Fachbereich 6
Year of publication
Document Type
- Working Paper (18)
- Article (15)
- Doctoral Thesis (14)
- Contribution to a Periodical (4)
- Satellitenfernerkundung (5)
- Argania spinosa (3)
- Bodenwasser (3)
- Klimaänderung (3)
- Marokko (3)
- Modellierung (3)
- Wasserversorgung (3)
- Abfluss (2)
- Bewaldung (2)
- Bodenfruchtbarkeit (2)
Physically-based distributed rainfall-runoff models as the standard analysis tools for hydro-logical processes have been used to simulate the water system in detail, which includes spa-tial patterns and temporal dynamics of hydrological variables and processes (Davison et al., 2015; Ek and Holtslag, 2004). In general, catchment models are parameterized with spatial information on soil, vegetation and topography. However, traditional approaches for eval-uation of the hydrological model performance are usually motivated with respect to dis-charge data alone. This may thus cloud model realism and hamper understanding of the catchment behavior. It is necessary to evaluate the model performance with respect to in-ternal hydrological processes within the catchment area as well as other components of wa-ter balance rather than runoff discharge at the catchment outlet only. In particular, a consid-erable amount of dynamics in a catchment occurs in the processes related to interactions of the water, soil and vegetation. Evapotranspiration process, for instance, is one of those key interactive elements, and the parameterization of soil and vegetation in water balance mod-eling strongly influences the simulation of evapotranspiration. Specifically, to parameterize the water flow in unsaturated soil zone, the functional relationships that describe the soil water retention and hydraulic conductivity characteristics are important. To define these functional relationships, Pedo-Transfer Functions (PTFs) are common to use in hydrologi-cal modeling. Opting the appropriate PTFs for the region under investigation is a crucial task in estimating the soil hydraulic parameters, but this choice in a hydrological model is often made arbitrary and without evaluating the spatial and temporal patterns of evapotran-spiration, soil moisture, and distribution and intensity of runoff processes. This may ulti-mately lead to implausible modeling results and possibly to incorrect decisions in regional water management. Therefore, the use of reliable evaluation approaches is continually re-quired to analyze the dynamics of the current interactive hydrological processes and predict the future changes in the water cycle, which eventually contributes to sustainable environ-mental planning and decisions in water management.
Remarkable endeavors have been made in development of modelling tools that provide insights into the current and future of hydrological patterns in different scales and their im-pacts on the water resources and climate changes (Doell et al., 2014; Wood et al., 2011). Although, there is a need to consider a proper balance between parameter identifiability and the model's ability to realistically represent the response of the natural system. Neverthe-less, tackling this issue entails investigation of additional information, which usually has to be elaborately assembled, for instance, by mapping the dominant runoff generation pro-cesses in the intended area, or retrieving the spatial patterns of soil moisture and evapotran-spiration by using remote sensing methods, and evaluation at a scale commensurate with hydrological model (Koch et al., 2022; Zink et al., 2018). The present work therefore aims to give insights into the modeling approaches to simulate water balance and to improve the soil and vegetation parameterization scheme in the hydrological model subject to producing more reliable spatial and temporal patterns of evapotranspiration and runoff processes in the catchment.
An important contribution to the overall body of work is a book chapter included among publications. The book chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the topic and valua-ble insights into the understanding the water balance and its estimation methods.
Moreover, the first paper aimed to evaluate the hydrological model behavior with re-spect to contribution of various sources of information. To do so, a multi-criteria evaluation metric including soft and hard data was used to define constraints on outputs of the 1-D hydrological model WaSiM-ETH. Applying this evaluation metric, we could identify the optimal soil and vegetation parameter sets that resulted in a “behavioral” forest stand water balance model. It was found out that even if simulations of transpiration and soil water con-tent are consistent with measured data, but still the dominant runoff generation processes or total water balance might be wrongly calculated. Therefore, only using an evaluation scheme which looks over different sources of data and embraces an understanding of the local controls of water loss through soil and plant, allowed us to exclude the unrealistic modeling outputs. The results suggested that we may need to question the generally accept-ed soil parameterization procedures that apply default parameter sets.
The second paper attempts to tackle the pointed model evaluation hindrance by getting down to the small-scale catchment (in Bavaria). Here, a methodology was introduced to analyze the sensitivity of the catchment water balance model to the choice of the Pedo-Transfer Functions (PTF). By varying the underlying PTFs in a calibrated and validated model, we could determine the resulting effects on the spatial distribution of soil hydraulic properties, total water balance in catchment outlet, and the spatial and temporal variation of the runoff components. Results revealed that the water distribution in the hydrologic system significantly differs amongst various PTFs. Moreover, the simulations of water balance components showed high sensitivity to the spatial distribution of soil hydraulic properties. Therefore, it was suggested that opting the PTFs in hydrological modeling should be care-fully tested by looking over the spatio-temporal distribution of simulated evapotranspira-tion and runoff generation processes, whether they are reasonably represented.
To fulfill the previous studies’ suggestions, the third paper then aims to focus on evalu-ating the hydrological model through improving the spatial representation of dominant run-off processes. It was implemented in a mesoscale catchment in southwestern Germany us-ing the hydrological model WaSiM-ETH. Dealing with the issues of inadequate spatial ob-servations for rigorous spatial model evaluation, we made use of a reference soil hydrologic map available for the study area to discern the expected dominant runoff processes across a wide range of hydrological conditions. The model was parameterized by applying 11 PTFs and run by multiple synthetic rainfall events. To compare the simulated spatial patterns to the patterns derived by digital soil map, a multiple-component spatial performance metric (SPAEF) was applied. The simulated DRPs showed a large variability with regard to land use, topography, applied rainfall rates, and the different PTFs, which highly influence the rapid runoff generation under wet conditions.
The three published manuscripts proceeded towards the model evaluation viewpoints that ultimately attain the behavioral model outputs. It was performed through obtaining information about internal hydrological processes that lead to certain model behaviors, and also about the function and sensitivity of some of the soil and vegetation parameters that may primarily influence those internal processes in a catchment. Accordingly, using this understanding on model reactions, and by setting multiple evaluation criteria, it was possi-ble to identify which parameterization could lead to behavioral model realization. This work, in fact, will contribute to solving some of the issues (e.g., spatial variability and modeling methods) identified as the 23 unsolved problems in hydrology in the 21st century (Blöschl et al., 2019). The results obtained in the present work encourage the further inves-tigations toward a comprehensive model calibration procedure considering multiple data sources simultaneously. This will enable developing the new perspectives to the current parameter estimation methods, which in essence, focus on reproducing the plausible dy-namics (spatio-temporal) of the other hydrological processes within the watershed.
Addition of Phosphogypsum to Fire-Resistant Plaster Panels:
A Physic–Mechanical Investigation
Gypsum (GPS) has great potential for structural fire protection and is increasingly used in construction due to its high-water retention and purity. However, many researchers aim to improve its physical and mechanical properties by adding other organic or inorganic materials such as fibers, recycled GPS, and waste residues. This study used a novel method to add non-natural GPS from factory waste (phosphogypsum (PG)) as a secondary material for GPS. This paper proposes to mix these two materials to properly study the effect of PG on the physico-mechanical properties and fire performance of two Tunisian GPSs (GPS1 and GPS2). PG initially replaced GPS at 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50% weight percentage (mixing plan A). The PGs were then washed with distilled water several times. Two more mixing plans were run when the pH of the PG was equal to 2.4 (mixing plan B), and the pH was equal to 5 (mixing plan C). Finally, a comparative study was conducted on the compressive strength, flexural strength, density, water retention, and mass loss levels after 90 days of drying, before/after incineration of samples at 15, 30, 45, and 60 min. The results show that the mixture of GPS1 and 30% PG (mixing plan B) obtained the highest compressive strength (41.31%) and flexural strength (35.03%) compared to the reference sample. The addition of 10% PG to GPS1 (mixing plan A) improved fire resistance (33.33%) and the mass loss (17.10%) of the samples exposed to flame for 60 min compared to GPS2. Therefore, PG can be considered an excellent insulating material, which can increase physico-mechanical properties and fire resistance time of plaster under certain conditions.
Properties Evaluation of Composite Materials Based on Gypsum Plaster and Posidonia Oceanica Fibers
Estimating the amount of material without significant losses at the end of hybrid casting is a problem addressed in this study. To minimize manufacturing costs and improve the accuracy of results, a correction factor (CF) was used in the formula to estimate the volume percent of the material in order to reduce material losses during the sample manufacturing stage, allowing for greater confidence between the approved blending plan and the results obtained. In this context, three material mixing schemes of different sizes and shapes (gypsum plaster, sand (0/2), gravel (2/4), and Posidonia oceanica fibers (PO)) were created to verify the efficiency of CF and more precisely study the physico-mechanical effects on the samples. The results show that the use of a CF can reduce mixing loss to almost 0%. The optimal compressive strength of the sample (S1B) with the lowest mixing loss was 7.50 MPa. Under optimal conditions, the addition of PO improves mix volume percent correction (negligible), flexural strength (5.45%), density (18%), and porosity (3.70%) compared with S1B. On the other hand, the addition of PO thermo-chemical treatment by NaOH increases the compressive strength (3.97%) compared with PO due to the removal of impurities on the fiber surface, as shown by scanning electron microscopy. We then determined the optimal mixture ratio (PO divided by a mixture of plaster, sand, and gravel), which equals 0.0321 because Tunisian gypsum contains small amounts of bassanite and calcite, as shown by the X-ray diffraction results.
Formulations of macrocyclic lactone anthelmintics such as moxidectin are regularly administered to sheep to combat parasites. A disadvantage of these pharmaceuticals are their side effects on non-target organisms when entering the environment. Little is known about anthelmintic effects on plant reproduction and whether the effects depend on environmental factors. For ecological and methodological reasons, we aimed at testing whether temperature affects the efficacy of a common moxidectin-based formulation on seed germination. We carried out a germination experiment including three typical species of temperate European grasslands (Centaurea jacea, Galium mollugo, Plantago lanceolata). We applied three temperature regimes (15/5, 20/10, 30/20°C), and a four-level dilution series (1:100–1:800) of formulated moxidectin (i.e., Cydectin oral drench). These solutions represent seed-anthelmintic contacts in the digestive tract of sheep shortly after deworming. In addition, a control was carried out with purified water only. We regularly counted emerging seedlings and calculated final germination percentage, mean germination time and synchrony of germination. Formulated moxidectin significantly reduced percentage, speed and synchrony of germination. A 1:100 dilution of the formulation reduced germination percentage by a quarter and increased mean germination time by six days compared to the control. Temperature moderated effects of the anthelmintic drug on germination in all response variables and all species, but in different patterns and magnitudes (significant anthelmintic x temperature x species interactions). In all response variables, the two more extreme temperature regimes (15/5, 30/20°C) led to the strongest effects of formulated moxidectin. With respect to germination percentage, G. mollugo was more sensitive to formulated moxidectin at the warmest temperature regime, whereas P. lanceolata showed the highest sensitivity at the coldest regime. This study shows that it is important to consider temperature dependencies of the effects of pharmaceuticals on seed germination when conducting standardised germination experiments.
