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Les carnets paraissent deux fois par an et offrent aux dirigeant(e)s des écoles ainsi qu’au personnel des fondements théoriques et du matériel pratique pour la mise en oeuvre d’un développement scolaire démocratique. Chaque publication traite d’une méthode de l’éducation à la démocratie ou d’une question stratégique du développement scolaire. Les carnets en langue allemande sont mis à la disposition des écoles luxembourgeoises en version imprimée. L’ensemble du matériel ainsi que la version en langue française sont disponibles en ligne.
Strategien der Komik im Internet-Meme - Ambivalente Funktionen einer internationalen Populärkultur
Internet-Memes sind ein globales, populäres Medium, oft und zumeist unproblematisiert rezipiert und in ihrer Komik meist nur fragmentarisch, auf bestimmte Aspekte fokussiert analysiert. Die vorliegende Arbeit bemüht sich um eine möglichst umfassende Darstellung der Komik in Memes basierend auf klassischen und modernen Komikkategorien. Auf Grundlage einer umfassend-kritischen Synthese der vorliegenden Fachliteratur und eines präzisen Analysemodells kann so eine begründete Diskussion über memetische Komik, ihre Funktionen und ihre positiven wie problematischen Aspekte geführt werden.
Optimal Error Bounds in Normal and Edgeworth Approximation of Symmetric Binomial and Related Laws
This thesis explores local and global normal and Edgeworth approximations for symmetric
binomial distributions. Further, it examines the normal approximation of convolution powers
of continuous and discrete uniform distributions.
We obtain the optimal constant in the local central limit theorem for symmetric binomial
distributions and its analogs in higher-order Edgeworth approximation. Further, we offer a
novel proof for the known optimal constant in the global central limit theorem for symmetric
binomial distributions using Fourier inversion. We also consider the effect of simple continuity
correction in the global central limit theorem for symmetric binomial distributions. Here, and in
higher-order Edgeworth approximation, we found optimal constants and asymptotically sharp
bounds on the approximation error. Furthermore, we prove asymptotically sharp bounds on the
error in the local case of a relative normal approximation to symmetric binomial distributions.
Additionally, we provide asymptotically sharp bounds on the approximation error in the local
central limit theorem for convolution powers of continuous and discrete uniform distributions.
Our methods include Fourier inversion formulae, explicit inequalities, and Edgeworth expansions, some of which may be of independent interest.
Income is one of the key indicators to measure regional differences, individual opportunities, and inequalities in society. In Germany, the regional distribution of income is a central concern, especially regarding persistent East-West, North-South, or urban-rural inequalities.
Effective local policies and institutions require reliable data and indicators on
regional inequality. However, its measurement faces severe data limitations: Inconsistencies
in the existing microdata sources yield an inconclusive picture of regional inequality.
While survey data provide a wide range of individual and household information but lack top incomes, tax data contain the most reliable income records but offer a limited range of socio-demographic variables essential for income analysis. In addition, information on the
long-term evolution of the income distribution at the small-scale level is scarce.
In this context, this thesis evaluates regional income inequality in Germany from various perspectives and embeds three self-contained studies in Chapters 3, 4, and 5, which present different data integration approaches. The first chapter motivates this thesis, while the second chapter provides a brief overview of the theoretical and empirical concepts as well
as the datasets, highlighting the need to combine data from different sources.
Chapter 3 tackles the issue of poor coverage of top incomes in surveys, also referred to as the ’missing rich’ problem, which leads to severe underestimation of income inequality. At the regional level this shortcoming is even more eminent due to small regional sample sizes. Based on reconciled tax and survey data, this chapter therefore proposes a new multiple
imputation top income correction approach that, unlike previous research, focuses on the regional rather than the national level. The findings indicate that inequality between and within the regions is much larger than previously understood with the magnitude of the adjustment depending on the federal states’ level of inequality in the tail. To increase the potential of the tax data for income analysis and to overcome the lack
of socio-demographic characteristics, Chapter 4 enriches the tax data with information on education and working time from survey data. For that purpose, a simulation study evaluates missing data methods and performant prediction models, finding that Multinomial
Regression and Random Forest are the most suitable methods for the specific data fusion scenario. The results indicate that data fusion approaches broaden the scope for regional inequality analysis from cross-sectional enhanced tax data.
Shifting from a cross-sectional to a longitudinal perspective on regional income inequality, Chapter 5 contributes to the currently relatively small body of literature dealing with the potential development of regional income disparities over time. Regionalized dynamic microsimulations provide a powerful tool for the study of long-term income developments. Therefore, this chapter extends the microsimulation model MikroSim with an income module
that accounts for the individual, household, and regional context. On this basis, the potential dynamics in gender and migrant income gaps across the districts in Germany are simulated under scenarios of increased full-time employment rates and higher levels
of tertiary education. The results show that the scenarios have regionally differing effects on inequality dynamics, highlighting the considerable potential of dynamic microsimulations for regional evidence-based policies. For the German case, the MikroSim model is well suited to analyze future regional developments and can be flexibly adapted for further specific research questions.
Der vorliegende Beitrag greift die öffentliche Diskussion um den rechtspolitischen Umgang mit Hass, Hetze und Antisemitismus auf, die insbesondere nach dem Terroranschlag der Hamas am 07.10.2023 an Intensität und Dringlichkeit zugenommen hat. Dabei beleuchtet er einerseits das Straf- und Zivilrecht, legt andererseits einen besonderen Fokus auf öffentlich-rechtliche Konstellationen. Auf jedem dieser Gebiete werden Schwächen und Potenziale des Rechts und der Rechtsprechung aufgezeigt, zugleich aber auch die Grenzen staatlicher Gewalt verdeutlicht. Denn letztlich handelt es sich um ein gesellschaftliches Problem, dem – trotz aller Notwendigkeit staatlichen Handelns – in erster Linie durch Information, und erst in zweiter Linie durch das Recht begegnet werden muss.
This thesis consists of four highly related chapters examining China’s rise in the aluminium industry. The first chapter addresses the conditions that allowed China, which first entered the market in the 1950s, to rise to world leadership in aluminium production. Although China was a latecomer, its re-entry into the market after the oil crises in the 1970s was a success and led to its ascent as the world’s largest aluminium producer by 2001. With an estimated production of 40.4 million tonnes in 2022, China represented almost 60% of the global output. Chapter 1 examines the factors underlying this success, such as the decline of international aluminium cartels, the introduction of innovative technology, the US granting China the MFN tariff status, Chinese-specific factors, and supportive government policies. Chapter 2 develops a mathematical model to analyze firms’ decisions in the short term. It examines how an incumbent with outdated technology and a new entrant with access to a new type of technology make strategic decisions, including the incumbent’s decision whether to deter entry, the production choice of firms, the optimal technology adoption rate of the newcomer, and cartel formation. Chapter 3 focuses on the adoption of new technology by firms upon market entry in four scenarios: firstly, a free market Cournot competition; secondly, a situation in which the government determines technology adoption rates; thirdly, a scenario in which the government controls both technology and production; and finally, a scenario where the government dictates technology adoption rates, production levels, and also the number of market participants. Chapter 4 applies the Spencer and Brander (1983) framework to examine strategic industrial policy. The model assumes that there are two exporting firms in two different countries that sell a product to a third country. We examine how the domestic firm is influenced by government intervention, such as the provision of a fixed-cost subsidy to improve its competitiveness relative to the foreign company. Chapter 4 initially investigates a scenario where only one government offers a fixed-cost subsidy, followed by an analysis of the case when both governments simultaneously provide financial help. Taken together, these chapters provide a comprehensive analysis of the strategic, technological, and political factors contributing to China’s leadership in the global aluminium industry.
Chapter 1: The Rise of China as a Latecomer in the Global Aluminium Industry
This chapter examines China’s remarkable transformation into a global leader in the aluminium industry, a sector in which the country accounted for approximately 58.9% of worldwide production in 2022. We examine how China, a latecomer to the aluminium industry that started off with labor-intensive technology in 1953, grew into the largest aluminium producer with some of the most advanced smelters in the world. This analysis identifies and discusses several opportunities that Chinese aluminium producers took advantage of. The first set of opportunities happened during the 1970s oil crises, which softened international competition and allowed China to acquire innovative smelting technology from Japan. The second set of opportunities started at about the same time when China opened its economy in 1978. The substantial demand for aluminium in China is influenced by both external and internal factors. Externally, the US granted China’s MFN tariff status in 1980 and China entered the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001. Both events contributed to a surge in Chinese aluminium consumption. Internally, China’s investment-led growth model boosted further its aluminium demand. Additional factors specific to China, such as low labor costs and the abundance of coal as an energy source, offer Chinese firms competitive advantages against international players. Furthermore, another window of opportunity is due to Chinese governmental policies, including phasing out old technology, providing subsidies, and gradually opening the economy to enhance domestic competition before expanding globally. By describing these elements, the study provides insights into the dynamic interplay of external circumstances and internal strategies that contributed to the success of the Chinese aluminium industry.
