settings that make use of internet interventions.
Study I (Chapter 5) investigated early change patterns in participants of an internet intervention targeting depression. Data from 409 participants were analyzed using Growth Mixture Modeling. Specifically a piecewise model was applied to model change from screening to registration (pretreatment) and early change (registration to week four of treatment). Three early change patterns were identified; two were characterized by improvement and one by deterioration. The patterns were predictive of treatment outcome. The results therefore indicated that early change should be closely monitored in internet interventions, as early change may be an important indicator of treatment outcome.
Study II (Chapter 6) picked up on the idea of analyzing change patterns in internet interventions and extended it by using the Muthen-Roy model to identify change-dropout patterns. A sligthly bigger sample of the dataset from Study I was analyzed (N = 483). Four change-dropout patterns emerged; high risk of dropout was associated with rapid improvement and deterioration. These findings indicate that clinicians should consider how dropout may depend on patient characteristics as well as symptom change, as dropout is associated with both deterioration and a good enough dosage of treatment.
Study III (Chapter 7) compared adherence and outcome in different participant groups and investigated the impact of adherence to treatment components on treatment outcome in an internet intervention targeting anxiety symptoms. 50 outpatient participants waiting for face- to-face treatment and 37 self-referred participants were compared regarding adherence to treatment components and outcome. In addition, outpatient participants were compared to a matched sample of outpatients, who had no access to the internet intervention during the waiting period. Adherence to treatment components was investigated as a predictor of treatment outcome. Results suggested that especially adherence may vary depending on participant group. Also using specific measures of adherence such as adherence to treatment components may be crucial to detect change mechanisms in internet interventions. Fostering adherence to treatment components in participants may increase the effectiveness of internet interventions.
Results of the three studies are discussed and general conclusions are drawn.
Implications for future research as well as their utility for clinical practice and decision- making are presented.