The argan woodlands of South Morocco represent an open-canopy dryland forest with traditional silvopastoral usage that includes browsing by goats, sheep and camels, oil production as well as agricultural use. In the past, these forests have undergone extensive clearing, but are now protected by the state. However, the remaining argan woodlands are still under pressure from intensive grazing and illegal firewood collection. Although the argan-forest area seems to be overall decreasing due to large forest clearings for intensive agriculture, little quantitative data is available on the dynamics and overall state of the remaining argan forest. To determine how the argan woodlands in the High Atlas and the Anti-Atlas had changed in tree-crown cover from 1972 to 2018 we used historical black and white HEXAGON satellite images as well as recent WorldView satellite images (see Part A of our study). Because tree shadows can oftentimes not be separated from the tree crown on panchromatic satellite images, individual trees were mapped in three size categories to determine if trees were unchanged, had decreased/increased in crown size or had disappeared or newly grown. The current state of the argan trees was evaluated by mapping tree architectures in the field. Tree-cover changes varied highly between the test sites. Trees that remained unchanged between 1972 and 2018 were in the majority, while tree mortality and tree establishment were nearly even. Small unchanged trees made up 48.4% of all remaining trees, of these 51% showed degraded tree architectures. 40% of small (re-) grown trees were so overbrowsed that they only appeared as bushes, while medium (3–7 m crown diameter) and large trees (>7 m) showed less degraded trees regardless if they had changed or not. Approaches like grazing exclusion or cereal cultivation lead to a positive influence on tree architecture and less tree-cover decrease. Although the woodland was found to be mostly unchanged 1972–2018, the analysis of tree architecture reveals that a lot of (mostly small) trees remained stable but in a degraded state. This stability might be the result of the small trees’ high degradation status and shows the heavy pressure on the argan forest.
In den letzten Jahren hat die Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) das Thema Wohnen zunehmend in ihren Wahlprogrammen aufgegriffen und für die eigene politische Profilierung genutzt. Der Beitrag zeigt, inwiefern die Thematisierung des Wohnens bei der AfD so formuliert ist, dass es erhebliche Anknüpfungspunkte an rechtes Gedankengut herstellt. Der Beitrag thematisiert die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen für eine kritische Stadtforschung sowie für progressive soziale Bewegungen. Er plädiert dafür, sich der Gefahr der rechten Vereinnahmung des Themas Wohnen bewusst zu sein und sich deutlich von den rechten Übernahmeversuchen abzugrenzen sowie Gegenstrategien zu entwickeln.
Background: Hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating, OMIM %114110) is a complex disorder with multifactorial causes. Emotional strains and social stress increase symptoms and lead to a vicious circle. Previously, we showed significantly higher depression scores, and normal cortisol awakening responses in patients with primary focal hyperhidrosis (PFH). Stress reactivity in response to a (virtual) Trier Social Stress Test (TSST-VR) has not been studied so far. Therefore, we measured sweat secretion, salivary cortisol and alpha amylase (sAA) concentrations, and subjective stress ratings in affected and non-affected subjects in response to a TSST-VR.
Method: In this pilot study, we conducted TSST-VRs and performed general linear models with repeated measurements for salivary cortisol and sAA levels, heart rate, axillary sweat and subjective stress ratings for two groups (diagnosed PFH (n = 11), healthy controls (n = 16)).
Results: PFH patients showed significantly heightened sweat secretion over time compared to controls (p = 0.006), with highest quantities during the TSST-VR. In both groups, sweating (p < 0.001), maximum cortisol levels (p = 0.002), feelings of stress (p < 0.001), and heart rate (p < 0.001) but not sAA (p = 0.068) increased significantly in response to the TSST-VR. However, no differences were detected in subjective ratings, cortisol concentrations and heart rate between PFH patients and controls (pall > 0.131).
Conclusion: Patients with diagnosed PFH showed stress-induced higher sweat secretion compared to healthy controls but did not differ in the stress reactivity with regard to endocrine or subjective markers. This pilot study is in need of replication to elucidate the role of the sympathetic nervous system as a potential pathway involved in the stress-induced emotional sweating of PFH patients.
Wasserbezogene regulierende und versorgende Ökosystemdienstleistungen (ÖSDL) wurden im Hinblick auf das Abflussregime und die Grundwasserneubildung im Biosphärenreservat Pfälzerwald im Südwesten Deutschlands anhand hydrologischer Modellierung unter Verwendung des Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT+) untersucht. Dabei wurde ein holistischer Ansatz verfolgt, wonach den ÖSDL Indikatoren für funktionale und strukturelle ökologische Prozesse zugeordnet werden. Potenzielle Risikofaktoren für die Verschlechterung von wasserbedingten ÖSDL des Waldes, wie Bodenverdichtung durch Befahren mit schweren Maschinen im Zuge von Holzerntearbeiten, Schadflächen mit Verjüngung, entweder durch waldbauliche Bewirtschaftungspraktiken oder durch Windwurf, Schädlinge und Kalamitäten im Zuge des Klimawandels, sowie der Kli-mawandel selbst als wesentlicher Stressor für Waldökosysteme wurden hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf hydrologische Prozesse analysiert. Für jeden dieser Einflussfaktoren wurden separate SWAT+-Modellszenarien erstellt und mit dem kalibrierten Basismodell verglichen, das die aktuellen Wassereinzugsgebietsbedingungen basierend auf Felddaten repräsentierte. Die Simulationen bestätigten günstige Bedingungen für die Grundwasserneubildung im Pfälzerwald. Im Zusammenhang mit der hohen Versickerungskapazität der Bodensubstrate der Buntsandsteinverwitterung, sowie dem verzögernden und puffernden Einfluss der Baumkronen auf das Niederschlagswasser, wurde eine signifikante Minderungswirkung auf die Oberflächenabflussbildung und ein ausgeprägtes räumliches und zeitliches Rückhaltepotential im Einzugsgebiet simuliert. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass erhöhte Niederschlagsmengen, die die Versickerungskapazität der sandigen Böden übersteigen, zu einer kurz geschlossenen Abflussreaktion mit ausgeprägten Oberflächenabflussspitzen führen. Die Simulationen zeigten Wechselwirkungen zwischen Wald und Wasserkreislauf sowie die hydrologische Wirksamkeit des Klimawandels, verschlechterter Bodenfunktionen und altersbezogener Bestandesstrukturen im Zusammenhang mit Unterschieden in der Baumkronenausprägung. Zukunfts-Klimaprojektionen, die mit BIAS-bereinigten REKLIES- und EURO-CORDEX-Regionalklimamodellen (RCM) simuliert wurden, prognostizierten einen höheren Verdunstungsbedarf und eine Verlängerung der Vegetationsperiode bei gleichzeitig häufiger auftretenden Dürreperioden innerhalb der Vegetationszeit, was eine Verkürzung der Periode für die Grundwasserneubildung induzierte, und folglich zu einem prognostizierten Rückgang der Grundwasserneubildungsrate bis zur Mitte des Jahrhunderts führte. Aufgrund der starken Korrelation mit Niederschlagsintensitäten und der Dauer von Niederschlagsereignissen, bei allen Unsicherheiten in ihrer Vorhersage, wurde für die Oberflächenabflussgenese eine Steigerung bis zum Ende des Jahrhunderts prognostiziert.
Für die Simulation der Bodenverdichtung wurden die Trockenrohdichte des Bodens und die SCS Curve Number in SWAT+ gemäß Daten aus Befahrungsversuchen im Gebiet angepasst. Die günstigen Infiltrationsbedingungen und die relativ geringe Anfälligkeit für Bodenverdichtung der grobkörnigen Buntsandsteinverwitterung dominierten die hydrologischen Auswirkungen auf Wassereinzugsgebietsebene, sodass lediglich moderate Verschlechterungen wasserbezogener ÖSDL angezeigt wurden. Die Simulationen zeigten weiterhin einen deutlichen Einfluss der Bodenart auf die hydrologische Reaktion nach Bodenverdichtung auf Rückegassen und stützen damit die Annahme, dass die Anfälligkeit von Böden gegenüber Verdichtung mit dem Anteil an Schluff- und Tonbodenpartikeln zunimmt. Eine erhöhte Oberflächenabflussgenese ergab sich durch das Wegenetz im Gesamtgebiet.
Schadflächen mit Bestandesverjüngung wurden anhand eines artifiziellen Modells innerhalb eines Teileinzugsgebiets unter der Annahme von 3-jährigen Baumsetzlingen in einem Entwicklungszeitraum von 10 Jahren simuliert und hinsichtlich spezifischer Was-serhaushaltskomponenten mit Altbeständen (30 bis 80 Jahre) verglichen. Die Simulation ließ darauf schließen, dass bei fehlender Kronenüberschirmung die hydrologisch verzögernde Wirkung der Bestände beeinträchtigt wird, was die Entstehung von Oberflächenabfluss begünstigt und eine quantitativ geringfügig höhere Tiefensickerung fördert. Hydrologische Unterschiede zwischen dem geschlossenem Kronendach der Altbestände und Jungbeständen mit annähernden Freilandniederschlagsbedingungen wurden durch die dominierenden Faktoren atmosphärischer Verdunstungsanstoß, Niederschlagsmengen und Kronenüberschirmungsgrad bestimmt. Je weniger entwickelt das Kronendach von verjüngten Waldbeständen im Vergleich zu Altbeständen, je höher der atmosphärische Verdunstungsanstoß und je geringer die eingetragenen Niederschlagsmengen, desto größer war der hydrologische Unterschied zwischen den Bestandestypen.
Verbesserungsmaßnahmen für den dezentralen Hochwasserschutz sollten folglich kritische Bereiche für die Abflussbildung im Wald (CSA) berücksichtigen. Die hohe Sensibilität und Anfälligkeit der Wälder gegenüber Verschlechterungen der Ökosystembedingungen legen nahe, dass die Erhaltung des komplexen Gefüges und von intakten Wechselbeziehungen, insbesondere unter der gegebenen Herausforderung des Klimawandels, sorgfältig angepasste Schutzmaßnahmen, Anstrengungen bei der Identifizierung von CSA sowie die Erhaltung und Wiederherstellung der hydrologischen Kontinuität in Waldbeständen erfordern.
Trotz des Rückgangs der Einwohner*innenzahl, kommunaler wohnungspolitischer Maßnahmen und der Pandemie steigen die Göttinger Mieten weiterhin. Besonders Menschen mit geringen Einkommen haben nach wie vor große Probleme, eine bezahlbare Wohnung in Göttingen zu finden. In diesem Wohnraumatlas zeigen wir die Entwicklung der Angebotsmieten auf. Zudem verdeutlichen wir, dass der Mietwohnungsmarkt in Teilmärkte segmentiert ist, für deren Identifizierung wir Ansätze liefern. Damit wollen wir stadtpolitisch Aktiven und anderen Interessierten Materialien an die Hand geben, um die Wohnungspolitik der Stadt einordnen zu können.
Die endemischen Arganbestände in Südmarokko sind die Quelle des wertvollen Arganöls, sind aber durch bspw. Überweidung oder illegale Feuerholzgewinnung stark übernutzt. Aufforstungsmaßnahmen sind vorhanden, sind aber aufgrund von zu kurz angelegten Bewässerungs- und Schutzverträgen häufig nicht erfolgreich. Das Aufkommen von Neuwuchs ist durch das beinahe restlose Sammeln von Kernen kaum möglich, durch Fällen oder Absterben von Bäumen verringert sich die kronenüberdeckte Fläche und unbedeckte Flächen zwischen den Bäumen nehmen zu.
Die Entwicklung der Arganbestände wurde über den Zeitraum von 1972 und 2018 mit historischen und aktuellen Satellitenbildern untersucht, ein Großteil der Bäume hat sich in dieser Zeit kaum verändert. Zustandsaufnahmen von 2018 zeigten, dass viele dieser Bäume durch Überweidung und Abholzung nur als Sträucher wachsen und so in degradiertem Zustand stabil sind.