Chapter 2: Technological Change and Strategic Choices for Incumbent and New Entrant
This chapter introduces an oligopoly model that includes two actors: an incumbent and a potential entrant, that compete in the same market. We assume that two participants are located in different parts of the market: the incumbent is situated in area 1, whereas the potential entrant may venture into the other region, area 2. The incumbent exists in stage zero, where it can decide whether to deter the newcomer’s entry. A new type of technology exists in period one, when the newcomer may enter the market. In the short term, the incumbent is trapped with the outdated technology, while the new entrant may choose to partially or completely adopt the latest technology. Our results suggest the following: Firstly, the incumbent only tries to deter the new entrant if a condition for entry cost is met. Secondly, the new entrant is only interested in forming a cartel with the incumbent if a function of the ratio of the variable to new technology’s fixed-cost parameters is sufficiently high. Thirdly, if the newcomer asks to form a cartel, the incumbent will always accept this request. Finally, we can obtain the optimal new technology adoption rate for the newcomer.
Chapter 3: Technological Adoption and Welfare in Cournot Oligopoly
This study examines the difference between the optimal technology adoption rates chosen by firms in a homogeneous Cournot oligopoly and that preferred by a benevolent government upon firms’ market entry. To address the question of whether the technology choices of firms and government are similar, we analyze several different scenarios, which differ in the extent of government intervention in the market. Our results suggest a relationship between the number of firms in the market and the impact of government intervention on technology adoption rates. Especially in situations with a low number of firms that are interested in entering the market, greater government influence tends to lead to higher technology adoption rates of firms. Conversely, in scenarios with a higher number of firms and a government that lacks control over the number of market players, the technology adoption rate of firms will be highest when the government plays no role.
Chapter 4: International Technological Innovation and Industrial Strategies
Supporting domestic firms when they first enter the market may be seen as a favorable policy choice by governments around the world thanks to their ability to enhance the competitive advantage of domestic firms in non-cooperative competition against foreign enterprises (infant industry protection argument). This advantage may allow domestic firms to increase their market share and generate higher profits, thereby improving domestic welfare. This chapter utilizes the Spencer and Brander (1983) framework as a theoretical foundation to elucidate the effects of fixed-cost subsidies on firms’ production levels, technological innovations, and social welfare. The analysis examines two firms in different countries, each producing a homogeneous product that is sold in a third, separate country. We first examine the Cournot-Nash equilibrium in the absence of government intervention, followed by analyzing a scenario where just one government provides a financial subsidy for its domestic firm, and finally, we consider a situation where both governments simultaneously provide financial assistance for their respective firms. Our results suggest that governments aim to maximize social welfare by providing fixed-cost subsidies to their respective firms, finding themselves in a Chicken game scenario. Regarding technology innovation, subsidies lead to an increased technological adoption rate for recipient firms, regardless of whether one or both firms in a market receive support, compared to the situation without subsidies. The technology adoption rate of the recipient firm is higher than of its rival when only the recipient firm benefits from the fixed-cost subsidy. The lowest technology adoption rate of a firm occurs when the firm does not receive a fixed-cost subsidy, but its competitor does. Furthermore, global welfare will benefit the most in case when both exporting countries grant fixed-cost subsidies, and this welfare level is higher when only one country subsidizes than when no subsidies are provided by any country.
Im Rahmen psychologischer Wissenschaftskommunikation werden Plain Language Summaries (PLS, Kerwer et al., 2021) zunehmend bedeutsamer. Es handelt sich hierbei um
zugängliche, überblicksartige Zusammenfassungen, welche das Verständnis von Lai:innen
potenziell unterstützen und ihr Vertrauen in wissenschaftliche Forschung fördern können.
Dies erscheint speziell vor dem Hintergrund der Replikationskrise (Wingen et al., 2019) sowie Fehlinformationen in Online-Kontexten (Swire-Thompson & Lazer, 2020) relevant. Die
positiven Auswirkungen zweier Effekte auf Vertrauen sowie ihre mögliche Interaktion fanden im Kontext von PLS bisher kaum Berücksichtigung: Zum einen die einfache Darstellung von Informationen (Easiness-Effekt, Scharrer et al., 2012), zum anderen ein möglichst wissenschaftlicher Stil (Scientificness-Effekt, Thomm & Bromme, 2012). Diese Dissertation hat zum Ziel, im Kontext psychologischer PLS genauere Bestandteile beider Effekte zu identifizieren und den Einfluss von Einfachheit und Wissenschaftlichkeit auf Vertrauen zu beleuchten. Dazu werden drei Artikel zu präregistrierten Online-Studien mit deutschsprachigen Stichproben vorgestellt.
Im ersten Artikel wurden in zwei Studien verschiedene Textelemente psychologischer PLS systematisch variiert. Es konnte ein signifikanter Einfluss von Fachtermini, Informationen zur
Operationalisierung, Statistiken und dem Grad an Strukturierung auf die von Lai:innen berichtete Einfachheit der PLS beobachtet werden. Darauf aufbauend wurden im zweiten Artikel vier PLS, die von Peer-Review-Arbeiten abgeleitet wurden, in ihrer Einfachheit und
Wissenschaftlichkeit variiert und Lai:innen zu ihrem Vertrauen in die Texte und Autor:innen befragt. Hier ergab sich zunächst nur ein positiver Einfluss von Wissenschaftlichkeit auf
Vertrauen, während der Easiness-Effekt entgegen der Hypothesen ausblieb. Exploratorische Analysen legten jedoch einen positiven Einfluss der von Lai:innen subjektiv wahrgenommenen Einfachheit auf ihr Vertrauen sowie eine signifikante Interaktion mit der
wahrgenommenen Wissenschaftlichkeit nahe. Diese Befunde lassen eine vermittelnde Rolle der subjektiven Wahrnehmung von Lai:innen für beide Effekte vermuten. Im letzten Artikel
wurde diese Hypothese über Mediationsanalysen geprüft. Erneut wurden zwei PLS
präsentiert und sowohl die Wissenschaftlichkeit des Textes als auch die der Autor:in manipuliert. Der Einfluss höherer Wissenschaftlichkeit auf Vertrauen wurde durch die
subjektiv von Lai:innen wahrgenommene Wissenschaftlichkeit mediiert. Zudem konnten
dimensionsübergreifende Mediationseffekte beobachtet werden.
Damit trägt diese Arbeit über bestehende Forschung hinaus zur Klärung von Rahmenbedingungen des Easiness- und Scientificness-Effektes bei. Theoretische
Implikationen zur zukünftigen Definition von Einfachheit und Wissenschaftlichkeit, sowie
praktische Konsequenzen hinsichtlich unterschiedlicher Zielgruppen von
Wissenschaftskommunikation und dem Einfluss von PLS auf die Entscheidungsbildung von
Lai:innen werden diskutiert.
This meta-scientific dissertation comprises three research articles that investigated the reproducibility of psychological research. Specifically, they focused on the reproducibility of eye-tracking research on the one hand, and studying preregistration (i.e., the practice of publishing a study protocol before data collection or analysis) as one method to increase reproducibility on the other hand.
In Article I, it was demonstrated that eye-tracking data quality is influenced by both the utilized eye-tracker and the specific task it is measuring. That is, distinct strengths and weaknesses were identified in three devices (Tobii Pro X3-120, GP3 HD, EyeLink 1000+) in an extensive test battery. Consequently, both the device and specific task should be considered when designing new studies. Meanwhile, Article II focused on the current perception of preregistration in the psychological research community and future directions for improving this practice. The survey showed that many researchers intended to preregister their research in the future and had overall positive attitudes toward preregistration. However, various obstacles were identified currently hindering preregistration, which should be addressed to increase its adoption. These findings were supplemented by Article III, which took a closer look at one preregistration-specific tool: the PRP-QUANT Template. In a simulation trial and a survey, the template demonstrated high usability and emerged as a valuable resource to support researchers in using preregistration. Future revisions of the template could help to further facilitate this open science practice.
In this dissertation, the findings of the three articles are summarized and discussed regarding their implications and potential future steps that could be implemented to improve the reproducibility of psychological research.