Trotz der Degradierung einiger Bäume zeigt sich, dass der Boden unter den Bäumen die höchsten Gehalte an organischer Bodensubstanz und Nährstoffen auf den Flächen aufweist, zwischen zwei Bäumen sind die Gehalte am niedrigsten. Der Einfluss des Baumes auf den Boden geht über die Krone hinaus in Richtung Norden durch Beschattung in der Mittagssonne, Osten durch Windverwehung von Streu und Bodenpartikeln und hangabwärts durch Verspülung von Material.
Über experimentelle Methoden unter und zwischen den Arganbäumen wurden Erkenntnisse zur Bodenerosion gewonnen. Die hydraulische Leitfähigkeit unter Bäumen ist um den Faktor 1,2-1,5 höher als zwischen den Bäumen, Oberflächenabflüsse und Bodenabträge sind unter den Bäumen etwas niedriger, bei degradierten Bäumen ähnlich den Bereichen zwischen den Bäumen. Die unterschiedlichen Flächenbeschaffenheiten wurden mit einem Windkanal untersucht und zeigten, dass gerade frisch gepflügte Flächen hohe Windemissionen verursachen, während Flächen mit hoher Steinbedeckung kaum von Winderosion betroffen sind.
Die Oberflächenabflüsse von den unterschiedlichen Flächentypen werden in die Vorfluter abgeleitet. Die Sedimentdynamik in diesen Wadis wird hauptsächlich von Niederschlag zwischen den Messungen, Einzugsgebiet und Wadilänge und kaum von den verschiedenen Landnutzungen beeinflusst.
Das Landschaftssystem Argan konnte über diesen Multi-Methodenansatz auf verschiedenen Ebenen analysiert werden.
Climate fluctuations and the pyroclastic depositions from volcanic activity both influence ecosystem functioning and biogeochemical cycling in terrestrial and marine environments globally. These controlling factors are crucial for the evolution and fate of the pristine but fragile fjord ecosystem in the Magellanic moorlands (~53°S) of southernmost Patagonia, which is considered a critical hotspot for organic carbon burial and marine bioproductivity. At this active continental margin in the core zone of the southern westerly wind belt (SWW), frequent Plinian eruptions and the extremely variable, hyper-humid climate should have efficiently shaped ecosystem functioning and land-to-fjord mass transfer throughout the Late Holocene. However, a better understanding of the complex process network defining the biogeochemical cycling at this land-to-fjord continuum principally requires a detailed knowledge of substrate weathering and pedogenesis in the context of the extreme climate. Yet, research on soils, the ubiquitous presence of tephra and the associated chemical weathering, secondary mineral (trans)formation and organic matter (OM) turnover processes is rare in this remote region. This complicates an accurate reconstruction of the ecosystem´s potentially sensitive response to past environmental impacts, including the dynamics of Late Holocene land-to-fjord fluxes as a function of volcanic activity and strong hydroclimate variability.
Against this background, this PhD thesis aims to disentangle the controlling factors that modulate the terrigenous element mobilization and export mechanisms in the hyper-humid Patagonian Andes and assesses their significance for fjord primary productivity over the past 4.5 kyrs BP. For the first time, distinct biogeochemical characteristics of the regional weathering system serve as major criterion in paleoenvironmental reconstruction in the area. This approach includes broad-scale mineralogical and geochemical analyses of basement lithologies, four soil profiles, volcanic ash deposits, the non-karst stalagmite MA1 and two lacustrine sediment cores. In order to pay special attention to the possibly important temporal variations of pedosphere-atmosphere interaction and ecological consequences initiated by volcanic eruptions, the novel data were evaluated together with previously published reconstructions of paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental conditions.
The devastative high-tephra loading of a single eruption from Mt. Burney volcano (MB2 at 4.216 kyrs BP) sustainably transformed this vulnerable fjord ecosystem, while acidic peaty Andosols developed from ~2.5 kyrs BP onwards after the recovery from millennium-scale acidification. The special setting is dominated by most variable redox-pH conditions, profound volcanic ash weathering and intense OM turnover processes, which are closely linked and ultimately regulated by SWW-induced water-level fluctuations. Constant nutrient supply though sea spray deposition represents a further important control on peat accumulation and OM turnover dynamics. These extreme environmental conditions constrain the biogeochemical framework for an extended land-to-fjord export of leachates comprising various organic and inorganic colloids (i.e., Al-humus complexes and Fe-(hydr)oxides). Such tephra- and/or Andosol-sourced flux contains high proportions of terrigenous organic carbon (OCterr) and mobilized essential (micro)nutrients, e.g., bio-available Fe, that are beneficial for fjord bioproductivity. It can be assumed that this supply of bio-available Fe produced by specific Fe-(hydr)oxide (trans)formation processes from tephra components may outlast more than 6 kyrs and surpasses the contribution from basement rock weathering and glacial meltwaters. However, the land-to-fjord exports of OCterr and bio-available Fe occur mostly asynchronous and are determined by the frequency and duration of redox cycles in soils or are initiated by SWW-induced extreme weather events.
The verification of (crypto)tephra layers embedded stalagmite MA1 enabled the accurate dating of three smaller Late Holocene eruptions from Mt. Burney (MB3 at 2.291 kyrs BP and MB4 at 0.853 kyrs BP) and Aguilera (A1 at 2.978 kyrs BP) volcanoes. Irrespective of the improvement of the regional tephrochronology, the obtained precise 230Th/U-ages allowed constraints on the ecological consequences caused by these Plinian eruptions. The deposition of these thin tephra layers should have entailed a very beneficial short-term stimulation of fjord bioproductivity with bio-available Fe and other (micro)nutrients, which affected the entire area between 52°S and 53°S 30´, respectively. For such beneficial effects, the thickness of tephra deposited to this highly vulnerable peatland ecosystem should be below a threshold of 1 cm.
The Late Holocene element mobilization and land-to-fjord transport was mainly controlled by (i) volcanic activity and tephra thickness, (ii) SWW-induced and southern hemispheric climate variability and (iii) the current state of the ecosystem. The influence of cascading climate and environmental impacts on OCterr and Fe-(hydr)oxide fluxes to can be categorized by four individual, in part overlapping scenarios. These different scenarios take into account the previously specified fundamental biogeochemical mechanisms and define frequently recurring patterns of ecosystem feedbacks governing the land-to-fjord mass transfer in the hyper-humid Patagonian Andes on the centennial-scale. This PhD thesis provides first evidence for a primarily tephra-sourced, continuous and long-lasting (micro)nutrient fertilization for phytoplankton growth in South Patagonian fjords, which is ultimately modulated by variations in SWW-intensity. It highlights the climate sensitivity of such critical land-to-fjord element transport and particularly emphasizes the important but so far underappreciated significance of volcanic ash inputs for biogeochemical cycles at active continental margins.
Insekten stellen die artenreichste Klasse des Tierreichs dar, wobei viele der Arten bedroht sind. Das liegt neben dem Klimawandel vor allem an der sich in den letzten Jahrzehnten stark verändernden landwirtschaftlichen Nutzung von Flächen, was zu Lebensraumzerstörung und Habitatfragmentierung führt. Die intensivere Bewirtschaftung von Gunstflächen einerseits, sowie die Flächenaufgabe unrentabler Flächen andererseits, hat schwerwiegende Folgen für Insekten, die an extensiv genutzte Kulturflächen angepasst sind, was besonders durch den abnehmenden Anteil an Spezialisten deutlich wird. Eine Region, die aufgrund des kleinräumigen Nebeneinanders von naturnahen Bereichen und anthropogen geschaffenen Kulturflächen (entlang eines großen Höhengradienten) eine wichtige Rolle für die Biodiversität besitzt, speziell als Lebensraum für Spezialisten aller Artengruppen, sind die Alpen. Auch hier stellt der landwirtschaftliche Nutzungswandel ein großes Problem dar, weshalb es einen nachhaltigen Schutz der extensiv genutzten Kulturlebensräume bedarf. Um zu klären, wie eine nachhaltige Berglandwirtschaft zukünftig erhalten bleiben kann, wurden im ersten Kapitel der Promotion die Regelungsrahmen der internationalen, europäischen, nationalen und regionalen Gesetze näher betrachtet. Es zeigt sich, dass der multifunktionale Ansatz der Alpenkonvention und des zugehörigen Protokolls „Berglandwirtschaft“ nur eine geringe normative Konkretisierung aufweisen und daher nicht im ausreichenden Maße in der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik der EU sowie im nationalen Recht umgesetzt werden; dadurch können diese einer negativen Entwicklung in der Berglandwirtschaft nicht ausreichend entgegenwirken. Neben diesen Rechtsgrundlagen fehlt es jedoch auch an naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen, um die Auswirkungen des landwirtschaftlichen Nutzungswandels auf alpine und arktische Tierarten zu beurteilen. Untersuchungen mit Charakterarten für diese Kulturräume sind somit erforderlich, wobei Tagfalter aufgrund ihrer Sensibilität gegenüber Umweltveränderungen geeignete Indikatoren sind. Deshalb wurden im zweiten Kapitel der Promotion die beiden Schwestertaxa Boloria pales und B. napaea untersucht, die für arktische und / oder alpine Grünlandflächen typisch sind. Die bisher unbekannte Phylogeographie beider Arten wurde daher mit zwei mitochondrialen und zwei Kerngenen über das gesamte europäische Verbreitungsgebiet untersucht. In diesem Zusammenhang die zwischen- und innerartlichen Auftrennungen analysiert und datiert sowie die ihnen unterliegenden Ausbreitungsmuster entschlüsselt. Um spezielle Anpassungsformen an die arktischen und alpinen Lebensräume der Arten zu entschlüsseln und die Folgen der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzungsänderung richtig einordnen zu können, wurden mehrere Populationen beider Arten freilandökologisch untersucht. Während B. pales über den gesamten alpinen Sommer schlüpfen kann und proterandrische Strukturen zeigt, ist B. napaea durch das Fehlen der Proterandie und ein verkürztes Schlupfzeitfenster eher an die kürzeren, arktischen Sommer angepasst. Obwohl beide Arten die gleichen Nektarquellen nutzen, gibt es aufgrund verschiedener Bedürfnisse Unterschiede in den Nektarpräferenzen zwischen den Geschlechtern; auch innerartliche Unterschiede im Dispersionsverhalten wurden gefunden. Populationen beider Arten können eine kurze Beweidung überleben, wobei der Zeitpunkt der Beweidung von Bedeutung ist; eine Nutzung gegen Ende der Schlupfphase hat einen größeren Einfluss auf die Population. Daneben wurde ein deutlicher Unterschied zwischen Flächen mit langfristiger und fehlender Beweidung gefunden. Neben einer geringen Populationsdichte, gibt es auf ganzjährig beweideten Flächen einen größeren Druck, den Lebensraum zu verlassen und die zurückgelegten Flugdistanzen sind hier auch deutlich größer.
Forest inventories provide significant monitoring information on forest health, biodiversity,
resilience against disturbance, as well as its biomass and timber harvesting potential. For this
purpose, modern inventories increasingly exploit the advantages of airborne laser scanning (ALS)
and terrestrial laser scanning (TLS).
Although tree crown detection and delineation using ALS can be seen as a mature discipline, the
identification of individual stems is a rarely addressed task. In particular, the informative value of
the stem attributes—especially the inclination characteristics—is hardly known. In addition, a lack
of tools for the processing and fusion of forest-related data sources can be identified. The given
thesis addresses these research gaps in four peer-reviewed papers, while a focus is set on the
suitability of ALS data for the detection and analysis of tree stems.