Today, almost every modern computing device is equipped with multicore processors capable of efficient concurrent and parallel execution of threads. This processor feature can be leveraged by concurrent programming, which is a challenge for software developers for two reasons: first, it introduces a paradigm shift that requires a new way of thinking. Second, it can lead to issues that are unique to concurrent programs due to the non-deterministic, interleaved execution of threads. Consequently, the debugging of concurrency and related performance issues is a rather difficult and often tedious task. Developers still lack on thread-aware programming tools that facilitate the understanding of concurrent programs. Ideally, these tools should be part of their daily working environment, which typically includes an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). In particular, the way source code is visually presented in traditional source-code editors does not convey much information on whether the source code is executed concurrently or in parallel in the first place.
With this dissertation, we pursue the main goal of facilitating and supporting the understanding and debugging of concurrent programs. To this end, we formulate and utilize a visualization paradigm that particularly includes the display of interactive glyph-based visualizations embedded in the source-code editor close to their corresponding artifacts (in-situ).
To facilitate the implementation of visualizations that comply with our paradigm as plugins for IDEs, we designed, implemented and evaluated a programming framework called CodeSparks. After presenting the design goals and the architecture of the framework, we demonstrate its versatility with a total of fourteen plugins realized by different developers using the CodeSparks framework (CodeSparks plugins). With focus group interviews, we empirically investigated how developers of the CodeSparks plugins experienced working with the framework. Based on the plugins, deliberate design decisions and the interview results, we discuss to what extent we achieved our design goals. We found that the framework is largely target programming-language independent and that it supports the development of plugins for a wide range of source-code-related tasks while hiding most of the details of the underlying plugin development API.
In addition, we applied our visualization paradigm to thread-related runtime data from concurrent programs to foster the awareness of source code being executed concurrently or in parallel. As a result, we developed and designed two in-situ thread visualizations, namely ThreadRadar and ThreadFork, with the latter building on the former. Both thread visualizations are based on a debugging approach, which combines statistical profiling, thread-aware runtime metrics, clustering of threads on the basis of these metrics, and finally interactive glyph-based in-situ visualizations. To address scalability issues of the ThreadRadar in terms of space required and the number of displayable thread clusters, we designed a revised thread visualization. This revision also involved the question of how many thread clusters k should be computed in the first place. To this end, we conducted experiments with the clustering of threads for artifacts from a corpus of concurrent Java programs that include real-world Java applications and concurrency bugs. We found that the maximum k on the one hand and the optimal k according to four cluster validation indices on the other hand rarely exceed three. However, occasionally thread clusterings with k > 3 are available and also optimal. Consequently, we revised both the clustering strategy and the visualization as parts of our debugging approach, which resulted in the ThreadFork visualization. Both in-situ thread visualizations, including their additional features that support the exploration of the thread data, are implemented in a tool called CodeSparks-JPT, i.e., as a CodeSparks plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.
With various empirical studies, including anecdotal usage scenarios, a usability test, web surveys, hands-on sessions, questionnaires and interviews, we investigated quality aspects of the in-situ thread visualizations and their corresponding tools. First, by a demonstration study, we illustrated the usefulness of the ThreadRadar visualization in investigating and fixing concurrency bugs and a performance bug. This was confirmed by a subsequent usability test and interview, which also provided formative feedback. Second, we investigated the interpretability and readability of the ThreadFork glyphs as well as the effectiveness of the ThreadFork visualization through anonymous web surveys. While we have found that the ThreadFork glyphs are correctly interpreted and readable, it remains unproven that the ThreadFork visualization effectively facilitates understanding the dynamic behavior of threads that concurrently executed portions of source code. Moreover, the overall usability of CodeSparks-JPT is perceived as "OK, but not acceptable" as the tool has issues with its learnability and memorability. However, all other usability aspects of CodeSparks-JPT that were examined are perceived as "above average" or "good".
Our work supports software-engineering researchers and practitioners in flexibly and swiftly developing novel glyph-based visualizations that are embedded in the source-code editor. Moreover, we provide in-situ thread visualizations that foster the awareness of source code being executed concurrently or in parallel. These in-situ thread visualizations can, for instance, be adapted, extended and used to analyze other use cases or to replicate the results. Through empirical studies, we have gradually shaped the design of the in-situ thread visualizations through data-driven decisions, and evaluated several quality aspects of the in-situ thread visualizations and the corresponding tools for their utility in understanding and debugging concurrent programs.
Representation Learning techniques play a crucial role in a wide variety of Deep Learning applications. From Language Generation to Link Prediction on Graphs, learned numerical vector representations often build the foundation for numerous downstream tasks.
In Natural Language Processing, word embeddings are contextualized and depend on their current context. This useful property reflects how words can have different meanings based on their neighboring words.
In Knowledge Graph Embedding (KGE) approaches, static vector representations are still the dominant approach. While this is sufficient for applications where the underlying Knowledge Graph (KG) mainly stores static information, it becomes a disadvantage when dynamic entity behavior needs to be modelled.
To address this issue, KGE approaches would need to model dynamic entities by incorporating situational and sequential context into the vector representations of entities. Analogous to contextualised word embeddings, this would allow entity embeddings to change depending on their history and current situational factors.
Therefore, this thesis provides a description of how to transform static KGE approaches to contextualised dynamic approaches and how the specific characteristics of different dynamic scenarios are need to be taken into consideration.
As a starting point, we conduct empirical studies that attempt to integrate sequential and situational context into static KG embeddings and investigate the limitations of the different approaches. In a second step, the identified limitations serve as guidance for developing a framework that enables KG embeddings to become truly dynamic, taking into account both the current situation and the past interactions of an entity. The two main contributions in this step are the introduction of the temporally contextualized Knowledge Graph formalism and the corresponding RETRA framework which realizes the contextualisation of entity embeddings.
Finally, we demonstrate how situational contextualisation can be realized even in static environments, where all object entities are passive at all times.
For this, we introduce a novel task that requires the combination of multiple context modalities and their integration with a KG based view on entity behavior.
This dissertation focusses on research into the personality construct of action vs. state orientation. Derived from the Personality-Systems-Interaction Theory (PSI Theory), state orientation is defined as a low ability to self-regulate emotions and associated with many adverse consequences – especially under stress. Because of the high prevalence of state orientation, it is a very important topic to investigate factors that help state-oriented people to buffer these adverse consequences. Action orientation, in contrast, is defined as a high ability to self-regulate own emotions in a very specific way: through accessing the self. The present dissertation demonstrates this theme in five studies, using a total of N = 1251 participants with a wide age range, encompassing different populations (students, non-student population (people from the coaching and therapy sector), applying different operationalisations to investigate self-access as a mediator or an outcome variable. Furthermore, it is tested whether the popular technique of mindfulness - that is advertised as a potent remedy for bringing people closer to the self -really works for everybody. The findings show that the presumed remedy is rather harmful for state-oriented individuals. Finally, an attempt to ameliorate these alienating effects, the present dissertation attempts to find theory-driven, and easy-to-apply solution how mindfulness exercises can be adapted.
Differential equations yield solutions that necessarily contain a certain amount of regularity and are based on local interactions. There are various natural phenomena that are not well described by local models. An important class of models that describe long-range interactions are the so-called nonlocal models, which are the subject of this work.
The nonlocal operators considered here are integral operators with a finite range of interaction and the resulting models can be applied to anomalous diffusion, mechanics and multiscale problems.
While the range of applications is vast, the applicability of nonlocal models can face problems such as the high computational and algorithmic complexity of fundamental tasks. One of them is the assembly of finite element discretizations of truncated, nonlocal operators.
The first contribution of this thesis is therefore an openly accessible, documented Python code which allows to compute finite element approximations for nonlocal convection-diffusion problems with truncated interaction horizon.
Another difficulty in the solution of nonlocal problems is that the discrete systems may be ill-conditioned which complicates the application of iterative solvers. Thus, the second contribution of this work is the construction and study of a domain decomposition type solver that is inspired by substructuring methods for differential equations. The numerical results are based on the abstract framework of nonlocal subdivisions which is introduced here and which can serve as a guideline for general nonlocal domain decomposition methods.
Sowohl national als auch international wird die zunehmende Digitalisierung von Prozessen gefordert. Die Heterogenität und Komplexität der dabei entstehenden Systeme erschwert die Partizipation für reguläre Nutzergruppen, welche zum Beispiel kein Expertenwissen in der Programmierung oder einen informationstechnischen Hintergrund aufweisen. Als Beispiel seien hier Smart Contracts genannt, deren Programmierung komplex ist und bei denen etwaige Fehler unmittelbar mit monetärem Verlust durch die direkte Verknüpfung der darunterliegenden Kryptowährung verbunden sind. Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt ein alternatives Protokoll für cyber-physische Verträge vor, das sich besonders gut für die menschliche Interaktion eignet und auch von regulären Nutzergruppen verstanden werden kann. Hierbei liegt der Fokus auf der Transparenz der Übereinkünfte und es wird weder eine Blockchain noch eine darauf beruhende digitale Währung verwendet. Entsprechend kann das Vertragsmodell der Arbeit als nachvollziehbare Verknüpfung zwischen zwei Parteien verstanden werden, welches die unterschiedlichen Systeme sicher miteinander verbindet und so die Selbstorganisation fördert. Diese Verbindung kann entweder computergestützt automatisch ablaufen, oder auch manuell durchgeführt werden. Im Gegensatz zu Smart Contracts können somit Prozesse Stück für Stück digitalisiert werden. Die Übereinkünfte selbst können zur Kommunikation, aber auch für rechtlich bindende Verträge genutzt werden. Die Arbeit ordnet das neue Konzept in verwandte Strömungen wie Ricardian oder Smart Contracts ein und definiert Ziele für das Protokoll, welche in Form der Referenzimplementierung umgesetzt werden. Sowohl das Protokoll als auch die Implementierung werden im Detail beschrieben und durch eine Erweiterung der Anwendung ergänzt, welche es Nutzenden in Regionen ohne direkte Internetverbindung ermöglicht, an ebenjenen Verträgen teilnehmen zu können. Weiterhin betrachtet die Evaluation die rechtlichen Rahmenbedinungen, die Übertragung des Protokolls auf Smart Contracts und die Performanz der Implementierung.
Die chinesische und westliche Forschung, die sich mit der Beziehung zwischen chinesischer Kultur und katholischer Kirche befasst, konzentriert sich in der Regel auf die katholische Kirche in China vor dem Verbot des Christentums. Die einzigartige Perspektive dieser Arbeit besteht darin, die Veränderungen in der Beziehung zwischen den beiden vom Ende der Ming-Dynastie bis zur ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts zu untersuchen. Vor dem Verbot nährten die katholischen Missionare den konfuzianischen Gelehrten und verbanden die katholische Lehre mit dem Konfuzianismus, um ihren Einfluss in der Oberschicht der chinesischen Gesellschaft auszuüben. Nach dem Verbot achteten die katholischen Missionare nicht so sehr auf ihre Beziehung zur chinesischen Kultur wie ihre Vorgänger im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. Einige Missionare sowie chinesische Katholiken wollten die Situation ändern und förderten gemeinsam die Gründung der Fu-Jen-Universität, die großen Wert auf die chinesische Kultur legte und die Beziehung zwischen der Katholischen Kirche und der chinesischen Kultur Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts widerspiegeln konnte. Die Professoren der Abteilung Chinesisch und Geschichte leisteten den größten Beitrag zur Forschung der chinesischen Kultur an der Universität. Im Vergleich zu anderen wichtigen Universitäten in Peking, wo die chinesische Literatur im Fachbereich Chinesisch eine zentrale Stellung einnahm, legte die Fu-Jen-Universität mehr Wert auf die chinesische Sprache und Schriftzeichen. Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts erlangten Frauen unter dem Einfluss der globalen feministischen Bewegung das Recht auf Hochschulbildung. Bis 1920 waren jedoch die katholischen Universitäten in Bezug auf die Hochschulbildung von Frauen Jahrzehnte hinter den protestantischen und nichtkirchlichen Universitäten zurückgefallen. Die Fu-Jen-Universität verbesserte diese Situation, indem sie nicht nur eine große Anzahl von Studentinnen annahm, sondern ihnen eine Vielzahl von Fächern einschließlich Chinesisch und Geschichte anbot. Im Allgemeinen konnte die Universität als Verbindung zwischen dem Katholizismus und der chinesischen Kultur in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts angesehen werden. Sie spielte eine wichtige Rolle nicht nur bei der Erforschung und Verbreitung der chinesischen Kultur, sondern auch bei der Ausweitung des Einflusses der katholischen Kirche zu dieser Zeit.
Physically-based distributed rainfall-runoff models as the standard analysis tools for hydro-logical processes have been used to simulate the water system in detail, which includes spa-tial patterns and temporal dynamics of hydrological variables and processes (Davison et al., 2015; Ek and Holtslag, 2004). In general, catchment models are parameterized with spatial information on soil, vegetation and topography. However, traditional approaches for eval-uation of the hydrological model performance are usually motivated with respect to dis-charge data alone. This may thus cloud model realism and hamper understanding of the catchment behavior. It is necessary to evaluate the model performance with respect to in-ternal hydrological processes within the catchment area as well as other components of wa-ter balance rather than runoff discharge at the catchment outlet only. In particular, a consid-erable amount of dynamics in a catchment occurs in the processes related to interactions of the water, soil and vegetation. Evapotranspiration process, for instance, is one of those key interactive elements, and the parameterization of soil and vegetation in water balance mod-eling strongly influences the simulation of evapotranspiration. Specifically, to parameterize the water flow in unsaturated soil zone, the functional relationships that describe the soil water retention and hydraulic conductivity characteristics are important. To define these functional relationships, Pedo-Transfer Functions (PTFs) are common to use in hydrologi-cal modeling. Opting the appropriate PTFs for the region under investigation is a crucial task in estimating the soil hydraulic parameters, but this choice in a hydrological model is often made arbitrary and without evaluating the spatial and temporal patterns of evapotran-spiration, soil moisture, and distribution and intensity of runoff processes. This may ulti-mately lead to implausible modeling results and possibly to incorrect decisions in regional water management. Therefore, the use of reliable evaluation approaches is continually re-quired to analyze the dynamics of the current interactive hydrological processes and predict the future changes in the water cycle, which eventually contributes to sustainable environ-mental planning and decisions in water management.
Remarkable endeavors have been made in development of modelling tools that provide insights into the current and future of hydrological patterns in different scales and their im-pacts on the water resources and climate changes (Doell et al., 2014; Wood et al., 2011). Although, there is a need to consider a proper balance between parameter identifiability and the model's ability to realistically represent the response of the natural system. Neverthe-less, tackling this issue entails investigation of additional information, which usually has to be elaborately assembled, for instance, by mapping the dominant runoff generation pro-cesses in the intended area, or retrieving the spatial patterns of soil moisture and evapotran-spiration by using remote sensing methods, and evaluation at a scale commensurate with hydrological model (Koch et al., 2022; Zink et al., 2018). The present work therefore aims to give insights into the modeling approaches to simulate water balance and to improve the soil and vegetation parameterization scheme in the hydrological model subject to producing more reliable spatial and temporal patterns of evapotranspiration and runoff processes in the catchment.
An important contribution to the overall body of work is a book chapter included among publications. The book chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the topic and valua-ble insights into the understanding the water balance and its estimation methods.
Moreover, the first paper aimed to evaluate the hydrological model behavior with re-spect to contribution of various sources of information. To do so, a multi-criteria evaluation metric including soft and hard data was used to define constraints on outputs of the 1-D hydrological model WaSiM-ETH. Applying this evaluation metric, we could identify the optimal soil and vegetation parameter sets that resulted in a “behavioral” forest stand water balance model. It was found out that even if simulations of transpiration and soil water con-tent are consistent with measured data, but still the dominant runoff generation processes or total water balance might be wrongly calculated. Therefore, only using an evaluation scheme which looks over different sources of data and embraces an understanding of the local controls of water loss through soil and plant, allowed us to exclude the unrealistic modeling outputs. The results suggested that we may need to question the generally accept-ed soil parameterization procedures that apply default parameter sets.
The second paper attempts to tackle the pointed model evaluation hindrance by getting down to the small-scale catchment (in Bavaria). Here, a methodology was introduced to analyze the sensitivity of the catchment water balance model to the choice of the Pedo-Transfer Functions (PTF). By varying the underlying PTFs in a calibrated and validated model, we could determine the resulting effects on the spatial distribution of soil hydraulic properties, total water balance in catchment outlet, and the spatial and temporal variation of the runoff components. Results revealed that the water distribution in the hydrologic system significantly differs amongst various PTFs. Moreover, the simulations of water balance components showed high sensitivity to the spatial distribution of soil hydraulic properties. Therefore, it was suggested that opting the PTFs in hydrological modeling should be care-fully tested by looking over the spatio-temporal distribution of simulated evapotranspira-tion and runoff generation processes, whether they are reasonably represented.
To fulfill the previous studies’ suggestions, the third paper then aims to focus on evalu-ating the hydrological model through improving the spatial representation of dominant run-off processes. It was implemented in a mesoscale catchment in southwestern Germany us-ing the hydrological model WaSiM-ETH. Dealing with the issues of inadequate spatial ob-servations for rigorous spatial model evaluation, we made use of a reference soil hydrologic map available for the study area to discern the expected dominant runoff processes across a wide range of hydrological conditions. The model was parameterized by applying 11 PTFs and run by multiple synthetic rainfall events. To compare the simulated spatial patterns to the patterns derived by digital soil map, a multiple-component spatial performance metric (SPAEF) was applied. The simulated DRPs showed a large variability with regard to land use, topography, applied rainfall rates, and the different PTFs, which highly influence the rapid runoff generation under wet conditions.