In addition to providing a novel post-processing strategy for geo-referencing forest inventory plots,
the thesis could show that ALS-based stem detections are very reliable and their positions are
accurate. In particular, the stems have shown to be suited to study prevailing trunk inclination
angles and orientations, while a species-specific down-slope inclination of the tree stems and a
leeward orientation of conifers could be observed.
Agricultural monitoring is necessary. Since the beginning of the Holocene, human agricultural
practices have been shaping the face of the earth, and today around one third of the ice-free land
mass consists of cropland and pastures. While agriculture is necessary for our survival, the
intensity has caused many negative externalities, such as enormous freshwater consumption, the
loss of forests and biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions as well as soil erosion and degradation.
Some of these externalities can potentially be ameliorated by careful allocation of crops and
cropping practices, while at the same time the state of these crops has to be monitored in order
to assess food security. Modern day satellite-based earth observation can be an adequate tool to
quantify abundance of crop types, i.e., produce spatially explicit crop type maps. The resources to
do so, in terms of input data, reference data and classification algorithms have been constantly
improving over the past 60 years, and we live now in a time where fully operational satellites
produce freely available imagery with often less than monthly revisit times at high spatial
resolution. At the same time, classification models have been constantly evolving from
distribution based statistical algorithms, over machine learning to the now ubiquitous deep
In this environment, we used an explorative approach to advance the state of the art of crop
classification. We conducted regional case studies, focused on the study region of the Eifelkreis
Bitburg-Prüm, aiming to develop validated crop classification toolchains. Because of their unique
role in the regional agricultural system and because of their specific phenologic characteristics
we focused solely on maize fields.
In the first case study, we generated reference data for the years 2009 and 2016 in the study
region by drawing polygons based on high resolution aerial imagery, and used these in
conjunction with RapidEye imagery to produce high resolution maize maps with a random forest
classifier and a gaussian blur filter. We were able to highlight the importance of careful residual
analysis, especially in terms of autocorrelation. As an end result, we were able to prove that, in
spite of the severe limitations introduced by the restricted acquisition windows due to cloud
coverage, high quality maps could be produced for two years, and the regional development of
maize cultivation could be quantified.
In the second case study, we used these spatially explicit datasets to link the expansion of biogas
producing units with the extended maize cultivation in the area. In a next step, we overlayed the
maize maps with soil and slope rasters in order to assess spatially explicit risks of soil compaction
and erosion. Thus, we were able to highlight the potential role of remote sensing-based crop type
classification in environmental protection, by producing maps of potential soil hazards, which can
be used by local stakeholders to reallocate certain crop types to locations with less associated
In our third case study, we used Sentinel-1 data as input imagery, and official statistical records
as maize reference data, and were able to produce consistent modeling input data for four
consecutive years. Using these datasets, we could train and validate different models in spatially
and temporally independent random subsets, with the goal of assessing model transferability. We
were able to show that state-of-the-art deep learning models such as UNET performed
significantly superior to conventional models like random forests, if the model was validated in a
different year or a different regional subset. We highlighted and discussed the implications on
modeling robustness, and the potential usefulness of deep learning models in building fully
operational global crop classification models.
We were able to conclude that the first major barrier for global classification models is the
reference data. Since most research in this area is still conducted with local field surveys, and only
few countries have access to official agricultural records, more global cooperation is necessary to
build harmonized and regionally stratified datasets. The second major barrier is the classification
algorithm. While a lot of progress has been made in this area, the current trend of many appearing
new types of deep learning models shows great promise, but has not yet consolidated. There is
still a lot of research necessary, to determine which models perform the best and most robust,
and are at the same time transparent and usable by non-experts such that they can be applied
and used effortlessly by local and global stakeholders.
Mit vorliegendem Dokument sollen Überlegungen zur Rolle der Ausbildung auf dem grenzüberschreitenden
Arbeitsmarkt angestellt werden. Hierfür werden gleichzeitig die durch die verschiedenen Hefte der Großregion, als auch die bei der am 1. Dezember 2020 organisierten Online-Podiumsdiskussion zum Thema „Mismatches, Kompetenzen, Ausbildung… Welche Passverhältnisse für den grenzüberschreitenden Arbeitsmarkt?“ angeregten Diskussionen herangezogen. Konkreter ausgedrückt beabsichtigt dieser Beitrag, eine Antwort auf folgende Frage zu geben: wie können die Ausbildung und deren unterschiedliche Praxismaßnahmen in den beruflichen Bereichen, aber auch in schulischen und universitären Bereichen dazu beitragen, die Ungleichgewichte abzumildern, die auf dem Arbeitsmarkt der Großregion zu beobachten sind? Insofern liefert das Dokument einige Denkanstöße für die grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit im Ausbildungsbereich.
The endemic argan tree (Argania spinosa) populations in southern Morocco are highly degraded due to overbrowsing, illegal firewood extraction and the expansion of intensive agriculture. Bare areas between the isolated trees increase due to limited regrowth; however, it is unknown if the trees influence the soil of the intertree areas. Hypothetically, spatial differences in soil parameters of the intertree area should result from the translocation of litter or soil particles (by runoff and erosion or wind drift) from canopy-covered areas to the intertree areas. In total, 385 soil samples were taken around the tree from the trunk along the tree drip line (within and outside the tree area) and the intertree area between two trees in four directions (upslope, downslope and in both directions parallel to the slope) up to 50 m distance from the tree. They were analysed for gravimetric soil water content, pH, electrical conductivity, percolation stability, total nitrogen content (TN), content of soil organic carbon (SOC) and C/N ratio. A total of 74 tension disc infiltrometer experiments were performed near the tree drip line, within and outside the tree area, to measure the unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. We found that the tree influence on its surrounding intertree area is limited, with, e.g., SOC and TN content decreasing significantly from tree trunk (4.4 % SOC and 0.3 % TN) to tree drip line (2.0 % SOC and 0.2 % TN). However, intertree areas near the tree drip line (1.3 % SOC and 0.2 % TN) differed significantly from intertree areas between two trees (1.0 % SOC and 0.1 % TN) yet only with a small effect. Trends for spatial patterns could be found in eastern and downslope directions due to wind drift and slope wash. Soil water content was highest in the north due to shade from the midday sun; the influence extended to the intertree areas. The unsaturated hydraulic conductivity also showed significant differences between areas within and outside the tree area near the tree drip line. This was the case on sites under different land usages (silvopastoral and agricultural), slope gradients or tree densities. Although only limited influence of the tree on its intertree area was found, the spatial pattern around the tree suggests that reforestation measures should be aimed around tree shelters in northern or eastern directions with higher soil water content or TN or SOC content to ensure seedling survival, along with measures to prevent overgrazing.
Detection of Preferential Water Flow by Electrical Resistivity Tomography and Self-Potential Method
This study explores the hydrogeological conditions of a landslide-prone hillslope in the Upper Mosel valley, Luxembourg. The investigation program included the monitoring of piezometer wells, hydrogeological field tests, analysis of drillcore records, and geophysical surveys. Monitoring and field testing in some of the observation wells indicated very pronounced preferential flow. Electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) and self-potential geophysical methods were employed in the study area for exploration of the morphology of preferential flowpaths. Possible signals associated with flowing groundwater in the subsurface were detected; however, they were diffusively spread over a relatively large zone, which did not allow for the determination of an exact morphology of the conduit. Analysis of drillcore records indicated that flowpaths are caused by the dissolution of thin gypsum interlayers in marls. For better understanding of the site’s hydrogeological settings, a 3D hydrogeological model was compiled. By applying different subsurface flow mechanisms, a hydrogeological model with thin, laterally extending flowpaths embedded in a porous media matrix showed the best correspondence with field observations. Simulated groundwater heads in a preferential flow conduit exactly corresponded with the observed heads in the piezometer wells. This study illustrates how hydrogeological monitoring and geophysical surveys in conjunction with the newest hydrogeological models allow for better conceptualization and parametrization of preferential flow.
Using a dendrochronological approach, we determined the resistance, recovery and resilience of the radial stem increment towards episodes of growth decline, and the accompanying variation of 13C discrimination against atmospheric CO2 (Δ13C) in tree rings of two palaeotropical pine species. These species co-occur in the mountain ranges of south–central Vietnam (1500–1600 m a.s.l.), but differ largely in their areas of distribution (Pinus kesiya from northeast India to the Philippines; P. dalatensis only in south and central Vietnam and in some isolated populations in Laos). For P. dalatensis, a robust growth chronology covering the past 290 years could be set up for the first time in the study region. For P. kesiya, the 140-year chronology constructed was the longest that could be established to date in that region for this species. In the first 40 years of the trees’ lives, the stem diameter increment was significantly larger in P. kesiya, but levelled off and even decreased after 100 years, whereas P. dalatensis exhibited a continuous growth up to an age of almost 300 years. Tree-ring growth of P. kesiya was negatively related to temperature in the wet months and season of the current year and in October (humid transition period) of the preceding year and to precipitation in August (monsoon season), but positively to precipitation in December (dry season) of the current year. The P. dalatensis chronologies exhibited no significant correlation with temperature or precipitation. Negative correlations between BAI and Δ13C indicate a lack of growth impairment by drought in both species. Regression analyses revealed a lower resilience of P. dalatensis upon episodes of growth decline compared to P. kesiya, but, contrary to our hypothesis, mean values of the three sensitivity parameters did not differ significantly between these species. Nevertheless, the vigorous growth of P. kesiya, which does not fall behind that of P. dalatensis even at the margin of its distribution area under below-optimum edaphic conditions, is indicative of a relatively high plasticity of this species towards environmental factors compared to P. dalatensis, which, in tendency, is less resilient upon environmental stress even in the “core” region of its occurrence.
In 2014/2015 a one-year field campaign at the Tiksi observatory in the Laptev Sea area was carried out using Sound Detection and Ranging/Radio Acoustic Sounding System (SODAR/RASS) measurements to investigate the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) with a focus on low-level jets (LLJ) during the winter season. In addition to SODAR/RASS-derived vertical profiles of temperature, wind speed and direction, a suite of complementary measurements at the Tiksi observatory was available. Data of a regional atmospheric model were used to put the local data into the synoptic context. Two case studies of LLJ events are presented. The statistics of LLJs for six months show that in about 23% of all profiles LLJs were present with a mean jet speed and height of about 7 m/s and 240 m, respectively. In 3.4% of all profiles LLJs exceeding 10 m/s occurred. The main driving mechanism for LLJs seems to be the baroclinicity, since no inertial oscillations were found. LLJs with heights below 200 m are likely influenced by local topography.
Perennial energy crops (PECs) are increasingly used as feedstock to produce energy in an environmental friendly way. Compared to traditional conversion strategies like thermal use, sophisticated technologies such as biomethanation defined different re-quirements of the feedstock. Whereas the first concept relies on dry, woody mate-rial, biomethanation requires a moist feedstock. Thus, over time, the spectrum of species used as PECs has widened. Moreover, harvest dates were adjusted to pro-vide the feedstock at suitable moisture contents. It is well known that perennial, lignocellulose- based energy crops, compared to annual, sugar- and starch- based ones, offer ecological advantages such as, inter alia, improving biodiversity in landscape, protecting soil against erosion, and protecting groundwater from nutrient inputs. However, one of the main arguments for PEC cultivation was their undemanding nature concerning external inputs. With respect to the broader spectrum of PEC spe-cies and changed harvest dates, the question arises whether the concept of PECs being low- input energy crops is still valid. This also implies the question of suitable grow-ing conditions and sustainable management. The aims of this opinion paper were to classify different PECs according to their life- form strategy, compare nutrient exports when harvested in different maturation stages, and to discuss the results in the context of sustainable PEC cultivation on marginal land. This study revealed that nutrient exports with yield biomass of PECs harvested in green state are in the same range than those of annual energy crops and therewith several times higher than those of PECs harvested in brown state or of woody short rotation coppices. Thus, PECs can-not universally be claimed as low- input energy crops. These results also imply the consequences of cultivation of PECs on marginal land. Finally, the question has to be raised whether the term PECs should prospectively be better specified in written and spoken words.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden die Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Carbon Footprints in Großküchen untersucht. Dabei wurden sowohl methodische Aspekte und Herausforderungen ihrer Erhebung untersucht als auch mögliche Kennzeichnungsformate (Label) evaluiert.
Zunächst wurde am Beispiel Hochschulgastronomie eine vollständige Carbon Footprint Studie nach DIN 14067 für sechs exemplarische Gerichte (PCF) sowie angelehnt an DIN 14064 für den Mensabetrieb (CCF) durchgeführt. Es zeigte sich, dass die gewichteten durchschnittlichen Emissionen pro Teller, unter Einbezug der verwendeten Rohstoffe und des Energiebedarfs, 1,8 kg CO2eq pro Teller betragen (Mgew=1,78 kg CO2eq; [0,22-3,36]). Zur Vereinfachung des Erhebungsprozesses wurden anknüpfend an diese Ergebnisse Pauschalisierungsansätze zur vereinfachten Emissionsallokation im Gastrosektor evaluiert und in Form eines appgestützten Berechnungstools umgesetzt. Es konnte verifiziert werden, dass der Energiebedarf und die daraus resultierenden Emissionen unabhängig von der Beschaffenheit der Gerichte auf die Anzahl produzierter Gerichte alloziert werden können und die Ausgabewerte dennoch hinreichend belastbar sind (Abweichung <10 %).
In dieser Studie konnte gezeigt werden, dass am untersuchten Standort Skaleneffekte hinsichtlich der Anzahl produzierter Gerichte und Strombedarf pro Gericht auftreten. Beide Faktoren korrelieren stark negativ miteinander (r=-.78; p<.05). Zur Verifikation der Ergebnisse wurde eine Datenabfrage unter allen deutschen Studierendenwerken (N=57) hinsichtlich des Energiebedarfs und der Produktionsmengen in Hochschulmensen durchgeführt. Aus den Daten von 42 Standorten konnten für das Jahr 2018 prognostizierte Gesamtemissionen in Höhe von 174.275 Tonnen CO2eq, verursacht durch etwa 98 Millionen verkaufte Gerichte, ermittelt werden. Im Gegensatz zur durchgeführten Standort-Studie konnten die Skaleneffekte, d.h. sinkender Strombedarf pro Teller bei steigender Produktionszahl, bei der deutschlandweiten Datenerhebung statistisch nicht nachgewiesen werden
(r=-.29; p=.074).
Im Anschluss wurden mögliche Label-Formate für Carbon Footprints evaluiert, indem vier vorbereitete Label unterschiedlicher Beschaffenheit (absolute Zahlen, einordnend, vergleichend und wertend) in sechs Fokusgruppen mit insgesamt 17 Teilnehmer:innen im Alter zwischen 20 und 31 Jahren (M=25,12; SD=3,31) diskutiert wurden. Im Ergebnis zeigte sich, dass bei den Teilnehmer:innen ein breiter Wunsch nach der Ausweisung absoluter Zahlen bestand. Zur besseren Einordnung sollte ein Label zudem einordnende Elemente enthalten. Wertende Label in Form von Ampelsymbolen oder Smileys mit unterschiedlichen Emotionen wurden überwiegend abgelehnt. Ableitend aus den Erkenntnissen konnten zwei synthetisierende Label-Vorschläge entwickelt werden.
The nonhydrostatic regional climate model CCLM was used for a long-term hindcast run (2002–2016) for the Weddell Sea region with resolutions of 15 and 5 km and two different turbulence parametrizations. CCLM was nested in ERA-Interim data and used in forecast mode (suite of consecutive 30 h long simulations with 6 h spin-up). We prescribed the sea ice concentration from satellite data and used a thermodynamic sea ice model. The performance of the model was evaluated in terms of temperature and wind using data from Antarctic stations, automatic weather stations (AWSs), an operational forecast model and reanalyses data, and lidar wind profiles. For the reference run we found a warm bias for the near-surface temperature over the Antarctic Plateau. This bias was removed in the second run by adjusting the turbulence parametrization, which results in a more realistic representation of the surface inversion over the plateau but resulted in a negative bias for some coastal regions. A comparison with measurements over the sea ice of the Weddell Sea by three AWS buoys for 1 year showed small biases for temperature around ±1 K and for wind speed of 1 m s−1. Comparisons of radio soundings showed a model bias around 0 and a RMSE of 1–2 K for temperature and 3–4 m s−1 for wind speed. The comparison of CCLM simulations at resolutions down to 1 km with wind data from Doppler lidar measurements during December 2015 and January 2016 yielded almost no bias in wind speed and a RMSE of ca. 2 m s−1. Overall CCLM shows a good representation of temperature and wind for the Weddell Sea region. Based on these encouraging results, CCLM at high resolution will be used for the investigation of the regional climate in the Antarctic and atmosphere–ice–ocean interactions processes in a forthcoming study.
Das Policy Paper ‚Handlungsbedarfe für die Raumentwicklung der Großregion aus Sicht der Forschung‘ fasst wesentliche Erkenntnisse von Forscher*innen des UniGR-Center for Border Studies in fünf für die Großregion relevanten Bereichen (Demographie und Migration, Verkehr, Beschäftigung und wirtschaftliche Entwicklung, Energielandschaften, Grenzüberschreitende Governance) zusammen und formuliert Handlungsoptionen für die Planungspraxis und politische Entscheidungsträger*innen. Darüber hinaus thematisiert es den Wissensaus-tausch zwischen Forschung und Politik.
Soils in forest ecosystems bear a high potential as carbon (C) sinks in the mitigation of climate change. The amount and characteristics of soil organic matter (SOM) are driven by inputs, transformation, degradation and stabilization of organic substances. While tree species fuel the C cycle by producing aboveground and belowground litter, soil microorganisms are crucial for litter degradation as well as the formation and stabilization of SOM. Nonetheless, our knowledge about the tree species effect on the SOM status is limited, inconsistent and blurred. The investigation of tree species effects on SOM is challenging because in long-established forest ecosystems the spatial distribution of tree species is a result of the interplay of environmental factors including climate, geomorphology and soil chemistry. Moreover, tree distribution can further vary with forest successional stage and silvicultural management. Since these factors also directly affect the soil C-status, it is difficult to identify a pure “tree species effect” on the SOM status at regular forested sites. It therefore remains unclear in how far tree species-specific litter with different quality influences the microbial driven turnover and formation of SOM.
Tree species effects on SOM and related soil microbial properties were investigated by examining soil profiles (comprising organic forest floor horizons and mineral soil layers) in different forest stands at the recultivated spoil heap ‘Sophienhöhe’ located at the lignite open-cast mine Hambach near Jülich, Germany. The afforested sites comprised monocultural stands of Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), black pine (Pinus nigra), European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and red oak (Quercus rubra) as well as a mixed deciduous stand site planted mainly with hornbeam (Carpinus betulus), lime (Tilia cordata) and common oak (Quercus robur) that were grown for 35 years under identical soil and geomorphological conditions. Because the parent material used for site recultivation was free from organic matter or coal material, the SOM accumulation is entirely the result of in situ soil development due to the impact of tree species.
The first study revealed that tree species had a significant effect on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks, stoichiometric patterns of C, nitrogen (N), sulfur (S), hydrogen (H) and oxygen (O) as well as the microbial biomass carbon (MBC) content in the forest floor and the top mineral soil layers (0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-30 cm). In general, forest floor SOC stocks were significantly higher at coniferous forest stands compared to deciduous tree species, whereas in mineral soil layers the differences were smaller. Thus, the impact of tree species decreased with increasing soil depth. By investigating the linkage of the natural abundance of 13C and 15N in the soil depth gradients with C:N and O:C stoichiometry, the second study showed that differences in SOC stocks and SOM quality resulted from a tree species-dependent turnover of SOM. Significantly higher turnover of organic matter in soils under deciduous tree species depended to 46 % on the quality of litterfall and root inputs (N content, C:N, O:C ratio), and on the initial isotopic signatures of litterfall. Hence, SOM composition and turnover also depends on additional – presumably microbially driven – factors. The subsequent results of the third study revealed that differences in SOM composition and related soil microbial properties were linked to different microbial communities. Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) patterns in the soil profiles indicated that the supply and availability of C and nutrient-rich substrates drive the distribution of fungi, Gram-positive (G+) bacteria and Gram-negative (G−) bacteria between tree species and along the soil depth gradients. The fourth study investigated the molecular composition of extractable soil microbial biomass-derived (SMB) and SOM-derived compounds by electrospray ionization Fourier transformation ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (ESI-FT-ICR-MS). This was complemented by the analysis of nine monosaccharides representing microbial or plant origin. Microbially derived compounds substantially contributed to SOM and the contribution increased with soil depth. The supply of tree species-specific substrates resulted in different chemical composition of SMB with largest differences between deciduous and coniferous stands. At the same time, microorganisms contributed to SOM resulting in a strong similarity in the composition of SOM and SMB.
Overall, the complex interplay of tree species-specific litter inputs and the ability, activity and efficiency of the associated soil fauna and microbial community in metabolizing the organic substrates leads to significant differences in the amount, distribution, quality and consequently, the stability of SOM. These findings are useful for a targeted cultivation of tree species to optimize soil C sequestration and other forest ecosystems services.
Erlebnisgenese im Tourismus
Das Thema des Erlebnisses steht bereits seit langem im Fokus von Anbietern von Dienstleistungen. Dies gilt insbesondere für den Tourismus, einer Branche, deren Produkte zu einem signifikanten Teil aus solchen bestehen. Entsprechend der Prominenz des Themas, vor allem in den Bereichen touristischer Produktentwicklung und Marketing, ist dieses bereits breit in der Forschung diskutiert worden.
Trotz ausgiebiger Publikationsaktivitäten ist der tatsächliche Wissensstand in diesem Thema dennoch auffällig gering. Ein wichtiges Problem liegt darin begründet, dass die Terminologie im Bereich von Erlebnissen noch nicht allgemein akzeptiert und scharf abgegrenzt ist. So muss zwischen Erlebnissen und Erfahrungen unterschieden werden. Erstere treten während des Prozesses der Wahrnehmung einer touristischen Dienstleistung auf und bilden die Basis für Erfahrungen, welche prägend hinsichtlich der Wahrnehmung wirken und im Gesamtkontext der Reise betrachtet werden. Dieser Unterscheidung wird nicht nur in der englischsprachigen Literatur, in der beide Begriffe mit dem Begriff Experience beschrieben werden, sondern auch in der deutschsprachigen Literatur zumeist zu wenig Rechnung getragen, was dazu führt, dass häufig zu Erlebnissen publiziert wird, obwohl eigentlich Erfahrungen beschrieben werden. Problematisch ist dies vor allem, weil damit ein Phänomen untersucht wird, dessen Basis nahezu gänzlich unbekannt ist. Wichtige Fragen, welche zum Verständnis von Erlebnissen und damit auch von Erfahrungen bleiben unbeantwortet:
1) Welche Faktoren werden in der Genese von Erlebnissen wirksam?
2) Wie wirken diese zusammen?
3) Wie wird die Stärke eines Erlebnisses determiniert?
4) Wie werden Erlebnisse stark genug um den Konsum einer touristischen Dienstleistung zu prägen und damit gegebenenfalls zu Erfahrungen zu werden?