The three published manuscripts proceeded towards the model evaluation viewpoints that ultimately attain the behavioral model outputs. It was performed through obtaining information about internal hydrological processes that lead to certain model behaviors, and also about the function and sensitivity of some of the soil and vegetation parameters that may primarily influence those internal processes in a catchment. Accordingly, using this understanding on model reactions, and by setting multiple evaluation criteria, it was possi-ble to identify which parameterization could lead to behavioral model realization. This work, in fact, will contribute to solving some of the issues (e.g., spatial variability and modeling methods) identified as the 23 unsolved problems in hydrology in the 21st century (Blöschl et al., 2019). The results obtained in the present work encourage the further inves-tigations toward a comprehensive model calibration procedure considering multiple data sources simultaneously. This will enable developing the new perspectives to the current parameter estimation methods, which in essence, focus on reproducing the plausible dy-namics (spatio-temporal) of the other hydrological processes within the watershed.
Sozialunternehmen haben mindestens zwei Ziele: die Erfüllung ihrer sozialen bzw. ökologischen Mission und finanzielle Ziele. Zwischen diesen Zielen können Spannungen entstehen. Wenn sie sich in diesem Spannungsfeld wiederholt zugunsten der finanziellen Ziele entscheiden, kommt es zum Mission Drift. Die Priorisierung der finanziellen Ziele überlagert dabei die soziale Mission. Auch wenn das Phänomen in der Praxis mehrfach beobachtet und in Einzelfallanalysen beschrieben wurde, gibt es bislang wenig Forschung zu Mission Drift. Der Fokus der vorliegenden Arbeit liegt darauf, diese Forschungslücke zu schließen und eigene Erkenntnisse für die Auslöser und Treiber des Mission Drifts von Sozialunternehmen zu ermitteln. Ein Augenmerk liegt auf den verhaltensökonomischen Theorien und der Mixed-Gamble-Logik. Dieser Logik zufolge liegt bei Entscheidungen immer eine Gleichzeitigkeit von Gewinnen und Verlusten vor, sodass Entscheidungsträger die Furcht vor Verlusten gegenüber der Aussicht auf Gewinne abwägen müssen. Das Modell wird genutzt, um eine neue theoretische Betrachtungsweise auf die Abwägung zwischen sozialen und finanziellen Zielen bzw. Mission Drift zu erhalten. Mit einem Conjoint Experiment werden Daten über das Entscheidungsverhalten von Sozialunternehmern generiert. Im Zentrum steht die Abwägung zwischen sozialen und finanziellen Zielen in verschiedenen Szenarien (Krisen- und Wachstumssituationen). Mithilfe einer eigens erstellten Stichprobe von 1.222 Sozialunternehmen aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz wurden 187 Teilnehmende für die Studie gewonnen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass eine Krisensituation Auslöser für Mission Drift von Sozialunternehmen sein kann, weil in diesem Szenario den finanziellen Zielen die größte Bedeutung zugemessen wird. Für eine Wachstumssituation konnten hingegen keine solche Belege gefunden werden. Hinzu kommen weitere Einflussfaktoren, welche die finanzielle Orientierung verstärken können, nämlich die Gründeridentitäten der Sozialunternehmer, eine hohe Innovativität der Unternehmen und bestimmte Stakeholder. Die Arbeit schließt mit einer ausführlichen Diskussion der Ergebnisse. Es werden Empfehlungen gegeben, wie Sozialunternehmen ihren Zielen bestmöglich treu bleiben können. Außerdem werden die Limitationen der Studie und Wege für zukünftige Forschung im Bereich Mission Drift aufgezeigt.
Semantic-Aware Coordinated Multiple Views for the Interactive Analysis of Neural Activity Data
Visualizing brain simulation data is in many aspects a challenging task. For one, data used in brain simulations and the resulting datasets is heterogeneous and insight is derived by relating all different kinds of it. Second, the analysis process is rapidly changing while creating hypotheses about the results. Third, the scale of data entities in these heterogeneous datasets is manifold, reaching from single neurons to brain areas interconnecting millions. Fourth, the heterogeneous data consists of a variety of modalities, e.g.: from time series data to connectivity data, from single parameters to a set of parameters spanning parameter spaces with multiple possible and biological meaningful solutions; from geometrical data to hierarchies and textual descriptions, all on mostly different scales. Fifth, visualizing includes finding suitable representations and providing real-time interaction while supporting varying analysis workflows. To this end, this thesis presents a scalable and flexible software architecture for visualizing, integrating and interacting with brain simulations data. The scalability and flexibility is achieved by interconnected services forming in a series of Coordinated Multiple View (CMV) systems. Multiple use cases are presented, introducing views leveraging this architecture, extending its ecosystem and resulting in a Problem Solving Environment (PSE) from which custom-tailored CMV systems can be build. The construction of such CMV system is assisted by semantic reasoning hence the term semantic-aware CMVs.
Information in der vorvertraglichen Phase – das heißt, Informationspflichten sowie Rechtsfolgen von Informationserteilung und -nichterteilung – in Bezug auf Kaufvertrag und Wahl des optionalen Instruments hat im Vorschlag der Europäischen Kommission für ein Gemeinsames Europäisches Kaufrecht (GEK; KOM(2011) 635) vielfältige Regelungen erfahren. Die vorliegende Arbeit betrachtet diese Regelungen auch in ihrem Verhältnis zu den Textstufen des Europäischen Privatrechts – Modellregeln und verbraucherschützende EU-Richtlinien – und misst sie an ökonomischen Rahmenbedingungen, die die Effizienz von Transaktionen gebieten und Grenzen des Nutzens von (Pflicht-)Informationen aufzeigen.
Vom Grundsatz der Vertragsfreiheit ausgehend ist jeder Partei das Risiko zugewiesen, unzureichend informiert zu sein, während die Gegenseite nur punktuell zur Information verpflichtet ist. Zwischen Unternehmern bleibt es auch nach dem GEK hierbei, doch zwischen Unternehmer und Verbraucher wird dieses Verhältnis umgekehrt. Dort gelten, mit Differenzierung nach Vertragsschlusssituationen, umfassende Kataloge von Informationspflichten hinsichtlich des Kaufvertrags. Als Konzept ist dies grundsätzlich sinnvoll; die Pflichten dienen dem Verbraucherschutz, insbesondere der Informiertheit und Transparenz vor der Entscheidung über den Vertragsschluss. Teilweise gehen die Pflichten aber zu weit. Die Beeinträchtigung der Vertragsfreiheit des Unternehmers durch die Pflichten und die Folgen ihrer Verletzung lässt sich nicht vollständig mit dem Ziel des Verbraucherschutzes rechtfertigen. Durch das Übermaß an Information fördern die angeordneten Pflichten den Verbraucherschutz nur eingeschränkt; sie genügen nicht verhaltensökonomischen Maßstäben. Es empfiehlt sich daher, zwischen Unternehmern und Verbrauchern bestimmte verpflichtende Informationsinhalte ganz zu streichen, auf im konkreten Fall nicht erforderliche Information zu verzichten, erst nach Vertragsschluss relevante Informationen auf diese Zeit zu verschieben und die verbleibenden vorvertraglichen Pflichtinformationen in einer für den Verbraucher besser zu verarbeitenden Weise zu präsentieren. Von den einem Verbraucher zu erteilenden Informationen sollte stets verlangt werden, dass sie klar und verständlich sind; die Beweislast für ihre ordnungsgemäße Erteilung sollte generell dem Unternehmer obliegen.
Neben die ausdrücklich angeordneten Informationspflichten treten ungeachtet der Verbraucher- oder Unternehmereigenschaft sowie der Käufer- oder Verkäuferrolle stark einzelfallabhängige Informationspflichten nach Treu und Glauben, die im Recht der Willensmängel niedergelegt sind. Hier ist der Grundsatz verwirklicht, dass mangelnde Information zunächst das eigene Risiko jeder Partei ist; berechtigtes Vertrauen und freie Willensbildung werden geschützt. Diese Pflichten berücksichtigen auch das Ziel der Effizienz und achten die Vertragsfreiheit. Das Vertrauen auf jegliche erteilten Informationen wird zudem dadurch geschützt, dass sie den Vertragsinhalt – allerdings in Verbraucherverträgen nicht umfassend genug – mitbestimmen können und dass ihre Unrichtigkeit sanktioniert wird.