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden diese Fragen beantwortet, womit ein erster Schritt in Richtung der Füllung einer für die Tourismuswissenschaft nicht unbedeutenden Forschungslücke gelungen ist.
Um Erlebnisse, den Prozess der Genese dieser und deren Bewertung durch den Gast verstehen zu können, wurde ein triangulierter, zweistufiger Forschungsprozess ersonnen und in einem naturtouristischen Setting im Nationalpark Vorpommersche Boddenlandschaft zur Anwendung gebracht. Es handelt sich dabei um einen Mixed-Methods-Ansatz:
1) Induktive-qualitative Studie auf Basis der Grounded Theory
a. Ziel: Identifikation von Wirkkomponenten und deren Zusammenspiel und Generierung eines Modells
b. Methoden: Verdeckte Beobachtung und narrative Interviews
c. Ergebnisse: Modelle der Genese punktueller Erlebnisse und prägender Erlebnisse
2) Deduktive-quantitative Studie
a. Ziel: Überprüfung und Konkretisierung der in 1) generierten Modelle
b. Methoden: Fragebogengestützte, quantitative Befragung und Auswertung mittels multivariater Verfahren
c. Ergebnisse: Zusammenfassung der beiden Modelle zu einem finalen Modell der Erlebnis- und Erfahrungsgenese
Das Ergebnis des Vorgehens ist ein empirisch erarbeitetes und validiertes, detailliertes Modell der Genese von Erlebnissen und der Bewertung dieser durch den Erlebenden in Bezug auf deren Fähigkeit zu Erfahrungen zu werden.
Neben der Aufarbeitung und Konkretisierung dieses Prozesses konnte zusätzlich die in viele Richtungen diskutierte Bedeutung von Erwartungen und Produktzufriedenheit mit Blick auf die Bewertung von Erlebnissen geklärt werden. So konnte empirisch nachgewiesen werden, dass Erlebnisse, die auf Überraschungen, dem Unerwarteten, basierten besonders resistent gegenüber Störfaktoren waren und positive Erlebnisse zwar durchaus im Zusammenhang mit Produktzufriedenheit stehen aber sich vor allem durch eine zumindest temporär gesteigerte Lebenszufriedenheit manifestieren. Damit konnte das Hauptkriterium für die Bewertung von Erlebnissen mit Blick auf ihre Tauglichkeit zu Erfahrungen identifiziert werden.
Für die weitere Forschung kann die vorliegende Arbeit mit dem finalen Modell der Erlebnis- und Erfahrungsgenese einen soliden Ausgangspunkt bilden. So bieten zahlreiche Faktoren im Modell die Möglichkeit zur weiteren Forschung. Auch sollten die Ergebnisse in weiteren touristischen Kontexten überprüft werden.
Für die touristische Praxis kann die vorliegende Arbeit zahlreiche Hinweise geben. So bedeutet die Generierung von Erlebnissen im touristischen Kontext mehr als nur die Erfüllung von Erwartungen. Die widerstandsfähigsten Erlebnisse sind jene, die den Gast zu überraschen vermögen. Ein qualitativ hochwertiges, den Gast zufriedenstellendes Produkt ist dabei nicht mehr als ein Basisfaktor. Wirklich erfolgreich ist ein erlebnisbasierender Ansatz nur dann, wenn dieser es vermag die Lebenszufriedenheit des Gastes zu steigern.
Grundlage der Arbeit stellten zwei Arbeitshypothesen dar, die es zu überprüfen galt. Die beiden Arbeitshypothesen wurden aufgrund einer Beobachtung eines Phänomens im Freiland formuliert, da bei scheinbar unterschiedlich starkem Reblausbesatzes im Boden kein direkter Zusammenhang zu einer schädigenden Wirkung dieses Stressphänomens (Reblausbefall) hergestellt werden konnte. Im Gegenteil traten die schädigenden Wirkungen des Reblausbefalls in Form von Rückgangserscheinungen eher in Rebflächen auf, die einer mangelhaften Bewirtschaftung oder Bestandsführung unterlagen. Zur Klärung dieses Phänomens wurden daher die beiden (A., B.) folgenden Hypothesen aufgestellt, die es zu überprüfen galt:
A.: Die in mit Unterlagsrebsorten der Kreuzung V. berlandieri x V. riparia zu beobachtenden Rückgangserscheinungen in Rebanlagen mit Reblausvorkommen werden nicht allein durch die Saugtätigkeit der Reblaus an den Rebwurzeln verursacht; eine direkte Korrelation zwischen Reblausdichte und Ausmaß der Rückgangserscheinungen an infizierten Reben besteht nicht. B.: Das Ausmaß möglicher Rückgangserscheinungen ist abhängig von der Bewirtschaftung des Rebbestands, wobei der Bodenbewirtschaftung eine maßgebliche Rolle zukommt.
Um diese Hypothesen zu überprüfen wurde ableitend von den Zielen der Arbeit ein Reblausbonitursystem zur Erfassung der Reblausabudanz im Freiland im Boden erarbeitet. Die besonderen Schwierigkeiten bei der Erfassung des Reblausbefalls im Boden aufgrund des stark variierenden Wurzelsystems der Rebe und dem ebenfalls stark schwankenden Reblausbefalls an der Wurzel der Rebe wurde mit dem Reblausbonitursystem (Grabungen) Rechnung getragen, sodass ein valides System zur Beurteilung des Reblausbefalls auch im jahreszeitlichen Verlauf erstellt worden konnte. Damit wurde ein Reblausbonitursystem geschaffen, das auch in praktischer Anwendung durchführbar ist und somit mit seiner höheren möglichen Replikationsrate bei der Probenentnahme dem stark variierenden Charakter des Reblausbefalls im Boden Rechnung trägt.
Um Rückgangserscheinungen in einem Weinberg nachhaltig analysieren zu können, wurde ein Wuchsbonitursystem evaluiert. Dieses System beurteilt alle Reben einer Rebfläche innerhalb eines einfachen für den Menschen kognitiv sehr gut verarbeitenden Bewertungssystem zum Wuchs der Reben. Damit ist eine Erfassung einer sehr großen Datenmenge zur Beurteilung des Wuchses auf einem Rebfeld möglich. Die Korrelation des mit dem System ermittelten Wuchses zu vielen Leistungsparametern der Rebe und den Gegebenheiten auf den Versuchsflächen zeigt die hohe Validität des Wuchsbonitursystems auf. Auch konnten Wuchsunterschiede in sehr differierenden Versuchsfeldern mit dieser Methode deutlich belegt werden. Damit wurde deutlich, dass mit dieser Wuchsboniturmethode die Rückgangserscheinungen in einer Rebfläche erkannt und analysiert werden konnten. Somit konnten mit den beiden Instrumenten der Wuchs- und Reblausbonitur die beiden Arbeitshypothesen dahingehend belegt werden, dass unter Verwendung der Unterlagensorten der Kreuzungskombination V. berlandieri x V. riparia kein Zusammenhang zwischen der Reblausdichte im Boden und Rückgangserscheinungen der Rebe vorliegen. Darüber hinaus konnte belegt werden, dass in Erweiterung dieser Erkenntnis das Ausmaß der Rückganserscheinungen bei Reben maßgeblich von der Art der Bewirtschaftung abhängt und somit deutlich abzutrennen ist vom Einfluss des Reblausbefalls. Vor allem konnte durch die vorliegende Arbeit unter Einbeziehung des Wuchsbonitursystems eine Methode erarbeitet werden, die in Zukunft bei der Beurteilung von Fernerkundungsdaten ein nützliches Instrument darstellt, um die wirklichen Gegebenheiten hinsichtlich des Wuchses der Reben auf Weinbergsflächen mit den berechneten Werten zu Wuchsindizes zu korrelieren.
Aufgrund oftmals erhöhter Arsen- und Schwermetallgehalte in den Oberböden von Auen ist eine Verwertung von Auenböden, zum Beispiel im Rahmen von Renaturierungsmaßnahmen, oftmals schwierig, da keine auenspezifische Bewertungsgrundlage für dieser Stoffgehalte vorliegt.
Am Beispiel der Lippeaue erfolgte auf Grundlage abgeleiteter Haupteinflussfaktoren für die Konzentration von Arsen- und Schwermetallen in den Oberböden die Ableitung von Hintergrundgehalten. Die Metall- und Schwermetallgehalte in den Oberböden der Lippeaue lagen i. d. R. erwartungsgemäß oberhalb der in der Praxis verwendeten Einstufungswerte (z. B. Vorsorgewerte der BBodSchV, Hintergrundwerte von NRW), die sich allerdings auf Standorte außerhalb der Aue beziehen.
Anhand von gewonnen Daten aus Projektarbeiten im Zuge der Umsetzung der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie (z. B. bodenkundliche und ingenieurgeologische Profilaufnahme, bodenmechanische Laborversuche) und ergänzend durchgeführter Untersuchungen, wie z. B. Bodentypenkartierung und mineralogische Untersuchungen, erfolgte eine detaillierte Standortcharakterisierung der Böden in der Lippeaue.
Auf Basis der abgeleiteten Hintergrundgehalte wurden unter Berücksichtigung der ermittelten Bodenkennwerte und Einflussgrößen auenspezifische Einbauregeln abgeleitet. Mit dem Ziel einer praktikablen Anwendbarkeit wurde eine auf die wesentlichen Kenngrößen reduzierte Bewertungsmatrix erarbeitet. Bei geplanten baulichen Eingriffen in den Boden kann nun mit den lippeauenspezifischen Einbauwerten für Arsen und Schwermetalle anhand konventioneller Parameter für jeden Standort ermittelt werden, ob besonders günstige oder ungünstige Bedingungen für einen potenziellen Wiedereinbau vorliegen. Die abgeleiteten Hintergrundgehalte und Einbauwerte verstehen sich dabei als – auf Basis der aktuellen Datenlage abgeleitete – Handlungsempfehlung und Orientierung zur Bewertung von Böden im Hinblick auf einen gebietsübergreifenden Wiedereinbau in der Lippeaue.
This working paper examines the concept of metabolism and its potential as a critical analytical lens to study the contemporary city from a political perspective. The paper illustrates how the metabolism concept has been used historically, both as a metaphor to describe the technological, social, political and economic dimensions of human-environment relations, and as a concrete analytical tool to quantify and better understand how flows of matter and energy shape the territorial and spatial configurations of cityscapes. Drawing on the example of the urban water metabolism of the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area (GAMA), it is argued that contemporary approaches to metabolic analysis should be extended in two ways to increase the integrative potential of the urban water metabolism concept. On the one hand, the paper demonstrates that a political ecology approach is particularly well-suited to illuminate the contested production of urban environments and move beyond a narrow technical, managerial and state- centric focus in research on urban metabolic relations. On the other hand, the paper advocates for an approach to metabolic analysis that views the urban environment not simply as a relatively static exteriority that is produced by dynamic flows of matter, energy and information, but rather as a dynamic, nested and co-evolutionary network of complex biosocial and material relations, which in itself shapes how various metabolisms interact across scales. The paper then concludes by briefly discussing how a combination of metabolic analysis and political ecology research can inform urban water governance. In sum, the paper emphasizes the need for metabolic analysis to remain open to a plurality of different knowledge forms and perspectives, and to remain attentive to the inherently political nature of material and technological phenomena in order to allow for mutually beneficial exchanges between various scholarly communities.
The impacts of intense urbanization and associated urban land-use change along coastlines is vast and unprecedented. Several coasts of the world have been be subjected to human-induced coastal changes and it is imperative to monitor, assess and quantify them. This paper provides the state-of-the-art discourses on the changing dynamics of urban land-use driven by the forces of urbanization. Drawing on extant literature mainly from Web of Science and Google scholar, the status quo of the spatio-temporal dynamics of urbanization and urban change processes were explored with specific focus on global, Africa, Ghana and an actual case of Accra coast. Findings show whilst urbanization continues to increase exponentially, urban land also continue to change markedly. Current trends and patterns shows that changing urban dynamics exhibit are distinctly different from that of the past. Particularly, the rate, magnitude, geographic location, urban forms and functions are changing. In the specific case of Accra coast, there is general trend of urbanization moving outwards, i.e. from the core city centre towards the peripheral areas. Additionally, spatial urban pattern is dominated by urban sprawl, characterized by the cyclical process of diffusion and coalescence. The processes of urbanization are further exacerbated within coastal areas with a new and unique spatial urban form, “tourism urbanization” emerging. This new urban form is largely driven by rapid expansion of tourist infrastructure, developing at the instance of government policy to develop coastal tourism. In addition, the coastal conurbation of Accra-Tema is a powerful hub for industrial and commercial activities, which is drawing huge “humanline” to- wards the coastline. The literature illustrates that contemporary approaches and conceptualizations for urbanization and urban land-use change analysis be extended particularly from the mere focus on statistical classifications of cities in different size categories. With the urban fringe spreading outwardly, it should be kept in mind that new forms of urban settlements are emerging along with varying sizes. Considering the multiple scales, magnitude and rates involved as well as the geospatial patterns of urban change processes, experimental case studies that include coastal cities, Peri-urban fringes and interconnections with rural areas across a range of urbanization processes is essential and very urgent.
The main socio-ecological pressures in five wetlands in the Greater Accra Region were first identified and then summarized by reviewing the relevant literature. As a second step, fieldwork in the region was carried out in 2016 to further examine the pressures identified in the literature. Most research on the wetlands in Ghana was published around the year 2000. Yet, similar socio-ecological pressures persist today. Based on both, fieldwork observations and the literature review, these pressures were ranked using the IUCN pressures system analysis framework. It is suggested that further research needs to proceed with uncovering how trade-offs between ecosystem and quality of life can be defined.
In a first step, this paper analyses the emergence of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as new global development framework with regard to key actors, social learning cycles, innovation platforms, fundamental policy changes and transition dynamics towards sustainability. In a second step, it traces the convolution of social, political and environmental dimensions, social power relations and governance paradigms embedded in the drafting process and final framework of the water related SDG 6. This research concludes that the SDGs induced important paradigm and policy changes in addition to rearranging existing power relations.
Stakeholder Mapping
This report presents the results of a stakeholder mapping exercise carried out in the WaterPower project. The mapping was conducted for the following main research areas of the project: water supply, land use planning and management, wetland management and climate change adaptation/disaster risk reduction. The report gives an overview of the stakeholders that play a role in these respective areas and identifies those who have concomitant responsibilities in different sectors. It represents the first step towards further involvement of stakeholders in the WaterPower project.
In the first overview lecture, we take a look at conceptualizations of water – from the hydrological cycle to socio-political perspectives on water. During the 20th century, water management developed from traditional uses and local industrial schemes to the “hydraulic paradigm” and finally, to the concept of modern water governance at the turn of the millennium. We will raise the question of whether there has truly been a paradigm shift from the natural, science based hydraulic paradigm to water governance and how dual- isms of culture/society and nature are still being reproduced. With this in mind, we will also take an introductory look at the much talked about global water crisis.
GIS – what can and what can’t it say about social relations in adaptation to urban flood risk?
Urban flooding cannot be avoided entirely and in all areas, particularly in coastal cities. Therefore adaptation to the growing risk is necessary. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) based knowledge on risk informs location-based approach to adaptation to climate risk. It allows managing city- wide coordination of adaptation measures, reducing adverse impacts of local strategies on neighbouring areas to the minimum. Quantitative assessments dominate GIS applications in flood risk management, for instance to demonstrate the distribution of people and assets in a flood prone area. Qualitative, participatory approaches to GIS are on the rise but have not been applied in the context of flooding yet. The overarching research question of this working paper is: what can GIS, and what can it not say about relationships / social relations in adaptation to urban flood risk? The use of GIS in risk mapping has exposed environmental injustices. Applications of GIS further allow model- ling future flood risk in function of demographic and land use changes, and combining it with decision support systems (DSS). While such GIS applications provide invaluable information for urban planners steering adaptation they however fall short on revealing the social relations that shape individual and household adaptation decisions. The relevance of networked social relations in adaptation to flood risk has been demonstrated in case studies, and extensively in the literature on organizational learning and adaptation to change. The purpose of this literature review is to identify the type of social relations that shape adaptive capacities towards urban flood risk which can- not be identified in a conventional GIS application.
Understanding the mechanisms that shape access to the fisheries ecosystem service in Tsokomey, Accra
Questions of access to ecosystem services remain largely unaddressed. Yet, in the coming decades, addressing access to services and securing them for livelihoods and well-being of people will likely gain importance, especially to guide according policies at the local scale. Through a qualitative approach, this paper addresses the mechanisms that shape access to the fisheries eco- system service in Accra, Ghana. The analysis uses a framework that focuses on access to land, tools and technology, knowledge and information, capital and credit, as well as labor. This research reveals how access is organized across the different categories of this framework and how people’s well-being is shaped. Moreover, it helps to further our understanding of what regulates the access to ecosystem services and how to address future shocks and capacity in terms of production of ecosystem services.
The rate and range of ongoing changes in social and ecological systems and particularly the global environmental degradation illustrates the need of holistic and sustainable approaches for the governance of natural resources to ensure their well-functioning for future generations (Rockström et al. 2009). The narrative of common pool resources system such as SES of small-scale fisheries, reports world-wide of stock collapse, environmental degradation and overexploitation (Cinner et al. 2013). In order to understand the complexity of system interactions in those resource systems, the consideration of local scale specific phenomena is of great relevance (Ostrom 2007b). The focus of this thesis consequently is the social-ecological system of a small scale fishery in a heavily urbanised coastal wetland on the fringes of Ghana ́s capital Accra. With the theoretical foundation of the social-ecological system (SES) theory (Folke et al. 2004; Berkes et al. 2003; G. S. Cumming 2011) and the social-ecological system framework (SESF) by Ostrom (2007a) and McGinnis & Ostrom (2014) as analytical tool, the study ex- amines the role of the fishers as focal actor group and the governance system based on traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) (Berkes et al. 2003). While the common narrative of system collapse is partly confirmed for the focal system, also contradicting findings about the diversity of the actor group, their sustainable and responsible exploitation of the deltas resources have been found, that rather illustrate the fishers as potential cooperation partners for the development of sustainable governance strategies (see Hollup 2000) than simply as bur- den to the system. However, the results also show that in order to achieve sustainable outcomes in the focal SES, so far unsuccessful top-down governance efforts have to work cooperatively with the fishers to challenge the multiple threats to the system from external perturbation and internal changes, in the long run.
As in many other cities of the Global South, in Accra and its Greater Metropolitan Area (GAMA) water provision for drinking, domestic and productive uses is coproduced by multiple provisioning and delivery modalities. This paper contributes to the overall understanding of sociospatial conditions of urban water (in)security in GAMA. By looking at the geography of infrastructure and inequalities in water access, it seeks to identify patterns of uneven access to water. The first part provides an overview of urban water supply in GAMA, focusing on water infrastructure and the perspective of water providers. In the second part, households’ access strategies are discussed by combining both quantitative and qualitative perspectives. The paper brings together literature research and empirical material collected during fieldwork in the Ghanaian capital city.
This literature review was conducted to identify important wetlands in the Greater Accra Region and to illustrate dominant research trends, prevailing perspectives and corresponding research gaps. Six wetlands systems were identified as most significant lagoon systems, namely the Densu Delta, Sakumo, Muni-Pomadze, Keta, Korle and Songor Lagoons. Research foci for each of the respective wetlands were extrapolated and summarized in a category system. The frequency of different categories illustrates that natural science’s perspectives dominate, as most of Accra’s lagoons have been studied with regard to their ecological, physical and chemical properties. The development of research interest over time and focus on ecological baseline conditions are related to the designation of Ramsar Sites and orientation of national policies towards environmental protection. A research gap was identified, as studies link their findings to human activities but neglect the connection between governance variables and environmental developments. It is suggested to expand the natural science’s perspective on Accra’s wetlands to account for social and political aspects in order to develop a holistic and more sustainable management strategy.
This paper provides an overview of five major shifts in urban water supply governance in relation to changing paradigms in the water sector as a whole and in water-related research: i) the municipal hydraulic paradigm in the Global North; ii) its travel to cities in the Global South; iii) the shift from government to governance; iv) the (private) utility model and v) its contestation. The articulation of each shift in the Ghanaian context is described from the creation of the first water supply system during colonial time to the recent contestation against private corporate sector participation. Current challenges are outlined together with new pathways for researching urban water governance. The paper is based on a literature review conducted in 2015 and serves as a background study for further research within the WaterPower project.
This working paper outlines analytical pathways that could contribute to deepening the understanding of water inequalities in cities of the Global South. It brings together the status quo of research on water inequalities in Accra, the capital of Ghana, and studies on Environmental Justice. In doing so, it argues for the need to analytically distinguish between the terms ‘(in)equality’ and ‘(in)justice’. Studying everyday water practices and per- spectives on water (in)justice of different stakeholders would be a suitable entry point for an in-depth ethnographic study that analytically separates water inequalities and water injustices but considers their interlinkages. The working paper is based on a literature review conducted in 2015 in the scope of the WaterPower project.
Both water scarcity and flood risk are increasingly turning into safety concerns for many urban dwellers and, consequently, become increasingly politicised. This development involves a reconfiguration of the academic land- scape around urban risk, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change research. This paper is a literature assessment of concepts on disaster risk, vulnerability and adaptation and their applicability to the context of studying water in an African city. An overview on water-related risk in African cities is presented and concepts and respective disciplinary backgrounds reviewed. Recent debates that have emerged from the application of risk, vulnerability and adaptation concepts in research and policy practice are presented. Finally the applicability of these concepts as well as the relevance and implications of recent debates for studying water in African cities is discussed. ‘Riskscape’ is proposed as a conceptual frame for close and integrated analysis of water related risk in an African city.
Global food security poses large challenges to a fast changing human society and has been a key topic for scientists, agriculturist, and policy makers in the 21st century. The United Nation predicts a total world population of 9.15 billion in 2050 and defines the provision of food security as the second major point in the UN Sustainable Development Goals. As the capacities of both, land and water resources, are finite and locally heavily overused, reducing agriculture’s environmental impact while meeting an increasing demand for food of a constantly growing population is one of the greatest challenges of our century. Therefore, a multifaceted solution is required, including approaches using geospatial data to optimize agricultural food production.
The availability of precise and up-to-date information on vegetation parameters is mandatory to fulfill the requirements of agricultural applications. Direct field measurements of such vegetation parameters are expensive and time-consuming. On the contrary, remote sensing offers a variety of techniques for a cost-effective and non-destructive retrieval of vegetation parameters. Although not widely used, hyperspectral thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing has demonstrated being a valuable addition to existing remote sensing techniques for the retrieval of vegetation parameters.
This thesis examined the potential of TIR imaging spectroscopy as an important contribution to the growing need of food security. The main scientific question dealt with the extraction of vegetation parameters from imaging TIR spectroscopy. To this end, two studies impressively demonstrated the ability of extracting vegetation related parameters from leaf emissivity spectra: (i) the discrimination of eight plant species based on their emissivity spectra and (ii) the detection of drought stress in potato plants using temperature measures and emissivity spectra.