Die Verletzung jeglicher Arten von Informationspflichten kann insbesondere einen Schadensersatzanspruch sowie – über das Recht der Willensmängel – die Möglichkeit zur Lösung vom Vertrag nach sich ziehen. Das Zusammenspiel der unterschiedlichen Mechanismen führt allerdings zu Friktionen sowie zu Lücken in den Rechtsfolgen von Informationspflichtverletzungen. Daher empfiehlt sich die Schaffung eines Schadensersatzanspruchs für jede treuwidrig unterlassene Informationserteilung; hierdurch wird das Gebot von Treu und Glauben auch außerhalb des Rechts der Willensmängel zu einer eigentlichen einzelfallabhängigen Informationspflicht aufgewertet.
Social entrepreneurship is a successful activity to solve social problems and economic challenges. Social entrepreneurship uses for-profit industry techniques and tools to build financially sound businesses that provide nonprofit services. Social entrepreneurial activities also lead to the achievement of sustainable development goals. However, due to the complex, hybrid nature of the business, social entrepreneurial activities are typically supported by macrolevel determinants. To expand our knowledge of how beneficial macro-level determinants can be, this work examines empirical evidence about the impact of macro-level determinants on social entrepreneurship. Another aim of this dissertation is to examine the impact at the micro level, as the growth ambitions of social and commercial entrepreneurs differ. At the beginning, the introductory section is explained in Chapter 1, which contains the motivation for the research, the research question, and the structure of the work.
There is an ongoing debate about the origin and definition of social entrepreneurship. Therefore, the numerous phenomena of social entrepreneurship are examined theoretically in the previous literature. To determine the common consensus on the topic, Chapter 2 presents
the theoretical foundations and definition of social entrepreneurship. The literature shows that a variety of determinants at the micro and macro levels are essential for the emergence of social entrepreneurship as a distinctive business model (Hartog & Hoogendoorn, 2011; Stephan et al., 2015; Hoogendoorn, 2016). It is impossible to create a society based on a social mission without the support of micro and macro-level-level determinants. This work examines the determinants and consequences of social entrepreneurship from different methodological perspectives. The theoretical foundations of the micro- and macro-level determinants influencing social entrepreneurial activities were discussed in Chapter 3. The purpose of reproducibility in research is to confirm previously published results (Hubbard et al., 1998; Aguinis & Solarino, 2019). However, due to the lack of data, lack of transparency of methodology, reluctance to publish, and lack of interest from researchers, there is a lack of promoting replication of the existing research study (Baker, 2016; Hedges & Schauer, 2019a). Promoting replication studies has been regularly emphasized in the business and management literature (Kerr et al., 2016; Camerer et al., 2016). However, studies that provide replicability of the reported results are considered rare in previous research (Burman et al., 2010; Ryan & Tipu, 2022). Based on the research of Köhler and Cortina (2019), an empirical study on this topic is carried out in Chapter 4 of this work.
Given this focus, researchers have published a large body of research on the impact of microand macro-level determinants on social inclusion, although it is still unclear whether these studies accurately reflect reality. It is important to provide conceptual underpinnings to the field through a reassessment of published results (Bettis et al., 2016). The results of their research make it abundantly clear that the macro determinants support social entrepreneurship.
In keeping with the more narrative approach, which is a crucial concern and requires attention, Chapter 5 considered the reproducibility of previous results, particularly on the topic of social entrepreneurship. We replicated the results of Stephan et al. (2015) to establish the trend of reproducibility and validate the specific conclusions they drew. The literal and constructive replication in the dissertation inspired us to explore technical replication research on social entrepreneurship. Chapter 6 evaluates the fundamental characteristics that have proven to be key factors in the growth of social ventures. The current debate reviews and references literature that has specifically focused on the development of social entrepreneurship. An empirical analysis of factors directly related to the ambitious growth of social entrepreneurship is also carried out.
Numerous social entrepreneurial groups have been studied concerning this association. Chapter 6 compares the growth ambitions of social and traditional (commercial) entrepreneurship as consequences at the micro level. This study examined many characteristics of social and commercial entrepreneurs' growth ambitions. Scholars have claimed to some extent that the growth of social entrepreneurship differs from commercial entrepreneurial activities due to objectivity differences (Lumpkin et al., 2013; Garrido-Skurkowicz et al., 2022). Qualitative research has been used in studies to support the evidence on related topics, including Gupta et al (2020) emphasized that research needs to focus on specific concepts of social entrepreneurship for the field to advance. Therefore, this study provides a quantitative, analysis-based assessment of facts and data. For this purpose, a data set from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) 2015 was used, which examined 12,695 entrepreneurs from 38 countries. Furthermore, this work conducted a regression analysis to evaluate the influence of various social and commercial characteristics of entrepreneurship on economic growth in developing countries. Chapter 7 briefly explains future directions and practical/theoretical implications.
Data fusions are becoming increasingly relevant in official statistics. The aim of a data fusion is to combine two or more data sources using statistical methods in order to be able to analyse different characteristics that were not jointly observed in one data source. Record linkage of official data sources using unique identifiers is often not possible due to methodological and legal restrictions. Appropriate data fusion methods are therefore of central importance in order to use the diverse data sources of official statistics more effectively and to be able to jointly analyse different characteristics. However, the literature lacks comprehensive evaluations of which fusion approaches provide promising results for which data constellations. Therefore, the central aim of this thesis is to evaluate a concrete plethora of possible fusion algorithms, which includes classical imputation approaches as well as statistical and machine learning methods, in selected data constellations.
To specify and identify these data contexts, data and imputation-related scenario types of a data fusion are introduced: Explicit scenarios, implicit scenarios and imputation scenarios. From these three scenario types, fusion scenarios that are particularly relevant for official statistics are selected as the basis for the simulations and evaluations. The explicit scenarios are the fulfilment or violation of the Conditional Independence Assumption (CIA) and varying sample sizes of the data to be matched. Both aspects are likely to have a direct, that is, explicit, effect on the performance of different fusion methods. The summed sample size of the data sources to be fused and the scale level of the variable to be imputed are considered as implicit scenarios. Both aspects suggest or exclude the applicability of certain fusion methods due to the nature of the data. The univariate or simultaneous, multivariate imputation solution and the imputation of artificially generated or previously observed values in the case of metric characteristics serve as imputation scenarios.
With regard to the concrete plethora of possible fusion algorithms, three classical imputation approaches are considered: Distance Hot Deck (DHD), the Regression Model (RM) and Predictive Mean Matching (PMM). With Decision Trees (DT) and Random Forest (RF), two prominent tree-based methods from the field of statistical learning are discussed in the context of data fusion. However, such prediction methods aim to predict individual values as accurately as possible, which can clash with the primary objective of data fusion, namely the reproduction of joint distributions. In addition, DT and RF only comprise univariate imputation solutions and, in the case of metric variables, artificially generated values are imputed instead of real observed values. Therefore, Predictive Value Matching (PVM) is introduced as a new, statistical learning-based nearest neighbour method, which could overcome the distributional disadvantages of DT and RF, offers a univariate and multivariate imputation solution and, in addition, imputes real and previously observed values for metric characteristics. All prediction methods can form the basis of the new PVM approach. In this thesis, PVM based on Decision Trees (PVM-DT) and Random Forest (PVM-RF) is considered.
The underlying fusion methods are investigated in comprehensive simulations and evaluations. The evaluation of the various data fusion techniques focusses on the selected fusion scenarios. The basis for this is formed by two concrete and current use cases of data fusion in official statistics, the fusion of EU-SILC and the Household Budget Survey on the one hand and of the Tax Statistics and the Microcensus on the other. Both use cases show significant differences with regard to different fusion scenarios and thus serve the purpose of covering a variety of data constellations. Simulation designs are developed from both use cases, whereby the explicit scenarios in particular are incorporated into the simulations.
The results show that PVM-RF in particular is a promising and universal fusion approach under compliance with the CIA. This is because PVM-RF provides satisfactory results for both categorical and metric variables to be imputed and also offers a univariate and multivariate imputation solution, regardless of the scale level. PMM also represents an adequate fusion method, but only in relation to metric characteristics. The results also imply that the application of statistical learning methods is both an opportunity and a risk. In the case of CIA violation, potential correlation-related exaggeration effects of DT and RF, and in some cases also of RM, can be useful. In contrast, the other methods induce poor results if the CIA is violated. However, if the CIA is fulfilled, there is a risk that the prediction methods RM, DT and RF will overestimate correlations. The size ratios of the studies to be fused in turn have a rather minor influence on the performance of fusion methods. This is an important indication that the larger dataset does not necessarily have to serve as a donor study, as was previously the case.
The results of the simulations and evaluations provide concrete implications as to which data fusion methods should be used and considered under the selected data and imputation constellations. Science in general and official statistics in particular benefit from these implications. This is because they provide important indications for future data fusion projects in order to assess which specific data fusion method could provide adequate results along the data constellations analysed in this thesis. Furthermore, with PVM this thesis offers a promising methodological innovation for future data fusions and for imputation problems in general.
Der zentrale Gegenstand der Untersuchung ist die Rechtsfigur des Indigenats im Kontext der württembergischen und preußischen Staatenlandschaft. Das Indigenat lässt sich als ein Recht bestimmen, das seine potenziellen Rechtsträger maßgeblich über das Abstammungsprinzip definiert und ein Verhältnis zwischen Rechtsträger und einem übergeordneten Rechtssubjekt zum Ausdruck bringt, sei es lehns- oder standes-, staats- oder auch bundes- beziehungsweise reichsrechtlicher Natur. Der zeitliche Schwerpunkt der Betrachtung liegt auf dem 19. Jahrhundert. Es werden jedoch auch Rückblicke in die Frühe Neuzeit geworfen, weil Wandel und Kontinuität in der Entwicklung des Indigenats in einer solch langen Perspektive besonders klar hervortreten können. Die zentrale These dieser Arbeit ist, dass ein enger Zusammenhang zwischen der im 19. Jahrhundert entstehenden und bis heute geläufigen Form der Zuordnung von Menschen zum Staat und den aus diesem Verhältnis entspringenden Rechten einerseits und dem frühneuzeitlichen Indigenat andererseits besteht. Dabei kann gezeigt werden, dass Gesellschaften ihre politischen Machtpositionen gegenüber „fremdstämmigen“, etwa zuwandernden Personen abschirmten, indem sie sich auf indigenatrechtliche, ethnische Bestimmungen beriefen.
This thesis contains four parts that are all connected by their contributions to the Efficient Market Hypothesis and decision-making literature. Chapter two investigates how national stock market indices reacted to the news of national lockdown restrictions in the period from January to May 2020. The results show that lockdown restrictions led to different reactions in a sample of OECD and BRICS countries: there was a general negative effect resulting from the increase in lockdown restrictions, but the study finds strong evidence for underreaction during the lockdown announcement, followed by some overreaction that is corrected subsequently. This under-/overreaction pattern, however, is observed mostly during the first half of our time series, pointing to learning effects. Relaxation of the lockdown restrictions, on the other hand, had a positive effect on markets only during the second half of our sample, while for the first half of the sample, the effect was negative. The third chapter investigates the gender differences in stock selection preferences on the Taiwan Stock Exchange. By utilizing trading data from the Taiwan Stock Exchange over a span of six years, it becomes possible to analyze trading behavior while minimizing the self-selection bias that is typically present in brokerage data. To study gender differences, this study uses firm-level data. The percentage of male traders in a company is the dependent variable, while the company’s industry and fundamental/technical aspects serve as independent variables. The results show that the percentage of women trading a company rises with a company’s age, market capitalization, a company’s systematic risk, and return. Men trade more frequently and show a preference for dividend-paying stocks and for industries with which they are more familiar. The fourth chapter investigated the relationship between regret and malicious and benign envy. The relationship is analyzed in two different studies. In experiment 1, subjects had to fill out psychological scales that measured regret, the two types of envy, core self-evaluation and the big 5 personality traits. In experiment 2, felt regret is measured in a hypothetical scenario, and the subject’s felt regret was regressed on the other variables mentioned above. The two experiments revealed that there is a positive direct relationship between regret and benign envy. The relationship between regret and malicious envy, on the other hand, is mostly an artifact of core self-evaluation and personality influencing both malicious envy and regret. The relationship can be explained by the common action tendency of self-improvement for regret and benign envy. Chapter five discusses the differences in green finance regulation and implementation between the EU and China. China introduced the Green Silk Road, while the EU adopted the Green Deal and started working with its own green taxonomy. The first difference comes from the definition of green finance, particularly with regard to coal-fired power plants. Especially the responsibility of nation-states’ emissions abroad. China is promoting fossil fuel projects abroad through its Belt and Road Initiative, but the EU’s Green Deal does not permit such actions. Furthermore, there are policies in both the EU and China that create contradictory incentives for economic actors. On the one hand, the EU and China are improving the framework conditions for green financing while, on the other hand, still allowing the promotion of conventional fuels. The role of central banks is also different between the EU and China. China’s central bank is actively working towards aligning the financial sector with green finance. A possible new role of the EU central bank or the priority financing of green sectors through political decision-making is still being debated.
When humans encounter attitude objects (e.g., other people, objects, or constructs), they evaluate them. Often, these evaluations are based on attitudes. Whereas most research focuses on univalent (i.e., only positive or only negative) attitude formation, little research exists on ambivalent (i.e., simultaneously positive and negative) attitude formation. Following a general introduction into ambivalence, I present three original manuscripts investigating ambivalent attitude formation. The first manuscript addresses ambivalent attitude formation from previously univalent attitudes. The results indicate that responding to a univalent attitude object incongruently leads to ambivalence measured via mouse tracking but not ambivalence measured via self-report. The second manuscript addresses whether the same number of positive and negative statements presented block-wise in an impression formation task leads to ambivalence. The third manuscript also used an impression formation task and addresses the question of whether randomly presenting the same number of positive and negative statements leads to ambivalence. Additionally, the effect of block size of the same valent statements is investigated. The results of the last two manuscripts indicate that presenting all statements of one valence and then all statements of the opposite valence leads to ambivalence measured via self-report and mouse tracking. Finally, I discuss implications for attitude theory and research as well as future research directions.
Left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) have become a valuable treatment for patients with advanced heart failure. Women appear to be disadvantaged in the usage of LVADs and concerning clinical outcomes such as death and adverse events after LVAD implant. Contrary to typical clinical characteristics (e.g., disease severity), device-related factors such as the intended device strategy, bridge to a heart transplantation or destination therapy, are often not considered in research on gender differences. In addition, the relevance of pre-implant psychosocial risk factors, such as substance abuse and limited social support, for LVAD outcomes is currently unclear. Thus, the aim of this dissertation is to explore the role of pre-implant psychosocial risk factors for gender differences in clinical outcomes, accounting for clinical and device-related risk factors.
In the first article, gender differences in pre-implant characteristics of patients registered in The European Registry for Patients with Mechanical Circulatory Support (EUROMACS) were investigated. It was found that women and men differed in multiple pre-implant characteristics depending on device strategy. In the second article, gender differences in major clinical outcomes (i.e., death, heart transplant, device explant due to cardiac recovery, device replacement due to complications) were evaluated for patients in the device strategy destination therapy in the Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulation (INTERMACS). Additionally, the association of gender and psychosocial risk factors with the major outcomes were analyzed. Women had similar probabilities to die on LVAD support, and even higher probabilities to experience explant of the device due to cardiac recovery compared with men in the destination therapy subgroup. Pre-implant psychosocial risk factors were not associated with major outcomes. The third article focused on gender differences in 10 adverse events (e.g., device malfunction, bleeding) after LVAD implant in INTERMACS. The association of a psychosocial risk indicator with gender and adverse events after LVAD implantation was evaluated. Women were less likely to have psychosocial risk pre-implant but more likely to experience seven out of 10 adverse events compared with men. Pre-implant psychosocial risk was associated with adverse events, even suggesting a dose response-relationship. These associations appeared to be more pronounced in women.
In conclusion, women appear to have similar survival to men when accounting for device strategy. They have higher probabilities of recovery, but higher probabilities of device replacement and adverse events compared with men. Regarding these adverse events, women may be more susceptible to psychosocial risk factors than men. The results of this dissertation illustrate the importance of gender-sensitive research and suggest considering device strategy when studying gender differences in LVAD recipients. Further research is warranted to elucidate the role of specific psychosocial risk factors that lead to higher probabilities of adverse events, to intervene early and improve patient care in both, women and men
Anmerkung: Es handelt sich um die 2. überarbeitete Auflage der Dissertation.