The datasets used in these studies were collected using the Telops Hyper-Cam LW, a novel imaging spectrometer. Since this FTIR spectrometer presents some particularities, special attention was paid on the development of dedicated experimental data acquisition setups and on data processing chains. The latter include data preprocessing and the development of algorithms for extracting precise surface temperatures, reproducible emissivity spectra and, in the end, vegetation parameters.
The spectrometer’s versatility allows the collection of airborne imaging spectroscopy datasets. Since the general availability of airborne TIR spectrometers is limited, the preprocessing and
data extraction methods are underexplored compared to reflective remote sensing. This counts especially for atmospheric correction (AC) and temperature and emissivity separation (TES) algorithms. Therefore, we implemented a powerful simulation environment for the development of preprocessing algorithms for airborne hyperspectral TIR image data. This simulation tool is designed in a modular way and includes the image data acquisition and processing chain from surface temperature and emissivity to the final at-sensor radiance data. It includes a series of available algorithms for TES, AC as well as combined AC and TES approaches. Using this simulator, one of the most promising algorithms for the preprocessing of airborne TIR data – ARTEMISS – was significantly optimized. The retrieval error of the atmospheric water vapor during the atmospheric characterization was reduced. As a result, this improvement in atmospheric characterization accuracy enhanced the subsequent retrieval of surface temperatures and surface emissivities intensely.
Although, the potential of hyperspectral TIR applications in ecology, agriculture, and biodiversity has been impressively demonstrated, a serious contribution to a global provision of food security requires the retrieval of vegetation related parameters with global coverage, high spatial resolution and at high revisit frequencies.
Emerging from the findings in this thesis, the spectral configuration of a spaceborne TIR spectrometer concept was developed. The sensors spectral configuration aims at the retrieval of precise land surface temperatures and land surface emissivity spectra. Complemented with additional characteristics, i.e. short revisit times and a high spatial resolution, this sensor potentially allows the retrieval of valuable vegetation parameters needed for agricultural optimizations. The technical feasibility of such a sensor concept underlines the potential contribution to the multifaceted solution required for achieving the challenging goal of guaranteeing global food security in a world of increasing population.
In conclusion, thermal remote sensing and more precisely hyperspectral thermal remote sensing has been presented as a valuable technique for a variety of applications contributing to the final goal of a global food security.
Finding behavioral parameterization for a 1-D water balance model by multi-criteria evaluation
Evapotranspiration is often estimated by numerical simulation. However, to produce accurate simulations, these models usually require on-site measurements for parameterization or calibration. We have to make sure that the model realistically reproduces both, the temporal patterns of soil moisture and evapotranspiration. In this study, we combine three sources of information: (i) measurements of sap velocities; (ii) soil moisture; and (iii) expert knowledge on local runoff generation and water balance to define constraints for a “behavioral” forest stand water balance model. Aiming for a behavioral model, we adjusted soil moisture at saturation, bulk resistance parameters and the parameters of the water retention curve (WRC). We found that the shape of the WRC influences substantially the behavior of the simulation model. Here, only one model realization could be referred to as “behavioral”. All other realizations failed for a least one of our evaluation criteria: Not only transpiration and soil moisture are simulated consistently with our observations, but also total water balance and runoff generation processes. The introduction of a multi-criteria evaluation scheme for the detection of unrealistic outputs made it possible to identify a well performing parameter set. Our findings indicate that measurement of different fluxes and state variables instead of just one and expert knowledge concerning runoff generation facilitate the parameterization of a hydrological model.
Because EU water quality policy can result in infrastructure creation or adaptation at the local level across member states, compliance cases are worth examining critically from a sustainable spatial planning perspective. In this study, the 2000 EU Water Framework Directive’s (WFD) reach to local implementation efforts in average towns and cities is shown through the case study of nonconforming household wastewater infrastructure in the German state of Rhineland Palatinate. Seeing wastewater as a socio-technical infrastructure, we ask how the WFD implementation can be understood in the context of local infrastructure development, sustainability, and spatial planning concepts. In particular, this study examines what compliance meant for the centralization or decentralization of local wastewater infrastructure systems—and the sustainability implications for cities
from those choices.
Background: Increasing exposure to engineered inorganic nanoparticles takes actually place in both terrestric and aquatic ecosystems worldwide. Although we already know harmful effects of AgNP on the soil bacterial community, information about the impact of the factors functionalization, concentration, exposure time, and soil texture on the AgNP effect expression are still rare. Hence, in this study, three soils of different grain size were exposed for up to 90 days to bare and functionalized AgNP in concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 1.00 mg/kg soil dry weight. Effects on soil microbial community were quantified by various biological parameters, including 16S rRNA gene, photometric, and fluorescence analyses.
Results: Multivariate data analysis revealed significant effects of AgNP exposure for all factors and factor combinations investigated. Analysis of individual factors (silver species, concentration, exposure time, soil texture) in the unifactorial ANOVA explained the largest part of the variance compared to the error variance. In depth analysis of factor combinations revealed even better explanation of variance. For the biological parameters assessed in this study, the matching of soil texture and silver species, and the matching of soil texture and exposure time were the two most relevant factor combinations. The factor AgNP concentration contributed to a lower extent to the effect expression compared to silver species, exposure time and physico–chemical composition of soil.
Conclusions: The factors functionalization, concentration, exposure time, and soil texture significantly impacted the effect expression of AgNP on the soil microbial community. Especially long-term exposure scenarios are strongly needed for the reliable environmental impact assessment of AgNP exposure in various soil types.
Der vorliegende Artikel beschreibt die klimatische Situation des Naturparks Saar-Hunsrück. Neben der Einordnung der Region in die großskalige klimatische Zirkulation werden die wesentlichen Klimaelemente beschrieben. Da sich die Klimaelemente mit zunehmender Höhe verändern, bestimmt im unteren Saartal, im Saar-Nahe-Bergland und Hunsrück mit Osburger Hochwald, Schwarzwälder Hochwald und Idarwald die Höhenlage entscheidend die räumliche Struktur der einzelnen Klimaelemente. Die Niederschlagsverteilung zeigt deutlich den Luveffekt in den westlichen Teilen des Naturparks und die Abnahme der Niederschlagshöhen in nordöstlicher Richtung. Die räumlichen Muster der mittleren und maximalen Lufttemperatur folgen der Topographie, während Minimalwerte der Temperatur ein weniger differenziertes Bild zeigen. In den tiefer gelegenen Regionen des Naturparks treten 4-7 Hitzetage in langjährigen Mittel auf, in den Hochlagen des Hunsrücks werden nur noch 1-3 Tage / Jahr beobachtet. Oberhalb der 600 m-Höhenlinie ergeben sich im Mittel 110-130 Frosttage im Jahr, im südwestlichen Teil des Naturparks geht die Zahl auf 50 Tage / Jahr zurück. Die mittlere Anzahl der Tage mit Schneedecke liegt, bezogen auf das Areal des Naturparks, insgesamt zwischen 10 und 90 Tagen pro Jahr. Ihre Veränderung infolge des regionalen Klimawandels zeigt eine Abnahme zwischen 3-15 Tagen pro Jahr zwischen den Zeiträumen 1961-1990 und 1981-2010. Die aktuelle Sonnenscheindauer beträgt im westlichen Teil des Naturparks im Mittel 1500-1600 Sonnenscheinstunden pro Jahr, im südöstlichen Teil werden bis 1600 Stunden pro Jahr erreicht.
In the present study a non-motion-stabilized scanning Doppler lidar was operated on board of RV Polarstern in the Arctic (June 2014) and Antarctic (December 2015– January 2016). This is the first time that such a system measured on an icebreaker in the Antarctic. A method for a motion correction of the data in the post-processing is presented.
The wind calculation is based on vertical azimuth display (VAD) scans with eight directions that pass a quality control. Additionally a method for an empirical signal-tonoise ratio (SNR) threshold is presented, which can be calculated for individual measurement set-ups. Lidar wind profiles are compared to total of about 120 radiosonde profiles and also to wind measurements of the ship.
The performance of the lidar measurements in comparison with radio soundings generally shows small root mean square deviation (bias) for wind speed of around 1ms-1(0.1ms-1) and for wind direction of around 10 (1). The post-processing of the non-motion-stabilized data shows comparably high quality to studies with motion-stabilized systems.
Two case studies show that a flexible change in SNR threshold can be beneficial for special situations. Further the studies reveal that short-lived low-level jets in the atmospheric boundary layer can be captured by lidar measurements with a high temporal resolution in contrast to routine radio soundings. The present study shows that a non-motionstabilized Doppler lidar can be operated successfully on an
icebreaker. It presents a processing chain including quality control tests and error quantification, which is useful for further measurement campaigns.
Species can show strong variation of local abundance across their ranges. Recent analyses suggested that variation in abundance can be related to environmental suitability, as the highest abundances are often observed in populations living in the most suitable areas. However, there is limited information on the mechanisms through which variation in environmental suitability determines abundance. We analysed populations of the microendemic salamander Hydromantes flavus, and tested several hypotheses on potential relationships linking environmental suitability to population parameters. For multiple populations across the whole species range, we assessed suitability using species distribution models, and measured density, activity level, food intake and body condition index. In high-suitability sites, the density of salamanders was up to 30-times higher than in the least suitable ones. Variation in activity levels and population performance can explain such variation of abundance. In high-suitability sites, salamanders were active close to the surface, and showed a low frequency of empty stomachs. Furthermore, when taking into account seasonal variation, body condition was better in the most suitable sites. Our results show that the strong relationship between environmental suitability and population abundance can be mediated by the variation of parameters strongly linked to individual performance and fitness.
The changing views on the evolutionary relationships of extant Salamandridae (Amphibia: Urodela)
The phylogenetic relationships among members of the family Salamandridae have been repeatedly investigated over the last 90 years, with changing character and taxon sampling. We review the changing composition and the phylogenetic position of salamandrid genera and species groups and add a new phylogeny based exclusively on sequences of nuclear genes. Salamandrina often changed its position depending on the characters used. It was included several times in a clade together with the primitive newts (Echinotriton, Pleurodeles, Tylototriton) due to their seemingly ancestral morphology. The latter were often inferred as a monophyletic clade. Respective monophyly was almost consistently established in all molecular studies for true salamanders (Chioglossa, Lyciasalamandra, Mertensiella, Salamandra), modern Asian newts (Cynops, Laotriton, Pachytriton, Paramesotriton) and modern New World newts (Notophthalmus, Taricha). Reciprocal non-monophyly has been established through molecular studies for the European mountain newts (Calotriton, Euproctus) and the modern European newts (Ichthyosaura, Lissotriton, Neurergus, Ommatotriton, Triturus) since Calotriton was identified as the sister lineage of Triturus. In pre-molecular studies, their respective monophyly had almost always been assumed, mainly because a complex courtship behaviour shared by their respective members. Our nuclear tree is nearly identical to a mito-genomic tree, with all but one node being highly supported. The major difference concerns the position of Calotriton, which is no longer nested within the modern European newts. This has implications for the evolution of courtship behaviour of European newts. Within modern European newts, Ichthyosaura and Lissotriton changed their position compared to the mito-genomic tree. Previous molecular trees based on seemingly large nuclear data sets, but analysed together with mitochondrial data, did not reveal monophyly of modern European newts since taxon sampling and nuclear gene coverage was too poor to obtain conclusive results. We therefore conclude that mitochondrial and nuclear data should be analysed on their own.