1. Auflage siehe:
Ausgangspunkt der politisch-ikonographischen Untersuchung, in deren
Zentrum zwei Staatsporträts König Maximilians II. von Bayern stehen, ist die Beobachtung, dass diese beiden Bildnisse grundsätzlich unterschiedliche Inszenierungsformen wählen. Das erste von Max Hailer gefertigte Werk zeigt Maximilian II. im vollen bayerischen Krönungsornat und greift eine tradierte Darstellungsweise im Staatsporträt auf. Es entstand zwei Jahre nach Maximilians II. Thronbesteigung und damit nach den revolutionären Unruhen der Jahre 1848/49 im Jahr 1850. Das zweite wurde von Joseph Bernhardt 1857 bis 1858 gemalt und im Jahr 1858 zum zehnjährigen Thronjubiläum des Monarchen erstmals präsentiert. Die Inszenierung ändert sich im zweiten Bildnis: Das bayerische Krönungsornat ist der Generalsuniform gewichen, ebenso weitere Details, die sich noch in der ersten Darstellung finden: Draperie und Wappen fehlen, der übliche bayerisch-königliche Thronsessel ist durch einen anderen ersetzt. In den Hintergrund gedrängt ist die Verfassung, immerhin seit 1818 staatliche Rechtsgrundlage des bayerischen Königreichs. Die beiden Staatsporträts Maximilians II. leiten offensichtlich von den Herrscherbildnissen im vollen bayerischen Krönungsornat seines Großvaters Maximilian I. und Vaters Ludwig I. über zu einer solchen in Uniform mit Krönungsmantel wie sie sich bei Napoleon III. und Friedrich Wilhelm IV. finden und wie sie sein Sohn Ludwig II. weiterführte. Es stellt sich somit die Frage, welche Faktoren zu diesem prägnanten Wandel in der Inszenierung Maximilians II. als König von Bayern führten. Die Arbeit geht der These nach, dass beide Darstellungen grundlegend auf eine reaktionäre, gegen die Revolution 1848/49 gerichtete Politik ausgelegt sind, wobei dieser reaktionäre Charakter in Maximilians II. Bildnis von 1858 noch eine Steigerung im Vergleich zu derjenigen von 1850 erfährt. Zudem wandelt sich die innenpolitisch-historische Ausrichtung des ersten Porträts bei der zweiten Darstellung des bayerischen Monarchen in eine außenpolitisch-progressive. Die Legitimation Maximilians II. begründet sich nicht mehr, wie bei ersterem, in der Geschichte und der Herrschaft der Wittelsbacher, sondern in seinen eigenen Errungenschaften und seiner eigenen Herrschaft. Dieser Wechsel der politischen Bildaussage fußt sowohl auf den politischen Veränderungen und Entwicklungen innerhalb und außerhalb Bayerns als auch auf der Entwicklung des Staatsporträts in der Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Nach nur zehn Jahren wird so eine veränderte Botschaft über Maximilians II. Position und Machtanspruch ausgesendet.
Knowledge acquisition comprises various processes. Each of those has its dedicated research domain. Two examples are the relations between knowledge types and the influences of person-related variables. Furthermore, the transfer of knowledge is another crucial domain in educational research. I investigated these three processes through secondary analyses in this dissertation. Secondary analyses comply with the broadness of each field and yield the possibility of more general interpretations. The dissertation includes three meta-analyses: The first meta-analysis reports findings on the predictive relations between conceptual and procedural knowledge in mathematics in a cross-lagged panel model. The second meta-analysis focuses on the mediating effects of motivational constructs on the relationship between prior knowledge and knowledge after learning. The third meta-analysis deals with the effect of instructional methods in transfer interventions on knowledge transfer in school students. These three studies provide insights into the determinants and processes of knowledge acquisition and transfer. Knowledge types are interrelated; motivation mediates the relation between prior and later knowledge, and interventions influence knowledge transfer. The results are discussed by examining six key insights that build upon the three studies. Additionally, practical implications, as well as methodological and content-related ideas for further research, are provided.
There is no longer any doubt about the general effectiveness of psychotherapy. However, up to 40% of patients do not respond to treatment. Despite efforts to develop new treatments, overall effectiveness has not improved. Consequently, practice-oriented research has emerged to make research results more relevant to practitioners. Within this context, patient-focused research (PFR) focuses on the question of whether a particular treatment works for a specific patient. Finally, PFR gave rise to the precision mental health research movement that is trying to tailor treatments to individual patients by making data-driven and algorithm-based predictions. These predictions are intended to support therapists in their clinical decisions, such as the selection of treatment strategies and adaptation of treatment. The present work summarizes three studies that aim to generate different prediction models for treatment personalization that can be applied to practice. The goal of Study I was to develop a model for dropout prediction using data assessed prior to the first session (N = 2543). The usefulness of various machine learning (ML) algorithms and ensembles was assessed. The best model was an ensemble utilizing random forest and nearest neighbor modeling. It significantly outperformed generalized linear modeling, correctly identifying 63.4% of all cases and uncovering seven key predictors. The findings illustrated the potential of ML to enhance dropout predictions, but also highlighted that not all ML algorithms are equally suitable for this purpose. Study II utilized Study I’s findings to enhance the prediction of dropout rates. Data from the initial two sessions and observer ratings of therapist interventions and skills were employed to develop a model using an elastic net (EN) algorithm. The findings demonstrated that the model was significantly more effective at predicting dropout when using observer ratings with a Cohen’s d of up to .65 and more effective than the model in Study I, despite the smaller sample (N = 259). These results indicated that generating models could be improved by employing various data sources, which provide better foundations for model development. Finally, Study III generated a model to predict therapy outcome after a sudden gain (SG) in order to identify crucial predictors of the upward spiral. EN was used to generate the model using data from 794 cases that experienced a SG. A control group of the same size was also used to quantify and relativize the identified predictors by their general influence on therapy outcomes. The results indicated that there are seven key predictors that have varying effect sizes on therapy outcome, with Cohen's d ranging from 1.08 to 12.48. The findings suggested that a directive approach is more likely to lead to better outcomes after an SG, and that alliance ruptures can be effectively compensated for. However, these effects
were reversed in the control group. The results of the three studies are discussed regarding their usefulness to support clinical decision-making and their implications for the implementation of precision mental health.
The publication of statistical databases is subject to legal regulations, e.g. national statistical offices are only allowed to publish data if the data cannot be attributed to individuals. Achieving this privacy standard requires anonymizing the data prior to publication. However, data anonymization inevitably leads to a loss of information, which should be kept minimal. In this thesis, we analyze the anonymization method SAFE used in the German census in 2011 and we propose a novel integer programming-based anonymization method for nominal data.
In the first part of this thesis, we prove that a fundamental variant of the underlying SAFE optimization problem is NP-hard. This justifies the use of heuristic approaches for large data sets. In the second part, we propose a new anonymization method belonging to microaggregation methods, specifically designed for nominal data. This microaggregation method replaces rows in a microdata set with representative values to achieve k-anonymity, ensuring each data row is identical to at least k − 1 other rows. In addition to the overall dissimilarities of the data rows, the method accounts for errors in resulting frequency tables, which are of high interest for nominal data in practice. The method employs a typical two-step structure: initially partitioning the data set into clusters and subsequently replacing all cluster elements with representative values to achieve k-anonymity. For the partitioning step, we propose a column generation scheme followed by a heuristic to obtain an integer solution, which is based on the dual information. For the aggregation step, we present a mixed-integer problem formulation to find cluster representatives. To this end, we take errors in a subset of frequency tables into account. Furthermore, we show a reformulation of the problem to a minimum edge-weighted maximal clique problem in a multipartite graph, which allows for a different perspective on the problem. Moreover, we formulate a mixed-integer program, which combines the partitioning and the aggregation step and aims to minimize the sum of chi-squared errors in frequency tables.
Finally, an experimental study comparing the methods covered or developed in this work shows particularly strong results for the proposed method with respect to relative criteria, while SAFE shows its strength with respect to the maximum absolute error in frequency tables. We conclude that the inclusion of integer programming in the context of data anonymization is a promising direction to reduce the inevitable information loss inherent in anonymization, particularly for nominal data.
Building Fortress Europe Economic realism, China, and Europe’s investment screening mechanisms
This thesis deals with the construction of investment screening mechanisms across the major economic powers in Europe and at the supranational level during the post-2015 period. The core puzzle at the heart of this research is how, in a traditional bastion of economic liberalism such as Europe, could a protectionist tool such as investment screening be erected in such a rapid manner. Within a few years, Europe went from a position of being highly welcoming towards foreign investment to increasingly implementing controls on it, with the focus on China. How are we to understand this shift in Europe? I posit that Europe’s increasingly protectionist shift on inward investment can be fruitfully understood using an economic realist approach, where the introduction of investment screening can be seen as part of a process of ‘balancing’ China’s economic rise and reasserting European competitiveness. China has moved from being the ‘workshop of the world’ to becoming an innovation-driven economy at the global technological frontier. As China has become more competitive, Europe, still a global economic leader, broadly situated at the technological frontier, has begun to sense a threat to its position, especially in the context of the fourth industrial revolution. A ‘balancing’ process has been set in motion, in which Europe seeks to halt and even reverse the narrowing competitiveness gap between it and China. The introduction of investment screening measures is part of this process.